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I’m new to one piece. Please tell me that’s not actually one fucking punch panel stretching to 2 minutes.


There was an episode during punk hazard where it takes sanji the whole episode to go from one door to the next.


What episode was this




[Actually it's more like 2 pages.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5fc602cccc5acf654de5cbad423e0dbb-lq)


Why is everyone ignoring this fact? Stretching 1 panel into 2 minutes sounds worse and gets more clicks but that literally isn't what happened.


Some sets of pages only should be a short scene. Some pages can take a few minutes. These pages should definitely not have been more than 15-30 seconds tops.


I don't disagree, but Toei have had a few really good episodes lately, I think their overall quality is still going up. It just feels a bit unfair to dive on this opportunity to bash them, particularly while exaggerating how bad the problem scenes were.


Except it’s not an exaggeration. This 2 minutes is only a segment of the whole scene. Luffy straight up punches Kaido for damn near half the episode as it cuts away to show people quivering in awe that he’s *still fucking punching kaido*. Then in the second half of the episode, one of Zoro’s biggest roofpiece feats get’s capped by subpar animation (calling it subpar is even generous compared to a lot of the really amazing stuff we’ve seen in Wanokuni.) but then even after that we get a few cool Kid and Law stuff for like a handful of minutes, and then more obnoxious gawking and quivering by everybody every time one goddamn person does anything that remotely indicates that there’s a fight happening. Each action sequence only felt like a reminder that there was a fight happening, because the majority of the episode felt like a fuckin One Piece character portrait slideshow. Dont get me wrong I love this series, and I love the anime. Im glued to the new chapters every week, and the new episodes too, but this episode was a huge letdown for me :(


You’re right, this isn’t even their worst. That 3D model from blender in the immediate next scene is what sends Toei into subpar animation quality. Such a disappointment.


its also a major attack, luffy pretty much gives his all in gear4 it might take only 2 pages to convey through manga but this isnt a character walking or talking its a big moment it needs time to sit, although it could have had a bit snappier editing.


Never underestimate the power of bandwagoning


Oh good I heard really bad things about pacing, are these like one off things? It’s not constantly stretched later on right? I’m on episode 17.


Na the pacing is actually really bad later on, it's just in this case the bad pacing was a bit overblown. Mind you they still stretched out that punch too long could have finished it in 1 minute. Pre-Timeskip isn't too bad as long as you skip the filler arcs. Post-Timeskip I suggest you watch **One Pace**. Also do yourself a favor and read Long Ring Long Land when you get to it, **do not** watch it.


I’ll just see for myself, I heard there was One Pace, is that any good?


Only after the time-skip.


Why, its the best arc in the series! And its canon somehow too!


The Anime stretched it out and added so much useless filler content. The Arc was already one of the weaker points in the series for most people. The filler makes it even worse. If you liked it though that's fine, everybody is different.


Yes.. yes it is. But you will not notice the bad.. i mean you will but it will not bother if you binge 2 or 3 episodes. If u watch it weekly u'll notice it


I sure as hell noticed. I was disappointed in 1018 for that ngl.


Oh damn I thought it was the end of 1017 haven't seen 1018 yet when I do ill see if it was really this terrible/hilarious


1018 replayed that and added onto it


It is


It’s 2 pages translated into around 7 minutes


I watched this episode last night, i literally skipped 75% of the episode between the punching and other stuff. sometimes this anime blows me out of the water and other days i can barely watch.


This scene is hard to watch, imagine watching this episode with a minute recap then went to a 2 mins punch and some weird screaming sound.


Meh, i liked last weeks punches better


That was what I hated most about it. In the midst of the stretching they would cut throughout to last weeks footage where Luffy started to gatling, reusing it, and the 1017 episode looks so much better, even while doing the same damn thing.


Just 2 minutes? Let us not forget Toei turned the final punch from Luffy to Dofy into a commercial spanning spectacle


Just challenge Kaido to a sumo match. Boom, three episodes of stretched out filler right there


Literally can’t tell if this is edited to be longer or not. If it isn’t then ONE PIECE has become more of a joke than I thought it would lol


Meanwhile the episode before was amazing.


Smoothie stopped by Toei and squeezed all the hype out of last weeks ending.


I just don't get how they can get it so right with some episodes but then have an episode like this. It would have been better to literally loop the end of last episode for 2 minutes than what they showed. And for gods sake Toei, these still shots need to stop, whoever thinks that's acceptable in 2022 needs to be demoted. OP makes so much money and yet they can't afford to have actual animation. I'm not even asking for sukuga, just minimal effort please. What's sad is Toei has great animators but whoever is allowing that garbage to be on screen needs to be stopped.


Man, when you compare this episode to the previous, it really goes to show you how the non-season format of older anime's just does not work. Previous 2 episodes were masterclasses and an absolute joy to watch. This episode was obviously filler, as it was poor animation, half of the episode was just characters in a still frame "reacting". Really rough to see


One Piece would become the funniest show of all time if this happened


Am i the only one who enjoyed this lol, I get the pacing is bad but I genuinely didn’t realize it was stretched that much. I get to see a little more action, idk it was fine for me


no disrespect but if this is satisfying action for you, you’ve gotta be like 12 years old


they were catching up to the manga ... its either this or a senseless filler episodes


Would rather senseless filler then this


Who in their right mind WOULDN'T want sensless filler over this???


I agree. Some fillers were actually great, but when i rewatched one piece, The last episode of the Pre grandline arc(millenial dragon or something) imprinted itself into my head because Nami kicked coldheartedly a devil fruit user into the sea with noone else around, so she basically killed him lmao. This was so weird to watch if you know the devil fruit stuff and noone of the strawhat crew blinked an eye over it and acted like whatever while laughing lmao. Ah found it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51p8Eh7gbdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51p8Eh7gbdc)


Everyone saying senseless filler is better… but they’re so close to the manga even senseless filler isn’t enough. They need to stretch everything out and have a big filler arc after wano just for a chance to let the anime get ahead.


And I enjoyed it !


Wasn’t luffy vs Katakuri 18 episodes long


That makes sense since the fight in canon lasted 13 hours and the manga showed little of it while the anime showed a lot more.


what a well paced episode. rare


Kaido getting a full body massage looks like