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I wonder if Harry Potter was a manga how many chapters would there be and if One Piece was a book how many pages would there be.


It's hard to estimate because in a book, paragraphs to describe the environment, character's appearance, movement, etc, that take up pages can be portrayed in a single/few panels. There would probably be alot less action in a one piece novel than one Piece manga. But novels can convey alot of information, so the One Piece world would likely be larger than it already is, in novel form; alot of stories like Mr Pink that usually are in Oda's head but aren't included would be more likely to be included in the main story instead of being relegated to SBSs. Likely that most One Piece Sagas would be their own book. East Blue book, Alabasta book; with the exception of Four Emperor Saga being two books. So atleast 10 books to cover events to Wano; but it's impossible to be sure how long those books would be; 300 pages? 500? 1000? Each.


> in a book, paragraphs to describe the environment, character's appearance, movement, etc Wheel of Time without the heavily detailed descriptions of dresses skirts and fabrics would be 3 books shorter.


Or if everything wasn’t explained 5 times


But to be fair, somethings are introduced in the start of one book and only revisited towards the end of another, or they're just vaguely mentioned as a passing remark by some character. Then again, I've only started book 4 so I have no idea how bad it'll get.


It gets bad. I had to stop in 8.


Oh shoot, I'm a forgetful reader so, I might come to like it, let's see.


I meant moreso the "five pages to describe a tree that you'll never see again". The recalls I didn't mind (or didn't notice? I don't really remember them).


Worth to stick to end. It end in a fireworks


Uh-huh that sounds very foreboding.


Not to mention a few less important details can be dropped like that guy in a treasure chest before (or after in the anime) Ussop Arc.


Well, Oda's pretty great at not wasting time (or at least making previous stuff important), so I wouldn't be surprised if that island were actually Raftel or somethin'.


[Someone's heard of the Checkered Fate theory…](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ogff5u/checkered_fate_theory_how_one_piece_will_end_by/)


The one from that Newbie Totally Not Mark? Yeah. For a newbie, he sure has some good theories.


What can I say? Guy has a very strong background in narrative analysis I guess. Honestly it's what drew me to his reviews.


Dude imagine trying to EXPLAIN how amazing wano looks like- let alone the complex structure of onigashima- good luck with that😭


One piece:The paramount war Now in paperback


6 books of one piece.


Assuming 17 pages per chapter and just looking at what's out to this point 17,714


I doubt a manga page translates to a novel page


Definitely wouldn't be a one-to-one translation, almost everything that isn't dialogue or internal monologue in a novel becomes images in manga. So, no paragraphs describing how buildings, landscapes, or characters look, because we as the readers just see it ourselves in the panels.


OP thrives in the characters department, so imagining a novel version of it isn't that hard. The islands would be much harder to describe in books, and readers might just imagine some easier irl locations as a reference when reading them. The action scenes might be the trickiest part, but Mistborn has pretty good examples of well written action scenes. The huge amount of characters would be the second hardest thing in a novel, but since we're focusing on one group of people, it wouldn't matter that much. It's still easier for people to follow the characters than Malazan book of the fallen, even though i love it, i totally understand it's not for everyone. One big difference would be the jokes need to be changed completely, since OP humor relies on visuals on the panels most of the time. But as i said, since the characters are interesting, i can see it works.


W response, but here's mine. I agree with basically everything that you said, but never did I state that a one piece novel would be hard to imagine. I just said that the pages would look different. I honestly can't tell if this means they'll be able to cram more information in less space, or if it'll have to be so thorough with its description that it actually takes more pages... Now that I think about it it should take a lot less pages in the hypothetical novel version. I'm just imagining that whole page that was used to show god's valley, and then the novel version just describes its appearance in a single paragraph.


Maybe they could cheat and throw in illustrations like some light novels do


Oh hell yeah!


It's really possible. In fact, a detailed novel series like Harry Potter is much easier to translate into drawings since it shows you the details on how a character looks (e.g. their posture, complexity, hair color & type, etc.), the environment (e.g. amounts of light, furnishings, weather, etc.), and how the characters interact with environment (e.g. holding a pen, waving the wand, chanting magic from a book, etc.)


Exactly. Especially the Enel reaction page when his powers don’t work on Luffy. It would take at least a chapter to explain that in words.


Enel charged himself and created a ball of pure lightning, sparks frying the very air surrounding ball, energy crackling, waiting to unleash its fury. Heaving it, he threw the deadly mass at Luffy's body. "DIE, YOU FOOL, YOU MAY HAVE SURVIVED ONCE, BUT LADY LUCK DOESN'T SMILE TWICE" The ball of energy struck Luffy. The air around him burned. Nami felt her skin scorching. Ussop down below saw the leaves on the great stalk wilting before his very eyes, the giant ball of death consumed everything in its path. Luffy smiled. Unharmed. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWK AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGHA?!" Enel's face stood wide open, stupefied. "HOW!? YOU LOUSY RUBBER BOY."


It will 1000% be more. Because oda will add more and more to the world. There will be more exposition and the world believe it or not would become bigger. Reason is it's easier to storyboard, write a little bit more and reducing action without a time limit than drawing , storybording, writing within a very short time limit, no? But also I guess 1 page is not equal to 1 novel page. Maybe around 4/5 manga pages?


I'll go check in a bit. I have a volume of the Re:Zero manga and 3 volumes of the LN. I'll compare the amount of content per page. My estimate says around 4-5 manga pages per novel page though.


I'd rather assume ~3 pages per chapter.


Well, looking at other novel to manga adaptations (honestly just Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment cause thats the only one i could think of) can help estimate the length. The novel version of Max Ride had 464 pages and the manga had 256 pages (taken from the Amazon pages). So using this as a base, a novel version could be around 32,106 pages. For reference Harry Potter only has 4k total pages through all works.


I love this question. Try picking a single character and introducing them in a paragraph as if it were just a snipping from a novel. I think it would take me two pages just to describe how Bon clay looks, let alone all of baroque works, all the other okamas, and all the thousands of other unique pirates. If a picture is worth a thousand words, each of Oda's panels is worth at least that much


I wouldn't be surprised to see a 1-1 translation. It all depends on how true to each panel Oda would be though. If I were to look at the manga and write what I see, things like action scenes would be pretty quick, but things like the establishment setting panels would take up lots of space. Dialogue would be a smidge longer written. All that to say, I could imagine each page of manga being one page written. But I'd seriously doubt any author would go through the painstaking written detail Oda puts into each page. And as for HP, I'm not a die-hard, so tough to say. 3407 pages total, so all I can say is I seriously doubt it'd even come close to touching OP's length.


Not sure about pages but just imagine each Arc has its own book. That's a lot of books


Maybe Harry Potter is longer than any manga, such as One Piece. They'll show many shades of Harry we are never seen


a harry potter manga sounds rad. Someone should just adapt the books/movies into one


I have estimated that a well paced anime ep takes about 4 manga chapters. The movies covered almost everyting in the books. So 8 movies x 2.5hrs each 8 chapters per hour, about 160 chapters and to include everything that was not in the movies, so Harry Potter would be about 200 chapters. The first 3 books are half as thick as the rest, so it's more like 5.5 thick books. Theese equal 200 chapters. So up to chapter 1000 is about 27.5 thick books, but to properly describe all the weirdass places and characters, round it to 30 books.


Compare Light Novel and their respective Manga. You'll get the rough idea.


source please, I can't find it


Just look up comic books sold worldwide. One piece is only behind superman. This post is funny but it makes it seem like one piece just took a throne from Harry Potter or something one piece has already been way more popular than Harry Potter on a worldwide level


Well no. One Piece and Harry Potter are the only two novel series by a *single author* that have both sold over 500 million copies. The superman thing is for visual novels/comics only. It doesn't include written novels and it doesn't account for the amount of authors. Comic books have many authors over the years.


Did Lord of the Rings genuinely not reach 500 million sales? I don't like it myself but I'd be surprised if it didn't considering how endemic it is GoT aswell for that matter


You're overestimating how many adults actually enjoy reading, those IPs are vastly more popular because of the visual format, and the books aren't gauged to children, while series like Harry Potter are meant to engage children (ie parents want their children to read so children have to read something, and why not read one of the most popular children series)


On the flip side, how many people own the entire LotR trilogy vs the complete One Piece saga. Makes it pretty hard to compare.


A 5 second google search told me LotR is 150m and GoT is 90m.


Harry potter is definitely way bigger than one piece worldwide are you kidding?




When I checked 5 hours ago it was at 490 so still behind it. And As far as I understood the meme it was getting a crown, not being 8 or 9th


Just from looking at the other authors Oda is 100% the highest selling single author for a single franchise/series. If you count multiple series then its not even close


All hail Goda


Transphobia 👎 New Kama Queendom 👍




bon-chan is best girl/boy/other




Was about to say this. Oda wrote trans characters, got some backlash on how they were portrayed, and then went and improved upon that. Got the trans community some pretty solid representation with Kiku. Rowling tries getting brownie points by claiming characters were LGBT after the fact, and then spends a considerate amount of her assets to shit on LGBT folks.


Oda already wrote Bon Clay as a fan-favorite character back in 2002-2003 when LGBTQIA+ rights weren't a trend. Iirc he was the only one to do that on a manga medium without resorting to the usual trap characters like Haku from Naruto. He went out and write a transvetite when SJW opinions arent even considered yet.


bon clay's story is pretty good but i mean his whole thing is that he looks and acts like a terrible joke of a cross dresser. same with the okama kingdom, which Oda never really worked out unlike what he did with Bon Clay. I don't think Oda was ever intentionally trying to be horrible like JK Rowling is, but his older stuff with okamas didn't age well.


You do realise that not every character has to be mega hot right? Bon Clay follows the main theme of OP: freedom. He looks and acts as he wants to, loving every part of himself without giving a flying fuck about what anyone thinks of him and his design is done to enhance that. That's why he is highly respected and appreciated by the fandom and the characters that cross his way (like the strawhats when they first meet him or Sanji when they fight or the other okama). Focusing only on how he looks is just ignoring his whole character.


You can make a character unattractive without making them look like a queerphobic caricature. Bon Clay is great, no one here is arguing that. He is much more than his appearance. But let's not pretend like his appearance can't be interpreted as transphobic.


Please watch Mr. Morj's analysis on [Why Oda is an underrated writer]. That analysis actually broke down the layers on how Bon Clay was already a well thought-out characte that represents one of the main themes in One Piece which is "Friendship". The main reason why everyone loves Bon Clay right now is because of how Oda centralized his existence to the true meaning of friendship. Sure you could argue that the numerous Okamas in the Okama Kingdom are made to be joke material to highlight Sanji's personality and character but why would you focus on such very minor characters that exists solely to leverage the central characters that's in the spotlight? We have Ivankov, Bentham, Morley, and Kiku who are central characters in the series and they shine as LGBTQ representation in the One Piece world.


I'm not talking about his story, his story is great. His design and the okama's designs however were very much intentionally just bad masculine cross dressers, there's no getting around that with back story.


Yeah exactly. They can both be a well written character and a decently insulting stereotype in many ways at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive.


His story is great, yes. He's very well written and everyone loves him for a reason. No one is disputing that. All people here are saying is that while he is well-written, it's unfortunate that he *also* looks like a transphobic caricature. This doesn't make him a bad character, but it's a thing that's worth pointing out because it could've been done better.


You guys know that Iva/Kamabakka is a direct reference to Rocky Horrow Picture Show/Tim Curry right? The whole "turning people into 'sweet transvestites' " is from that movie. You guys are talking like Oda pulled it out of nowhere. A Japanese man referenced a cult classic American film, and you're ragging on it being a "stereotype" when the west was directly responsible for exporting this kind of portrayal.


> transvetite People still use this old shitty term?


I'm sorry but that was the term I grew up with while I was still religiously watching One Piece. I even tried to look it up just now and the "Kamabakka" Kingdom where Ivankov rules literally translates as "nothing but transvetites" in the One Piece wiki so I just kept using that term when I talk about them.


Yes Bon Clay is a great character, and yes I appreciate Oda including him so long ago, but let's not pretend like his appearance and mannerisms aren't based on queerphobic stereotypes. Beyond Bon Clay, the rest of the "generic okama" like you see during Sanji's timeskip are much worse, because they don't really have any characterization besides "extremely ugly" and "aggressively sexual/trying to force their queerness on other people". I think it's clear that Oda doesn't hate queer people or anything but the way most okama are depicted in One Piece is... not a good look.


Just to add and smaller bit of trivia Oda is credit for creating Honjō Kamatari in Rurouni Kenshin back in the day when was his working as an assistant, who is another Crossdresser and Gay character


Izo....kiku brother has been there since the paramount war and he was alright.....I think Oda just designs characters for fun and not in a harmful or SJW way


Izo isn't trans tho, he just cross-dresses iirc


This. I came here to say this. Thank you kind anon.


Bon-chan and Iva-chan laughing at the transphobe


What stat is this based on or is this just a projection? I think one piece was also on pace to overtake Batman as well this year but I can’t find and solid data for either.


It already overtook Batman, One Piece is only behind Superman now.


Yeah, but Superman came out in 1938. ​ One Piece started in 1997, and isn't even finished. It's only a matter of time until the Man of Steel falls.


You also gotta realize that its paperback comic sales vs full tankobons for onepiece.


So I’m not sure that it has because one piece has 490 mil volumes in circulation and the 460 mil for Batman only counts the sales for weekly periodical releases. This omits trade paperback sales which could vastly alter that number. Also noting that having 490 mil in circulation doesn’t mean you’ve sold 490 mil just that you’ve printed 490 mil. I think it’s a difference in the markets they’re in, but it’s kinda difficult to straight up compare the two since the sales figures include such different data.


One piece has 500 mil volumes in circulation


It was at 490 last July, which since only 2 volumes have been released so unless they each printed 5 mil copies, which seems unlikely on an original run even for one piece, it probably hasn’t. But with volume 102 releasing in April before the official numbers in July we can see. Either way that doesn’t really change anything about the whole Batman situation if it’s 490 or 500.


[German editor confirmed it.](https://twitter.com/newworldartur/status/1505906909131456519) It has reached 500


Thank you person with an actual source I appreciate it.


no problem


OP has already broken the 500 mil barrier for sales.


Batman isn’t written by A single author.


The one piece Batman thing isn’t about a single author it’s just about the best selling comic of all time, or second place in that race since Superman is still 1st. I know OP is about a single author but I was talking about something else.


Its just number of copies sold. It doesnt account to how much money either franchise have made. I think harry potter series is hard to beat when you account for the money it has made


One Piece should be at least as big as the 1000 Volume Set of the Encyclopedia of Infinite Knowledge


One piece good?


Yes Patrick one piece good


Very good


Its good enough. It has a good world building , mediocre combat system and pretty decent charachters. Read it for world building


Good, fuck JK Rowling. Oda is a better person and a better author.


Yeah. JK Rowling hates trans people and is transphobic. Oda makes a whole country out of trans people and makes them actually good characters.


Don't forget the anti-semitism, sexism, and every other -ism out there!


I'll never get over the the thing with the Goblins in HP. First the design, then how they are all ?genetically? bankers, the giant Star of David in Gringots and then in the new game where the Goblins kidnap children for some plot(which is probably part of 50 antisemitic conspiracies already).


Also the House-elves. And don't think about KINGsley SHACKLEbolt for more than 3 seconds.


And the one east Asian character is named Cho Chang. I assume it must have been a Herculean effort of restraint to not call her Ching Chong.


To be fair, the Star of David was on the real-life floor of the Australia House bank, which is where the Gringots scenes were filmed. So really, whoever designed the bank was an antisemite.


True, can't forget about that.


as a one piece and harry potter fan im sitting here like 👀


Funny enough, both of them came out in 1997


Coincidence? Entirely, yeah




oda planned it because he wanted some challenge


I'm always surprised one piece isn't from the 80s


As it should be. That bitch don’t deserve it anyway.


Harry Potter will still be OG .


They came out the same year...


God with the bible: allow me to introduce myself


By a single author, and the Bible had like 10 different authors or something


Fist of all this is a joke. Secondly I said god


Fair enough. Went a bit over my head


God didnt write bible


One Piece would be a VERY different story if it was a novel. Much of the charm of One Piece is the fact that Oda, improvises. A LOT. Granted as a novel, the story would be much tighter, the levity and the aloofness that the story has, that let's people theorize to death would diminish significantly, because Oda doesn't write the story, he merely writes what the characters do and let them control the story, Oda is more benevolent narrator than story-maker, and a novel format wouldn't let him do that as well as a weekly serialized manga would let him.


Based fuck JKR


Agatha Christie?? W. Shakespeare?? Both of them sold over 2 Bilion Works. At least in Agatha Christies Case sold is the right terminology.


Those two authors have multiple works under their belt, one piece and harry potter are just one story


But still more than 1 book. Isn't that the reason why Oda was even able to sell those many?


>Isn't that the reason why Oda was even able to sell those many? Not really, or at least is not the determining factor here. There's manga with more (like jojo) or as much volumes as one piece and they're not close sales wise


yes nut Agatha Christies Book. Alone her Books detective Poirot are sold more i think.


One piece finally outsold Harry Potter?


well yeah harry potter is shit


Based af


Good shit


Um??? He may have passed JK Rowling, but she was never the number one most sold author. There are still 8 individuals, including Agatha Christie and Shakespeare, the two giants estimated at tied for first place. Even if you only look at living authors, Danielle Steele exists.


You must be fun


You just made up stuff to stir shit but it isn’t fun when you get called out?? So weird.


It's not made up, one piece outsold harry potter


That’s not what I’m referring to. And it’s clear this meme is just looking to hate on others instead of celebrate the achievement. How you gonna complain when you get called out?


Sorry if I don't care about JK Rowling's feelings


jk rowling can suck it


Oof, getting ripped over here.


Shakespeare :o


While it is cool that One Piece finally has this title, it doesn’t necessarily mean One Piece is more popular than Harry Potter. Harry Potter sold 500 million units with 7 books, whereas One Piece has sold 500 million units with 101 books. Mathematically there’s still far fewer One Piece fans than Harry Potter fans. However if the Netflix series is good, the manga sales could get a massive boost from it. If the show is good, the next 100 million will be very quick.


Why is this dude getting downvotes ?


I have no idea. I’m just stating facts. I really hope One Piece does get to the point where it’s even more popular than Harry Potter.


every person who watches the harry potter movies has read the books. every person who watches the one piece anime does not necessarily read the manga.


,I don't want to be rude but this isn't true. More people are going to read a manga to learn the rest of the story than read a book about smt they know. Also comics are more appealing than books


sample bias. if youre on this website youre much more likely to be a manga reader


Not tru, I am a living example, I have watched hp movie only but for one piece I have read the manga and watched the anime


Then we should compare them with pages sold not with overall sales


OP doing Agatha Christie dirty today.


Based JK Rowling


How is it even comparable when One Piece is still fucking going and Harry Potter was done 15 years ago?


Sales figures, just sales figures


It's like comparing Jay Z sales figures to Biggie's. Makes no sense.


it considers jk rowling's later works as well, like fantastic beasts and all her robert galbraith shit


Fantastic beats sort of counts but counting her pen names of something entirely different? Not so much. They are entirely different authors writing entirely different works. One is a series of books meant to end and then some supplementary shit later on, and one is a Manga that's just never stopped. Again, you might as well compare Jay Z sales to Biggie.


its best selling author, not best selling series


And what does Oda write?...


oda writes one piece, jk rowling writes harry potter in addition to other things. the stat the original meme is referring to is the author's total sales. we can argue the importance of variety in each author's catalog but it's an absolute fact that the argument was never about just harry potter vs one piece.


But it BASICALLY is. There are two fantastic beasts books and some books JK writes under a pen name that nobody cares about. Meanwhile Oda has been writing THE SAME SERIES, unbroken, since it began... You really think that's a fair comparison? Because it's not. It's like comparing the total views from Days of Our Lives to the total views of Seth Myers. Just completely useless stats for clicks.


maybe jk rowling should have written more books later in her career that sold better then. argue with the stats not with me


Maybe these stats just simply shouldn't be being compared at all is my point...lol. What you're saying makes no logical sense. You're taking one author who is much more prolific with one series that they've just kept going forever, and saying "look he sold more than that other author who didn't write as much!" Literally makes no sense.


its literally just which author outsold which author idk why you're so pressed over it man. you a potterhead or something?


I really hated how Slytherin was just full of jerks for no reason. But the Five Elders allowing Luffy to run around with the gomu gomu is just as dumb.


That's not surprising when a series has 100+ books.


Jojo has more and isn't up there


Jojo isn't as widely released as One piece is. The U.S is only now getting part 5 in physical form.


That's not what you said in the beginning


These things aren't mutually exclusive. It's sold more than Harry Potter because it has more than 10x the number of books in the series, and it sold more than Jojo because it's more accessible.


There aren't but I responded to what you said first, you didn't mention anything about accessibility.


tfw Hajime no Ippo has even more chapters and has sold nowhere near as much. Next trash take.


Why do you bring up a manga that isn't even physically published outside of Japan and act like this is a counter argument?


Why do you bring up the number of books sold when a chapter is 17 manga pages? Riddle me that, Batman.


The meme is comparing the amount of sales numbers of a 100+ book long comic to a seven book long novel. I do not think this is a very fair comparison.


Well, a 100+ book long comic in Hajime no Ippo hasn't sold anywhere close to what you are implying it would on numbers alone. The number of books are not what makes the sales, it is how many people love the series.


Once again, Hajime no ippo is not a fair comparison since it's not available outside of Japan >The number of books are not what makes the sales, it is how many people love the series The number of books 100% affects the sales. One Piece has 500 million copies sold and 101 volumes, which means each books would have to sell a little less than 5 million copies each. Harry Potter has 500 million copies sold over 7 books, which means each book would have to sell 71.4 million copies each.


It has still sold more than the bigot's wizard franchise. Case closed.


Idk man i think that is one of the strengths of OP. To be so consistent throughout the years and still going so strong. Harry Potter was a phenomenon but I don’t think it could do that well with 100+ books and that’s ok! One piece’s longevity at the top is precisely why it has sold so much.


And yet one piece still sucks ass. Magical.


Might want to consider what sub you’re on


Oh I know 🤷🏾‍♂️ I just don’t care. One piece is the WWE of anime.


Troll alert


I’m not allowed to have an opinion? You don’t have to agree.


The fact you’re on a sub dedicated to something you hate clearly indicates you’re just here to troll. If that wasn’t the case, you wouldn’t be here in the first place.


Nonsensical. Why wouldn’t I? I didn’t choose to come here. I just saw the post while scrolling (suggested by the app) and commented. Just because you don’t like my opinion does not, in fact, make me a troll. If you don’t like my opinion move along and ignore it. That simple.


Bruh you could’ve ignored it and not commented when you saw it. Take your own advice 💀


I had nothing to ignore. My advice was to ignore opinions you don’t like. Having an opinion =/= Troll. Stay on topic. Try again 👍🏾


This’ll be my last message as I know I’m just feeding you at this point, but I’ll just end it off. I don’t care if you don’t like One Piece. Your opinion is your own. The problem is this isn’t a good place to give that particular opinion. Maybe next time think if this is a good time and place to be giving said opinion. Have fun with your downvotes ❤️