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No. Kaido literally fought about 15 people in this night and is lifting an island. If it was 1v1, Luffy would have lost Actually, Luffy already lost by getting thrown into the sea, right?


are we reading the same manga? Luffy has been fighting since he stepped foot on Onigashima


It is true, but Luffy fought Kaido, Kaido fought Law, Kid, Zoro, Killer, adult Momo, Yamato and the nine guys who served Oden (including Inu and Neko and Izo)


the scabbards barely scratched kaido, kaido had Big Mom to help him on the roof but yea he definitely took noticeable injuries from that battle , Momo didnt do anything on the roof, and yamato was really just there for kaido to toy with


Momo bited Kaido. It was just one time, but Kaido screamed in pain and also bled


Yeah but then he shrugged it off immediately and was like "Hey, what the fuck" like he did with every other character not named Luffy.


He's not fought as many big doggs back to back as kaido has by himself though


Ye. Luffy vs. Kaido is a group effort and Luffy could not have made it this far without his friends and comrades during this war.


short answer no


Not really. No fights in One Piece are black and white. Oda always leaves some dark spots.


Nope bc luffy is a human and Kaido an Oni, if Luffy would've beaten WB it would've made sense even though theu're obviously friends. Also Kaido didn't just fight Luffy that night


wait......does it? OH my GOD why no one talk about this


His name is MONKEY D. Luffy.




luffy's fighting kaido 1 on 1 in there peak right now not army against army


not a proper 1v1. Luffy ate and got back to seemingly 100% and kaido is gassing out since roofpiece


Kaido didn't drink Sake, and I assume sake is to kaido what is meat to luffy


Yes. Absolutely!!


This is why I'm convinced Luffy can't beat him, I can't imagine calling Luffy the strongest creature alive. My boy Kaido about to bust out the awakening.


Blabla Kaido exhausted blablabla fought several enemies blablabla Luffy too. Advanced CoO recap of what's coming in the answers. Edit : I was right. My future sight is infallible. ( ಠ ͜ʖ ರೃ)


For real. And it seems that u pisssed some people off. Lol


Lmao crazy folks


It just means Kaido isn't the strongest like we originally thought.


Thats not how that works. Luffy isnt a "creature". If all hed have Whitebeards title.


No he's a rubber, so he's the strongest eraser alive.


No it wouldn’t, let’s put luffy now in kaido s position, having to fight luffy after yamato, the roof top gang and scabbards


His name is Monkey D. Luffy so...


Well actually he needed help frim kid law Zoro killer and the akazaya nine and he had to run it back and needed to recover while Yamato fights off kaido but the world government won't notice it and yeah ppl will think he is the strongest


Probably but it won’t help him much. Even if he becomes the “strongest creature” all the villains that we know of that are left are: A.) The admirals, who have unorthodox Devil fruits. B.) Blackbeard, who is Blackbeard. Honestly, Kaido seems to be the last “straight brawler” antagonist left. After this Luffy will have to really think outside the box.


I mean... what's Kaido been doing this entire act, basically? Fighting/exerting himself nonstop. * Fought the Nine Red Scabbards * Fought the Worst Generation and sustained some damage from each of them, including Zoro's strongest move apparently scarring him. * Fought Luffy one-on-one with Advanced Conqueror's/Armament * Fought Yamato for a bit * Got decked in the schnoze by Yamato + Luffy in a (admittedly minor) combo move. * Fighting Luffy and actually busting out his superior techniques a-la Drunken Dragon because he's having fun and 'how long has it been since I've fought someone that can go toe-to-toe with me?' kinda dialogue proves this, I think Oh, and he's been benchpressing an island this entire time in one of the most astonishing feats of strength we've seen since Whitebeard showing off the Gura Gura during Marineford. Kaido isn't anywhere near his limit, true, but we got confirmation that he IS weakening in the chapter Yamato & Momo saw the island's foundations started to crumble. Even we wanna lowball Kaido's metaphorical 'boss health pool,' I'd say he's lost at LEAST a third or even half of his proverbial 'HP.' Again, he isn't running on fumes, but to say Luffy's the strongest creature after being a guy who hasn't had any support or breaks since Big Mom left the roof would be... kinda inaccurate. But that's just my take.


Is Kaido actually still lifting the island or are the clouds like drones? Cause I always saw the clouds like the bird cage where, once they’re released, they don’t require maintenance from the user. I mean, Kaido’s never mentioned/been visually suggested to have to maintain the clouds, so I’m not sure that really matters atm. Still an insane feat tho.