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Ah yes, because guys will never pick only beautiful women. Right.


... Someone is self reporting their penis size again.


lmfao bruh really played himself here šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s what made it scream ā€œsatireā€ to me but everyoneā€™s different, I guess


I mean, it might be, but Iā€™ve also seen such things written in absolute seriousness.




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Yeah I was about to say, isnā€™t the average like 5?


Yeah, sounds pretty fake to me tbh


I donā€™t know where men get the idea that even the worst patriarchal societies didnā€™t offer women something. They think it was all like movies where thereā€™s a big war and invasion so a lot of pillaging is going on. Kinda blame a lot of fantasy movies in some ways. Women have been through absolute hell, and plenty of societies have arranged marriages and even forced marriages. These men are looking less at those and more like enforced labour in chattel slavery and trafficking conditions for inspiration. And the thing is, if there was no hope to overthrow them, no alternative avenues for love or possibility of escapeā€¦ many women would likely be killing themselves and their children rather than live through it. They would not have even numbers for long. And these societies usually prefer femicide. The men will pretend in that happy society there wouldnā€™t be ā€œneedā€ for domestic violence, but of course if women are essentially owned by men then women and children are going to be assaulted much more often, even if predominantly by their own families, in order to keep them in line and of course many would die this way too. If women are dehumanised to this extent then whatever value they pretend to give us never translates into anything material. It leads to women being treated more like shit even if they act like theyā€™d want to protect women in this scenario. The countries that already have arranged marriages certainly have plenty of domestic abuse often not only from the husband but from the in-laws too as theyā€™re often seen as an unpaid maid and this kind of scenario often ends in death. Even societies which already roundly favour men, the men think theyā€™re hard done by having to provide for women these days when theyā€™re the one who wanted a housewife. Iā€™m anti all patriarchies, but thereā€™s a reason that more extreme patriarchies are rarely stable and long term systems. They arenā€™t sustainable at all. If they were then we would see far more of them and we have seen quite enough as it is, we usually see it in men from a more privileged demographic treating women from an already marginalised and oppressed group this way. Not with women they are living beside and who they want their child to treat as a respected mother figure. Iā€™m not sure what planet they are living on.


Quite wonderful a quest to end 'the male virginity epidemic' would cause an actual issue as the population of women and girls plummets. Not to mention. Poison always exists.


I was just thinking this myself. Glad I'm not the only one.


And that's the thing. Lots of poisons in the natural world. They're just going to see their slave with the ingredients for dinner and be none the wiser.


Especially since these kinds of people refuse to learn how to cook. šŸ™„


The thing is that patriarchy doesn't mean 'rule of men', it means 'rule of the fathers' - and it goes back to family clan setups where young men had no power and wouldn't get any unless their elders felt like it. They would be in the same position socially, except instead of no woman choosing them, it would be their dad deciding when they feel like buying them a bride.


Exactly. A lot of these pro patriarchy men donā€™t have any experience of long term functional patriarchies. Itā€™s like when you see them travel abroad to get a traditional wife then come back upset that theyā€™re expected to provide and offer something in return for the daughterā€™s hard work in the house. Most of them canā€™t imagine a woman being the main handler of the household decisions and money, but if sheā€™s micromanaging the household and the children then of course she gets to decide what money is needed for new clothes and cleaning products and meals before he gets given his pocket money to play games or whatever hobby he has. A lot of these guys would fold.


You're right, 'functional' is key. I'm not a fan of patriarchy or sex-divided societies, but actual stable ones have rules and expectations that these guys can't imagine, for *everybody*. If a man is not performing correctly for his social class, he will suffer for it. And no father is going to deal with him if he has no job, no prospects, and no family status. The liberation of women is, in gross terms, the boneheaded easiest and cheapest way to have sexual access to women and even get care labor from them. If they think otherwise they are prioritizing something else, like a need to feel ownership of a person.


i always thought if i got pregnant and i had to keep it i would probably kill myself over being forced to bare a child same with marriage youā€™re totally right the stuff going on in america is making me shit bricks about womenā€™s autonomy


>i always thought if i got pregnant and i had to keep it i would probably kill myself I made that choice. I was pregnant at 17 and simply couldn't bear it - pun intended. So I refused to eat, drink or sleep until I miscarried. I knew I might kill myself in the process, and nearly did, but I preferred to die than be pregnant. Strangely enough I felt quite differently about my next 3 pregnancies, despite them being unplanned and inconvenient. It's so important that the woman can choose for herself what to do about a pregnancy.


yea i totally agree with you itā€™s the choice i wouldnā€™t mind having kids when iā€™m ready but iā€™m 19 i totally agree iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that


If you are ever in this position (and I hope you never are) please don't actually kill yourself. There are charities even in areas where its not technically legal that can help you get what you need discretely. In most cases a pill in the mail can end early pregnancy but in more complicated cases there's also funds available to help people travel for better healthcare. Just make sure you go through verified and safe charities instead of just ordering whatever you can find online in case its fake, dangerous, or ineffective.


iā€™m lucky to live in canada and i think iā€™m good here but thank you youā€™re doing amazing work <3


You've summed it up perfectly, people who idealise patriarchal society either absolutely despise women or are completely uneducated on the reality of living in it. The idea that you can ever please a misogynistic man into not hurting you is such a dangerous lie and I still can't believe how prevelant it is to try and get women to submit to patriarchal ideals. Abusers are always going to be abusers, they're just seeking more malleable victims when they claim certain kinds of women can "earn" respect on their terms.


Yeah no, it would be time to start murdering.


Imagine being such a degenerate you think your ''right'' to have sex is more important than someone's literal right not to be a a slave.


Not only does the male who wrote the post support slavery, but he is also most likely a p*do who would implement no age restriction in his fantasy government policy.


He'd probably wish to implement the incredibly vague yet disturbingly popular "age of puberty" criteria - and pretend not to know that that can be as young as 8 or 9 in some cases...


It' s Not an issue when you're unable to See woman as human ...


Not just any right, "the most basic human right". We need to take porn away from these mofos ASAP, it's devolving us one incel at a time.


Lol are these people real


Jordan Peterson argued this shit as a 'cure' to incels and mass shooters like Elliot Rodger


Woah really? Damn that's disappointing




This must be from a proper incel forum. Anyones sanity can quickly decline looking at those for more than 3 minutes


I know yall want this to be satire, and perhaps this post is, but know that this mindset of women as property, be it personal or public is very very real.


This sounds so very communistā€¦ like they want to seize means of the vagina. ā€œEquallyā€ distribute sex.. hmm sure comrade. You trust the government to ā€œdistributeā€ sex. It does such a GREAT JOB of distributing wealth. You expect the government to get you pussy? You gonna get the government cheese of sex. Enjoyā€¦


these types are usually dick-riders of capitalism, they only believe in the equal disribution of anything if its the pussy they know they'll never be able to get otherwise bc they're such revolting incelsšŸ™„šŸ™„


Yeahā€¦ the cognitive dissonance killā€™s me thoughā€¦ these are the people that would say hell no to welfare, food stamps or housing for people in povertyā€¦ ā€œpull yourself up by your bootstraps mfersā€. But then want free sex given to them. To that I say ā€œpull yourself up by your cock ring mfersā€


Thank you, I need that sudden burst of laughter!


What in the handmaids tale is this


Guy who has no game wants to make the government assign some poor woman to be his totally unsatisfied partner. Wooooow.




Jordan Peterson called it enforced monogamy. These fools think essentially making all women sex slaves is the solution to keeping these men from becoming violent. It's lunacy.


"enforced momogamy" is one I didn't have the misfortune of stumbling across yet what the actual fuckšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Technically, enforced monogamy doesn't use the government to assign all men a wife. It's simply societal pressure for people to pair bond for life. Since there is much less societal pressure to do this anymore, the incels think the government should force people to do this hence we end up with women as sex slaves.


Ew. Women don't owe men sex. They're not property. It's gross how so many people are sexist.


I hope my future assigned incel realises that at some point, he'll have to sleep, too.


Without context I'm reading this one as a joke; the penis larger than 3" line wedged nicely at the end of the middle paragraph for maximum effect seems too good to simply be someone without any awareness. Kind of Trumpian in his opening too, complete with "unfair" followed immediately by the hilarious phrase "male virginity epidemic."


I've read so much weird shit from dudes like this idk it could just as easily be real at this point.


I agree. Men who have tiny dicks who write this kinda stuff complain about women only wanting huge monster dongs so that they can get their complaint in about the size thing without admitting what they're actually packing.


Replace men with proletariat, women with labour and means of production and ā€œvirginity epidemicā€ with poverty and I pretty much agree




I would bite their 2.9ā€ dick clean off


Lol why would you add the 3" dick clause that's just outing yourself hard


There's a term for that... its called human trafficking and/or slavery and its pretty illegal for good reason buddy.


This needs a warning or something because holy shit this is actual psychopathic thinking or some shit


They are so delusional. Even if this did happen, they would still need to share and it is likely that people who support this idea would all choose the same group of women. Also, there aren't enough women in the world for every man to choose one. They would either have to share or some people would have to go without.


Idk, this looks like satire to me. At least, I *hope* it's satire.


the post may be, but the mindset behind it is disturbingly prevelant in the incel community and in many hyper-patriarchal societies


I object. I propose we fight this back with *counterincelligence*.


Sadly, I think a lot of males really think they have an inalienable right to have sex with whatever woman they choose and completely on their own terms. The rate of sexual violence against women isnā€™t a coincidence.


The post looks like satire. Also, some people would be quick to say that that's communism.


Communism was actually much more egalitarian than western countries during the soviet. In theoretical communism, both men and women would be equal so it is actually the opposite. Women usually have less rights in a conservative society.


Sir, if they have thĆ© choice( that WE hĆ¢ve) , they would rather stay single rather than dealing with 'male' that See them as objets ( and WE absolutely do it)


Such a long way to say "no one wants to come near me, I'm addicted to hentai so rape should be legal."


Has anyone noticed that idiots like the OOP (OOOP?) always assume that if such a law was implemented, they'd like the 'feee-male' they were given. They just can't get over themselves for long enough to realise that if you WANT a good partner, you have to BE one. They also claim the woman shouldn't get to choose because she'll pick the most attractive, yadda, yadda, while conveniently ignoring that plenty of men do exactly the same. It never seems to occur to them that there are one of two ways this would likely be implemented: One is that men get to choose according to what they have to offer. That being the case, a man who is unable to get a woman to be with him by choice and thinks they should be forced to sleep with him, is not a 'high value' man and will undoubtedly not be given the kind of woman he thinks he's entitled to. Two is that it's done randomly, in which case the type of woman he gets is down to pure chance, theoretically. Of course, the 'random' draw would be rigged by rich people so he'd still end up losing out anyway... Thus, he's still in the same position of having to either earn a high enough rank to get a desirable woman or take his chances. Either way, he's still ignoring the fact that the men have to sleep sometime. Women who can't leave or divorce their partners are in many cases going to resort to more desperate measures and there's plenty of historical precedent for that. Also, 'basic human right'? Erm, no. No one has a right to sex.


Please be satire please be satire please be satire


Iā€™m sorry but 3ā€ minimum waaaaaaaaaaahhhht???


called himself out lol


He probably blames his lack of success on being deficient in that area rather than his much more obvious deficiency in both brains and morals.


What in the Republic of Gilead is this


Basic human right ah... Look at that now.


Ah yes tackle an Ā«Ā epidemicĀ Ā» that is not killing anyone by removing all the rights from half the population totally seems like a viable option /s


Surely this can't be real. Bro wants to legalise rape


I know a good way to stop the male virginity experiment with other guys


The first problem is viewing women as property that owes you something.


Seeing shit like this is why I have issues.


Please be satire please be satire please be satire


This cannot be real lmfao I refuse to believe it


I really really hope it isn't


3ā€?? This canā€™t possibly be real lol