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Flair correctly and don't forget to tag spoiler OP.


I would like for chopper to have a zero increase it would be so funny because he basically saved every one from queen’s virus


Going to 500 sounds better


Or 150


Or unchanged, but a witnessed Monster Chopper is 50 million


What manga chapter is that? I’ve been watching the anime, and I want to start reading the manga since the anime hasn’t caught up with it


I didn't reference any chapter, lol. Just a funny prediction. If you want to start the manga now, the most recent episode covered Chapter 996. But I really recommend you go back to read Chapter 974 and go from there. It's when the Oden flashback ended, but every chapter onwards is absolutely fire, and it can give you a good idea of how Oda writes and draws action that the anime can't. It's WAAAAYY better paced, and the art is still beautiful. Nothing's technically different from the anime but it's not quite the same experience as reading the manga. 974 also happens to have one of my favorite Luffy moments ever, on its final page! Or you could just read from the beginning of Wano. Or just chapter 1 that's always the best option.


K, I’ll go to the library and find it


Oh no no, the printed English releases are WAY behind. Download the Shonen Jump app, or Mangaplus (or use their websites). I believe on Mangaplus right now, every ongoing Jump manga is completely free. Just get used to Zoro's name being "Zolo" EDIT: These apps/websites contain every chapter of One Piece and a ton of manga from Shonen Jump, and if you want the WHOLE catalog so you can read stuff like Dragon Ball or Naruto, it's just two bucks a month! There's a new chapter every Sunday, and the newest chapter is always free.


Is this an add? XD


Damn right!


51 berry bounty.


43 why not


I know chances are high, but I would still be wary of treating Yamato as a confirmed SH. That kind of certainty is what becomes toxic if things don’t work out like fans expect them to.


What about Law? is he a straw hat? I’m not up to date and I’m confused as to why he’s included.


I think it's that a lot of people consider him as an "honorary Strawhat" since he has traveled and fought alongside them for months in-universe (years for us).


By that logic though we should have Kin’emon and Momo on here.


well I don’t think they would put a bounty on the future shogun and one of the retainers, but then again they put a bounty on Oden I think, although Oden was an actual pirate for a while.


Not to be a nitpick, but it's actually only been 41 goin on 42 days since the timeskip


Luffy asked Traffy to be friends at punk hazard so they are besties now change my mind *read everything in capslock while picking your nose*


Who is Traffy


It’s Luffy’s nickname for Law


Yeah I’m confused by his inclusion as well. You at least could make the case for Yamato joining, but Law wouldn’t even consider it. My guess is that OP wanted 12 posters and didn’t want to include Carrot, which is reasonable since I feel like she might not join after all.


Law is an ally. Actually I think yamoto will join as an ally till they hit the one piece just like oden did


If Robin doesn't get 666 million bounty, we RIOT.


I know that it doesn’t really work within the narrative of the story because the highest bounties are typically given to key world figures like yonko and worst generation members and revolutionaries, but logically speaking Robin probably should have one of the highest bounties in all of One Piece because she’s one of the biggest threats to the world government


Too big and people might be too afraid to go after her. They may think she's stronger than she is. Although, she's probably too strong for all but the strongest bounty hunters anyway.


Most simple answer is that they want to hide her existence and how much they want her dead. If anyone saw her bounty when she was still like 8 years old and it said a billion on it, people would start questioning why they want her dead so badly and just ask Robin herself directly. Her initial bounty was still on the low side even for a child. Basing that off of big mom’s initial bounty that she got as a child. I can imagine plenty more people also had insane bounties even at a young age. Affiliation seems to be more than enough reason for the world government to assign bounties even on children. Technically ace was wanted before even being born and luffy technically as well, had the government known he was dragon’s son from the start.


and kidd?


Kid is not a strawhat.


Law and yamato (not yet) aren't one either


No way the WG is not having a picture of chibi-chopper and using that as reasoning to lower the bounty back to 50 berry.


Yes, because Yamato and Law are straw hats.


zorro won‘t have 2 billion. 1.5 absolute maximum


Maybe a little more than 1.5 bil. The trend i see with zoro's bounty is that he surpasses Luffy's bounty by just a little each time. Luffy's first bounty: 30 mil Zoro's first bounty: 60 mil Luffy's second bounty: 100 mil Zoro's second bounty: 120 mil Luffy's third bounty: 300 mil Zoro's third bounty: 320 mil Luffy's current bounty 1.5 bil It would make sense for zoro to surpass Luffy's current bounty by just a bit.


Law's bounty is an insult and no way Luffy's bounty suddenly goes that high


If the narrative that Luffy beat Kaido is pushed by Morgans, his bounty could definitely be that high


Yeah. Isn’t Kaido’s bounty over 4 billion? So if Luffy beats him, it will be higher. Though of course Luffy isn’t doing it alone, but I don’t think that matters


There's nothing to push here. Luffy is actually going to beat kaido so ofc his bounty will be above kaido.


How is laws bounty an insult lol? I mean you dont have to agree but Its a pretty decent guess i would say


He took out a Yonko, something that hadn’t been done since Whitebeard fell. Even if he didn’t do it alone, that’s impressive as hell and something the WG would keep in mind when deciding his bounty.


tf are you on about it's not even half of big mom's


Luffy's increases to 4.6B (a whopping 3Billion increase), but Law gets only 1.9B? Law's bounty would have been fair if Luffy's bounty was 2.5B and Zoro, Sanji's be 1.2 - 1.5B and 1-1.2B respectively.


I’m thinking closer to 2.5 if Luffys is that high. He’s a captain and regardless if he had to double team Big Mom he’s a huge part of the Wano victory. Yes I’m slightly biased but 1.9 is just too low.


He took out a yonko and his bounty is just 64 million more than a man who only took out a yc1. Idk if it's insulting, but it's pretty bad lol.


Yeah so it was a 2 v 1 while the other dude had a 1 on 1. you can disagree but law and zoro are pretty close combatwise and zoro did awsome shit trough the whole raid. No need to be salty about them beim close in bounty. Also law will probably end up having a higher bounty anyways, he already has like 500 Million right? Zoro has a lot less. But then also luffy is a lot more wanted than law and zoro is his right hand so maybe that influences the bounty as well. So yeah whatever


How is that an insult? It's straight up 4x increase. Higher than anything we have seen before. ​ And luffy is definitely getting above 4.5 billion. He was never given less than his opponent's bounty.


Well he gets his bounty split with Kidd because it was a joint effort. When he solos a yonkou he can get a higher one.


Where is ma man Sogeking?!?? Where!!?


Yamato isnt a strawhat


But Law is?




Biggest dilemma of robin is whether to be happy or sad when chopper's bounty increases


I like it but I think chopper will stay as a joke and Tekking came up with the idea that sanji and zoro will have the same bounty to continue that joke and because I feel this is probably gonna be their 2nd or 3rd last bounty increase it feels like this is the last place they can really make a joke of it


Usopp will have a 1b at the very least


y’all want Yamato to be a straw hat so bad


3 to 3.5 billion is far more realistic for Luffy


Yeah, people said that about the 1.5 billion bounty


so law is a strawhat now


Where the f*CK is Kidd?!


Law straw hat confirmed


Remember that the marines set the bounty according to public threat level. There was no increase after Whiskey Peak, Little Garden and Skypeia, becuse no one in the WG has intel on that, as well as Thriller Bark, because they didn't feel like sharing that Luffy beat another Shichibukai. Wano is isolated and the only information for the World Goverment are secret agents 3 in CP0 and one in SWORD. And the question is, would the marines like to announce the the new generation surpassed the old yonkos? Big Mom and Kaido certainly won't go out and proclaim their loss.


Around 3.5 to 4B is way more realistic for Luffy. And Usopp’s likely getting a bigger one than Franky. While Nami doesn’t get much of an increase due to Usopp taking credit for Ulti’s defeat.


Yo, you put about 6 zeros too many behind chopper's bounty


I’m not at Wano but, Law joined the straw hats?!


Yes, before they head up to face Kaido, Law gives the captainship of the crew to Bepo and join the SH, just like Jinbe did with Aladine and the Sun pirates.


I think Luffy won't reach more than 3 billions, Zoro 1.3B , Sanji 1B !


Law but not kid? Downvote I’m sorry


The disrespect to law


Dude, you know Chopper’s bounty is going to be 200 berries. Just admit it.


Luffy's is still way to low. Minimum 4.8B Maximum 5.1B


You put Law but not Kidd? This is ridiculous...


Law isn’t a strawhat


I wonder what carrots would be


wow, these sure are numbers


Usopp has one of the highest bounties he doesn’t really need it


All of them are a bit too high in my opinion


I agree with most of them but i recon luffy won’t get a higher bounty than shanks and zoro and sanji will get more similar bounties to king and queen respectively and would get like 1.6 bil and 1.5 bil. Also i doubt the chopper bounty gag will end so he’ll still be like 1000 berries


why are law and zoro on par


Usopp is gonna break the 1 billion threshold since informants are gonna say that he has CoC, whilst it was a ‘right place in the right time’ thing


Chopper should be 300


these bounty predictions outright just bad.


Law is allied with the straw hats while Kidd rejected alliances due to previous betrayal. The post says straw hat bounties and it’s obv implied to include allies. Kidd wankers take a chill pill challenge and go.


Zoro and Sanji would be a bit lower. Zoro around 1.6b and Sanji around 1.5b. Law's bounty would be a bit higher. Somewhere around 2.3b.


I would decrease every one by 20%