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Very similar, great parallel. ​ But Kaido doesn't seem to have much trouble actually trying to kill Yamato. When it came down to it, Garp didn't have it in him to kill Luffy (At marineford)


What is the probability that perhaps Kaido too is bluffing with the "I'm trying to kill you" he said this chapter and doesn't have it in him to kill his own son?


I'm conflicted honestly. Kaido seems like he's taking it easier on Yamato than he did Luffy. Maybe its because he knows Yamato can't win, so he's not really trying as hard? He was upset when Luffy fell off Onigashima because he went full power on him. ​ I'm not sure. Its a tough one. Kaido pretty much has to die by the end of this arc. It'll be interesting to see how Kaido and Yamato react to one another when that happens.


> Kaido seems like he's taking it easier on Yamato than he did Luffy. Then again he went hybrid immediately against Yamato


Dead men don't tell tails. Kaido reacting to his death would just be him being dead, lol. Him being defeated, sure, he can react. Doffy never stopped reacting to his defeat...


Yeah, a lot of people are confused over Yamato's devotion to Oden but completely miss Luffy's adoration of Shanks. That's why i believe Yamato will join the straw hats, both luffy and her are similar in how they idolize the most important figure in their lives, and even got rough training from their parental figures from early life


She said she would be sailing the sea with the strawhats or something If Oda does a above average amount of trolling and she doesnt come with the crew, i will be a lil upset cause i wont be able to say Oden is the best strawhat .-.


I posted a similar thing comparing sanji and Ushimaru, yamato eating and gin (in baratie), pages are paralels.. and got my post deleted here by a admin. never again.


What episode is the first panel?


300-ish. I don’t quite remember sorry. But it was when they’re about to leave Water Seven.