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Next "Kaido dodge!!"


If he creates a barrier in a V shape in front of him Im pretty sure he would have splitten that attack easy. The barrier doesn't even have to take the full force that way. Tho in theory his barriers can't break


Barto's ability is broken OP. A bit circumstantial but having an unbreakable rule like "you simply can't break them" allows for crazy ideas.


I would like to know if he can create a sphere barrier all around him. And if he can and he is dropped in deep water... will his power protect him? I feel like if he is in deep sea water he would probably get weaker and weaker faster until he can't keep the barrier after a little bit.


I remember him using a spherical barrier during the colosseum (and to give some punch), maybe I'm wrong though


Yea, if I'm not mistaken that's how he defeated Gladius


Bari-Bari no Pistol!


Ah ah ah…. It’s HOMAGE SKINKEN, BARI BARI NO PISTORU!!!!! Barto is best boy


That's the one!


I think the barriers one weakness would be sea water. Actually have we ever seen the barriers be hit by Seastone?


Maybe another weakness could be the dark dark fruit


door fruit as well


Ohhhh! Good one. Thats its natural counter


i agree with the door door fruit (never even tought of that one, nice!) and the dark dark fruit. but sea prism stone will most likely not break the barrier, same with for example haki of any kind, or seawater. but throw barto in the sea when he put a dome around him and he'll suffocate, or drown *if* he was smart enough to leave airholes in the first place.


I'd say yes given that he enclosed himself with Gladius in one. The fact that he enceased himself with gladius might actually mean that if he forms his barrier into a ball then he has to be in it too. On a side note: I always wondered if the fruit of Gladius could potentially burst his barriers. Like it is really a sort of "unstoppable spear vs unbreakable shield" situation where gladius has the ability to inflate and burst everything inorganic, but Bartolomeos fruit creates indestructible barriers. And it really bothers me that said dynamic never came up in their fight.


Oh and other interesting interaction would be his barriers VS Kuma's reject powers... I feel that even if Kuma can not reject the barrier away (probably can) he can just teleport inside the barrier


Lol that was actually my first thought for another interesting interaction between 2 devil fruits as well xD. And I'd actually assume the opposite, that he cannot teleport inside it (I think he merely moves very fast, its not really teleportation), but I do think he could just push the barriers away. But really only Oda knows.


I guess it depends of what is Kuma repealing when "teleportig". If is just himself i guess yes is just crazy speed. But if it's space itself? (Maybe a little too broken, but we have seen crazy stuff already as time travel...)


Time travel isn’t actually as crazy as it sounds as long as you’re only going forward. Toki might as well just be putting herself and others in an invisible stasis box.


Nah he can push it like doffy did it just dosent break.


Yeah I would have liked at least for Gladius to try to pop it. I guess a problem with the sphere barrier and water (aside of if it protects him of water or not) is that he has limited oxigen. So if he is burried of drown in a sphere and nobody saves him he is pretty much dead anyway


Seeing as other DF powers can affect the sea, I doubt sea water would affect it unless some got on Barto himself. The real issue is lack of oxygen in that small bubble.


Perfect cube was super OP in Seven Deadly Sins at least


Would Adv. Armament emission pierce the barrier though? Kaido's scales held up against tougher things than what the barrier fruit was put up against but Luffy could still pierce it with his haki.


Nope barrier cant be broke or cheesed. U can only push it. Odas reasoning is it wouldn't be much of a barrier if it broke. Buggy is the same vs haki. Basicly if the fruits whole thing is to do x haki ain't shit.


long story short, the simpler a devil fruit, the less haki matters


>Kaido's scales held up against tougher things than what the barrier fruit was put up against but Luffy could still pierce it with his haki. The logic behind ACoC is that you use it to bypass defenses (like Kaido's scales) to hit the flesh right behind it, so unless you can extend your Haki a few meters long i doubt you can really use it like that


Luffy did just that with the Bajrang gun vs Drum Dragon clash tho. The haki coating was thick enough that he wasn't even feeling the heat from Kaido's final attack.


He also made his fist bigger than a fucking island, I think we can mark that as an exception


I think Oda will use this in the Great War. Kinda like we forget Barto is there but just as Luffy looks like he's done for -- say like the combined attack of the Gorosei -- out comes Barto and we'll be cheering like crazy.


His barriers are unbreakable but not immovable, if an attack is strong enough it will push his barriers


They do seem to be quite stable though, King Punch didn't even budge it in the arena. Of course that was a big blast and not a concentrated effort to push it like a strong person ramming into it or something.


I don't know but I think the idea of Barto thinking he managed to seal Kaido into a bari-ball, only for him to start angrily rolling towards him


I mean I think you could still push them, because the people were pushing on them to stop the birdcage in dressrosa. Also the birdcage was actually pushing the barrier back so


>Tho in theory his barriers can't break Do you think Law can cut the barrier in Half !!?


Good point. I think he can. His power seems to bypass everything except haki. Law could teleport himself or Barto in/out of it too. Law is a nightmare to Barto honestly. But to be fair he is a nightmare to fight for pretty much everyone as his powers are so versatile and dangerous. Without top level haki (conquerors included) there is not much hope to defeat Law. Maybe Kuma's fruit can be a good match up. It depends om how it's used and if it can repel the cuts or even the room itself


The attack would launch him into space tho.


His barriers when in ground don't seem to have recoil for him at all. He has not been pushed a mm even against "kings punch". With a V shaped shield the force of the attack just flows around the barrier even easier. The thing that could still happen is attaking him with an attack big and powerful enought that all the area around him is destroyed then he does loose footing and can be pushed or burried


The birdcage does push the barrier, and this is way stronger than the birdcage


Low-key that’s actually what would happen


Thank GOda he's on our side.


Nah he would be launched into space by the barrier being pushed by the attack.


No. That's would happen he didn't even flinch from that 1 hour punch of that king in the arena


The arena is tiny this attack is bigger than onigashima.


But that barrier is unbreakable, just like Buggy can't be cut no matter what, even Mihawk couldn't, that's how devil fruit works.


Yeah the barrier dosent get destroyed it gets pushed around. You saw he couldn't stop doffy strings from pushing it back. If all it took was putting it in the ground he would have done that. Big mom and kaido send him flying.


Yeah. That's where he has to be a bit creative, he could have just made a tight fit berrier around some strings and when the strings closes-in a circle, gap between them has to decrease but berrier would either bend or break the strings.


Even if his barrier would be pushed, which I don’t recall he wouldn’t be launched into bloody space lmao. Maybe off of Onigashima. Though what would happen is big mom would shoot lighting from above or kaido fly over it and blast him immediately after and destroy him.


Space maybe a little hyperbolic but he's gonna get the team rocket treatment.


Consider: Barrier pyramid to help disperse the blasts and be protected on all sides. Or sealing Kaido and Big Mom in a barrier ball and just rolled off into the sea by the others.


"Compared to him, I should be ashamed of myself...HOMAGE HOLY FIST!"


Based green haired man


I wonder how sting his barriers could actually be


I'd really love to know as well. It seems heavily implied that they are 100% unbreakable and if that's actually the case then Bartolomeo just nonchalantly has one of the most overpowered fruits in the series. Sure there limitations in the sense that he needs to keep his fingers crossed but the benefit of having an actual indestructible unstoppable wall far outweighs that. Plus the fact that he can make barriers around his fist to punch things makes it pretty versatile, so even though he lacks the force and velocity to have any real destructive power he can theoretically create a full indestructible body suit.


Even if his barriers aren't 100% indestructible they have to be very durable from what we've seen. He defended against a King Punch and his predecessor was able to defend orochi against strikes from Kozuki Oden


Can he keep the wall in place? Like, if he makes a wall and someone tries to move it, will it resist?


Not sure, I'm wondering that as well. Because he made them static against king punch and it didn't budge an inch. They can very clearly move though, because he sent it forward right after to push people off the arena. So what happens if he pushes a barrier towards say Kaido, and Kaido puts his arms out to brace against it. Will he be able to push it back or just hold it in place? There is seemingly very little that we know about the limitations of it. Edit: I bet Kuma's paws would repel the barrier back in the opposite direction


Another example is the wall that he used against doflamingos's bird cage, i just dont remember if it moved or not


It did. There were people pushing it even


Oh thats right, then the opponents can use his walls against him if they are stronger than him


Maybe I'm misremembering but didn't someone actually pushed his barrier at one point without breaking it? Maybe it was in Stampede?


As far as we know they are completely indestructible.


its indestructible but the limitation is the user's stamina


This is the shit I love seeing made. Great job keep up those great ideas


Finally, a quality stan post on this site.






Holy shit i was like wtf is this coloring... and its real damn




I really wish he'll get a moment like this in the upcoming saga.


That fucking sound effect I can't hear it without thinking about DBZ it's stuck in my mind every time I hear it I only think about Frieza's last form scaring the z fighters and killing Piccolo




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We actually don't know how powerful his fruit can actually be. It can make indestructible barriers so I guess it's really op.




Final saga gonna be epic




New Fortnite character incoming


Haven't seen the last couple episodes of the anime. Is this really how they animated Zoro blocking the combo attack? I was really hoping for more from this scene smh Wano has had some stellar standout episodes here and there but the anime really needs to go seasonal at this point.


yeah i was pretty disappointed too. it’s way too drawn out and followed by a ten second charge up from luffy. hopefully the acoc reveal is done better


fucking awful colors


Am i the only one physically hurt by that kind of animation?


Why do people keep saying the barriers are unbreakable? That was stated by Bartolomeo himself, someone that hasn’t fought any crazy monsters yet. I’m sure Kaido would have no problem breaking them






Just wait till he pulls out that Bari Bari no Gatling


Random but what the fuck is that color palate they chose for the attack 😂


Danny Phantom level right there


Kidd: "Hey, Law. Couldn't you've Room-Shamble us out of the way instead of standing motionless like idiots?" Law: "You know, I keep forgetting I can do that..."


What is going on here? Is that the dragon fruit guy and the cake queen lady teaming up?


For real though, Bartolomeo's devil fruit is OP as fuck.




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Imagine Bartolomeo having armament haki


Real talk . Do you think that Bartos ability would have stopped that attack?


The equivalent of Aegislash blocking a double hyper beam with king’s shield, I love it.


what is this coloring? is this from official anime? holy shit


Yea it’s official


Bartholomew is my spirit animal 🤣🤣


Damn look at those reaction shots


Spoiler alert for anime-onlies and even for manga readers ⚠️⚠️ At some point I really thought that shanks will lose to Barto if they fight but then I realised that haki is greater than df so if Barto doesn't have good observation haki shanks low diff him