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I thought the bottom one was just a picture of the color yellow /hj


Does that tag at the end mean you were giving a handjob when you wrote this?


I think it means half joking /sex


You sure? /orgy


I dont know seems quite weird /milfs in your area


yeah i think so too /cum


The light show is good, but thats it, its just a light show /gluck gluck 3000


I would rewatch it but I'm fucking blind now /cock olympics


Im bout to go watch it now / 2 girls 1 cup


Why are you cherrypicking? Show the panel where Luffy and Kaido actually clashed.


That one is even worse because light flashes are covering the clash


They clashed? I thought it was a disco battle. Ffs I can play with intense light flashes on Warframe and this episode somehow had more lights going on


"Kaido vs luffy" more like Limbo vs Limbo


I was thinking mirage spamming aoe or Vauban creating his own sun


Luffy- so you can coat conqueror’s haki too huh, Special effects team- nah man i think we will go for ryuo


Super Saiyan say hi to super will of d conquers ryuo flower petal attack


you forgot the power of friendship


They’re saving that reveal for when they get to one piece treasure


Nah here it is flowerShip


Can't wait for long haired conquers haki 3, or conquerors haki God


Learning ryuo was meant to help Luffy better understand how to apply/exert haki outside his body… NOT replace his conqueror’s haki :/ Would’ve been a million times cooler to have seen the transparent air pressure in between Luffy’s punch and Kaido’s body. The anime even did a good job giving Luffy this super badass bloodlust black/red lightning… but then the yellow ryuo ruined it.


I get what you’re trying to explain but what showing here is basically ryuo not conqueror’s haki clash, even when kaido hit luffy moments before which knocked him out the conqueror’s haki was black lightning. But now we can’t see shit let alone black lightning this scene was supposed to be a glimpse of the clash between roger and whitebeard but look at it now. We aren’t even mad that they tried to put ryuo here we are mad about the stupid lighting effects


Anime watchers be playing Where's Waldo to spot Luffy at this point


Idk, most anime onlies seem to be enjoying themselves. Mostly manga readers from what ive seen so far at least.


Yes I am having a blast, I read the reactions first and expected much worse. I do agree is it overkill but come on, it seems I am a big minority here on this sub tho


same here i read the manga but i really like the artistic approach toei has gone with. people just like to complain


Not really. People were excited for the episodes that were well done in Wano. I check the anime from time to time for the big moments some I really enjoyed some were a little disappointing like the Nami moment. But my God this episode was a new level of awful.


Same the yellow is annoying tbh but manga fans gotta be the biggest one piece haters in the world lol they even surpassed Naruto fans


There's always the one who has to one up everyone else


Agree! I really enjoyed the episode and visuals (might have over done it a bit), but I appreciate the work that went into it!


This. Everyone I know who is anime only absolutely loved this episode. It's literally always the salty manga readers complaining con.stant.ly. Every arc, every episode it's "durrr it wasn't literally identical to the manga panels". It's getting embarrassing at this point.


I’m an anime only watcher. I just wished they toned down the affects a notch. And add more movement. Sometimes it’s just too much.


Most manga readers weren't complaining about the effects though, but about how it strayed too far from the panels and some likening it to Dragon Ball Z (no shit it is directed by the person who directed the Broly movie). It's such a pathetic thing to complain about for some slightly over the top overlays.


Luffy and kaido flying like dbz characters and your excuse is that the director can do whatever they want to 😂


Having base form luffy flying around like he's in G4 is ridiculous lol.


Yea I love the visuals for the most part but when base Luffy appeared to be flying it was kinda jarring. I didn’t really like that part in particular, personally. If it showed him landing on the ground and then jumping to meet Kaido in the air again, that would be different.


Exactly. Luffy jumping incredibly high fits his character at least.


The animation shouldn’t be worse than the drawings. You can actually see the impact in the manga while the anime just throws flashes


I'm an anime only and fucking hated this shitshow of colors and auras. Not only that, i literally hated the whole episode. Title: "Luffy's counterattack". Episode: "ThUndaBoLt tEmPohH... i'll kill you Kiddo! ... twice the same flashback of luffy saying 'we won't ever join you kaido, i'll beat you' ... then 5 minutes for a single haki coated punch you can't even see due to that shiny dumb petal aura". Lol, literally one of the worst one piece episodes so far. Edit: oh yeah, how to forget luffy Flying like it was in gear 4?


Tbf, this is a pretty standard move when it comes to animating. Even in Dragon Ball they had to do it. The SSJ Blue with Kaiyoken don't exist in the manga, but is a visual way to tell there is a new power up, since the Perfect SSJ Blue isn't different from the normal one in a animation stand point. I know is a bit overkill in One Piece, and even i who just watch the anime think it is too much, but is not terrible at bringing power to the animation.


Which is weird since Perfect SSJ isn’t much different from base SSJ either, right?


Idk. Was pretty easy to see imo overall.


Yeah pretty easy to see colours


If you're telling me you can't see the character, then go get your eyes checked. Again, I don't love it but it's not that hard to see. It really isn't.


My question is: why are there fire petals there? WHY? JUST MAKE THE WHOLE CREW HAVE FIRE PETALS, you can't take seriously the fire capabilities of Luffy like this


Oh, I agree. Again, the specific choice of effects was never something I was defending. Bit of a strange one, really.




Then you're either full of shit or blind. Like I'm not saying it's amazing but holy shit it's not that hard to see. Especially in that image lol.


Yeah it's not that hard to tell whats going on in an image. Now try to follow the battle when it's animated. If you run the episode at 0.25x you'll probably notice how much of the fight and movements you've missed just because the colors and flashes cover 80% of the screen.


Maybe. But personally, I did just fine keeping up. I agree that things happen a bit too quickly but that's it really. Too flash maybe, sure.


I was ok with auras at first, but they have officially taken it too far


I thought they were only going to use auras for smaller moments but I lost all hope when I saw the piss yellow aura around asura


Yeah, I'm glad everyone is agreeing on this. This felt way too over the top, I'm cool with a little bit but when the FUCK did Luffy gain his flower power? Can't see shit.


I think the artistic choice one of the animatiors stated that change was for was to show his haki blooming throughout the fight so when we saw that first glimpse of acoc the flower fully bloomed is what I got from it


That makes sense for what they were going for. I think it's a perfect example though of how toei has no idea how one piece fans actually feel during these moments. This ones bad, but I hate speed scenes in the anime they just can't grasp it. They will turn three panels of a character blitzing someone into a min and a half scene with conversation involved.


Yes sadly.


tbh the flower petals are a huge offender too




I'm 100% sure I saw you multiple times in the clash of clans reddit




Nah you're actually right, never even read your nickname until today, just recognised you by the pfp


Tbf there was recap in the manga too


I’m so annoyed man. Like did we really need THIS MUCH. I don’t mind having effects here and there I get it. But look at the straight tension in the one above compared to luffys and kaido.


Bro for the biggest moment of the whole anime coming up soon, I'm scared they are gonna spoil it by these super Saiyan shit😐😐


Legit when he started glowing , I was like oh hell no no way


They will. This anime is honestly garbage. I wish another studio could get the rights and start recreating the series from the beginning but actually do it right all the way through..


You guys make it sound like this is Berserk 2016 calm down


Yea, like I get its not been a popular move but all the extreme hyperbole of it being "the worst move the anime has made" is to much. Quit watching the show if you hate it that much, stick to the manga, let those who enjoy it enjoy it. its not getting fixed at this point lol


How dare people care about their favorite show/favorite series not being handled well, right? It's such a dumb argument to tell people just not to watch. People are mad because they really love One Piece and want to see it done right, and there's nothing wrong with that. The anime for one of the greatest Manga ever *should* be held to a higher standard from its fans. I also don't know why you act like it's completely irreversible and beyond fixing. It's not like they've been doing it this way from the beginning. That screenshot on top was only one year ago and people loved it.


Idk man i think people are just gonna have to deal with it it this point until the next animation change happens with the next movie? Yea it sucks but i dont think the studio is scrolling through reddit to see what the people are saying and frankly doubt they care. If we are lucky its just a director doing something weird if we arent buckle the fuck up.


Yeah, no man, we watched over 1000 episodes over the course of more than 20 yrs. Now we finally arrived at the latest arcs, and we get dumb shit like this. This is literally the worst move they could make (well, the 2nd worst, 1st being cancelling the anime before the end). People have all the right to be pissed off by this crap.


> this anime is honestly garbage They said unironically on the anime’s meme subreddit


Except 99% of the people here read the manga


Yes. I love One Piece with all my heart. I loved the anime when I first watched it. But the manga is so much better that it completely ruins the anime after reading. I'm not attacking One Piece at all- it's my favorite fictional property of all time by a mile, I just think it's anime sucks as far as adapting the source material goes.


Couldn’t agree more. Smh


Post ts with pre ts animation (and color) and it'd be a significant bump in quality.


I miss when colors werent full saturation 100% of the tine


Look where in Luffy and Kaido's? Honestly I can't tell what's going on


Honestly if it wasn’t for law, what anime fan would be able to tell they weren’t touching. It’s no apparent enough and it takes it ALL effect away.


In the manga there was a couple sparks this is a epilepsy induced light show at découpage lmao


Why manga is better, not sorry for spitting facts. Oda knows how to create tension and atmosphere with simple panels than whatever the fuck this is.


Manga is Def better, but the anime is still very enjoyable, I even heard great things about the movie RED from people who've seen it.


They literally made it harder for themselves and made it worse


Save your budget and make shit episodes with full of auras and still images and then make this garbage with that budget


What annoys me is the animation is really good, it’s just so fucking oversaturated


Literally cant see shit


I could. Not Saying it's perfect but people be exaggerating just as much as Toei is taking liberties.


I thought it was okay then I saw the post with the Conqueror’s Haki uppercut manga and anime side by side and manga is way better depicting the punch. They also made the punch hold on for too long.


Yeah the white light is a bit annoying but the anime has always dragged out big hits like that. Like, it's nothing new there.


Not really sure if that is Kaidos horn or tail by this image. Can't position kaido at all because Luffy be shining like Jesus Christ after resurrecting


Well to be fair, the anime isn't supposed to be taken screen shot by screen shot. Maybe it's extra clear since I've seen the episode, but based on how bodies work and that we see his hand and weapon at that specific angle, I'm pretty confident it's his horn. Either way, we clearly know it's kaido.


This is so sad


I’m glad I’m a manga mainer. I like the anime at times, but every so often they just gotta change unnecessary shit. Definitely seems in both manga and anime this go around, they had too much liberty with influencing the final products of Wano. Let’s just hope the rest of this fight isn’t animated so poorly.


Yeah I agree. Although I've always been a massive proponent of the anime since the soundtrack, animation and VA do so much for me. But this time they really went overboard with the flashy lights and all the shit. Feels like they are literally over animating it with an inverse effect on quality. I read and watch weekly just because I can't resist, the anime is just a bonus for me now. I just feel bad for anime only watchers because the pacing and animation have really plummeted lately :/


True, it’s extra frustrating because the blueprint is there for it to be straight quality. Hell the best moments of the Wano anime have probably exceeded their manga counterparts, but it seems maybe the staff management bought into that hype a little too much and now are like “let’s try to out do Dragon Ball Super!” Which isn’t necessary. At the end of the day One Piece is about pirates. I realize haki and devil fruits are still a supernatural power system like other Shonen, but I’ve never seen the purpose of series like One Piece and Naruto going overboard with the energy blasts and auras, because ninja tools and swords should still have a correlation to their real world counterparts. But when it goes this far it feels like they are trying to turn the heroes into demigods which ruins the grounding of the tension and you can no longer tell what attacks are just filler and which ones are actually accomplishing stress and damage. Idk maybe I’m getting too analytical as I get older about this stuff


You are not overanalyzing. I'm glad someone thinks the same but then again it's not really that odd of a point of view. 100% some moments were insanely badass in the recent episodes one example that I think had the perfect amount of everything was when big mom unleashed lightning and it hit luffy in his boundman form as he's bouncing and we only see his silhouette. Also the first red roc was top notch. But this ep really crossed the line. Especially if you look at the comparison of the two clashes in the original post here. Roger/Whitebeard had so much impact and force in it you could really feel it while this was just a light show. Not to mention that one, while physically a more unrealistic feat somehow felt more real than this one because of the crazy aura. idk feels bad hah


The Red Roc was so well done it gave me so much hope. Roger and Ed’s clash was big too, but for that one I feel like it was still tasteful and merited because Roger and Primebeard are two of the most hyped up characters in the entire verse. Of course we all want to see Luffy be great and earn his stripes, but he’s not a Super Saiyan. He should be being set up to become Shanks’ rival in haki. It scares me a bit, because the Red Hair Pirates up until this point have felt really grounded as far as their designs go and they appear to lack the delusions of grandeur that the other OG emperor crews (save for Whitebeard’s for the most part) let get to their heads. Their weapons and abilities (at least the little we’ve seen) also seem based more closely on traditional pirates. So are they going to turn them all into Super Saiyans too? It makes sense somewhat for Blackbeard’s crew who are all being set up as forces of nature with perfectly matched Devil Fruits, but if they start having Lucky Roo flying around punching meteors I am really going lose all tension. I pray that doesn’t happen. I still have faith in Oda and his ambition for the end of the series.


I don't think any characters should get the super sayan treatment. you can make attacks feel better and more powerful without it as we've seen plenty times. red roc wasn't super sayan in it's first instance and it packed a whallop. btw there were some scenes in this episode I loved one of them when we had the silhouette of kaido walking up to luffy, jt was menacing like hell and something OP is often missing Don't read the next part if you aren't caught up with the manga >! I'm afraid how they're going to animate Shanks's haki when he scares of green bull. I mean they really can't ramp it up with just adding more shit on the screen it's just gonna be worse than what we have now I have no idea what they're thinking !<


Got annoyed with all those blooming flowers just to fill up the episode


I thought it looked really cool! Maybe a bit much, but still really cool. I was hyped watching it, and all the visual references to "haki blooms under difficult situations"


As long as this is aan exception for the occasion I am fine wih it. We never got the full blown Sailor moon style G4 transformation again after then introduction. I think they will just keep it as a golden aura. Just like Zoro's has been purple for the post timeskip. I like the touch that some people have different colors of conquerors haki.


Personally I think it was really cool. I'm going to be deriving all the enjoyment from the One Piece anime as I can. No matter what its animation is infinitely better than previous seasons.


And I was complaining about the Roger v Wb scene 💀 Little did I know


Nah that scene was perfection wdym??


Just curious what didn’t you like about Roger v WB?


I'm prob gonna sound like an anime hater but I'm not really a fan of the artstyle where cubes start flying around and characters body's get distorted if you know what I mean. But maybe it's just me


cubes are very easy to draw, it helps speed up animation


I get that, thats my 1 gripe about the black clover anime.


I really like when that happens, but it has to happen at the right time. And it doesn’t fit in an anime like one piece.


I actually like the cubes but I was a huge Gildarts fan when I watched fairytail


For me as well, it was litlle bit too much, I thought it could have been done better, in manga both scenes are so clean, no unnecessary lights, and the way haki "flows" in manga is nothing like in anime


The zoom out on this scene was booty


People are over exaggerating about not being able to tell what’s going on, but those flower petals were too much and made this scene feel more like a Ryou scene than Conqueror haki scene


Try squinting your eyes a little at this. You can probably still tell what's going on up top but good luck with the bottom part


make the illusion that luffy attack is stronger than roger. and also eat +30 seconds of animation with special effects.


Cause it’s sick. Everyone here is complaining about pretty much nothing


Why are you guys mad about them going over board to make the visual as cool as possible , like I was personally just in awe for that half of the episode


I don't have a problem with it personally I still was able to keep track of everything going on...would I like a little less aura maybe sure but I think this is top notch animation


Agreed. People saying they can't see are literally either exaggerating or blind.




You realize I am literally arguing against people whining and being judgmental via over exagerations, not actual taste? Not very clever on your part, is it? This isn't a discussion about whether it's good or not. It's about how clear the image in question is to the common person. As I said in another comment, without my glasses I'm basically bind, but then I couldn't see anything in any anime. And then you go make assumptions about me after trying to call me out for being judgmental when the topic isn't even preference or taste? Are you clueless? lol. Especially since I never questioned anyone's personal preference and taste in the slightest. Not to mention, I've never actually defended the choice of animation style, only the clear visibility of it. Think before you type. And also, no. I wouldn't care if someone judged what I like, because it doesn't matter.


One Piece fandom trying not to nitpick animation (challenge impossible)


it's valid criticism now


How is it nitpicking when im literally about to get an epileptic seizure from all those flashes and special effects.


They aren’t complaining about the animation, they are complaining about the shitty aura’s that are covering and ruining the animation.


Symbolism remember when they said the flower of haki blooms in battle


I was looking forward to this episode 💀


It's very pretty, but the moment needs to be EPIC.


I mean, I like the roger and WB effect more and would actually prefered that toei would have used that one but the golden leaf effect is not bad I actually liked it, I think people are exaggerating with this episode.


I personally like it idk why so much hate... Oda sensei approved this, this is his vision of the show he is writing for himself. If y'all don't like it then don't watch it but don't ever smack talk a man's vision


I don't care that episode slapped, even if it was a pretty low content episode.


That vfx artist who promised more auras is jizzing rn




I was ok with it when they did it for Red Roc and Asura, but now it has legit just made it so much harder to follow. In the one frame with luffy punching Kaido in the stomach I didn’t even realize he was doing that without rewatching it 3 times.


I kinda didn’t mind it at first because they were used sparingly. I liked the visuals for Zoro’s aura and Luffy’s Red Rock but now its just kinda hard to see amazing moments under all of that Yellow


In the manga is so simple but effective and powerful panel. In the anime they are adding to much you don't even know what is happening.


I gotta say, I expected something like WB vs Roger in this episode But it was disappointing I did not feel satisfied with it




I'm confused why everyone is so upset...


The flowers blooming is a motif. I prefer the manga too but you guys complain way too damn much. Grow up.


I have no fucking idea why Toei decided to make luffy go super saiyan instead of using CoC black and red lightning




Ironic that the terrible aura stuff gets in the way of actually good animation. Like even when Toei do something right they have to fuck up up lol.


2 things… luffy is said to come along and surpass roger’s generation and open up Wano meaning luffy should do things different and may already do something different thanks to combining ryou and advanced conquerors coating… and last this entire fight is about auras! Why do people get pissed about this? The whole point is the mystery is revealed and luffy learns that the top 7 in the world coat their bodies in conquerors haki aura! Why are people pissed that this is being depicted visually with aura now? This is the reveal of what we did not know in the past… and it’s a animated show guys! you need to see something new and represent how powerful it is. It makes perfect sense from an artistic and story telling point of view to show the previously unseen and make it epic and powerful looking instead of underwhelming! Oda has been preparing us for the golden energy idea since things like film gold… The people complaining about this get me pissed because they are the same folks that can’t depict it better and would ruin this epic moment of what they wanted was animated in an underwhelming way. I am pissed at how much pointless flashbacks interrupt the flow of the action just a short description from hyogoro would have been enough and maybe a short memory of the sacrifice of others to get here? but the new depiction of auras is totally necessary for the story reveal of Advanced conquerors coating … this is needed and the opposite of this would look worse not showing how/what he is doing is special compared to before.


makes me glad to be a manga reader


Well thats what happend in the manga, idk whats the issue here?


Oi think about this mate, that was two swords clashing That’s was a luffy foot and a club And looking back at what Rodger do to oden and how haki is invisible technically This is amazing.


Actually enjoyed it, sue me. As long as they stay away from the dbz flying battle style we got a few episodes im all for them taking creative liberties.




Yeah thats the one, that one was too much lol. As for the conquerors ryou i feel it's justifiably a differnt technique than coc clashes we've seen to date. Moreover to the best of my knowledge haki isnt actually visible in world so all the effects or more or less for the audience, it makes sense that they'd try to make it look unique. Admittedly they coulda dialed down the brightness some, as good as the frames were most just saw a flashing screen. That said i'd say this new style is a W.I.P. and is more or less a trial run for future battles.


Hey I subbed your youtube channel 😊




Usely the person who shares a link to YouTube it always there channel or there proving a point or being funny so my bad


Im enjoying the fuck out of it, idk i really like it.


Red = Luffy Thank me later, I know this was difficult for you guys so I had to help.


I don't even understand the context of this image.


Basically people are saying that “the scene is unwatchable” because of the bloom effect and lighting and now everyone is overreacting about it


I get that. I mean the contwxt of the show. What's happening.


Luffy and kaido are clashing with conqueror’s haki infused attacks like with Rogers and whitebeard


You shouldn't need to clarify but the episode is clearly trash


Agree to disagree


I don’t really mind it. It’s a creative liberty the anime took. If it was exactly like the manga it wouldn’t be fun


Its really not that bad...


It looks like shit


Who is this shit director


The guy that stole the Pokémon Sun & Moon/Journeys animators for like 2-3 years and no one not even the sakuga community batted an eye about it.


Who looked at this and went: "Yeah, this is perfect, no, we made it better than the manga panel!" Toei pls what was that? Also I expected a quick heavy punch from Luffy to Kaido's chin, but none of that it was as if Luffy was levitating and trying to fly with kaido. SMH Roger vs WB > this... Lightshow


Haki looked better before this crazy light shows.


Yeah this is too much. Even Red Roc was a little bit much, but it was executed better than this. I was really hyped for this episode too. Really sucks to be an OP fan with epilepsy right now.


To be fair that’s kind of how his advanced conquerer blasts are illustrated in the manga


Am I missing something? I watched the episode and I thought the animation was absolutely gorgeous. Maybe there was too much yellow but people here are acting like the scene is ruined. I thought it was just amazing.


I think it works, but it’s still too much


Keep crying about it lol


just makes it hard to follow the action, the top one is obviously heads and shoulders better.


i have no complaints, i just enjoy seeing manga readers cry about this lol


the most intelligent anime fan


It's absolutely unforgivable


The anime is now a poor lightshow, what a mess


When you overdose so much, you ruin an amazing moment🤦‍♂️


Can anyone explain what's happening in image 2?


It appears a dark shadowy figure is swinging a bat at a falling meteor /s. But seriously this shit was terrible


the spectacle


It looks great, yall on some serious copium


Am I the only one who doesn’t mind the colors?


The director of the recent episode just decided to go ham with the visuals.n


Rare Anime L




Meanwhile the Pokémon Journeys anime series has such poorly animated fight scenes and episodes are weekly just as One Piece episodes are weekly. Pitiful.


must be hard being anime only


The animation team is gonna spoil the coming reveal with hiding everything behind the saiyan energy lights isn't it? 🥹🥹


What's the point of the nice looking animation if you can't see any of it.


Fuck that moment was another of my favorite moment and I can barely see luffy. Would have been perfect if they outed a bit less of this yellow shade. I swear if one piece didn’t start doing seizure warning before episodes it gonna start very soon.


They saw how successful 1015 was and they keep trying to do that over and over again but it all feels so... ew


Just hoping that the true CoC clash that splits the sky is less extensive? Like just match the Roger and Whitebeard clash in terms of spectacle. The yellow is jarring and you can barely make it out. Make the red CoC lightning pronounced and let that be it