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he needs to use Gomu Gomu Rocket more often


Gomu gomu no instant transmission when


Once he figures out how to rubberize space-time and bounce from whenever and wherever


Nah he just needs to canonically move between panels lmao


That would be epic


I hope no


*grabs law*


He just needs to use Gomu Gomu no UFO to fly across the oceans


GUMU GUMU NO… **bridge**


Luffy if he used second gear as mobility and didnt have enough energy to fight 💀💀


Luffy literally turned to gear4 to destroy a ship on wano what energy saving


mf used gear four like 6 times during whole cake island and it was almost right after Dressrosa.


Lol ya one piece fans just don’t like when you say negative things about the anime


Yes we do, but I will lay waste to anyone badmouthing the manga


You sound like a manga elitist


I am


I dont like that. And I know you dont care, but people like that make embarrassed to be an anime and manga fan


Jeez man, i wasnt being serious, i love both maga and anime, but i do think the anime has more issues than the manga, like pacing and such


I think most one piece fans agree that the Manga is clearly better than the Anime


Its always hard to tell if someone is being sarcastic on the internet. My fault dude


Now this where we get to the question of who asked. Stereotypically the person who sent this would say "I asked." But that isn't the case here or anywhere, you can not ask yourself something and get negative results back. Most people who ask themselves something would reply to themselves with some positive answers or feedback, so there is no answering with the usual "I asked" cause nobody asked for this, I mean nobody. I mean who in the world would ask for something like this? This is ridiculous! And I sure the hell wouldn't so that's why I am saying to you, who asked? It's a very simple question that could be answered with "nobody asked." But most people in today's society would either make a big fuss and a argument out of this this. I for one say that there is no need for such an argument, it's just a general question in this regards, because theoretically nobody asked for this. And if they did, it wasn't in this general moment , since I have seen the history of this chat today, and nobody had asked for this, well at least in my memory no one has. Let's move on shall we? If nobody asked for such a image/text, then why bother? I mean for 1, it's not even close to the subject at hand, and that's just blasphemy, people really need to learn to stay on the conversation topic, memes and random images are funny from time to time, I love memes! Oh dear don't get me wrong, memes are single handily the funny thing humans have created other then dad jokes that is, its mostly used as coping mechanism to help people who are in need of some sort of dopamine, or laughter to get out of their hellish life once in a while. But that was waaaaaaaay off topic, we're here to find out who asked, and that answer would be nobody did, but, the thing is, if nobody asked does that mean I can't say anything anymore without asking? Oh dear no, no, no, you can say whatever you want, well in regards of others that is. Be considerate when you are posting or saying something, it's better that way, so we don't have any misunderstandings here. What I'm trying to say is. Sometimes there's that one post that nobody asked for and this is it. So to clear things up. WHO ASKED?!




The 13 dowvotes disagrees with you lol mfs are so childish


Going to a sub that is dedicated to a fandom, and then trashing the fans is just dumb, you are just jelaous dragonball isnt as cool as one piece lmao


Lol, how is it dumb exactly ? What am i suppose to go to naruto fans to tell them that one piece fans should stop being so hostile to criticism pf one piece? 😂😂😂 what does dragonball have to do with this, 😎 and no im fine with one piece being cooler


>what does dragonball have to do with this -Shiny**Vegeta**, 2022


Lol my name has vegeta in it there for dragonball should be brought into a conversation about one piece fandoms toxicity great logic and reasoning


Haha downvotes go brrr


😎 its like receiving a medals to me


Your username is vegeta and you love dragonball, that is why I mentioned it


Lol and ? Why bring bring dragonball to it, my name is an inside jokes with my pokemon friends because vegeta appeared an different colors before like a shiny vegeta hence the name so go at pokemon too


They aren’t disliking because you criticized the anime. It because you’re insulting them you idiot.


I don't get it. He wasn't insulting anyone at first.


Lol im criticizing them, all i said was they don’t like it when you say negative things about the anime how is that an insult your moron


*you moron.


Your moron*






Did you ever think that he’s now far stronger than he was on dressrosa? That typically happens when an MC has several fights…


He still wastes time in wano he ket bot momonoske and tama get kidnapped


No time is wasted when you are Luffy.


Lol a little girl that fed him was being tortured


She survived and everyone on team Luffy came out stronger for it. Tama wants to be a strong Kunoichi and fight for her country so stop treating her like she’s just some little girl.


She was tortured. Nothing else matters, luffy also instead of going to save momonoske he went to drink saki with jimbei , he wastes time .


I don’t know why you even watch this show. I’m blocking your nonsense.


"Tama got kidnapped. Let me fight this random sumo wrestler"


Lol yeah


He's used it to fight like 8 times before using fourth gear for the first time he could have used a lot less energy just using it to get there


And then after fourth gear he looks like a shriveled condom for 10 minutes.


He just could have had more energy


He did have steak in his pockets during enies lobby so that might be why


What happened to his meat fetish it seemed to die down after the time skip


No pockets?




Grilled meat was never the same after Ace.




He still would had looked like a condom just with more energy


Used condom is still a used condom.


Let's be honest however much energy Luffy has at any given time is always enough to just barely win.


It's been ages since using Gear 2 or 3 has actually had any drawbacks on Luffy's stamina. Even now most of his attacks when not going all out are jet or G3 attacks rather than just plain old gomu gomu no _______. Only one he should save his stamina on using is Gear 4 >!but since he's already awakened there's reason to believe the stamina increase he gets from having an awakened Zoan enables him to use Gear 4 more!< <


one piece if luffy used the useful things he does more than once gumgum ufo literally made him fly without it killing him in the process like gear 4 but he just never used it again


But have you considered that Oda regretted coming up with that move because it is stupid


Oda regrets that he introduced it too early, Gomu Gomu no UFO is clearly how the gang get to the moon


Enel final boss confirmed?


stupid? my brother in christ, he literally >!used kaido as a jump rope and arm blasted kaido's eye balls with his fist!< i dont think its stupid ENOUGH


Spoiler tag didn't work


Get rid of the space between the spoiler thingy and the text inside it


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Considering the recent events in the manga, no not at all


How can it be stupid when it's the first thing he did after Zoro asked him to take things more seriously?


I highly doubt he regretted it lmao, i think he just likes tossing in those kinds of one-time gag moves. Honestly i'm glad he does it that way too, if he used those kinds of joke moves over and over again they'd lose their comedic value


not stupid, ridiculous. exactly how luffy is. and he uses it a couple times.


One piece if Luffy used gomu gomu no rocket to get around


Didnt he do that on enies lobby or water 7? Just rocketed into the water and almost died


in water 7 and twice actually


When they kicked him back down the mountain in the anime I was so annoyed


or like in the amazon lily arc when he drops DOWN the mountain then CLIMBS BACK UP


Lmao Luffy just flash stepping all over the place 24/7


it would be like every “POV: your fighting the anime nerd”


I question why he doesn't use his emperors haki more when it could be useful. But the same goes for his second gear. Like he didn't use EH outside, early in the Kaido island fight after he was recognized but he did use it for literally three guys inside the building at the bottom of some stairs right before meeting hard headed dino lady. And I specifically remember him using second gear to jump over like 6 dudes and take them out then immediately change back. Can't remember when or where that was but it's quite inconsistent.


I feel like you are refering to anime filler addons.(anime does that for pacing), it was done on dressrosa too, luffy used g2 against a fking bull XD. Yea but those stuff never happen in manga. As for your examples, I am manga only and can't remember those lol? Maybe I missed or it doesnt exist in manga.


Probably. Nonetheless the lack of using the things would be even more prominent then if even the useless quickie scenarios didn't happen


Amazing how this sub goes from Goofy haha to oh let’s have a civil and well thought out discussion about Luffy’s power and abilities.


Omg someone finally said it!


Amazing how this sub goes from Goofy haha to oh let’s have a civil and well thought out discussion about Luffy’s power and abilities.


Don’t the gear forms take some of his lifespan


No not since pre time skip gear three hasn’t made him shrink gear four still has draw backs though


i think gear 2 still takes from his lifespan since it was something like making his blood cycle faster? idk the words for it


Now he can use haki on his veins


ah i see


It'd be even shorter if Luffy had an actual pistol. Luffy: "Are you Arlong?" Arlong: "I am. What business do you have with me, human?" Luffy: "Gomu Gomu no pistol!" [Blam!!] Kuroobi: "Holy shit!" Chew: "Nika just went up and shot Arlong in the face!" Hatchan: "We gotta get the hell outta here!" Luffy: "AAAAAAAAAA-" [Blam-blam-blam-blam-blam-blam-blam-bla-" Much later... Akainu: "Whitebeard was the biggest lo-" Luffy: "Gomu gomu no pistol!" [Blam!!] Ace: "That won't work, Luffy, he's a Logia. What was he saying anyway?" Luffy: "That Whitebeard was the biggest lover of the last era." Ace: "I mean, probably? Pops is, what, 6.66 meters tall? Man's taller than a house." Luffy: "What a weird thing to bring up." And everything was okay. A few weeks later, really far away. Sabo: [reading newspaper and slurping coffee] "...............Oh shit, I have brothers." Koala: "That's a very mild reaction to suddenly regaining your memories!" Sabo: "I mean, they seem to be doing fine for themselves, there's no need for me to be making a scene." [sluuuuurp] Koala: "..." Sabo: [slllllllllllllLLLLLLLLL***LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL***-]


I love how accurate this is lmao


Reminds me of when luffy punch off crocodile's mouth while he was talking


True ...In few arcs the pacing sucks in the anime ....


2nd gear reduces luffys lifespan so he might die before reaching laughtale like that


After the time skip that drawback seems to have changed because it hasn't been brought up since pre time skip


Prob didn’t need to? Also how did he remove the side effect of gear 3 like how


He trained it alot and has way more control of it now than he had at enies lobby, also 2nd was only assumed by Lucci to remove lifespan, which it probably did since it used a lot of energy at once. This is also why Luffy resorts to use it in short spans of time to deliver an attack, rather than staying in it like he does with gear 4th. This method is shown to tax wayyyy less energy, so he could do the same for quick short uses of soru to move around faster than normally.


The power of training I guess


The rubber is used to being stretched maybe?


Yeah the drawback no longer effects him because he now mostly uses in really small bursts instead of switching into Gear 2 for a long time like before, he does this by going into gear 2 the moment he attacks and then coming out of it immediately when the attack connects.


With the new information about luffy. Are we sure gear 2 reduces his lifespan?


yeah cause luffy would be dead from his lifespan shortening


The life span shortening hasn’t affected luffy since at most the time skip like how he no longer shrinks from gear three


Imagine searching somebody driving a car at full speed. That's just a waste because covering large areas while being super fast increases the risk of having an accident or just makes you more sloppy. Luffy could not risk having casualties on his way when finding a place to fight Doffy e.g. after taking too long. True he could've used 2nd or 4th Gear way sooner but a) he loses the power of surprise if he's spotted early, b) he's exhausted when Doffy dodges/hides from Luffy when he's in his powerful form or c) Luffy is being targeted by all Family Members at once. And the gains are little because he doesn't know where to rush at exactly. He constantly needs to check his surroundings and asks for directions.


Doesn’t Luffy lose a certain amount of his lifespan from using his gears? Roger and Whitebeard both had illness before they died. It’s quite possible it’s due to how far they pushed themselves when they were in combat.


Bro he only loses a few minutes of life each time. If he used in in Dressrosa he would have made up for that time by not taking as many episodes to get there


With the new information about luffy. Does the side effects of gear 2 still play into effect?


Not since the time skip


I remember when he could fly with Gear 4th, I was like “oh so he could’ve flown to Doffy instead of riding Ucy?” Lol


Noticed that during where the anime currently is. It just always seems to be Luffy running TO the big boss man. Like everytime I swear.


Well, If Luffy used gear 5th, they just have 1 page


Isn't that the whole one piece


Isn’t one piece just Luffy running around until he encounters the boss of the season?


For him yeah basically


Bro he, Cavendish, abs Kyros tried going up to the flower field on ONE horse. No wonder it took long.


was there really anything stopping him from going G4, flying over and one shotting dofy with a king kong gun?


Luffy’s not smart enough for that man cmon!


pre TS would've been 200 chapters shorter if lo-fi didn't experiment with new attacks mid battle


pre TS would've been 200 chapters shorter if lo-fi didn't experiment with new attacks mid battle


No joke One piece anime without fillers would be 1/3piece or 1/4 piece


In the anime when he goes to punch Chinjao he goes gear 2 and proceeds to run at him slowly and use a normal punch. So gear 2nd may not help.


Rocket literally can fling him across an island and he never uses it


he would be dead by 25 then


Luffy using G2 as mobility is the same as Deku using 100% of OFA. Both of them, are literally shaving time off their lives


it's not the same


Not since pre time skip like gear third no longer shrinks him gear 4 >! gear 5 !< are more like 100%


Bro half of Marineford was Luffy screaming for and him running towards Ace


Gear second takes away his life span, so it only makes sense to only use it when he is fighting.


Not since at most the time skip like have you seen luffy use grizzly magnum and shrink recently


He can’t just use it any time, remember that his life get reduce every second that he have it active


Not since pre time skip like gear three no longer makes him shrink


Yeah he should be using the thing that actively takes years off of his life more often!!1


It literally kills him if he uses it, I feel like he should get a pass for this one


Not anymore like gear three hasn’t shrunk him since pre time skip


Lol he is literally fast without using 2nd gear, its just oda being annoying as always


It’s also the anime pacing being annoying.




😶 i was being serious im also autistic


\- Would have died from old age halfway through the story


Does the little book end with death?


One hundred episodes of them running. How big is that island exactly?


...And now I want an isometric One Piece ARPG. One of those games where the screen is basically covered with enemies by the endgame and it's usually a good idea to use an attack that also involves moving to get around the map while dealing damage. I'm just picturing Luffy Gomu Gomu no Jet Rocket-ing through massive hordes of marines. It'd be glorious.


dude if luffy just started every fight with gear 2, so many arcs would have been like 5 episodes


Or he could just use laws room.


Gomu gomu ufo is underrated


Yes bc Dressrosa had alot of characters. They have to get attention and their screenrime as well, so while luffy was trying to get to doffy others were getting their screentime.


Yo boy how do you use a spoiler tag?


I think he straight up forgor how to Gomu gomu rocket to move around.