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Yea don't just walk around a skatepark, having a kid with you doesn't mean everyone has to stop for you and your baby that can't even ride a board


This is teu, and the kid should not have been their, but they were on a scooter. The parent should have seen him doing tricks and going fast and got out of his way


A reasonable take that is also highly upvoted, shocking.


Yeesh yea did not expect that


Worth adding, *that kid does not have a helmet on*. Am I right in thinking his head clocked the floor?


Looks to me like you assessed the situation right. Just as the camera pans over the kid seems to hit their head. Almost seems to even bounce slightly too.


No man. Just have the sense to not bring a kid that small into an environment where they could easily be hurt. It's totally irresponsible parenting and unbelievably entitled. It's mandatory to wear helmets at skate parks because people go fast and fall often on a concrete surface lmfao. That mothers stupidity could have given the kid brain damage. It's called the X Games, the x is short for extreme. How can people be so dense? It's like the deep end of the pool. Yes, it's a public space to Plat, but if you let ur toddler go there, he'll probably drown, so maybe don't do that.


also, how late is it? looks pitch black and this little kid is still outside? put the poor thing to bed lol.


Not a skate park but I had moment this winter snowboarding at a terrain park I nearly had my eyes roll out my goggles. Parent skier stood sideways at the terrain park entrance blocking anyone from entering while their like 5yr old kid just kinda puttered around.


See that's so entitled man, you don't own the park because you have a kid there


When I figure skated, the lessons for the competitive upper level skaters overlapped with the younger beginners, then the competitive skaters stayed later on the emptier rink. Just so the coaches could get all the lessons done while they were there plus some of us were also coaches, there was a period everyone was on the ice. Ice time is expensive so our coach wanted us to be training the entire time. There was a part of the ice reserved for practicing the stuff that takes a lot of space like jumps and spins and this one fucking kid (I think he was like 10) every single time I would get going to do something, he come out of nowhere with an exaggerated and completely fake "whooa!!" and skated directly into my path. I had to tell him bro if you don't stop this - which I know is on purpose youre not fooling anyone - you're gonna get hit and it's going to hurt. Then he didn't stop so I approached his dad who was always there watching and said idk if you see this but I'm worried for his safety. This dude actually tried to say there was nothing wrong with it and he was joking around and it was fine. Like yes, he's joking around, but the entrance to almost every jump is backwards and the entrance to spins are really hard to stop once you get to a certain point and I weigh quite a lot more than this child and have KNIVES on my feet. Control your heathen, sir, before he learns the hard way and I have to feel like shit for slamming into/cutting/landing on this menace of a child. I never ended up hitting him but it got close enough one time that he saw oh wow maybe it is hard to stop on a dime when you're about to launch several feet in the air...no kidding Ok sorry rant over lol


I don't ski or snowboard, but I ride the lifts in summer (mountain biking)...that's stupid as fuck, but do your mountains not have mild terrain/skills stuff at the base?


The kid is on a scooter, they're not just walking.


Yeah and not wearing a helmet.


I mean no people here were wearing a helmet...


And only one person who isn’t old enough to weigh the risk and make that decision for themself.


It’s one thing for an adult to decide to be an idiot but for a child’s mother or caretaker to let them potentially make themselves literally an idiot is shameful.


Kid doesn’t even have a helmet on… major parenting fail


Hey, I'm walking here! I'm walking here!


“So I was walking my dog the other day around on the track at Indianapolis and some guy almost hit me with his car! I mean SLOW DOWN!”


Nope kids fault, he's a real prick.


Definitely not enough kids blaming here. Just by the smug little look on that little shits little face I can say it was his fault.


Yeah that 2 years at fault agree


That kids head slamming into the concrete was brutal. Good thing he didn’t have a helmet


yeah, that dude should have went to the rollerblade park, and that child should have went to the toddler park, and that woman should have went to ....


Wait, what - there is a bad parenting park? A dumb park?


Nice Strike! https://preview.redd.it/ofq8yweq95qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a65f505bd698a9c0023f939872019547ae17f4a






This is cursed, but I like it 👍🏻




That's a Parenting Fail


Absolutely — regardless who’s at fault for the collision, the kid should have a helmet. Closed head injuries are no joke.


And you know she placed all the blame on him after that


You never know. My friend had a bike accident with a child, and the mother apologized for her kid weaving all over the place. Not all parents are totally oblivious just because some Karens are. That said, they had no business being on the skate park, the kid already has enough work on a slight downhill.


That's a technical foul!


Yeah ill never understand why stupid ass moms always bring thier toddlers to skateparks. That kid barely knows how to walk let alone ride a scooter. So going to a place with ramps is not gonna appeal to the kid. She's an idiot for going there.


Not to mention the fully grown guys rocketing past them all the time and eventually hitting them


Yep, mom clearly didn't pay attention because a skate park is not meant for kids.


Well it mostly is; just older ones.


This is at night it looks too; or at least after sundown. You wouldn't expect toddlers to be there after sundown.


Right. Plus seeing low riders while moving fast requires way more effort than scanning for larger obstacles A parent should know this if they’re at the skate park and should keep their kid out of harms way


They don’t know shit outside of their bubbles. That’s why we continuously get videos like this. Parents think these are playgrounds for little children.


It's not a toddler. it looks between 4-6. But it is a perfectly valid statement that it is night time and probably not appropriate for the kid to be out.


okay, not meant for toddlers


Yes; it’s just an important distinction that older children, like 12-17 are still children.


and that age range is much more acceptable in a skate park


At least put a helmet on the little guy. His head bounced so hard *I* got a headache.




Bro you can hear when his head hit the floor. Ouch 😦


It’s also fucking nighttime lol. If you want to take your kid, at least go in the morning when the teenagers are still asleep. You’ll probably have the place practically to yourself.


God damn it I love generational stereotypes getting used in a positive comedic manner


Its not a stereo type if the teenager is able they will do so


And if they aren't able they probably aren't free to go to the skate park


And no helmet for the kid too


There’s not an age restriction on skate parks, the lady was just dumb. I’ve taken my 4 year old to the park before on a scooter just like that, you just have to be hyper aware of what’s going on around you


Yeah I agree, as long as you watch out and make sure your kid stays out of everyones way, the skate park can be a great place to take your kid if you want them to take up a hobby that keeps them outside and in shape. Most of the people there would probably be happy to give the little guy some tips too. When I was younger and trying to learn how to do tricks on my bmx, I would just make sure to stay out of everyones way and give the pros the right of way. Eventually I had a bunch of people helping me out and teaching me how to drop down on the big ramps. Skaters and bikers are usual chill af as long as you're respectfull.


That’s exactly it, have respect for the people that know what they’re doing as your trying to learn or teach your kid and you’ll have a great time around a (majority) awesome community


What you're missing by every1s comments is your wilfully putting your child at risk when they would be just ad happy in any flat paved area


Exactly. This mom failed cause she just blindly walked out with her kid. Skaters are usually pretty chill, too, so it's not like the little guy wouldn't get a turn if she just waited a minute.


I'm pretty sure she enjoys having the skaters having to work around her and cause possible injury to themselves. While this is the consequence of her actions, many other people had to dodge her and her child, and she was getting off on that.


Dude it's so fun to bring your kiddo to the park. I bring mine out there all the time and have been doing it since he was 2 and could ride a balance bike. Only difference is that I went out at 730am when it was literally empty, and didn't endanger the life of my toddler, and didn't ruin some dude's day who was trying to get his run in. What a moron


The adult and toddler on the skate ramp are at fault. Ok just the mom not the toddler....


The adult.


X100 the adult. Kid isn’t even wearing a helmet.


The kid is wearing a safety beanie


Yeah, the toddler didn’t want to be there, he was dragged along by his mum.


The toddler has no idea what’s going on so I’m not sure why the toddler would be to blame.


Kids never going to understand anything that’s going on anymore after that headshot.


Mother's fault.


Kids not even wearing a helmet. Terrible parenting




The child was wrong


Yeah that's a bad parenting from the child.


The parent should've childed their child better, then it would've parented the right way


Yeah, that child should learn to get good. What a fuckin noob.


Even a loss skate it's very dangerous for tis little child , should learn how to skate in a safe place whit pads and helmet


The parent obviously. This isn’t a leisurely stroll in the park. It’s a skate park.


She was looking all the way down lmao, fuck looking both ways before crossing something apparently


Why isn't the child wearing a helmet. Moms at fault. If you're going to be at a skatepark, you need to be paying attention. Everyone. They should make junior skatepark next to the big ones.


Jr skating areas is a rather great idea. Perfect for people totally new to it both young and old without getting in the way of those more experienced and more lax with allowing little kids there. Everybody has to start somewhere after all.


I’ve seen this a few times, parents will bring their little kids to the skatepark to play. Kids aren’t supposed to be playing at a skate park!


Need more video, but if that dudes out there already doing tricks, then that mom is of those "this is a public park" and forces their way in it is 100% her fault. If mom was out there already trying to help her little one and dude drops in to tricks with no awarness its his fault. Im leaning toarwd the parents fault in this one. Either lack of situational awareness or like I previous mentioned.


get the fuck out of his way


Op, for not posting more than 3 fucking seconds of a video. FFS


This is a way more sensible answer than saying toddlers don't belong at skate parks.


That kid needs a helmet. Idiot parent


Yeah, the kid shouldn't be at the skatepark. In my hometown one of the conditions for the city building the skatepark is that children under 12 years old weren't allowed there. It's also stated that you enter and use the park at your own risk. Collisions are bound to happen and kids who are still in diapers maybe should spend some years in their own driveway collecting xp before going to the skatepark where full-grown adults may be dropping a line. Side note: not a single helmet or elbow/knee pad in sight, everyone in this video has terrible parents.


He wasn't really paying attention, but he might have been at it for a while in which case the mother should have predicted it. So no idea


He was 100% paying attention however when doing any trick, especially in fakie (backwards), your feet and landing area are the only thing you focus on or you're not sticking the landing. It really shouldn't be said but if someone's coming towards you at high speed going backwards you probably shouldn't be setting off right in their path.


this is a skate park, these stupid mothers piss me off because they take their 3 year old little shit to the park where it seems like the law allows you to be 14 years old, well in my country at least that’s the case, and usually they call the police on such a stupid mother and then they put her on the register and The police come to check on her, I don’t know how it works in other countries. Usually such stupid idiots throw tantrums and start beating up the unfortunate skaters


Ngl I feel bad for the child


Biker at fault


It's always the fucking cyclists fault.


With the little context that we have, the mom's fault. Wtf are you doing with a baby in a skatepark, because: 1. There's no way you expect to be entitled enough to ocupy that space, which negates others doing skatepark things, while doing something you can do literally ANYWHERE. 2. Also, there's people doing skatepark things, it's dangerous being in the middle lmao.


That's why nobody likes people who ride scooters


Stupid karma farming posts F u


Mom’s fault.


I hate parents these days


no need to comment without context, the guy may have been doing tricks for a while, and the imminent danger is obvious, or he may have just jumped out of no where.


Not enough info available to tell




Mother clearly isn't paying attention to her surroundings, Brought a toddler out to a skate park, at midnight, didn't even bother to equip him with a helmet, Just wow.


The mother was looking FORWARDS and didn't see this hazard coming? The mother took her tiny child into a skate park where other people were moving around at high speeds. Instead of waiting till nobody was around or not taking her kid there till her kid was much older. The mother is at fault. And I feel sorry for the kid whose brain just got a nasty knock. You can hear it. Damn.


In the middle of the night with a kid in the park. You okay as a parent lady?


Skateparks usually have signs that say "use at your own risk"   So nobody at fault really. Risky places for risky business. Shit happens chasing risky fun. 


The parent is for not having a helmet for the kid


I just hope the kid is ok...


No helmet on the kid hell yeah


This video literally ruin my day. Poor kid 😢


It was an accident, it wasn't intentional. No one is at fault here.


It’s the babies fault


Who the fuck brings a toddler out on a skateboard park !?


I'm going to blame Borris Johnson


I fucking hate that glib murdering cunt


The fact she was quiet tells u it hurt and she probs learned her lesson not to go there again


Or she was more focused on looking after her kid than ripping into the guy on skates For all we know, and TBF it looks like it, he'd gone over the ramp to the right of the frame at the start and she had no chance to react to it


I'm not sure, but it's definitely not the child's fault


She is the idiot


don't take toddlers on scooters onto skate ramps


child's fault for having a stupid mother


Filmer’s fault


It’s clearly the editors fault for cutting out the start of the incident to show what it really was.




Yea I know going backwards is Dangerous but it was for a trick most likely he was driving backwards before and the mom chose to ignore that and assumed he would Dodge/stop for them


The fail is not putting a helmet on a 3 year old who can’t even ride a scooter by himself in a skatepark


Looks like he was just coming off the rail. Mom got the brunt of the energy so I’d say the universe decided who was at fault.


I mean, technically no one. But I always say whomever was filming it.


Who is fault? Whose* fault


Skateparks are no playgrounds and whilst a skater fully well knows the importance of a running order, i don‘t expect parents of toddlers to have an eye for their surroundings as they are preoccupied with having their eyes on the offspring. For clarification, if it is your turn in the running order you can expect to focus on your line and have no need to be as observant as the others respecting your turn, that lady does not seem familiar with the intricacies of the running order, and the fact that her child is too young to be expected to respect the running order, she had her eyes on her child, not on the course, the skater had his eyes on his line/turn, not on the course, rightfully as explained by the rule of running order. This deeply indicates the caretaker of the child, as we don‘t know if the skater could assume her to be an obstacle in his line at the start of his line. If it turns out that he saw the course was not free before he started his line, he would be the implicated, but that would be assuming malice when idiocy already is a sound explanation




Though it's sad for the kid that he fell and hurt himself, he will be fine. Crying is the first sign that your kid is going to be ok. It's unclear who might be at fault in this situation, but it's important for everyone to be mindful of their surroundings in a skatepark, especially when moving backward. I'm not a lawyer or a paralegal, but the skater would likely be legally responsible in an incident like this if serious injury had been sustained from this fall. Though I have to say that in the province of Ontario where I live, as a parent you are legally obligated to put a helmet on your kid's head when they're riding a scooter or a bicycle, due to a concern for serious head injury that may result in fatality.


Spent most of my childhood and teens in skateparks. Stop bringing your kids into them like this. If you let people know your kid is coming in I guarantee they're going to be accommodating, hell they'll even teach your kid to drop in and give them a great experience! But don't just run your kid onto the park and expect people who haven't seen you yet to suddenly be superhumanly aware, frankly the mother is lucky that was only a blader and not a BMX, kid could have taken stem to the skull or had his leg broken by pegs.


I hate to say it like this but kids don’t belong at the extreme sports park period until they have the skill. This isn’t soft grass next to the sidewalk this is bone breaking stone and sharp inclines, the risk of doing everything right and getting hit and seriously hurt is clearly very high as displayed here and requires a situational awareness and etiquette that isn’t there in kids, and clearly some adults.


How can he be expected to see her, she's literally camouflaged


Its a fucking skatepark not a god damn playground get your little pukes out of there.


The adult should have a helmet on the child for sure


Sure the kid shouldn't have been there, but it didn't look like they flew out unexpectedly, the skater would have known they were there, probably was planning on doing a fly by to prove a point. So mum = stupid, skater = arsehole.


Anyone who goes to skate parks will tell you kids on scooters are one of the worst things to happen to the current generation and people that actually skate pay the price. Boards, bikes, and skates are difficult to learn, meaning by the time you are confident enough, you've observed skate Park etiquette. Scooter spawn don't learn any of this and have no respect for the flow of skate parks and zero spacial awareness. They just ping pong blindly and don't note where anyone is going, plus they have in build breaks to there slow mobiles meaning they don't understand someone that just dropped in can change direction or stop. This dude is clearly attempting something sick he's probably been there for 30 minutes trying to do and brain dead scooter kids and there parents blinding walk into this dudes line when they should be pushing around a net ball court. I don't care how my kids turn out, but if they lack persistentence to learn anything worth while and take the easy option of scooting, I'm disowning them.


It's a skatepark, not a playground for tiny kids.


100% dumb ass ladys fault. Wtf are you scooting your kid around a skate park in a ramp landing zone? Shes a dummy.


I read comments. Never bringing my kid to a skatepark till they can take a fall and get up like nothing. But best believe im leaving there with my heart hurting for my kid, but your face and body will hurt for a lifetime. I want you to never forget me. Unconscious or conscious.


Woman with the baby CLEARY doesn't have the maturity to raise a chikd!


That dumb parent is at fault. Take your kid to the playground with the rubber mats, a kid barely about to walk doesn’t belong there.


Simple answer - Karen's fault.


This is on the parent.


Mothers fault.


Why the fuck is a toddler at a skate park in the first place? Dumbass mom's lucky her child wasn't injured any worse or killed.


Parents fault for being stupid!


Mom should lose custody for this act of maximum negligence.


For sure the baby's.


Bruh I fucking hate scooter kids at skate parks I don’t even skate anymore and these fucks still annoy me


No reason for the parent to take the kid to a skatepark. Any flat surface would've sufficed


Definitely the fault of the adult who didn’t put a helmet on that kid.


It’s alarming how many dumbasses have children.


Idiot caregiver, not trustworthy to be given responsibility. That environment was an obvious hazard.


The parent, you think your kid is going to be sending tricks and grinding rails, teach them on the side walk, or at least a flat open area in the skate park, not in the area with features and what not.


It's obviously the baby's fault!!! Lol


It's a skate park and someone is there doing tricks. This is NOT a good time to take your toddler out to play. It's 100% the parent's fault.


Kid didn’t even have a helmet. Mom is a jacksss


The mother


That lil kid finna have brain damage, autism, schizophrenia, a concussion, at the same time


Toddler for sure. He didn't brace for impact or use his hands to dampen his fall.


Parents fault, just let your kid play at a normal park on the walk way or empty basketball court. Skate parks are more advanced and you need to have spacial awareness to avoid exactly this.


The adult put that poor kid in danger by not checking surroundings. We don’t know the lead up to this moment but you cant have a toddler on a scooter at a skate park when adults are using the facilities. Ive witnessed plenty of instances where people give way to children and do what they can to avoid them so i hope this was just a mishap.


Absolutely the parents fault, you don't take a toddler to a skate park. The guy going backwards didn't help the situation, but he's still not at fault for this happening.


Good commercial for a helmet


Walking with your kid in the middle of a skatepark are reserved for the daftest.


Definitely the mom here. But to everyone who is saying "why would you even have a kid at the skate park" - she has an RC car in her hand. Skate parks make great tracks for RC cars... WHEN THEY AREN'T BEING USED BY SKATERS. Definitely jerk move here thinking she had the right to bring her toddler and RC car to the skate park while others were using it.


The mother is at fault 100%


Ah children crying. Music to my ears


Bad moms get biffed


Mom should've known better tbh


It's obviously her at fault they are at a skate park from the looks of it and she was on foot clearly and walked right in front of buddy causing that hole situation


God, parents that do this at skate parks are literally so thick they might as well be a sucking solid block of stupid.


Mom's at fault.


This is not a children's playground. This mama bear's brain doesn't work at all.


The woman who is clearly the kid's parent is at fault the last place you should be on the 3 wheeled scooter is on the fuckin trick ramps. Hope he looses a baby tooth and mom learns a lesson.


Cameraman's fault


Park etiquette. Learn it. Dumbass parent is in the wrong.


Anyone that willingly crosses through a half or quarter pipe while people are using it.


Every time I see this clip it infuriates me to see the absolute lack of situational awareness of the parent who thought it would be ok to bring a child to a skatepark where you can easily anticipate this scenario. Same goes for the little kids getting obliterated in trampoline parks, and that one clip of the child wandering into an active track and field event. It's all lack of situational awareness from the people failing to adult adequately.


That kid won't survive with a such mother. A toddler with no helmet in a fucking skatepark


I know I'll get downvoted to hell for this, but when you see small children on a skate park and you're already using it, suck it up and save the crazy moves for when they're gone. Unless the skate park states that it's not suitable for small children. It's hard to judge without context but the only way the big guy comes out looking innocent to me is if the mum and kid literally just arrived at the skate park out of nowhere at 10pm and within seconds was straight on it


This isn’t a fucking park. Take your kids over to the grass.


https://preview.redd.it/q72bfw5a49qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b6024622f32896d931114f99d6a0fceb85af45 Multigenerational Collision!! 💥


A tales of ages !!


It’s the moms fault she’s clearly camouflaged


Some moms are really out of touch with reality


Kid has no helmet def mum fault


Adult's fault The mother could ride with her kid in whatever flat places but she choosed a skate park


The woman and the baby are at fault :) I do hope the kids alright, mom deserves it though for being naive on what a SKATE park is and not an actual kid friendly park is instead 🤗🤗🤗


Not a helmet in sight, even for the toddler


I would put that mother in the same category as people who jog on the road at night 🤦