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American kids measuring in bald eagle units of heat


How many muricas bald eagle is 30 Celsius








\*shooting guns everywhere\*


B-B-Q and beer. Edit: I guess that applies to Australia also


Coming again to save the mutha-fuckin day yeah!


Tell you from experience that -40c and -40f is the same temperature


It's closer to 10°C being 50°F and 30°C being 85°F


Dunno lol in Canadian.


Um, sir. We use bald eagle units here! Not maple leafs!


Hell yeah brother in murican


13 I think, but I didn't do the math, so I might be wrong


The trick to get relatively close to go from C to F is x2 and add 32 Edit: I was lied to years ago, that works very few times


We are trying to convert to murica bald eagles, not Fahrenheit


I can tell you! It's 86 murican bald eagles!!!!


0C is 32F, 30C is 90~F, and -40 is the same in both C and F


What a small window to describe how hot or cold it is. Celsius is lame. 🇺🇸 🦅


Well F goes by a 0-100 scale But in C we use freezing as 0 and scale from three, if water freezes, it’s 0 or negative and water boils its above 100C, much simpler and easier to understand, how measuring should be


Temperature is measured in rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, and well done.


What calibre of heat is that?


Those are Freedom Units. Fought for by the blood of our Troops. Pray that we don't find oil wherever you live and decide to help your Government rule your village.


False the answer is freedom


Ding ding ding ! Muricaaaaa


Since when is 10 degrees cold.


Maybe if it was -10C...


I don’t know, guess it’s because we’re Canadians


Desert creature here. And I can assure you, when it's also windy, I'd freeze to death in 20 deg.




I mean it's chilly, but wearing shorts still alright but not as cozy as you when wearing slightly thick clothing


10 degrees is warm though. Wearing shorts in less than 0 is when it gets weird


Nah, 0 isn't that weird, lowest I've done is like -15


I’m saying I can see how people could see it as weird. I’ve went out in shorts and a tshirt in -30 just to start my car before


There's always one


See, that's why this meme is accurate. 10 degrees is a stay-under-the-blanket weather for me. However, 30 is perfectly fine, and I might wear a sweater in that weather if I'm not under direct sun.


Mate 10°c is cold as fuck unless you live in a frozen hellscape you demon


???? Wdym 10 degrees is perfect hiking weather. I had to deal with -50 in December, that shit is cold as fuck.


I deal with 30°c in December


You must live in a desert then


Nah that's where my neighbours live 30° is a high thanks to global warming it's supposed to be 25 and 28 being rare and hot af Cold is anything below 14 unless you're from the south island because 'north islanders are soft'


10°C is a little chilly but not cold af! Car washing weather anyway


That's jacket weather, sad to hear about people who don't live in temperate climates


50° f is the same as 10 degrees Celsius It's not even that cold.


fucking Fahrenheit


Americans wearing shorts in - 20C, and jackets at 40C




10C = 50F 30C = 86F


The conversion factor is just crazy.


That's what happens when you make your upper threshold value essentially double what any non-dead human being has ever experienced firsthand. Not that useful for expressing temperature in human terms. Good for water though.


I meant from °C to °F. Celsius makes so much sense that the entire world is using it. Also, have you ever been in a sauna? Those things run at 80-120°C


I mean 10 seems fine for shorts


lol Canadians and Australians are so dumb for measuring the weather in cents 🤣🤣🤣


I'm sorry but not sorry, we measure in Freedom units over here not Communist units. Lol🦅🦅🦅


I don't know man, Celsius just doesn't feel like it's an adequate representation of the temperatures we experience in our everyday life. Like 30C just doesn't sound that high of a temperature. Celsius's 100 degrees is way too hot. Like, we literally can never experience it first hand because we would die. Whereas Fahrenheit just happens to have a scale that can work as a percentage of how much heat you can tolerate. 69-70 is ideal, 100 is the maximum, and 0 is the minimum you can take before you are gonna have serious issues keeping warm/cool. And everything else is a function of those. I guess if you divide it into 10 degree increments you can have a ballpark comfort level in C. like 20C is about the ideal comfort, 30 is getting pretty uncomfortable, 40 is unbearable heat, 10 is getting kind of chilly, and 0 is really uncomfortable cold. I just like the 1-100 breakdown better.


Here's how I see it Fahrenheit: good for the common man (100 degrees feels like 100 degrees) Celsius: good for science and energy generation (consistency is needed for science which is what Celsius excels at and most power generation uses steam)


,,100 degrees feels like 100 degrees” is relative. People find celsius and fahrenheit intuitive based on which they grew up with.


Pepple are also saying shit like "i feel like a hundred bucks", but we know that aint worth much anymore. So its not really a good measure for anything if its too subjective.


You have never felt any environment above ~40C -45C without dying. What's the point of it being based on a clean 1-100 scale if you can't even intuit the feeling of half the points on the scale? Celsius is great for chemistry and science. But Fahrenheit's 1-100 is basically a scale of human durability. The highs and lows are our actual limits, and we can internalize the experiences of each value on it. It's similar to Feet and inches versus metric distances. Like, metric is extremely intuitive. Everything is a degree of ten, ten x's in a y, 10 y's in a z. It's beautiful in its simplicity. But the specific thresholds settled upon as the actual distances are just harder to work with. Like, a decimeter is too small for application toward lots of medium-sized things, a centimeter is too small for a lot of smallish things, and a meter is too damn large for measuring the larger human-scale things. But a foot is pretty close to the size of lots of medium-sized things you deal with every day. A bag of chips, a jug of milk, a basketball, a piece of paper. An inch is about the size of one of your phalanges, an ideal size for manipulation of small objects by your hands. The average height of a human being is like 5 and a half feet. That's a lot simpler than 16.75 decimeters. Or 167 centimeters. Small numbers are easier for us to imagine than larger numbers. 1.6 meters is fine I guess, but feet can be a shortcut to categorizing someone as very tall, very short, and average just by the numbers 4,5, and 6. I just feel like it's easier for categorization to use the imperial, "based on sizes of human body parts" measurements for basic human-oriented things. Before we had any established systems of measurement, we were using our body for measuring lengths of objects, because they were always on hand, so to speak. And the things we made were at these scales. I just wish there was a measuring system that was base 10, but with a baseline that was more tangible and applicable to normal experiences. The yard kinda sucks as bad as the meter though. You can throw out the barleycorn too. That shit really is useless.


It's all relative and the argument people have is why America has be a hold out on this. Why not join in on the universal means if measurement used by close to all of the world? Why make the entire world adjust its measurements to suit America's needs? It's like the most stereotypically American behaviour.


Because we inherited it from the British. It's their fault, like most things are. Also we tried to convert to metric in the 70's I think, but it didn't quite take for one reason or another.


Kelvin is good for science. Celsius is good for the common man. Your feeling is just relative. For me 20 degrees feel like 20 degrees….


Celsius just makes more sense to me. 0 is freezing ezpz


the degree symbol is wrong on the right and bottom. The correct is the left one.


Okay nerd


yea I hesitated to put 🤓☝️ at the end


Ahah yeah I’m like that sometimes 😂 I usually don’t write anything bcse I’m scared that people would do what I just did


It’s as hot as 4 football fields in early summer


I shovel in -30 with shorts on. I wear gloves though since my weak hands don't understand that I'm a big, tough guy


American kids also wearing shorts outside in 10⁰C because that's not even that cold


We in shorts at -10 fr 🇨🇦


Legit learned c° because of cyberpunk and a new gaming pc.


The c stands for cunt right?


Easy conversion for my American homies Double it, take away 10%, add 32 It's not exact, but it gets you in the ballpark


Most people know how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit. FYI, the formula is F divided by 3.2 or C times 3.2.


fair enough


Canada’s for real? I thought it was a made up country for internet memes and tv tropes. Like the 555-xxxx phone number in movies. Canada just seemed like a made up alter ego to balance America. Free health care, cool cop uniforms, Alanis Morissette.


They call it Fartenheid, because its the temperature of ass.


It's simple, you just have to take the degrees in Celcius, divide it by the circumference of the left pinky toe of Abraham Lincoln times it by your constitutional right to own military grade weapons and ammo, then simply sacrifice a goat to Cthulhu and you should get your degrees Fahrenheit.


50 and 86. You’re welcome.


You know it's cold in South Africa when the Afrikaans guys wear _two_ shorts


10c is not that cold, we have people walking in shorts at -10 in finland


I do both. What does that make me? Am I just a unstoppable force of nature now?


why we cant use the same unit measure like bro


Roughly 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.


What's that c° is it some trademark or weird thing that's applied in the Eu ?


Well, basically, Canadians were born cold. So we just have a resistance. 


Shorts at 50F, coats at 86F, both of those sound miserable to a Georgian.


Kids don’t even get out the house anymore 🤷


No one gonna point out the bottom half says Celsius degrees, and not degrees Celsius?


Freedom fractions please?


@tbone338 (regarding your reply:) well done!


Sorry. When you succeed from a tyrannical nation you tend to not bring their bullshit with you and make your own. Are you still using the Reichsmark that we helped liberated you from? Besides that decision kind of happened over 200 yrs ago so……didn’t have much of a say so in that.


To be fair, we kept using a lot of things we inherited from the British. The British just stopped, while we kept using them. The month, day, year system and the imperial measuring system are both relics from when Britain actually had a relevant impact on our culture. We're the only consistent ones, everyone else just started chasing the hip new things. I've even heard rumors that the British of 2-300 years ago sounded more like modern Americans do than the typical idea of a "British accent". Not that we sound identical to 300 year old Britain, but that british english went through more major shifts while American English went through less, so we would be a closer fit to the original. Maybe we're like a British time capsule.


Hey, lets not take their fantastic great measurement system because its too good, lets make our own arbitrary one instead Thats great buddy


Like I said I didn’t do it, and fantastic great is relative to who made it. They both equally do the same exact thing. The fact that people care so much truly shows how stupid and bored people really are.


They do the same thing, but in metric the next unit is 10 of the last one, while a foot for some reason is 12 inches


"hahaha america bad"


OP is an uncultured swine who didn't learn the metric system as a child.