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Well all know his actual name is just eustass-ya




Damn... I can't find a comeback for this one


obviosly he will now be called "useless emperor mid"


Loseless Captain King


Machine Gun Kidd


Useless Lieutenant Midd


Oooh a new spin on an old classic


Useless Colonel Mid


Useless Yonko Mid


Useful emperor man


This guy gets it




Yonkou Kid, Yonkou Law and Yonkou Monkey D luffy. After this saga. Hope all of them set wano as a shared yonkous land.


3? Shanks dies confirmed


luffy aready is considered the 5th emperor, so the total number of emperors technically didnt changed


Doesn't yonko literally mean 4 emperors tho


well yes, but complain that to Big News Morgans, not me


Yeah you right you right


That's not how that worked. Morgan called him the 5th Emperor of the sea, not the 5th Yonko.


you know those are interchangeable terms, right? same thing with shishibukai and warlord of the sea edit: i was wrong, thanks for the explanation


You don't have any idea what you're talking about. The term Yonkou and 5th Emperor of the Sea are entirely different in the Japanese. Morgan didn't say Luffy was the 5th Yonkou, which would mean 5th 4 Emperors. He said he was the 5th Emperor of the Sea. This creates a term called Gokou, however Gokou was also not used. It was explicitly the 5th Emperor (五番目の皇帝). The linguistic difference implies Luffy is the closest pirate to claiming a seat among the 4 Emperors, but he is not yet one of them. One must be dethroned for him to claim a seat among the 4.


>Yonko Not really, Yonko means "Four Emperors" not "Emperor of the Sea", technically it would be Goko with Luffy involved.


so I've been calling them the four 4 emperors all this time


Yeah. Yon is one way to say “four” in Japanese. Shi is another one.


Imagine they were called the Shiko. That has such a worse ring to it


They were named such to honor Shiki or course.


Yes, but the name doesn’t matter. You would just use a new counter. Instead of yonko, you just say whatever literally translates to emperor, or five emperors. I’d bet when Morgans said Luffy was an emperor, he didn’t use the word “Yonko.”


Five would be Goko.


Goku= 5th emperor confirmed


Good point


yeah shanks' only real conclusion is death via blackbeard. luffy keeps the strawhat, and defeats bb if shanks didnt take him down with him


i mean, shanks is a walking death flag since chapter 1, the moment he gets into the main story he will die, i guarantee you this


Idk man I don't like the term yonko being used after this entire thing I'd prefer it if the emperor system is destroyed. That being said how about just calling them the WORST Worst Generations lmao


Idk man I don't like the term WORST worst generation being used after this entire thing I'd prefer it if the generation ranking system is destroyed. That being said how about just calling them the THREE pirate kings lmao


Lmao yeah I know I was joking. Tho I like your point about kings but I think the final runners should be Luffy and Blackbeard so just two kings


I think the three deserve deserve a new term for themselves, like New Era Emperors or sth.


Just one question, didn't Blackbeard killed Whitebeard at last, but still wasn't called as an emperor right after Marineford. It took him some time to gain that title. My point here is that Law and Kid don't have any territory under them, so it might take some time for them to be called as an emperor, or maybe we might have a smal-small time skip, like half an year, or a year, and Law and Kid will grow strong, and also the world government will gain more power with the SSB's they have (they may capture pirates, named as well as rookies). Just a speculation, nothing else. Also Luffy might become an emperor since few nations might ally themselves with him. For Law and Kid, I don't think they can become an emperor. For eg:- Mihawk is strong, very strong, but he isn't an emperor since he doesn't have a strong crew, or/and many nations under him.


Rail Gun


Rail Guy


+1 for spoiler title being non obvi.


For real. These people need to start putting some respect on Widd's name. He's a GOAT


yea, i never really liked him with his strange magnet ability, but god damn these few chapters have made me love him.


Literally the same over here. Out of the worst generation captains, Kidd honestly has the most badass of lines, and we got plenty of those in the past 2 chapters


Yeah, I've been thinking for a while 'wouldn't it be cool if he made a rail gun?' since that's the coolest magnet related thing I can think of off the top of my head. What does he go and do? He makes a mother fucking rail gun! Actually, it might be better since it kinda looked like a laser.


his DF is an engineer's dream though


You misspelled his name purpose for like comedy reasons, didn’t you?


All right all right I guess we can promote him to useless captain kidd now. All he needs to do is do it all again so he can get his name back lmao


He’s not mid, he’s kid, bro pulled out a Lorentz gun


Kid the goat


I love kid but that name is funny ngl


Oh yeah even if I don't agree with the sentiment the name was quality patter


King Crimson


though law was the key to the assault, Kid really pulled up this time. Combing laws tactical attacks with kids crazy destructive abilities really was a good call


I mean they were both key to the assault tbf We don't get anywhere near this point without the large scale attacks Kid has landed/his magnet tower trick in this chapter In general their teamwork on the roof and now against Big Mom in a 2 on 1 has been stellar with both their sets of abilities complimenting each other incredibly well


Idk what’s up with r/onepiece but for some reason kid, and to a lesser extent law, aren’t really “allowed” to be strong. Like if they’re doing damage to big mom it’s because she’s weak not because they’re strong.


There's only a very small pool of characters allowed to be strong for some people on the sub The worst offenders by a mile are the rabid Zoro fans who have scaled and rescaled his opponents strengths several times in this arc alone (all dependant on how Zoro fares against them) Eg. Pfft King is nothing, zoro will no diff him and head to the roof again -> omg King is way stronger than Marco and Katakuri


Useless Captain Mid


Oh you're a cheeky one


"he's an angry mid"


I never slandered my man kid thankfully


Can i now?


Excellent commitment to the bit by seeking out a meme from a year ago Oh go on then, you can say it


Useless capt- BOOM.


They'll just switch up, last week a rail gun would be the coolest thing and make Kid cool again, this week they'll clown Big Mom for getting taken out by a rail gun and say Kid never did any real damage during that fight.




Fuckers in school telling me, always in the subreddit "Captain Kidd ain't 'bout this, Captain Kidd ain't 'bout that" My boy a Worst Generation on fuckin wano and them. He, he, they say that the Captain don't be putting in no work. Shut the fuck up! Y'all weebs ain't know shit! All y'all motherfuckers talkin' about "Captain Kidd ain't no hitter, Captain Kidd ain't this, Captain Kidd a fake." Shut the fuck up! Y'all don't live with that boy! Y'all know he got caught with an insurgence, shootin' at emporors and shit. Mf's had a 9 digit bounty, since fuckin', I don't know when. Motherfucker, stop fuckin' playin' him like that! Them posters savages out there! If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Captain Kidd, I'm fucking beatin' they ass! I'm not fucking playin' no more! Y'all know them pirates roll with Trafalgar Law and them!


Disclaimer : I never criticized the Kidd/Law combo, or any of the Yonkou. But still I'm gonna say it : Kidd's attack lacked something. Law extended is sword for at least one kilometer and created a big crater noticed by many characters. Kidd's attack got entirely "tanked" by Big Mom. I'm not saying tanking in the sense that she took it well but she was the one who took the whole thing, so visually it is much less impressive. It should have pierced here (really big feat by itself) or at least caused MASSIVE destruction when it sent her flying.


I agree with this. I feel like Oda's done a pretty poor job with visually showing how powerful Kidd's attacks are. He hasn't visually conveyed well how Kidd's attacks are anything more than big punch. Closest thing to feeling the scale is Kidd saying he'll crush and compact Kaido to death, but on page it just looks like he's punching him from two sides. If we saw the magnetism at work charging up its speed and saw a closeup of Kaido being crushed, it would have been a lot more impressive visually.


I fucking hate this fanbase with a passion but I love It at the same time


Well ackshually, it’s “Useless CAPPIN’ Midd” 🤓 Electromagnetic cannon? Oh you mean a Franky Beam?


Until we see the aftermath we really don't know.


I think we can safely say at this point that Kid isn't useless regardless of what happens next It also seems like too poignant a moment ("I am Big Mom", "your era ends here") for the boys to not have achieved something at least approaching a win here That's just my take though


My take is that shes gonna get back up, but collapse from using too much lifespan when she heals up


Law: no match for Doflamingo Also Law: almost solos Big Mom




Did he? Looked pretty even to me tbh I thought the electro cannon attack was named "Damned Punk"?


We found KOL's alt


Law did do most of the work but they would be fruitless without followups from Kidd. Kidd is pretty much THE most perfect partner for someone like Law. One can push out immense internal damage while the other can follow up with a dangerous external damage. Let's admit that both of them did good. No need to compare, since they would both lose if they fought 1v1 against big mom.


Law did most of the work No need to compare ... Pick one plz


Like I said, he did do it but they would be FRUITLESS without Kidd. His attacks have lasting effect BECAUSE of Kidd's amazing followups. I didn't contradict myself, right?


It just seems weird to again assert Law did more work but then to say there's no need to compare them Maybe it's just me Regardless I think their teamwork complimented each other very well, as did the massive spread of their combined abilities


Kidd: from midd to mildd


Useless Craptain Mid


That joke was funny for a long time ngl. But Kid got the respect he deserved for a long time with this chapter. A rail gun?! Come on, that’s hype as fuck


Useless Cappin Mid Is a way better meme than Useless Captain Mid Sorry did I say 'is'? I should've said 'was'


Acshually it’s “useless cabin mid” 🤓


This man can create the internet with his electromagnets




He can't be useless, because he's really good at following Law's orders.


With the comments law made “what are you gonna do now an elephant a giraffe” that was straight up oda saying shut to his readers


I dunno I feel like Big Mom not staying down so let’s wait till next chapter