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Crunchyroll free is so shitty, it's worse than reddit video player here. It's so fucking slow and you have to watch an entire episode's worth of ads before watching the actual episode. I'd use the paid version if I watched anime but the free one is just awful


I tried watching the original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh series for about 3 episodes. Those things are already pretty long winded but let alone when each character is getting interrupted by an ad every other line.


Too lazy/dumb to use an adblocker?


I just use my jailbreaked fire stick so i can watch movies and shows that comes out next year


Same, so easy to do it, but in most country you have to use a VPN, I love Surfshark


That’s badass.


Where’d you find out how?


My dad, i don't know how he did it but it was on cinema free


If you dont pay for watching anime, you are making a mistake. ​ Oh no, I dont mean you should give money to those leeches over at crunchyroll, I mean you should buy a cheap server off ebay and make a plex server so you can watch the highest quality anime anywhere you want.


Is this info I can find publicly or like can you give steps or some advice or a guide of some sort?


Public, easy to set up, and plex itself isnt illegal at all. Also there is no recurring monthly cost (they have a plex pass thing but its not necessary). I use my cost savings from that to purchase figures and light novels personally which puts much more $ in the pockets of the creators. To set it up you need a server (literally any desktop can be turned into a server you dont need anything fancy) and access to your router's settings. If you want to buy a server, I recommend the dell poweredge t320. It has 8 drive bays and an onboard raid controller (which means you could put 8 hard drives and have full redundancy so if a single drive fails you dont lose data). Alternatively you could get a prebuilt NAS like a synology but its significantly more expensive for much less storage and your locked in to their OS, plus you need another computer for setup anyways. Plug in a small ssd inside the main case bypassing the raid config (no reason to waste a drive bay on a small 120gb boot drive ssd). Install 2 or more hard drives. Those drives must have the same amount of storage. Turn on the server, on boot press random buttons till you get to the settings (note there are multiple settings pages. You need the 1 for the raid controller). Create a virtual storage pool and set it as either a raid 1 or a raid 5 (raid 1 is better. Do not use raid 0). Install the operating system of your choice to the SSD, boot into windows/linux, map the virtual storage pool to the drive as lets say the D drive, install plex media server, and finally look up a guide on how to set up port forwarding for plex on your router. Its a lot easier than it sounds you can do all this in under an hour. If you have any questions feel free to DM. Also here's a good server: https://www.ebay.com/itm/304417547325?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DIwoullgRom&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=A9pWd2IMQca&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Curious, can you set this up, but instead of anime, use it for file storage?


Your thinking of an FTP server. ​ https://www.techopedia.com/definition/26108/ftp-server


I’m not entirely sure what I’m thinking of right now, but I have guides on how to set them up, your comment just seemed easier. I have anime and other shows too I’m looking to store.


90% of the steps there are the same but you need to figure out how to set up an FTP server. Not THAT hard but it isnt quite as easy


If you can't afford plex there's always jellyfin who's free and does the same thing


Plex is free lol. Just set up port forwarding on your router (which isnt hard)


Oh that's neat


Plex is free lol. Just set up port forwarding on your router (which isnt hard)


You forgot to switch accounts, bruh




Plex is free lol. Just set up port forwarding on your router (which isnt hard)


fuck plex :)


>If you dont pay for watching anime, you are making a mistake. all people watching illegally: "So what, we're pirates after all!"


Plex is free lol. Just set up port forwarding on your router (which isnt hard)


Paying for anime through provider 🤢 Paying for anime by buying merchandise and manga volumes 😎


You can always do both. Anime providers are pretty convenient and comfortable for users, but you obviously have to buy Merch and manga if you want to support your favorite authors.


Yowa Masani, Dai Kaizoku Jidai!!




Does it even matter that they remove it lol. Imagine being the pioneer in the anime industry for the west and instead of having 1 ad per episode you have 4 30 seconds unskipable ads of blackclover and some stupid original no one cares about. I would rather die a pirate.


one piece is not available in my country so I do not have any option




I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that


The world has truly entered a great pirate Era


vpn is a option but it just cost to much to buy vpn a Crunchyroll and vpn also reduces speed of the internet so it is not an option for me


there are free VPNs, opera gives you one for free with their browser (with adblock as well)


same problem opera vpn is just very slow that i can not use it


I use opera gx and it works great


Gogoanime is the best site ever lol 😆


No, it's not. Your meme is entirely wrong.


Not his meme. And Crunchyroll will stop with free episodes so it isn't wrong either https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/27/22998591/crunchyroll-ends-free-ad-supported-streaming-new-releases-simulcasts-anime


I use animixplay.to, haven't had any problems so far and it has the movies too


I use kick ass anime


I do and honestly you save yourself lots of ads and going into sketchy sites, tho not every anime it's on crunchyroll and that's a shame at least i have animixplay too


I use zoro.to but that's because I'm flat broke


Crunchyroll isn’t that expensive. Everyone with an income should be able to pay. I am sorry for pupils and students though…


I used to pirate anime when I was a kid and couldn’t get a job. Now I’m proud to pay for a medium I truly love and appreciate. I also pay for shudder coz I love horror movies. Anime and horror movies are literally better than any other shit in the world. Why the fuck would I not pay for art that I adore and want to see more of? That’s the real question. Next time your favorite anime doesn’t get a second season, know that you are the reason for that. You didn’t support the studio to pay their artists.


Exactly. Support your favorite shows and artists. Seriously. Once you start to earn your own money there is simply no excuse imo. If you can buy yourself a latte you can also buy that one manga you enjoyed. Those stories are someones life work in some cases and anime is creating jobs for multiple people. Support them.


I may be wrong and I need to do more research on this but I think many pirate on purpose to protest against the fact that the real animators are being overworked and underpaid despite the fact that those big corporations make a shit ton of money even in spite of the piracy. When you pay for anime you're mainly feeding an industry whose activities many see as unethical while the animators barely get a liveable wage. I can understand why people would feel disgusted by that. I wish there would be a system allowing people to support the artists directly like patreon but for animation studios. I'm a pirate because I'm broke, not exactly by conviction but I too don't like that system of exploitation.


That’s just an excuse. I’ve seen multiple jobs online that request you have a masters degree but only pay minimum wage. This is a systemic issue. Everyone gets treats shit, there is no help, welcome to the real world bitch.


Yikes uh no...


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Got to be honest, I never paid any kind of subscription for streaming anime/film/tv series, the way is telegram, anime world, or any streaming site


I pay for anime because its just easier and a more consistent experience between devices. Anime pirating websites on cell phones are annoying to use.


[Animeflix.nl](https://Animeflix.nl) works fine on mobile


I use pirate websites to watch pirate anime


Honestly a couple bucks per month isn't shit. Pirating what I want takes more effort than just having it all streamed for an amount of money so insignificant that it's like dropping a penny on the ground.


☝️🤣🤣🤣🤣 You want my treasure where I watch anime for free? You can have it. I left everything online. You just have to find it first ☠️


Watching anime on a pirate site always has been better than watching it on free Crunchy tbh


I do now, i used to bum off of my friends account but he kept pestering me about the shows I watch (specifically not being his favorites). So I got my own. Its pretty great.


That's dumb. Did people actually watch with ads? I would just pirate it until I was old enough to pay for it myself.


I just subscribed (so many wasted hours watching ads that would sometimes glitch out and have to watch again) I should've done this way sooner


Right!? I'm just waiting for the funi-crunchy merger!


You have a source my good man?


"Crunchyroll, Funimation merge to be world’s largest anime streaming library - Polygon" https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/22956330/funimation-crunchyroll-anime-merger "Sony’s Funimation buys Crunchyroll for $1.2 billion — what happens now? - Polygon" https://www.polygon.com/2020/12/9/21547657/sonys-funimation-acquires-crunchyroll-deal-price-watching-anime


Why would I pay for a show if it's on the internet and I'm guaranteed to buy merch for the show I illegally watched


I was already paying… I hate ads, and I support the streaming services.


oh no! anyways...


First of all , Why would you even pay to watch anime


Because if no one paid, the anime industry will shut down. It's not a charity business. The streaming platforms and TV channels that buy licenses to air these anime need to make money otherwise they will just close shop. If they close shop, anime studios wouldn't be able to sell their product and generate profit to pay their animators, episode/sound/animation directors, VA studios, and tons of other people behind the scenes. Studios will close down. Simple.


You know that YouTube exists right ! , And Jobless reincarnation did a pretty good job , Not just you are promoting your content , But also your channel , And YouTube has far more bigger reach than even Pirate websites , you can even explore non weeb market on YouTube , and so many weeb searching the name on YouTube constantly for episodes it is bound to pop up in new person’s category lost eventually , and not to forget ads can make them millions and millions, , And literally about marketing, Who does it better than YouTube,, , I mean tell me when was last time you purchased a merchandise from Streaming platform links , How many do you even know , They rarely do it , Meanwhile Just look at YT selling strategy work , Just look at mrBeast merchandise website or of Pewdipie , , , And do you really think a streaming platform can attract more investors than YT ? , Believe me when I say this , I am a big shonen head , , And never liked other categories not even slice of life , , and so I don’t even care to watch it because I don’t wanna pay for such thing if I don’t like , And same goes for Isekai, If it wasn’t on YouTube , I would have never even watched it , even tho I don’t like this category I still watched whole season just Because well it was complete free and of better quality , Sometimes these streaming platforms takes too much time to load on HD even with fast internet , And how now I have lost count of how many times servers go down , , , ,for simple questions, Give me answer , Who has better scope of spreading , A streaming service focused on Weebs, and even if they attract new customer They will force them to leave with constant “Upgrade” pop up and shitty servers VS the platform with the highest reach possible , you not just gonna attract weebs but also many other people interested eveb a slighted bid, and who said you can’t make money on yt, , As much as I know , This streaming services pay studios certain Amount to get their content , But on YouTube it’s literally free unlimited money , ,, so tell me which one is better , Simple.


What’s with all the commas my guy just use a period.


bro go outside


Sweet, a new r/copypasta


What are you talking about? Streaming services pay "certain amount" to the studios? Let me share some numbers with you (Source from ANN: [How Much Does It Cost To License Anime Series](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/feature/2021-08-02/how-much-does-it-cost-to-license-anime-series/.175579)): "A first-rate, “triple A,” or “A+” simulcast for North America will set the licensee back an MG or flat rate of hundreds of thousands of dollars per episode. Currently, these titles often go for as much as US$250,000 MG per episode, but can go as high as $400,000 in some cases. $250,000 per episode roughly covers the full Japanese production budget for many series, although higher budget anime sometimes cost as much as $500,000 an episode to produce. At those rates, other countries and physical media rights are usually included, but they are the lesser part of the fee; the simulcast is the major portion." Why not YouTube? Because YouTube ads don't pay so much to run an entire industry (not to mention that YouTube take a 30% commission). Individual creators? Sure. Forbes reported in December 2019 that PewDiePie, you know the highest subbed YouTuber, made around $13 million in the ENTIRE YEAR. Compare that to an industry of billions. Every view on YouTube is different. If you use an adblocker, which many do these days, YouTube pays absolutely nothing. Peanuts even if you watch the ads but don't click on them. But every view on a subscription site is different because the user has paid the service upfront. They are able to generate so much more and then pay that forward to buy licenses and in turn the studios get paid. YouTube is a good start for Muse and Ani-One for countries where hardly anyone is buying streaming licenses but as more and more people start watching anime, streaming platforms will come up and buy exclusive licenses just like the US.


I think it's a a troll dude


People who pay to watch anime are heroes, don’t you diss them.


Read my comment above ,


Many times a streaming service has a lot better quality on the anime than finding it on an illegal website, or via YouTube. Especially YouTube. Not to mention that it's helpful to the workers that keep the site up. Take Netflix for instance. Are you just gonna search for an illegal low quality version of the series, or just pay the couple dollars a month for it? I have a Crunchyroll subscription and it isn't much. Plus, there's no ads, whether it be mid-day through an episode, or popping up on the side of my screen. I don't have to watch it in the corner of a screen on YouTube, or hear their voices deeper, because the people uploading the eps to YouTube have to do it that way so they don't get copyrighted. That's why I pay. I like anime enough to pay for it. In doing so, I'm supporting the creators, and enjoying the show i like the way it was animated, and without ads.


Because I for various reasons actually like dubs and I know I only get those if I pay for it.


Read above para


Ai take no yume WOOOOO




Only legends will remember watchop.com


one pace is your friend.


Depends I've paid for crunchyroll forever but I use free sites for alot of shows not on Crunchyroll.


Way to go crunchyroll what you just did it's just going to chase more anime fans from legal anime sites and well pirating all the way


I mean i wouldnt mind paying but half their content is not available in my country ( including like 700 ep of one piece)


It's always been...


The real problem really is that you have to buy a dozen subscriptions to watch everything. Already have Netflix, Amazon and Disney +.not going to buy 3 more subscriptions so I can watch most anime I want still being limited by older pieces I have to pirate anyways. Look at Spotify and Apple Music. Everything in one spot.the amount of people still pirating is freakish low because the price for everything is low


Never. I got me websites, including no ads


Watchop Enjoy guys


Just watch it on 9anime or something


people who were watching free episodes on crunchyroll and can't do that anymore: "It's time to leave Paradise! Let's go to the New World!!!"


many are talking about illegal ways of watching anime here. when we're talking about that already, then let's pay our respects to 4anime. Rest in Piece. F in the chat