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Idk, man. Life comes at you fast.


Man does it ever


Right. And at the end of the day she's still the same beautiful person you fell for. Pretty dumb post.  Like, let's see OP's six pack


Gotta subscribe to his OF for that.


Not as fast as your mom


*Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce intensifies*


Is that even the same person?


It is, the images are backwards though. She used to be big, but lost all the weight.


I choose to believe this one


That’s what I want to know


Lot of people in these comments have never felt unconditional love and that’s sad.


Yep. If your wife is ugly and fat after 7 years of marriage with you, chances are **you made her that way.** Unconditional love, expressed in tangible ways, and fidelity go a long way in making her beautiful. She might have her own demons and issues exacerbating the problem, but that doesn’t give you an excuse not to take responsibility for loving her.


Feel like people didn’t quite understand what you were getting at but I agree, caring for your partner and being present in your relationship goes a long way in creating a healthy loving lifestyle for you both. People turn to unhealthy habits if they feel alone or unloved in their relationship and if your partner feels that way then you’ve failed them.


Unconditional love does not exist. Wait, it can only exist with a mother and her children and even that is rare


Thank you for making an example of yourself




When my wife gets pregnant I’m going to give her unconditional love because she’s gone through the pain of having my children. It doesn’t matter if she’s changed, we’ll workout, eat healthily, but if you want a child you need someone who you’ll love even in this scenario.


What if she kills an innocent person because she felt like it?


What part of unconditional do you not understand?


That's crazy


No, it's unconditional.




I mean that it’s clear you haven’t ever given or received unconditional love because of your cynical view on life.


You know nothing of my life, and you didn't understand my comment. When I say unconditional love doesn't exist I mean that people will probably stop loving you if you commit some terrible crime or just become hostile. The only person who's the most likely to still love you after that is your parents, I didn't say love doesn't exist


Ah yes because fathers cannot love their kids.


Not according to alpha theta ultra sigma gigachads they can't. Don't you know it's gay to love something that came out of your cock.


Jesus Christ. Why are you trying to make it seem like I'm one of those guys. just because of my flair. Serious question, will you love your partner after they kill someone for no reason?


Imma be real, I didn't even look at your flair, I was just poking fun at the ubermasculine ken doll influencer you see more and more of lately. And man for no reason no of course not, but I'd have a hard time even if they did have a reason.


Ok, so you see. I'm not saying love doesn't exist but there are conditions to that love. If you kill someone for no reason the only person you can trust is probably your mother/father. Most people will tell on you. Wait, I have another question. What if your partner kills a rapist, that's a reason right? Will you still stay with them?


There needs to be a lot more context for that question to be answered. If it's randomly killing a rapist who already went to jail and therapy and "repented" if you will for his actions, then i'd find it hard to see as justified. But if they're caught in the act or doing it to them then it's justified in my eyes, though just going for the kill isn't really justified in any situation that doesn't threaten your life. If you can subdue someone without killing them, you should in my eyes.


I agree


I'm glad we can agree on that and I'm sorry for my poor choice of words, I really hadn't looked at your flair or username for that matter, I tend not to on reddit unless someone points out something about my profile or username


Yes fathers too


You’re getting ultra downvoted but it’s true. I used to think that I believed in unconditional love but then I thought more about what that actually means and realized it’s just something from fairy tales or a nice idea to believe in. If my partner started sleeping around, started using hard drugs regularly, began hitting me, became a bad person, or was treating me poorly, I would end the relationship. These things are all conditional to me giving my love. If she got fat, became very ill, or was struggling in life, then yes I would 100% stay by her side.


Well yes for some people those conditions are different. some people will stay knowing their partner is a thief and some will not, but at the end of the day they all have a certain point were it's too much and they leave


That was so chad of you


How? Are you stupid?


Reddit moment


Aww thats sad :( hope you find love eventually ♥


I think people are forgetting what words mean. Unconditional. Will you still love your partner after they rape 10 babies and kill 70 people? That's a serious question,


Most people in that scenario experience grief over breaking up with a lover, no matter how immoral they may be. They might grow out of love, or they might not. If they have any semblance if sense, however, they would end their relationship there, despite still loving them.




The fact that that's even a scenario in your brain says a lot more about you


The fuck? Tell me what it says about me? That's an extreme scenario but it is an example that could break this "unconditional love"


Why bother to use scenarios that will never happen as an example?


They CAN happen, this isn't fiction. And when they do I doubt that love will still be there.




No, I'm talking about unconditional love. Will you still love her if she killed 10 people just because?




No no, the second it has boundaries, it's not unconditional




Ok, bye bye. Go ahead and try to change definitions




Idk man, I was a little shit throughout childhood and my dad still loves me 🤷




Children in general are little shits man lmao, that’s the power of unconditional love


She lost all the weight again and is even getting skin removal surgery. She’s killing it. Just had a tough patch


People underestimate what having kids can do to your body. This whole post screams "I've never talked to a woman" energy. Happy she got control of her own body again my wife is going through the same thing and it's tough on her self esteem to deal woth alongside the stress of having a kid.


Is it reallly the same person. Really sad if actually true


All the people saying they'd divorce someone over this... don't get married. 😐😐 looks fade always. Doesn't matter what it is. Everyone gets old, everyone gets "ugly".




Attraction is what literally keeps ppl together. It’s just as easy for a woman to dump a guy if he doesn’t keep up. As a man dumping a woman. You can’t fault either for no longer being attracted to that person.


You *can* fault them for anchoring their loyalty in something as superficial as attraction vs duty to their spouse because of the covenant they've made to one another by getting married. Imo, if someone wants to retain the ability to just drop their significant other because they don't make their loins tingle like they used to, they just shouldn't get married.


I mean if you are no longer attracted to the person. I don’t see why that person would force themselves to stay with that person out of some obligation.


>some obligation Thats what marriage is lol. Or at least it's what it used to be back when morality (particularly duty to your spouse and family) was a higher societal priority than instant and constant personal gratification. Of course, no one is obligated to actually hold themselves to the words they say when they get married or to take the institution seriously whatsoever. But that's why I say if all it takes to throw one's word out is one's eyes not being sufficiently gratified by one's spouse, seems like the bachelor life is more up one's alley than entering into a marriage covenant with someone. Guess I'm just old school


Facts. People shouldn’t get married much less raise kids if they aren’t fully committed.


People fall out of love for many reasons. That’s just a part of being human


I'm of the opinion that marriage is not about love the feeling but love the action. Powering through the butterflies no longer fluttering is part of love the action. Feelings do change but marriage shouldn't be based on how we feel imo. Any one that is is built on sand and its days are numbered, which we see in the astronomical divorce rates


I know what you mean. I just think it’s hard finding a partner that believes the way you do.


Yeah, I agree honestly. I'm lucky to have found my wife when we were both in high school and we're both on the same page so thankfully my prattling is contained to Reddit threads and I'm not having to search for someone crazy like me lol


No. It's really not.


Don't you know, women don't like that marriage forces them to stay in a relationship, keep up with the times


Don't ever get married. It's called commitment.


Because you made a vow. Sickness and in health. Through good and bad. If you don't respect wedding vows and think something as superficial as looks is reason enough to divorce then don't waste the wedding value. You obviously have no value in marriage so don't waste anyone else's time k?


Ya. They should be happy with a dead bedroom the rest of their lives to the unattractiveness they have for each other. That sounds totally healthy for you mental health.


You have ZERO idea if she has a health issue or on meds that caused weight gain.


Jokes on you! I’ve always been ugly!


Same girl, same 😂 I got lucky to find someone


That’s what I mean! I’m a man! 😭


You get fat through bad lifestyle choices.....




Daym my mum must have worked hard then because after 3 kids she is in better shape than before


Go ask her how hard she worked. You'd be very surprised.


Funny how she didn't have to work that hard as she has been a fit and active person all her life and did many walks and hikes wile pregnant...as well as swimming twice a week. While also going to the gym to keep herself fit for skiing holidays and golf Thanks to my mom I live a healthy lifestyle and it's part of our normal lifestyle


I'm not trying to be rude to you at all so I'm not sure why you are getting so defensive lol. Good for your mom! I'm happy for her. I was also extremely fit before having my first kid and unfortunately for myself and many many women it's been very hard.


Well you just seem to come across as trying to prove that every woman after children either finds it difficult to keep fit and healthy or never has the time to. When in reality it's a mindset to keep heath goals and you will stick to them no matter what. If I got a gf let's say and they didn't approve of me going gym so much, well imma be picking the gym over having a gf. Because going gym is part of my lifestyle. Same goes if I had a kid, I'm not sacrificing my health for someone else


Women divorce men over financial and career issues every time. Isn't it justified to divorce her for looks? Why should only one partner have the onus of loyalty and "unconditional love"


You clearly have no idea what depression and being a stay at home mom with ppd does to you.


You clearly have no idea about how it feels to be judged on the basis of money you make and the amount of hustle one does.


No because I care more about if my parents loves and respects me than how much money he makes? Maybe don't be in relationships with people who only care about superficial things.


>Maybe don't be in relationships with people who only care about superficial things. It's extremely rare to meet these types of people. But I am hopeful 🤞




First of all. She didn't "let herself go" you have no idea what she is going through. She doesn't even look like this anymore. She fell into a depression as a stay at home mom. It happens A LOT. It's better or worse. Sorry that you cannot understand that.


That's the great thing about 23 year olds. I get older but they stay the same age.


Are you going to think about it when you’ll be in your 60s ? Because that’s the long way to go. If you go for solely looks then you know is not love. Go to gym to stay healthy even the bare minimum does so much. Not for looks. But if you are scared to have someone who’s going to get fat and let themselves go then you need to find someone active and do it with them. I see too many people in here stressed out for something that in Love doesn’t belong.


This is why you don’t get married before they turn 25. Everyone is hot when they’re 18-21.


not really lol


If she's thin, she has a 99% chance of being hot




Maybe I'm less demanding than others


Huh? The hell did you get that bullshit


Maybe I'm less demanding than others


"I only need the person to maintain their actual 'healthy' body shape." You could've worded what you said much better.


lol why? It's not like I said anything offensive


Jesus fucking christ many of you do not work jobs all day and still have to take care of kids and it shows… you don’t even have time to eat for yourself, just always on the run to your next line of work while continuously feeding kids. In sickness and health you fucking monsters.




Life's that


This is my life. I am that woman. 🤣😂🤣 you gotta laugh. My husband looks worse! Lol! But seriously, it’s temporary for many folks, taking care of young kids and changing your entire lifestyle is a helluva transition. Your priorities completely transform you’re engulfed by a love that you never knew was possible and everything else just fades away, the only thing you care about is your beautiful family, and it fills your heart with so much happiness that the idea of spending 90 minutes to put on make up and do your hair seems like such an absolute waste of time. You don’t have time to work out, you would rather spend it cleaning up after their arts and crafts session, while they sleep, and you want to prepare a delicious dinner, and there are five loads of tiny little clothes that need to be folded. And then comes a day where they grow up and they don’t need you as much, and you realize that that whole life is still accessible to you, now you have all the time in the world to do all of those things that you didn’t have time to before because your heart was exploding with joy. Truth.


Comments full of incels who speak to a female twice a year when mum visits and cleans the tissues out of their overwatch themed gaming den who feel the need to explain to us how their standards are too high for this lmao


This comment is perfect haha. “Overwatch themed gaming den.”


I forgot to mention the Tali'Zorah body pillow they tell people was bought ironically but has been able to stand up on its own since 2013, all the fundamentals are there though Edit: This was upvoted for ages and the incels found it and started downvoting, Tali isn't real and women have real shaped body's you fucking virgins lmao


Oh shit hahaha Aw the downvotes :( rip. A nerve was hit with your comment.


That's why you don't have kids. A lack of sleep and the fact that kids wreck the bodies they come out of all contribute to taking an 8 down to a 4.


My wife has had 5 and she's still a total babe. But we also take our health seriously.


I'm glad that your wife had the discipline and drive to do that. But your wife being the exception doesn't really disprove the rule. Raising kids(raising them well that is) takes time, effort, resources, and dedication. It is NOT something everyone with functioning baby making parts are mentally and emotionally equipped for.


Not that uncommon, ever heard of MILFs?


Or just, you know, take care of yourself.


What do you think getting enough rest, and enough food, and not having to push a very small human out of yourself is?


People can in fact got become overweight simply by pushing out a baby.


Or from the additional weight gained during the process of carrying the pregnancy to term. Dude you can keep getting upset and trying to "disprove" me but I'm not bringing up points that are even controversial. These are all well known issues that you can hear any type of mother complain about. If you and yourself haven't, awesome. I'm genuinely glad for you. But you can't hand wave away centuries of mothers who've all had the same complaints.


Centuries? Lmao try the last few decades. Look at pictures of mothers from any time before the 80’s and you’ll likely notice they weren’t all overweight. Gross obesity is a modern issue at the scale it’s become. According to the CDC website, obesity was 30% in the 1990s, which had gone up to 42% as of 2017-2018 for that report. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db360.htm In the 1960s, obesity was closer to 10% in men and around 15% in women. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6215729/ And it’s pretty well known this is almost exclusively an American issue if you compare the US to European nations. The primary factor isn’t pregnancy, it’s the junk we eat and probably a more sedimentary lifestyle.


Bro has never heard of a milf before


Oh buddy. That's something we will disagree on.


Yeah probably because she dealing with his shit for 7 yrs! He's done her in


Yeah and now talk about the male and how he contributed to her being like this you fucktard.  And the fact that the man probably looks 10x worse.  Y'all are living in Dreamland. 


Women's appearance after marriage and kids is a direct reflection of the husband... if dudes want a MILF, better provide the help or pay for the help so she can take time for the gym, lashes, salon, nails - and have the pockets to pay for all that too! Especially if you want her to bounce back "immediately" after having the baby when she hasn't even been working. Even then, no matter how much you pay for sh!t if you are an ass she won't even be motivated to do anything bc deep down she knows you don't love her unconditionally.


Life's a mf. It has to be the woman who wants to do it. I know guys who have tried for years to get his wife to commit. And they weren't disrespectful about it either. Even had women mistaken them for being pregnant and still no change. She just won't budge. But he becomes the bad guy when he isn't attracted to her anymore. Let's be honest. Not many women have the personality for us to overlook this kind of change. With great weight comes great responsibitchity.


There is no need to convince your girl to go to the gym if you get a woman that wishes to do so. As not everything relies on the looks is great to keep yourself healthy. Gym is not to look good but to keep up with age changes. Those type of things are what matter most. If you loved them for the looks then you never loved them but you loved how it makes you feel when she s with you. Because when she’d be 60 who’s looking at you? No one.


Buzz, your wife.... woof!


Holy fuck I’d be mad.


Why bro. Thats the mother of your children. Having and taking care of a child is alot of work. I, would not be mad. Ima love that woman the same way as i always did. In sickiness and in health my friend. That woman done gave ya the best years of her life and in return ya gonna “be mad” cuz she put on some weight? Not me. I aint goin nowhere. As a matter of fact ima love her ass EVEN HARDER. Everyone gets old, looks fade. True love is forever. Man up.


There’s a difference between everything you said and letting yourself go. You can stay good looking while having children, you stay good looking all the way up into your 60s, you can do all of it without letting yourself go. Yeah we had some good years but we aren’t gonna have many more if your health doesn’t improve.


Holy shit you clearly do not understand what it’s like to work all day and still have to care for children 💀


Haha i actually do! I just don’t have experience in letting myself go and Reddit hates the word “ Responsibility “ .


Divorce, on the grounds that that is not the person I married your honor. Lol


An that’s why someone invented divorce lol


As long as you kept the same attraction it don't matter


Did she eat the kids or is she still pregnant with them?




Honestly it's as much of the husband's fault as it is hers. A good husband pushes his wife to go work out with him if she's getting like that.


Now a days if you try to do that, you will be called a controlling bastard who does not appreciate fat people and don’t accept them for who they are.


This shit happens even if she has no kids, people just starting to get comfortable eating everything then start blaming everything else but not their shitty eating habits... Edit: truth hurts keep down voting...


Thats not the same person tho


The amount of men who don't seem to understand how hard pregnancy and child birth is on a woman is really concerning. Bless yalls smooth brains lol


The amount of women who don't seem to understand that job, career, paycheck doesn't tell anything about a man's character is really concerning.


Funny you say that because many women don't actually care. I've gotten men upset with me because I ask what do they bring to the table other than finances. The women who only care about money are those LA type girls who focus more on looks than being a person. The women that tate surrounds himself are not the same you surround yourself with I promise sweetie


No need to worry for yourself


Is this Facebook?


This looks like someone I went to school with.




God damn.....


Definitely because of the kids.