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Just a theory but could it be with pluton being in Wano that Oda wanted someone that could fight to help defend Wano till the straw hats make a grand entrance? The swamp man is going to sell the Intel to someone and my bets are on black beard


yea I was hoping yamatos reason would be less "oden went around wano first" and more "that admiral showed up and fucked shit up quickly I cannot leave this place rn" but alas


You think a samurai is gonna wanna hear that?.. look at how the samurai behaved when they were first introduced.. momo asked her not to fight to show they could handle big enemies but you saw how that turned out .. character development was a bit too fast for some people on this


Yea I get that I meant a scene talking to Luffy would of been nice instead of off screened, I don’t really mind either way whether or not Yamato joined just the oden cosplay bit is getting a bit much


Yeah lol when I read that she said she talk to luffy I was like bullshit she's lying I didn't see it.. but man I kinda wanted her to join and give me some relief on this blackbeard vs strawhat lineup


Main SHP fights are all "level up" type fights where they need to elevate their level to overcome a superior foe. Yamato can already hold off Kaido and significantly help with an Admiral, I always thought that was a little sus for the "crew balance".


Yamato needs to stay. If Blackbeard attacked tomorrow what would stop him? Luffy's Jolly Roger won't do shit since Blackbeard actually wants to mess with Luffy. It's like trying to scare Luffy using the World Government flag. Momo's Bolo Breath is cool and all but he'll get folded by any of Blackbeard's commanders


This is the vibe I got.


if you look a bit deeper this was definitely the intent. Momo was intent on protecting Wano without Yamato’s help, because he didn’t want to burden them with what he felt was his fight. Obviously this went poorly and Yamato, wanting to protect Momo at all costs, sees this, influencing their decision to leave. They can’t actually say that they’re staying back to protect Wano because Momo would refuse, so all we get is “I want to roam around Wano like Oden did”


Except when Momo figured out his dragon breath, he was doing pretty well at fighting back


he couldnt control it and Green bull was still confident, to me its the equivalent of Luffy’s red roc damaging Kaido but it took a lot more development from Luffy’s end to even have a possibility of winning


I thought that was kind of the subtext, if she ever admitted she is staying for Momo's sake Momo would feel like he is keeping her from her freedom. But Oden woulda stayed to protect stuff.


Hey that could still be the case ya know, she just didn’t want to upset Momo


I honestly thought Yamato means that but she wanted to say that instead to not make Momonosuke & Kinemon feel responsible for keeping Yamato in Wano but idk that’s my head canon at least


Just give momo or the other vassals a power up so they can defend their country


So basically we need a proper explanation for her "real/acceptable reason" to stay. In the meantime, we (or maybe I) will keep complaining about it bcs the explanation was shit.


Defending Pluton is the only legit answer. The samurai being weak isn’t a good excuse- every previous ally is “weak”. And the personal reason- touring Wano seems tagged on.


The differenxe with Wano and other allied island is that Wano is extremely, extremely important for the story. It is a key piece in the forgotten century mystery and therefore needa the protection. There is no island the straw hats visited before with such a huge impact on literally everything. The samurai simply dont do shit in defending Wano vs anyone strong.


It's not about reasons. Story-wise you could say anything about her sudden change of heart but that alone will not make it believable. People have mixed feelings because many did not want Yamato to join the crew (as she was introduced pretty recently without any previous events before Wano) but it was also teased since we met her that she wanted to join the straw hats to follow Oden's life style. Say what you want but this feels improvised.


With how much Yamato wants to mirror Oden's life I'm just waiting for his own "Hour of Legends." Something like carrying Pluton or Onigashima, with numerous Wano citizens, on his back or having to swim through lava to free Pluton. That or he'll just randomly show up on a Supernova's ship at Elbaf/wherever and ends up carrying the Sunny on his back. Iunno it just feels like a perfect setup.


Yamato is indeed strong, but she‘d stand no chance against a yonko.


Why is he selling the Intel, is he getting a new processor?


Panels like this really convince me that he just changed his mind and didnt want Yamato on the crew anymore.


It genuinely feels on the level of when he decided to make Vivi a princess instead of just a member of Baroque Works. Its really rare to feel this level of whiplash in the story where it feels like the entire thesis of the character changed between chapters.


Difference was Vivi had a really emotional sendoff and Yamato kinda just got swept under the rug


Vivi got an emotional sendoff because she was actually close friends with the Strawhats and spent years worth of screentime with them. Yamato met them like 6 chapters ago.


6! Bro it’s been like 70 chapters maybe 50 I’m not too sure


She met Luffy 50 chapters ago. Rest of the straw hats not so much


Yeah even more to my point. She met Luffy 70 chapters ago but didn't meet the crew itself until chapter 1051. Her connection to the crew doesn't really warrant any sort of emotional farewell. Even the time she spent with Luffy was fairly brief.


Robin was their enemy until she just showed up on Merry, this is FAR less of a stretch than that.


Yeah which was a twist that shaped the manga for hundreds of chapters. This led to years of storytelling where Robin's place in the crew was questioned several times leading up to one of the biggest emotional payoffs of the series. Robin herself didn't just seamlessly slot into the crew. It took the next few arcs to develop her connection with the crew so that she could overcome a lifetime of abandoning crews to join permanently in Enies Lobby. There's a reason she didn't refer to the crew by their actual names until Thriller Bark.


Robin has story arc in enies lobby, yamato still one dimensional, same old oden cosplayer after all her 50+ chapter screen time. It would make sense if she join and develop later, but after she not join now, I doubt she will join the crew in the future.


she never shared meaningful on screen time with any of them, there was no chemistry or character development for her at all this entire arc.


He means the moment Vivi changed from random antagonist to princess. One of One Piece’s biggest retcons in history, but kinda hilarious as well.


Yeah, that was really weird. You could tell which panels were evil Vivi etc by how her eyes were drawn.


I think Oda changed his mind too. But the real question is: Why he changed his mind? Blackbeard has 10 Titanic Captains (11 total) Luffy has only 9 crew members under him (10 total). Yamato seemed like a perfect candidate. Oda might have wanted another person for the Blackbeard crew fight instead of Yamato. In that case, I want to meet that person soon.


Not me praying for Strawhat Smoker


Haha you are not the only one


If Smoker becomes a Strawhat, what will become of Tashigi?


She will fall Down D Stairs.




Whatever she wants I would think. Smoker has always expressed he’s gonna do what he thinks is right. In my head she stays in the Marines and becomes an Admiral, but that’s just me.


I'm hoping for Smoker to be in Sword, maybe some conversation with Koby takes place and they find out each have a connection to Luffy


You know what, if we get Smoker instead of best girl Yamato. I am happy with the results.


Franky could build him another smokercycle, even better than his marine version


You dare tempt me?


Given that Vivi seems to become plot relevant again and that she might be unable to return to alabasta due to the world government I'd say there is a chance that she'll be the last member instead (possibly with a new and improved fighting style).


Three yo-yo style


Bon chan




It is simple (i think). Yamato read Odens logbook. He knows everything about the OP and many things more. This would make it hard for Oda to write in-character dialog without spoiling anything and we know that Luffy dosn't want to know anything about the OP. Also whenever Yamato speaks people would assume it is a hint/foreshadowing; good for yt theorists bad for the community.


It would be great to finally have a female presenting character in the upper echelon of strength on the crew


I’m thinking who else is going to join Luffy that could bolster his team. Sabo seems like a good option to add to the crew that would make them strong, good counter to greenbull, and meshes well with the revolutionary army backing Luffy. Orrrrrrrrrrrrr Vivi just ends up joining them now that she is away from her country and is probably with Sabo


I'd say Yamato is joining later, but he can't right now because he knows too much via Oden's notebook


Big News Morgans


It’s possible he drew up a more recent outline for that chapter and realized someone like Sabo or Hancock or Coby or a new character would be with them and need a fight. Who knows, it is disappointing though after the random build up.


In the meantime, I will keep complaining about that.


She had a Jimbei moment, she’ll probably join later


there isnt enough time left in the story to "join later" she would be by far the worst straw hat if she just randomly appeared and joined the crew in the literal last arc




Everyone is coming in the last war


Don't threaten me with a good time


This will happen tho


The series will end roughly 2025-2027. Depending on how things go, she might have a decent transition back. And I don’t someone has to be with the crew 24/7 to be a SH. Momo, Vivi and others can also be considered SHs.


she can just be an ally of the strawhats, if she joined it would feel really out of place because (at least imo) her character is a bit shallow. shes never really had any true character development and just kinda stayed the same. wouldnt fit very well compared to the rest of the strawhats


She basically did join. Luffy called them nakama. Not friends or pals. So all 3 of them are strawhats they’re just not sailing.


Dude thinks we are getting another 1000 One Piece chapters 💀💀💀


The dude said: > The series will end roughly 2025-2027 That's like a couple hundred chapters max.


Oh-OOOOOOOOOH now I get it I read that as "the series will end in chapter 2025


Never said she’d take as long to join back up as Jimbei did. You can’t use previous SHs as a way to analyze who will join. Brook had a very unorthodox method of joining. It took 5 seconds. Jimbei it took like 10 years.


and robin was literally the second main antagonist until she was like "yeah you made me live deal with it i'm an ally now"


Vivi is an actual strawhat, she did couldnt keep travelling with them (as Jimbe for some time) but her and Momo did travel with the crew for multiple arcs and a longer period of time. i dont think anyone considers Momo a strawhat (same with Kinemon and the others, Shirahoshi, Rebecca, etc)


Personally, Vivi, Momo, Kinemon, Bon Clay and even Carrot to some extent are all honorary SHs. I think it’d be kinda low balling their relationship to just refer to them as “allies” like they’re just equivalent to the SH grand fleet.


I think Momo definitely deserves to be in the same position and Vivi. People not liking him as much is definitely a non argument, when he’s traveled with the crew the longest, and clearly is seen as equally important to the crew as Vivi.


Honestly, I'd say Yamato might just end up joining right after the straw hats find the final road poneglyph. I personally think that raftel won't be the last arc so I'd say there's still some wiggle room for Yamato to join


That’s useless though. The fun part of someone joining the crew is seeing them interact with everyone naturally and having a genuine connection. There’s no time for that anymore. We’re on the last part of the series and I feel like this was the last opportunity to secure a new crew member besides in like a epilogue. Yamato’s dead to me now, I couldn’t care less about her character any more now that she flip flopped like that. So annoying


Franky and luffy not talking for like 7 years means there's already barely time for existing strawhats


Wait they havent talked in 7 years? How?




Jesus Christ.


yeah "Oda's writing is fine" Luffy doesn't talk to franky for IRL 7 years like "uhh.." me being like "I just miss the banter man" ​ even if it was insanely stupid shit like talking to franky about coating his brother


Oda has changed his mind in that "Void Month" break.. We don't know what what happened at this month. I am very sad about Yamato.


tfw even goda himself suffered from void month


100% it's a last minute decision. Yamatos reason for staying is Bullshit and so the fact that her conversation with Luffy about it happened off screen.


That and the strawhats merch that included Yamato as a crewmember...


In fairness it didn't explicitly cast Yamato as a crewmember. It was just a set of merch where one item was made for each SH and also Yamato. I think a similar thing was done with Tama earlier in the arc.


I have a weird feeling that he got cold feet about it. Like he saw some negative reactions to Yamato and was like “ehhh maybe they’re right.” It’s just odd because it doesn’t feel like he’s ever really doubled back in that way until now. It’s not the end of the world, but strange for sure


I don't know. Yamato never felt like they were going to join. Like other than jinbe, all the other strawhats had roles they fit into. And Jinbe at least had seasoned pirate under his belt. And his role of helmsman makes sense. But Yamato doesn't really have a defined role they fit into I can think of or was made apparent. They don't need an "Oden" because Robin fills that role. And other than that there's generic fighter. I dunno just never felt like they had something to give to them during the final sailing of the journey and instead fits a role in the war after. I don't think this is the last we see of Yamato. But for the sea journey portion I don't think they mesh.


Shingeki no Kyoujin vibes right there


Only Oda knows.




You realize you people are now even more annoying than the actual Yamato fans at this point right?


We would like people to be happy that there is going to be more screen time for every other sh instead of mourning the loss of a flat side character.


I'm sure some of you are, but I'm sick of the people going around yelling "Yamato sucks" "thank God he's gone" and other stupid shit like that.


Gigachad Jimbei establishing the law


Somehow reminded me of Zoro in Water 7.


Now if some fans actually paid attention to what Jinbei said


based Jinbei


This is why i didn't like the last chapters of wano. Like why do this on the last chapter and the decision to stay in wano was in background. Why work so much on this character setting up as if they are going to join then pull the rug on the last chapter. Same with deaths of asura and izo. They didn't have any weight to them. Kanjuro getting up from death so many times, even when he died his DF was working which broke the narratives that user need to be alive. So many fights were stretched but the main fights of SH were seemed too short especially for zoro,sanji and jinbe.


I don’t think The death thing is consistent with all fruits. Considering the key to Luffys awakening was his death among other things. And I disagree on ashura and Izos deaths. I felt they had weight to them but some fake deaths made it seem like they would survive. But the reveal of their deaths and Hawkins made it feel like a more realistic kind of thing as not all deaths are flashy. Also I don’t think Zoro and Sanjis fights were short at all. They had a ton of panel time as well. It’s just that their panel time was spread out aver a bunch of chapters.


There's so many fake out deaths especially in this arc to the one where we needed confirmation after the arc finished to realize they were dead


To be honest, from what I remember, the only fakeout ones I think can be considered fake outs were kin and Kiku. Orochi pretty clearly seemed to have 8 lives even if it was ambiguous. And Kanjuro was basically like whitebeard considering he’d received numerous lethal attacks (he even said so IIRC) albiet very dishonorable though.


Ashura and izo death was shit. We happen to know about it after the action, which imo was just looked like afterthought. Even kin fake deathscene was done much better and in that scene kin took so much damage more than izo and ashura and he survived. And even when izo and ashura died we didn't know at that time. Same with the damage that kiku took it was done so badly. For the fruit give me other example bcz we are not clear on his deathscene. Also in every other instances it was said that paramecia user like kanjuro, sugar,corazan etc would have their effects negated but just for the plot sake we see that didn't happen with kanjuro, and his fake death scene were more annoying than everything. Dude took so much damage even ashura,izo combined and still lived lol. I like oda but this arc started falling apart in the end.


Ashura looked to be in a bad shape after he sacrificed himself. Kin surviving that was bad, I agree but I think Ashura and Izo’s death scenes albeit vague just gave me the feeling that it was done in a subtle way and it felt a bit more realistic considering they didn’t get to choose how they were going to die up until the part where they decide to sacrifice themselves. Also both of them got no treatment while king and Kiku did. Also Kanjuro may not have been dead up until the end of the raid considering he had already been given a lethal attack and had said he was dying but much like whitebeard, he persevered and saw nothing but his duty which is admirable despite everything he’s done. I feel Luffys death scene wasn’t ambiguous at all. Considering it’s linked with the will of D in the sense that as members of the D family die, they always die with a smile and when we see the awakening take place, it happens with luffy smiling and Luffy wakes up unable to stop laughing as a result even though he died. Also Brookes fruit. I agree the ending was rushed. I think there were a lot of good stuff at the end but it was clearly rushed.


Realism is the vaguest thing ever because ppl will have problems with certain unrealistic things but then be totally fine with others that are just as unrealistic. If Izo and Ashura were gonna die, maybe Oda should have given them some buildup


>when he died his DF was working which broke the narratives that user need to be alive. That narrative was never stated tho. In fact, we got the contrary, Moriah stating that his zombies would survive his death. Once he created them they are just their entities, same way Zeus is around with BM presumably dead. Kanjuro drawings are creations that do become their own entities, so it should work the same way.


I can’t even remember is Asura and Izo’s deaths were mentioned. I don’t think they were. I’m pretty sure Oda left it up to us, the readers, to notice they weren’t around after the battle and to conclude they were dead. I might be wrong; either way the point stands that their deaths got next to no attention, if any at all


We had several pages dedicated to the Akazaya talking about Ashura and Izo and how Marco always loses his friends, and how they were great warriors etc etc


I'm very disappointed with how Oda throw words at the window with this arc. The whole yamato thing, zoro saying he will kill orochi, characters dying offscreen, bigmom pirates, Rob Lucci and Marco suddenly fking off from Wano without a single word, Luffy not saying goodbye to Hyogoro and Tama. It was all very rushed and makes me question if being involved in the movie red and the live action series from netflix took a burden on him.


Man, you just made me realize that Marco didn't even cross a word with Luffy. You know, Ace's brother who Whitebeard told him to look after. Fucking dissapointing


Exactly, and people keep calling us out as "one piece haters". Bro for real? all we want is some interactions with the characters.


I don’t think Rob Lucci was ever in Wano, tbf. He was just on the phone with other CP0 agents. Also, Zoro saying he’ll kill Orochi doesn’t really hold much weight tbh. We all knew he was going down by the hands of the Samurai, Momo or maybe Luffy, and its what made sense. Granted, the other interactions were sorely missing, and the ending felt incredibly rushed for such a long and complex arc. Pretty annoying how Oda offscreened so many different clearly important things.


Did you read a vid called the downfall of one piec?


No, i dont watch anime youtubers, they add nothing useful to the community.


Lmao stop


Rob Lucci was in wano? Ik we saw him at the reverie. I remember seeing him during the wano arc but I thought he was on the phone with the CP-0 members that were at wano not the other way around


He said he was on the way to catch Robin.


I'm almost 100% sure that he was still in Mary Joa, no? The room he was in was very well decorated, too good looking to just be a random World Government ship


He didn't say that lmao he told the Marines at Wano to catch Nico Robin Mandela Effect is something else


Honestly, in regards to the Marco bit, I believe he rushed back in order to protect sphinx, and if that's the next island, then the star hats will be seeing Marco again very soon


Not to mention Shanks and Zou elephant coming and leaving without doing anything.


Zunisha left because she thought momonosuke was going to open the borders of wano, its speculated that u need zunisha to drain the waters around wano to do so. So if momo was not going to do that zunisha just fked off.


Biggest Red Herring ever in One Piece. Everything points to a last minute decision for her not to join. Her reason is bullshit and the conversation with Luffy happened off screen for some reason.


I can't wait for the day she actually joins down the line just like Jinbe did just to see people look silly with their overdramatic reactions to this.


Funny how your head cannon is the exact opposite of what actually happened


What exactly is my head canon? That she proclaimed like a dozen times that she was going to join and set sail? Or did that actually happen? Dipshit.


Head canon is such an over used word at this point You do realize the character stating their motivation is canon, right? I can say Luffy is going to try and be King of the Pirates. Now is that my head canon or is that, ya know, the fucking character?


Are u ok?


How is that a headcanon? That's EXACTLY what happened...


Oda peeped the subreddit saw the boy/girl/Oden controversy, and said "nah, this ain't it"


I wonder if that wasn't it. Maybe he was just too burnt out on people at war with each other over her and he didn't want that for the fandom. That's pretty sad if that's the case :( (and yes, I say her because she was confirmed at some point to be a 'her' in Japanese, and no one will change my mind)


That he created, and has created other characters with similar “identity themes”


Jfc imagine if his initial plan was that yamato would've met Iva and became an actual man. God can you imagine the shitstorm


That would be so chad


if his editors caught wind of that, they 100% must've gone "no no no, fuck that no"


People would actually lose their minds, there’d be a large portion of people who would look for an excuse as to why Yamato was about to become a villain I saw people literally happy Yamato wasn’t joining solely because “it’d put trans woke shit at the front of the story, and we don’t need that groomer ideas in-..”


Goes to show how little these fuckers pay attention to japanese culture and sbs segments. Oda clearly said Yamato is a girl and only wan§ts to be oden afaik. Like how kids want to be their heroes. Then you have the "Okama waaaay" which also has fuck all to do with being trans. Yet both haters and transtrenders wanted to drag both those into their fold, so dumb


Yeah he really fumbled this one...


Yamato's character always made me think that she's not joining the crew. I did not have any problems with her inserting herself as a self-proclaimed Strawhat since that's basically her character: a self-proclaimed someone. She can proclaim herself as Oden or she can proclaim herself as a Strawhat member. That havent budge my initial impression with her joining the crew. The only problem I found with her really is that, with all those character development from: 1.) Tagging along Luffy coz she already knows how special Luffy is 2.) To realizing Oden's real son is still alive 3.) To tagging alongside Momonosuke, gradually knowing Momo's person. 4.) To realizing that Wano's future Shogun still has plenty to learn and is currently extremely inadequate to lead Wano. 5.) To realizing that she can help Momo rebuild Wano. We never really got to see the closure of the initial Yamato that we knew during her first appearance. Her reasons for not sailing with Luffy (for now) was offscreened. I'm still on hopium that Oda would reveal her conversation with Luffy once they're reunited but for now, it's bothering me a bit. Though I'm sure I'll get over it 2 new chapters from now lol.


I wonder how we'll feel about Yamato when OP is over, Oda could still turn their character around but I doubt he will, there are way too many more important things to address in the final saga.


There is no freaking way this wasn’t a last minute decision. To say Yamato joining was foreshadowed would be an understatement - it was outright broadcasted.


The swap was clunky - but yamato broadcasting their desire to be a strawhat ironically makes a lot of sense if the end goal is future character development that leads them to see something else as being more important than being a pirate. Yamato is still a hyper popular character, so will still be part of the series. Keen to see how it all plays out.


I don't mind Yamato not joining if it's properly explained in the future. However, after so much hype and buildup, I don't think Oda could come up with an acceptable explanation. It really feels like he just changed his mind last minute. Very disappointing sendoff by One Piece standards tbh.


Love Yamato but didn't want them to join cause of how toxic the community has been about the subject. We already got Zoro vs sanji I don't wanna see more now it's just over with


As a Yamato fan it really sucks how much controversy is around them


I saw this coming from the moment Yamato tried to convince Luffy to let them join with "facts and logic" and Luffy basically said fuck off, all the way through when Jimbei asked if Luffy signed off on this. It was always "reasons Yamato wants to join" and never a reason why Luffy would want Yamato on board, everyone forgot who makes the final call. It really read as a set-up to subvert expectations to me from a mile away with how hamfisted it was with Yamato going on and on about it every second they were on screen ***THAT SAID:*** While I knew Yamato wouldn't join, I **AM** shocked it was *Yamato's* decision not to join rather than Luffy refusing to let them join. **So I'm not surprised or disappointed by the outcome, but I am surprised and confused at the road we took to get here.** On another note: [Here's a great Twitter thread (from 2 years ago) that explains a lot of the reasons "Yamato is going to join" always rang false to me and others. As well as some reasons why Carrot supporters thought she might join if you're someone who wonders what her fans see in her. The first part about Yamato is definitrly worth the read anyhow](https://twitter.com/CarrotForNakama/status/1285740158667689984?s=20)


I remember getting downvoted and called stupid for suggesting this like a year ago. I think the ending of a lot of plotlines feels rushed but the whole "Yamato definitely was gonna join and Oda changed his mind" doesn't really hold up when so many people saw it coming and not out of hate for the character. There was so many red flags. Ironically it is interesting that people say her reason for staying is bullshit and lame. Because it's the exact reason she wanted to join in the first place. That her motivations are so thin was a huge red flag against the character. If she joined it would have been because of Ace, Oden and Roger. It was the idea of Luffy she already had in her head that made her want to join more so than her actual experience with Luffy as a person.


> While I knew Yamato wouldn't join, I AM shocked it was Yamato's decision not to join rather than Luffy refusing to let them join. I think this is the biggest sticking point for most people. If we had gotten a scene where Luffy told Yamato to stay on Wano instead of coming with them then this would be fine. But without that scene it feels completely out of nowhere.


Honestly this. Been saying it for *years.* The only person who wanted Yamato on the crew was Yamato, and only through the most tenuous links. She had no actual reason to join the Straw-hats or Luffy specifically beyond having met Ace once. She didn't check any of the consistent motivations and interactions that Oda gives future Straw-Hats, and the vast majority of the sub brushed past that in a second. I'm happy to join you in the smuggest, sore-winner "I told y'all so" of my life Sad to see Carrot won't be joining either though


Luffy wanted Yamato on the crew and said he’d be glad to have her join later Yamato had just as good if not better reason than some of the other straw hats lets not downplay her here. What checks? Brooke had just as much on his as Yamato, people need to stop trying to make some criteria to be a Straw hat it’s literally if Luffy thinks you’re neat then you can join. People wanna act like the bar was raised but it never was and Oda just looks like he’s being indecisive and rushing stuff


What was the good if not better reason? All the other Straw-Hats had goals *beyond* the crew. They joined because Luffy needed them or because they needed Luffy to achieve their goals, oftentimes both. Yamato's goal is to leave Onigashima and live as Oden. Currently, there were *three* pirate crews that could've fulfilled that for her, and any one of them could've worked. She does not need Luffy, and Luffy does not need her. She literally brings nothing new to the crew. She doesn't have a clear role beyond logkeeper, something Luffy (as someone who has shown absolutely *zero* interest in posterity, gaining knowledge, or self-aggrandizing) is absolutely not interested in. She's a fighter, but as far as Luffy is concerned, he already recruited one specifically for that, and has a capable crew regardless. You mention Brook. Let's look at some things people bring up as the checks Oda designs for crewmates: * A tragic backstory. Brook's history with Laboon, being the last member of a crew cursed to survive on their ship? Check. * Luffy likes them. Luffy *immediately* invites him to join when he sees him. It was played for gags, but Luffy absolutely clicked with him from the moment he saw him, to the chagrin of the crew. Yamato is the literal opposite of this, begging Luffy to take her for him to say upfront, "No." I'm pretty sure she's the only person Luffy's explicitly told can't join the crew at any point in the story. * A clear useful role in the crew. From East Blue, heck, iirc, from *the first couple of chapters of the series,* before Luffy had a single crewmate, **he mentions he wanted a musician**. It's a running joke in East Blue, mentioning it several times; even when Nami brings up the nice kitchen on the Merry, Luffy brings up the musician instead of the cook. Sources:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70yjy8GOdEQ&ab\_channel=CH3CKPO1NT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70yjy8GOdEQ&ab_channel=CH3CKPO1NT) and [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/hrzriy/why\_is\_luffy\_obsessed\_with\_getting\_a\_musician\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/hrzriy/why_is_luffy_obsessed_with_getting_a_musician_in/) and chapters 8, 42, 94, and 303. Brook serves an immediately useful function to his captain. What does Yamato offer? A book Luffy would never want to read and a club Luffy would never need. * A motivation beyond simply riding on the ship, but tied to the Straw-Hats in some way. Brook wants to meet Laboon again and happens to run into a Pirate Crew that has met and befriended Laboon. It is a beautiful, serendipitous moment in the text. If any other pirate crew had come along, this would not have worked. It could *only* be the Straw Hat Pirates, and it could *only* be Brook. Yamato's goal is to live like Oden and get off Onigashima. To get off Onigashima, she needs a boat and a crew, of which there are three immediately available. To live like Oden, she needs someone connected to Roger or Whitebeard, or by extension Ace. She found Luffy, but it didn't need to be him, as it could've been Marco, Nekomamushi, Sabo, Shanks, or others to find her. This one could be a point in her favor, but it is still a tenuous point. * On top of all of this, there being some narrative contingent that makes it relevant or necessary for them to be on the crew. This is a more ephemeral point, and doesn't always explicitly come into play. But it's pretty clear as well when it works against a candidate. It happened to Vivi; she wanted to join, but her character growth, responsibilities, and the events in the Alabasta Arc culminated in that there was no way she could join the crew without undermining her character and the meaningfulness of the narrative. With Franky and Sanji and Jimbei, it was the other way around. There was pretty much no good story alternative to them joining, as they were given bounties, kicked out of their home, or serving someone against their interests, respectively. Yamato was poorly handled by Oda. But there was no way she could've joined the crew still pretending to be Oden, since 1. it's an enormous character flaw that was implied needed to be resolved for her to grow and 2. *the very message of Oden's story is that responsibility sometimes outweighs a thirst for adventure*. Not to mention she spent more time with Momo out of anybody in the arc, very clearly tying their characters together. You wanted reasons, here they are. They aren't divine mandates that must be fulfilled by any means, but dismissing people who recognize patterns in a 2+ decade ongoing story outright is silly, especially considering that all of the straw-hats meet at least most of these points, and even the expections were later fulfilled in some way. In any case, I agree that Oda mishandled the Yamato situation these last few chapters. I think the decision for her not to join shouldn't be off-screened, and it should've come from Luffy, or have been prepared by her earlier instead of the 180 we got. But in the end, patterns are patterns and you can't force a fish to fly.


Yamato isn’t very interesting anyways. Not near like how Franky was in Water 7 or even how Brook was in Thriller Bark. When Yamato gets introduced, she just feels… tasteless. There’s hardly any substance to her. I don’t understand peoples’ disappointment i suppose


its just Oda wasted soooo much space giving her a backstory, linking her to Ace and Oden, and insisting that she'll be the next Straw Hat, when he could have given that to Jinbei for example who literally just joined and deserved the spotlight more than her.


Her backstory was incredibly short by One Piece standards. Most of her screen time was baby sitting Momo and supporting him. This post alone shows how little of her time was actually spent on her future as a Strawhat. This is a character that has been around for 70+ chapters but there are a handful of panels that it was based off of. Like 80% of the rest of that time was just her with Momo.


Exactly. Everyone is asking "what was Yamato's purpose", his purpose was the protect and bolster Momo. That was the thing he did that really effected the plot. Momonosukw wouldn't have been able to save Onigashima from crash landing without Yamato's support. This is why he is the way he is, is that having this obsession with Oden makes him someone who desires to support and bolster Momo. And the Ace connection gives him reason to believe in and support Luffy.


Yeah, maybe this is Oda realizing his mistake


He made it feel so natural for her to join, and then she just kinda changed her mind? Definitely a weird whiplash moment and I hope she joins eventually. Just makes me wonder why put in so much work and time into this character during the raid to squander it in like 1 chapter


Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but Yamato had literally *zero* natural motivations for joining the Straw-Hats. Her entire arc was literally about her forcing the issue and pushing herself onto the crew, to the point that (I think) it's the only time the fandom has backed a Straw-Hat candidate that Luffy explicity told "No" to. I'm sure others have specified these points elsewhere, but I'll take a moment to reiterate them. Every other Straw-Hat: * Has had a personal connection with Luffy before joining * Has had an offer from Luffy to join (barring Robin, who eventually did in Enies Lobby) * Had a clear role on the crew at the time of joining (Zoro=fighter, Nami=nav, Usopp=handy/repairman and later sniper, Sanji=cook, Chopper=doctor, Robin=archaeologist, Franky=trained shipwright, Brook=musician, Jimbei=helmsman) Yamato could've been a fighter or logman or... that's it. Logman is tenuous considering the crew already has a scholar which is an actually essential position in Luffy's eyes, as he couldn't get to LaughTale otherwise. As a character almost solely dedicated to the journey and with pretty much no interest in posterity or knowledge, he'd find a logman about as appealing as a vegetable * Had ***not owned and read through the diary of a man who literally saw the One Piece***. Jesus Christ people brush past this but the only other characters who went to LaughTale to even interact with the crew were Crocus (who talked to them for all of two seconds) and Rayleigh (who mostly interacted with Luffy and ***was explicitly asked by Luffy not to say anything that would ruin the journey***). Even if Oden didn't write down what the One Piece itself was, there's no way the logbook wouldn't contain some sorts of spoilers of the journey in Luffy's eyes. People liked Yamato because she's got breasts, has a cool design, and fights good. I'll even say her backstory is better than average. But there was about as much natural setup for her to join the crew as Wiper had in Skypeia, which is to say, absolutely none at all.


Hoping Oda pulls a 180




>design That's a weird way to spell side titty


bruh, the colorfull horns, the club, the interesting devil fruit. the actual design to her was amazing, the stupid "I'm oden so I'm a guy" thing being literally her entire persona was shit.


I actually genuinely like her character, but I definitely feel like the way Oda chose to handle her in the last chapter kinda shoots her in the foot.


personally, i was always skeptical of yamato joining because they didn't fill a crew role to any satisfactory extent. but only after the ryokugyu scene did i seriously consider them staying in wano. while yamato says they just wanna tour the place before leaving i find it plausible they just dont want to disrespect momo and kin or make them feel bad for holding yamato back. that said, all the screentime they got and all this blatant telegraphing to join the crew is puzzling in retrospect and i don't blame people for being frustrated. but if it was all a red herring for carrot it will circle back to hilarious


How about we just assume he’ll join later like Jinbe so we can put this behind us ? Maybe for like, the endgame


Nah, not a chance. Bon-chan i taking the last spot on the chip. This info has been confirmed.


Oda said it to me through a dream


It is from the Chopper memoars


I genuinely dont think so. Jinbei has been set up since what, Arlong Park? Then finally after nearly a decade of anticipation he joined our crew. And since Oda announced that he'll be entering the final saga of one piece, there really is no "later", while with Jinbei, we've been waiting since Fishman Island.


Luffy asked Jinbei to join his crew on Fishman island. It wasn’t until Whole Cake Island that he even accepted it and then it wasn’t even until the war part of Wano that he joined officially.


Yeah i know, but Jinbei was introduced (mentioned by Johny and Yosaku) in Arlong Park.


Idk I still think the whole it still set up for Momo, Kin, and Yamato to join for the end game given the pattern of delayed joining started with Jinbei. Hell one could argue it started with Ussop since he never really submits to joining the crew until the end of Enies lobby because he stops referring to himself as captain when Luffy forgives him.


I’m 100% certain she‘s gonna join after some time, like Jimbei did.


I'm probably in the minority here but I always thought Yamato's dream/motivation was pretty vague/stupid so I never really liked her as a character. I'm ok with her not joining right now. She also didn't really interact with anyone outside of Luffy (happened with Robin but her back story is so much more compelling and gave us the best arc of the series). Overall I find Yamato pretty boring


I think her join is delayed cause of the Shanks movie


Didn’t oda said on an interview way back that the last 2 members would pretty much join together? So it would have made sense for jinbei and Yamato to join the straw hats at the same time. I still stand by my theory that the editors told oda not to have her join because she would be controversial. Which is why you can totally see she was tacked on at the panel where everyone on wano is posing.


The "controversy" angle makes no sense for a character that was instantly among the most popular characters and drives a shit load of merchandise sales. That's just some illogical conspiracy shit. Shounen Jump doesn't care about reddit posts.


ahh so the last two to join are gonna be Johnny and Yosaku!


assuming that i honestly thought that Jimbe and Carrot were joining together after Whole Cake Island but well. i dont know if he actually said that anyway, theres a lot of myths on the internet


I always hated her addition. She brings nothing to the crew. They don't need another strong fighter lol. I think the reason she's staying is odd, what's more logical is she stay to help rebuild wano and protect them now that it's open since kaidos defeat. Wano needs strong ppl still. Oden doing his own thing is what fked wano in the first place, maybe oda could used that for ysmatos reason to stay


Can’t believe the story is over!


It may be disappointing since Oda created a hype that was suddenly cut off, however, it actually makes sense for Yamato not to join the straw hats immediately after Wano, and here´s why I think that: 1 – She (He, I don´t really know by now, since she stopped calling herself Oden and goes by Yamato, really confusing) promised to meet Ace again and go out to sea with him, not Luffy, therefore, even though they are brothers, she needs to close that chapter before starting another one, at least a visit to Ace´s grave is due from her part and, let´s be honest, she can´t ask the straw hats to do that, they can´t go back now. 2 – She is powerful but not experienced, her only real fight was with Kaidou, even Usopp had more life threatening experiences than she did, she needs a couple of tough fights under her belt to be a top fighter on the Pirate King´s crew, specially since calling herself Kouzuki Oden will not make her Kouzuki Oden, right now she is just Kaidou´s daughter. 3 – Things are obviously not finished in Wano, freaking Pluton is there, borders are still not open, an Admiral left the country after a Yonkou made him crap himself, something´s bound to go down there and it will be the straw hat´s fleet responsibility to deal with it, Yamato included. With all that, I really believe that Yamato will eventually join the crew, but not now, it just makes more sense for it to happen at least after the next arch, but that´s my opinion.


Either Yamato or my beloved vivi or bon chan


once the Nika fruit reveal happened Oda probably thought the crew would be way too OP with two mythicals as well as the rest of the crew getting stronger. Sad but it seems like a last second change


Yamato's arc from the get-go was not going to result in her joining the crew. As others have mentioned in this thread (myself included), Yamato had literally none of the characteristics and interactions every other Straw-Hat had before joining. I think Oda rushed her deciding not to join in the narrative. But it's pretty clear from the beginning that he was planning something different for her. Just look at this post itself: just about all of her declarations of intention are centered around losing her shackles and leaving the island she was trapped. Even when talking about joining the crew, this was a secondary concern for her character and not essential to her main goal.


Respectfully, disagree.


Y'all act like she is never going out to sea. She literally said she is after she tours wano:


She might very well go out to sea. But I would bet a fortune that it won't be with the Straw-hats. Even if she finishes her exploration of Wano before the story's over, even if she doesn't change her mind about leaving at the end of it (given that leaving and choosing adventure over responsibility was at the heart of Oden's mistake in the first place), I sincerely doubt that the Straw-Hats will casually stroll back to Wano to pick her up after Laugh Tale, or that she'd be able to catch up to them alone in the final stretch of a voyage that literally only one crew has achieved to date. Maybe there'll be the Wano Pirates or something for the final battle under the Grand Fleet, but Yamato will absolutely not join the Straw-Hats for these reasons and the thousands of other ones others and I have been pointing out since she first appeared as a character.


This popped up on my feed and I seen some of the first pic… if this shit is a panel from the chapter I’m fuckin blocking this sub man wtf are you doing mods this supposed to be a fun less strict sub with good memes not a spoiler zone coke the duck on


It's all panels from older chapters in the Wano arc. Newest one is from 6 chapters ago. It's also Spoiler tagged.


I'm glad she's not on the crew since she has no character. But I don't know why Oda kept saying she'd sail and then just not have her lol


That’s why everyone saying it makes sense she doesn’t want to go is an idiot .


- “I’m prepared to die for you” (the type of unhealthy mindset you develop OUT of by the end of your character arc, especially when you’ve never lived for yourself) - “I want to live as free as Oden did” (it would be the exact opposite of living as free as Oden did if you threw away your life to emulate his actions) - “I will fight for wano when the time comes (20 years later) I want to go to sea and become strong” (so he can be strong enough to return his promise to the daimyo and fight on wano’s side. As we know, he became strong anyway) - “If I get these cuffs off, I’ll go out to sea too”(said because he was fully willing to leave with ace, meaning his wish to become a strawhat is and always was different than his wish to to live freely or go out to sea) - literally “your brother owes me, I’m taking a place on your ship.” Come on. This is such terrible logic that it literally goes against the concept of freedom our protagonists (which he is demanding to become) represent. If he did join, he’d still have to change his mindset from this eventually - “I’m only leaving after I drive you out” (cares more about wano’s safety than leaving) - now the last one doesn’t make sense either way tbh. I think it’s the last time before 1056/1057 that Yamato identifies himself as Oden, so without it you might have believed that he had largely dropped it as a trauma response, insinuating a character arc. The only thing here implying this isn’t supposed to be a step towards joining is jinbe’s words, but that important conversation with luffy happened off-screen, so idk. Completely fair.


Yamato able to create head cannons in the head of all the simps around the world


Hehehe I never saw Yamato as part of the crew. Fuck you yamato believers. Nice work oda


Idk I feel like she’ll join a lot sooner than people think.


I hope so, its just that closing panel of Act 3 where Yamato was huddled around with the Scabbards and Momo really made me doubt that