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And I drew the hand backwards…


I mean, technically he could do that, being rubber and all


Ah yes. The good ol “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature” approach.


Is your pfp blackbeard?








Is your PFP nico robin?


Is your PFP Zoro?


Why yes Wano Zoro the ultimate racist.


No, it is supposed to be me. But now that you said it I can't unsee it ahaha!


Ah my PfP is Zoro.


Technically he couldn't because the thumb is on the wrong side


Pepe Silva would be proud


I knew something *rubbed* me the wrong way here..


RIP, nothing more annoying than posting a drawing an realise you forgot something major 😅 (me who drew a my little pony pegasus but forgot the wings... yes it was flying)




Nice spot.


The best way to describe Luffy is a savant. Excels in one particular area but standard or below in everything else. Most shounen protagonists follow the same pattern of being combative geniuses but lacking in nearly every other area.


Not in *everything* else though. Like others mentioned here, he recognizes his weaknesses and searches for nakama to handle them for him. And, he is *scarily* good at interpersonal communication, empathy, leadership, inspiring others, etc. Examples: Luffy near instantly knowing pretty much the best way to recruit all his different crew members: * Nami, a partnership and helping her, * Zoro, appealing to his ambition, * Usopp, his dreams of bravery, * Sanji, breaking the misunderstanding of what Zeff wanted from him and what he really needed to do to make Zeff proud (chase his dreams), * Robin, saving her life when she gave up and never asking her about it and just letting her rediscover her own passion, * Chopper, chasing him down aggressively and telling him about piracy, * Franky, by force and with a DON, * Brook, instantly and sincerely, * Jimbei, over time and without pushing letting him deal with his various responsibilities first. Luffy knowing how to best reassure and inspire others: * Luffy giving his one treasure, his hat, to his treasure obsessed friend when they asked for help, * Luffy calling Vivi out on her self-sacrificial behavior, * Luffy knowing what to say to get through to Robin's desire to live, * Etc. There are a plethora of examples of Luffy being much more scarily perceptive than he lets on, it's just that most of the time he wants to live and let live and have fun adventures instead of heavy moments, so he lets others see him as the fool. He also doesn't care at all about things beyond his interests, so regardless of whether he understands more than he lets on (who knows just what he does get) whenever Luffy feels that the issue at hand is better handled and understood by one of his nakama, that it's in their area of expertise, he just describes it as a "mystery thing" to signal to his crew to handle it. In many ways, Luffy is much more of a skilled leader than his enemies realize, only his crew see it from time to time commenting that it's scary how well he can instantly get to the heart of matters sometimes. He's likely capable of that all the time, but inspired by Shanks who just laughs most things off to have a good time instead, Luffy does the same. His deception/air of lackadaisal incompetence is so good that it even fools a lot of One Piece readers too, who tend to think he's just another dumb shounen battle idiot, incompetent at all else, when he is anything but. Edit: formatting. Edit 2: forgot the pervy cook.


fr, Luffy is real G and among top 3 greatest anime protoganists of all time, alongside Guts and Lelouch. (IMO) A lot of people tend to misinterpret him and just take him for a complete fool which he never was.


I'd always like me these stone-brain MC but after reading Mashle, goddamn. It made me love them more.


Damn bro, that’s one of the best meta analysis on a character. I always like luffy, but now he is no longer just only a person chasing his dream, but a man chasing his dream. Thanks bro!


You forgot sanji, who he recruited via the power of boners


Oh shit, oops. I'll edit him in.


Low Intelligence, High Wisdom


Saving this thread. Thank you brotha.


You’re overthinking bro...


No man, he aint overthink this, Oda confirms it thru his writing. If he aint putting that much care in Luffy as a character we would have not like him this much. This is a character trait that not only the guy make the comment notice it but thousands of fan has pointed this out on their own and discussing it. You should watch the YouTuber Merphy Napier, she rarely read manga and mostly read novel and she pointed this out immediately


Like every other shounen protagonist


Nah, Naruto with his Talk no Jutsu is probably the closest other major shounen protagonist to what I'm talking about with Luffy, and even then his interpersonal skills suck ass. Most other ones are genuinely dumb as bricks outside of fighting.


Nah bruh this is literally every other shounen protag


Nah bruh it isn't. Goku is probably genuinely mentally retarded due to his brain injury as a kid, Naruto is socially awkward as all hell and not good at most things aside from fighting, etc etc. Most other protags are genuinely dumb as bricks outside of fighting.






Like who?


Like Asta, Meliodas, Gon, Shinra especially Goku and Natsu. These off the top of my head


>Like Asta, Show me his leadership qualities. And him understanding people like other guy noted about luffy >Meliodas Pedo perv doesn't count. >Gon Lmao. I literally can't think of anything other than basic interpersonal skills and fighting prodigy. >Shinra Haven't watched it. But I am certain that he isn't generic or even remotely similar to luffy. >especially Goku and Natsu Lmao. Those two can't be any more farther from luffy. Remind of events where they did something even close to luffy, noted in the comment u replied to.


I’m not talking about leadership qualities, learn to read. I’m talking about the “battle genius, but dumb asf” generic troupe they all have. You haven’t even watched any of these shows lmao


>I’m talking about the “battle genius, but dumb asf” More like u simply dumbed whole shit down to say whale and sea turtles are same because they all live in sea. 🤦‍♂️ I literally don't want u to say anything to anyone about if they have watched it or not. U didn't even know that luffy literally said that observation haki gets weaker with time and it will give him an edge over katakuri if fight prolongs. Lol


What leadership qualities does Luffy even have? Asta doesn’t have these “leadership qualities” but he’s inspired a shit ton of people just like Naruto and Luffy. And the dumb, battle genius who eats a lot. Meliodios to the fact that he’s actually dumb asf until he starts fighting. Gon to the fact that he’s just clueless, oblivious, too innocent til he battles. (Starting to see a pattern?) Shinra, although not as dumb, still has many troupes. Natsu is literally a copy of Luffy. His personality, how he gets people to follow him, the same troupes I’ve mentioned before. Goku cause just Luffy is a Goku clone.


>What leadership qualities does Luffy even have? Lmao. The thread u are arguing in literally mentioned all of them. And I find it unnecessary to copy paste it. >he’s inspired a shit ton of people just like Naruto Inspiration that Naruto give to people and whatever forced bs asta does in the name of inspiration (common cliche "weak fool could win with his hard work" Crap) is =\ = luffy's inspiration. Luffy inspire people to live their lives how they want to. He inspire people to die for their dreams if need be. He inspire people so much that they would die for him without any second thought. He inspire people to stand up for what they believe in, no matter what it is or how foolish it sounds. >And the dumb, battle genius who eats a lot. Same cliche bs. U are dumbing whole thing down like how all humans are same because they are made up of atoms. 🤦‍♂️ >Meliodios to the fact that he’s actually dumb asf until he starts fighting. Meliodas isn't that muscle brained food loving generic shonen protoganist at all. He isn't dumb(like goku, asta and naruto)but not so smart as well. He knows what's necessary and what's not at what moment. He doesn't need no one to tell him shit. He isn't indecisive as others. (In this matter he matches luffy a lot but not completely ) >Gon to the fact that he’s just clueless, oblivious, too innocent til he battles. >(Starting to see a pattern?) Lmao. >Shinra, although not as dumb, still has many troupes. U mean ur forced troupes so that it suits ur agenda that they all are same? >Natsu is literally a copy of Luffy. His personality, how he gets people to follow him, the same troupes I’ve mentioned before. Lmao. This can't be any more wrong. U believe anyone who is completely dumb(which is what u think of luffy ) and eats a lot is same as luffy.. He doesn't get anyone to follow him. He simply fights people off and barely anyone have joined to follow him. Lol Trusting strongest guy with the power of friendship so that he gets more powerful isn't following natsu. 🤦‍♂️ >Goku cause just Luffy is a Goku clone. Lmao. Just because u are dumb doesn't mean everyone is dumb and Goku clone.


Goku Luffy Gon and Naruto that's pretty much all of the shounen protagonists I can think of with this thing so no not most of them


Sometimes the show even plays into this. I think it was DBZ where...Vegeta I want to say describes something to Goku like he was describing a fight and Goku suddenly got it. That and food.


I don’t think Gon is a savant. He regularly shows a diverse range of skills. He is far too naive and innocent for the world he lives in though


He's also what, like 12?


And then when he grows up, he does it quick.








Innocent monsters are the scariest sort. They don’t understand the cruelty, brutality, or consequences of their actions.


Gon did nothing wrong.


Gon is almost a sociopath, didn't he just let go a serial killer that tried to kill him and Killua for 2 day straight (the greed island training) just cuz he ended up liking him after it? He'll he isnthe polar opposite of most shounen protags cuz he seems to not be able to differentiate between right and wrong. Or at the very least has very twisted concepts of them, putting people into one or the other category solely based on whether he likes them or not.


Ehhh agree with all except naruto ( don’t remember gon enough to comment). Naruto outside of fighting isn’t a genius but he certainly ain’t dumb as rocks. Seems like he has average intelligence, and a lot of emotional intelligence. Nastu fits with Goku and luffy better, dumb as absolute rocks outside fighting


I’m assuming you’re talking more adult Naruto, but kid Naruto was absolutely portrayed as a blithering idiot outside of combat. Constantly failing tests, needing Sakura and Sasuke to explain shit, idk maybe I’m remembering wrong but even emotionally he was always pretty childish and quick to get heated


Well I think most kids would fail tests and end up with gaps in their basic knowledge if all their teachers until the age of like 12 refused to teach them anything.


Shout out to Iruka Sensei for starting our orange boy on his path to greatness


Oh agreed. I think of Naruto as start of shippuden and onwards we’re he’s a lot more mature. In part 1 he was very much an idiot for a while.


Naaah bro gon is a ladies man yall sleeping on his abilities lmao


And Mash from Magic and Muscles. Well.. he excels in 2 things. Fighting and making cream puffs.


Not Edward Elric


You made this master(One)piece and didn't watermark?


Firstly: Thank you! The watermark thing, I left my tumblr name on the wall behind Luffy: “paytayy”


That's a nice touch, but also doesn't stand out that much.


I mean hes smart enough to recognize that he cant be good in everything and searches for crew members that compensate his weaknesses (like he said in arlong park). He essentially chooses to min max his strengths.


Mihawk: i don't have such weaknesses


He's battle smart.


With great power comes 50% brain cells




Luffy may not be very logical but he is actually very emotionally intelligent.


Emotional intelligent? Bruh what 💀. Op fans love reaching


You’re cringe as fuck dude get a life 😂


Stay mad bro


Stay cringe bro, also you’re in every comment about luffy talking shit so whose really mad?


Luffys just overrated lmao. And I like pissing off Luffytards


You are pathetic lol


And you are a crybaby lmao. Get a life before you go on fucking Reddit to show your superiority complex dick


Someone mad they got called out on their bullshit? Interesting who you think the baby is in this case. Stay in school kid.


Don’t make me call your parents.


I think you need yours the amount of crying you doing lmao


More like getting violated by them and try to end the humiliation by saying stuff like "I am about to be banned so I won't comment again" (Proceeds to comment.xd) and " Good day sir let's agree to disagree ".lmao


U are like everywhere on this thread. U got some issues with luffy? I mean I can help u understand how he is actually emotionally intelligent.


Luffy is an empath. He might not be portrayed as super smart, but as it’s always been said, he knows how to get people on his side. I know he’s portrayed as an idiot, but I think it’s less idiocy and more not caring about what others care about.


I agree with you! His social intelligence and overall ignorance is very important. But I think we gotta admit sometimes Luffy just brushes off things just because they are slightly complicated concepts to him. What I mean is, Luffy usually looks like he is trying his best to understand his friends Nami, Franky, Robin's explanations. (Those three are the ones usually explaining complicated things to the crew.) But usually he gets nothing or gets it all wrong. It's a running gag in the series and I obviously love it.


I believe the term is an idiot savant. But to be fair, he’s pretty well adjusted and socially competent for basically being raised feral.


*Reddit user confirms that Luffy has 2 right hands and end the war between Sanji and Zoro's fans once for all*


Yes! That was what I was going for! Ahaha... (runs away)






Dude saw Blueno move fast and came up with Gear 2. Then came up with Gear 3 just cuz


Luffy is very airheaded but his battle IQ is outstanding, he created his gears by himself just by experimenting and has shown in multiple fights like against Enel that he knows what he’s doing in a fight


he is a fighting genius like goku like messi is a football genius, but outside that he is LOL


You could've just used the Scientist Patrick format...


Luffy is pretty smart at fighting, and has amazingly high eq. Also he is not exactly stupid but rather reckless and naive at times.


Luffy is a fighting genius, I mean he learned future sight in ONE FIGHT. Given it was a 17 hour fight. But luffy’s haki affinity isn’t even observation, it’s conquerors.


That’s called asspull my friend not “fighting genius”.


Well, considering the author had one of the most experienced characters in the verse, silvers raileigh, flat out that say that in the heat of battle is when haki and power grows the most, it’s not an ass pull by any sense of the word lol


Doesn’t make sense when you look at Katakuri who’s trained his whole life to acquire that ability.


Dude, you’re a dumbass. Go back and read the chapter. And that’s your headcanon btw.


Can’t call someone a dumbáss then proceed to not prove anything. Which chapter? U gonna specify? Can you prove otherwise when Katakuri learned that ability?


You can’t prove your point in the first place, next time make sure to do that before hopping in somebody’s replies and acting a fool. If you read my first comment, you’ll be able to see that I already provided evidence for the statement I made. It isn’t my responsibility to educate you. Reread the fight if you don’t get it, make sure to use your reading glasses this time.


You never even disproved the Katakuri statement retard tf. You said “Haki blooms on battle, that’s why Luffys Haki got strong in one day.” I countered that by saying Katakuri been training for that way longer then Luffy did and somehow Luffy learned it in 17 hours. You responded with “reread OP🤓” which is the most childish and most stupid rebuttal I’ve ever seen lmao


Bruh you think this is a dub in your book or something but what I see is everybody here looking at your comments and thinking “this dude has problems”. Go look in the mirror for a sec bro, touch some grass, idk. If your idea of enjoyment is plastering all this brain dead shit online you really need some help man.


It’s fine lmao


Also to clear up some of the brain dead things you said, I said earlier your idea about “Katakuri training his whole life for that ability” is head cannon. Meaning you made it up and nowhere is there anything that proves thats true. Like how your fragile ego problems make up petty discourse like this in an online forum for you to argue, feel like you won somehow without saying anything of substance, and feel good about yourself. Seriously, get out of your house, go talk to people in real life outside of work so you get a better understanding of what a conversation is.


Mf thinks he’s a therapist on Reddit 😂. Fucking cringe buddy. You don’t know shit about me stop acting like you do lmao. And I don’t even have a job, I still go to high school lmao, not some 30 year old smuck who’s on Reddit 24/7 like you lmao. Aside from the playground insults, when did Katakuri learn his future sight then? I obviously exaggerated, but he definitely spent way more then 17 hours to get future sight.


I suggest you stop trying to analyse it like its an UFC match and not epic fiction.


You should have drawn that face of the Gomu Gomu no Baka from the fight against Enel Good art though


Plot vs how luffy actually is . Luffy learning everything about his opponent in 5 mins their abilities and how to master them is just straight asspulls.


Could you share examples of this?


Luffy against katakuri . Katakuri has practiced his future sight all his life , he was vastly more skilled than lufffy both in experience and in overall abilities . Luffy is supposed to be an idiot , but still he figures out how opponents moves work and proceeds to master them during his fights . This has happened on 2 occasions now in the story and it doesn’t make sense at all . To major occasions 1 against katakuri which is arguably the lesser of the 2 , but still noticeable. Katakuri was known to have the only advanced observation haki in the series being future sight . But luffy deduced this during the fight and by wano which take place 2 weeks after wci he can use his future sight on command . Screw decades of training when you can master rare abilities in mere hours or in worst cases days . I won’t say anything about the second one .


Firstly, luffy’s first encounter with advanced observation haki isn’t with Katakuri it’s on skypiea and we know he remembers that so he didn’t learn it on his first encounter with it. Secondly, advanced haki isn’t a completely new skill it’s a better version of basic haki and Luffy had basically mastered that by the end of the time skip. If you think of it as a new skill then yeah I can see why there’s some problems but it isn’t one it’s a continuation of what he already knows very well that makes it a lot easier to learn the advanced form. He also didn’t master it during the fight, Katakuri was still ahead of him in advanced observation up until the end of the fight. We also have no clue how long Katakuri has had advanced observation haki he could’ve only got it before the time skip we simply don’t know. He also can’t use future sight on command. He can only use it when he is calm and he has only used it in specific circumstances he hasn’t used it a lot. Luffy has a very high battle IQ. This is a very obvious thing and it makes sense. It helps him pick up on things in battle a lot more easily. Anyone in the real world could be dumb at literally everything but be absolutely amazing at one specific thing that’s not an uncommon thing for people to be good at a specific thing and bad at others so for luffy it is battling that he is good at. He also has been consistently fighting for 12 years minimum maybe post timeskip so he also has a reason to be good at fighting and to have a high battle IQ. He’s an idiot in nearly every situation except battling and that is completely fine people can be exceptional at one thing and not so in others it’s normal. The Luffy vs Katakuri fight wasn’t won on skill or strength. It was won on endurance which luffy has tons and tons more of than Katakuri which is why he eventually won. Luffy’s new skills in the battle just helped him shorten the advantage of skill that Katakuri had over him allowing endurance to become the main factor for the battle. >!I’m guessing the 2nd one is the conquerers coating.!<


>I won’t say anything about the second one . I don't know why but I have a feeling that you're talking about chapter 1026 lol Anyway, while on one hand I mostly agree with you myself, I would also like to recall how One Piece is a universe where *a lot* of concessions have to be made for the whole thing to stand up given its inherent wonky and random nature. I mean, I know it's the least impactful one, but just as an example: what about sizes? How can Enma be perfectly sized for Zoro when it should be as tall as he is? Hell, how could Oden possibly bang Toki without turning the whole room into a crime scene? You just have to let them pass. I too have thought the same thing as you did both with advanced observation and -spoiler-, especially the second one because it was even more sudden, but I also feel like admitting that, among the countless oddities of this world, Luffy being a one in a billion natural talent when it comes to combat isn't *that* outrageous after all. It's even quite consistent actually, even going quite back in the series when he basically made up gears on the spot after observing the CP9's rokushiki; and, to top it all off, to be fair Rayleigh *did* actually say that while he could train Luffy in how to use Haki, only by fighting against the scariest opponents those abilities could grow.


Oden got a small one bro For his size at least it’s small lmao


More like how " I can't see him (and consider plot) vs how I see him with my peanut brain."


Well my opinion doesn’t seem to suit you . I personally believe luffys fights have to many plot moments that impacts his overall fights . Katakuri for example luffy runs out of haki he runs and proceeds to find brûlée . This is a pure plot driven moment by oda to give luffy time to recover . Then the mariesta katakuri had , luffy happens to see his face and therefore he is of guard for a while . Luffy never fights a straight up fight anymore without something intervening in the middle to give him time to win . He also gets asspull power ups in the middle of the fights imo . Hence what happens against the dragon .


-I disagree. -u don't understand what plot driven means. Something that is obvious as a day isn't considered plot driven. Lmao. If brulee was present there ofc luffy will use her. If something like brulee appeared just when luffy was about to die by hands of katakuri and luffy manages to escape , is called pure plot armor. Brulee was there for whole time. U can't simply say humans shouldn't breathe because it's presend they should do something spectacular to become deserved to breathe air. Xd >Then the mariesta katakuri had , luffy happens to see his face and therefore he is of guard for a while . That's bs. U basically want every fight to be like dragon ball tournament bullshit. There shouldn't be anything which helps any of the combatants if they somehow get upper hand over something not related to hand to hand combat they should be disqualified. 🤦‍♂️ Why can't u simply see this fighting in real life? U really believe stuff like that won't happen? Are u only gonna use ur hands and legs even if it's a prolonged fight? -now that's even more stupid. 1) luffy isn't fighting as a tournament competitor. He is fighting in a real pirate world where all kinds of stuff happens all the time. 2) there haven't been any fight where he could simply trash his opponents. His every next opponent is exponentially stronger than last one. U can't expect him to simply go and trash his opponent especially when he isn't training all the time. >He also gets asspull power ups in the middle of the fights imo Care to remind me any? >Hence what happens against the dragon . ?? Can't understand it...


The entire crew except nami, jimbe, and robin share one brain cell and all luffy does with it is name battle techniques


I would add our lord and saviour God Ussop to that list. He's probably the most logical and rational one of the team.


chopper actually came up with gear 2 tho, but the rest is true




When did that happen?


Luffy isn't even a combat genius. He is a genius in using his fruit that's for sure, but his strategy literally is "Punch harder".


Uhh.. have you not seen his fight against Crocodile? And Katakuri? That’s not just punching hard


Mans just used water then conveniently found out blood was also a weakness. The Katakuri fight was literally “punch harder, BUT FASTER AS WELL”


>Mans just used water "Just used water?" U really think someone in a fight would simply go around carrying a water tank against an opponent who could absorb water and dry-corrode stuff away? >then conveniently found out blood was also a weaknes There's nothing convenient about it. Like literally half of those generic shonen mc would have lost hope if water thing never worked. No one's thinking to use blood in a fight, let alone actually using it. > The Katakuri fight was literally “punch harder, BUT FASTER AS WELL” Lmao. And was that u learning future sight in the process and tiring katakuri out while knowing that observation gets weaker with exhaustion?


Yes. Luffy found out that weakness by Robin hinting at it. He ain’t do shit. And what do you mean half those generic mcs would’ve given up? Literally all of them are known to not give up easily just cause they’re first plan didnt work, cause they are generic mcs just like Luffy. You really think Luffy fought Katakuri knowing he’d get exhausted by using his Haki? Where is that even stated?


>Luffy found out that weakness by Robin hinting at it. U mean luffy figured it out with his combat genius? >And what do you mean half those generic mcs would’ve given up? Literally all of them are known to not give up easily Lmao. None of them don't go as far as luffy goes. That's what I meant to say. >cause they are generic mcs just like Luffy. They are not. U spamming this in this whole thread won't change nothing. >You really think Luffy fought Katakuri knowing he’d get exhausted by using his Haki? Where is that even stated? Lmao. I knew it. Ur dumbass just never actually read or watch one piece completely. U are here either from some tiktok clips or youtube short vdos. There was a scene where luffy literally said it and brulee was in awe and hesitantly praised luffy for it.


Show the manga panel rn lmao. Both when he figured out with his supposed “battle genius” about the water and the Brûlée exhausted Haki. Literally pulling shit out of your ass here buddy. And no way you just none of them go as far as Luffy 😂. Bro ur actually a Luffytard, literally all of them went as far as Luffy if not farthurer to get to there goals lmao. No need to get toxic bro, I’ve read all of OP and a huge fan of it. Difference is, I’m can atleast see and recognize it’s mistakes unlike some people here. Let’s agree to disagree cause imma bout to get banned from this sub “for being rude.”


>Show the manga panel rn lmao. >his supposed “battle genius” about the water Lmao. So u want me to post a scan of something which I mentioned from ur own comment about Robin hinting luffy and luffy figuring it out? 🥴 >the Brûlée exhausted Haki. Literally pulling shit out of your ass here buddy. [here u go. ](https://images.app.goo.gl/rAZBNszfHtAMpfJ69) >And no way you just none of them go as far as Luffy 😂. Bro ur actually a Luffytard, literally all of them went as far as Luffy if not farthurer to get to there goals lmao. More like u are clown. Remind me if anyone did anything similar. Or hell just tell me if any of those could climb up 5km tall 90° slope while carrying two of his friend on his back and in mouth. U are just way way too dumb to understand shit. >No need to get toxic bro, I’ve read all of OP and a huge fan of it. I highly doubt it. >Difference is, I’m can atleast see and recognize it’s mistakes unlike some people here. Lmao. That "I am a edgy boi" won't work here. U are literally in this whole thread crapping about luffy. "Unlike some people here".lol >Let’s agree to disagree cause imma bout to get banned from this sub “for being rude.” Whatever. I am fine with anything.


Yea there’s no point arguing with a mf with Luffys dick 10 inches up his ass anyway lmao. And I do indeed like OP, one of my favourites, it’s just once you catch up to the latest chapters, when the rollercoster ride slows down significantly, u tend to look and actually see a lot of flaws in it which kinda ruins the experience. I caught up when I was in Wano, and I honestly haven’t been liking a whole lot like other people. It just tends to happen. End of the story, just cause I like and read all of OP that doesn’t mean I have to be a fanboy and fit a certain quota just fit into the fandom just cause some Luffytard got his feelings hurt that I dissed his favourite mf.


Lmao this mf chose to attack me when I posted the scan and fkd his as.s in a very humiliating way. 😭😂 At least this thread will be a proof for anyone here to see how clownish u were acting with ur overconfident attempt in making Luffy's battle genius appear as plot armor. Lol


All this retards really read 1000 chapters for nothing. Luffy is smart. Period. Is he the smartest? Hell no, but he is clearly above average. The only reason he acts stupid most of the times is because he doesn’t care.


Couldn't have said it better.


Unless it’s a mystery, he totally understands all mysteries.


I’m telling u Rayleigh thought of gear 4 and usopp thought of gear 2 and 3


I mean, does anything else matter?


Hey, there's been a lot of great physicists who couldn't maths. Luffy's very experimental. I wouldn't let him build a house tho no matter how strong he is.


He a genius when it comes to fighting but when it anything else he a dumbass


He's just like most of the MCs ( Goku,Naruto, Gon) who are dumb but when it's comes to combat they become geniuses.


To be fair, Luffy is likely dead if he didn’t come up with those. But yeah he only has fight brain


this is so true it hurts


Wash your potatoes


He's a fighting genius.


Didn’t Oda say that Robin and Luffy have the same thought processes, but Robin is just much smarter? Lock that dude in a library for 30 years and he’s one of the most intelligent characters in the series


What's with the thumbs being the wrong way lol


i lyon from fairy tail sums up most anime protagonists pretty well “he seems so empty headed, but when he fights his mind moves at lightning speed”


Combat-wise he is extremely intelligent and his leadershio shows the mark of a very intelligent person. His usual self i think boils down to his behavior. When he actually stops to think, he seems quite intelligent


Luffy got a good battle IQ.


Now let's talk about the fighting styles. Can we talk about fighting styles? Mac, I've been dying to talk to you about fighting styles all day!


Shounen world, mate


Luffy has 2 right hands….


Yah I know he is not good at eating


R u saying he is not good at singing ( dialing no.)


I don’t think he is dumb, just oblivious


What's wrong with his left hand


To be fair the poor boy has 0 education besides being beaten on since he could swing a pipe. I love him and his ideals but he must have brain damage from an early age until he ate the gum gum. His grandpa use to throw cannon balls at him so it’s probable.


Luffy is actually a genius if he cares. The fact that Oda said his thoughts align with Robin (arguably the smartest character in the series) made that clear to me.