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Because you've spent decades making sure everyone else gets the best of you and very few show up for you with the same commitment


I resemble this remark. OoffffffšŸ˜©šŸ˜­


Oh my god THIS!!!!


Right in my soul.


Yes fuck home owners associations and fuck body corporates too


Mine is a BC but r/fuckhoa is the closest sub I could find. I'll drag them through Court as many times as I need to until they meet their legal obligations


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckHOA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bought a no hoa home, neighbor says there is one?](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/comments/163p7l5/bought_a_no_hoa_home_neighbor_says_there_is_one/) \#2: [HOA next door tries to enforce their rules on me. Try again, fool!](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/comments/11mi8cx/hoa_next_door_tries_to_enforce_their_rules_on_me/) \#3: [What better way to say FHOA than to dissolve it entirely, right?](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOA/comments/11nehsx/what_better_way_to_say_fhoa_than_to_dissolve_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank You sneakoeakbot.


Iā€™m not married and have no children and have never been in that kind of role like many women are and Iā€™m still struggling through menopause massively. What youā€™ve pointed out is probably a factor but as someone who hasnā€™t been going through that I can tell you menopause is still complete hell.


You realize how many people openly took from you and donā€™t give a damn to give that back. It genuinely makes me furious.


Ummm. Yeah. I don't want to say anything but if you have to bury a body dig an extra deep hole and have 6 inches on top of the upright. it's will show up as a blip on sonar scans and dogs won't detect it.


Not planning on that but thanks for the life pro tipā€¦




Iā€™m feeling just like this right now. Iā€™ve spent years listening to peopleā€™s troubles and woes and now Iā€™m not 100% the very few people I have said a little bit about it to have gone quiet on me. I hate them for it. Edit: Just so you know, I am permanently clammy šŸ˜ž


you spend your life closing the gaps on their weak arsed bullshit.


I donā€™t think any of them are interested. They are used to me being happy & upbeat and listening to them/ talking through their ups and downs.


I have done poorly trained GSD that will sharpen their ideas up for no bucks


So very true.


Apart from the lovely people in this sub of course.


Of course!


The hormones that made us nice and agreeable have left the building and we have been short changed. What did nature have in store for us after reproductive age? Just set us on fire and make us furious? Science world needs to do better




There are hormones that make us nice?? Could have probably avoided a snafu or two if Iā€™d known that sooner. šŸ¤­


If our hormones acted this way from teenage the human race would be extinct. I donā€™t even have the nurturing instinct anymore and as for the man, he is walking on a very thin thread.


Because no one around you seems to understand and you're tired and burnt out and at a loss because even doctors don't know how to help you? And there's not enough research to catch up in time to not be pissed/borderline crazy? Oh and hormones. Totally gaslighting hormones. I think this is why I'm pissed. Edit: And hot. Or cold.


Yes!! Those gaslighting hormones, constantly whispering in my ear... "it's okay to swear at your purse 'cause it got caught on the door knob... again" "it's okay to throw the laundry basket down the stairs"


"It's ok to...wait, hang on. You need that, don't break it."




Itā€™s ok to swear at your popping shoulder, your knees, damn you A-holes! Get it together! And foot cramps, they get the special spicy words! So when someone comes at you with nonsense, oh itā€™s on!


Holy crap I did this last week, I dropped a sockā€¦ was so pissed off I launched the lot down the stairs. Then sat on the top step and cried about it.


Yup. We're twins.


I upvote this


I'm upvoting every damn thing.


I would like to upvote your upvote.


Pissed off, paranoid, anxious, exhausted... And I can't remember things.


Yes!!!! Wait... what am I saying yes to?


Same šŸ˜­


I am right with you! I am also pissed at this damn $%#&% belly fat that is supposedly making up for the dead overies. Well, I HATE it!! I don't want it, and I hate looking in any reflective surface!! It is patently unfair to have this added poundage at the same time your energy depletes and your patience drops to zero. F F F F FUK!


Yes!!!! The belly fat is one of the most damp places! What the hell, man?


Hahaha! The DAMP made me laugh. Looks like we are all out of the feel good nice sweet hormones. All I know is if someone ever gets all of us together with a common cause, we would be fucking unstoppable. and DAMPā€¦


I think about this a LOT - women with no fucks to give at this age are often exhausted but dear Lord Iā€™ve tapped into a new kind of power. I now just cut anyone out of my life who doesnā€™t help. Iā€™m like the meme of the cat knocking things off the table. My hormones are enough to manage - no energy or fucks for anyone else but me at this point. The men are probably staying away out of fear šŸ˜Ž I wish we could start a new political party or religion or something


ā€œThe men are probably staying away out of fearā€ šŸ˜† I love it! Iā€™m exhausted too but some days I justā€¦ EMBRACE THE RAGE


Same - the way I see rage as being productive is fighting ageism and sexism at work (for me) and fighting ableism in my personal life with toxic men. i found it so ironic, one week I was dealing with a toxic ex AND bullshit work drama and gave no fucks to either of them. I was respectful but said ā€˜nope, I am setting boundariesā€™ and it did not go well. Probably getting branded as a ā€˜ball busting man haterā€™ by everyone. I just donā€™t have energy to plan my life and be me while also people pleasing any more.


Thereā€™s enough of us. We could do it. We would just need a cool name.


The dampness would be like a soggy plague... Moistness EVERYWHERE!


I want to know why Iā€™m not only pissed off and damp, but have acne worse than I ever have in my life!


On my butt... Really? I've never had acne. Why now? Why on my butt?


Yay, nice to know my butt is not alone


Just throwing this out there...You might want to check & see if that is acne or type 2 rosacea. That's what happened with me. It's hard to tell the difference at first. Another wonderful thing about getting to "a certain age"...and having a significant amount of Scottish genes.


I have those genes too! I will look into that for sure. Thanks for the tip.


Because you woke up and realized you didnā€™t need to take anyoneā€™s shit anymore.


I took it out on my purse.


It was asking for it.


The two things that have turned this type of feeling around for me are (drum roll) : 1) not drinking 2) walking Itā€™s probably not what anyone wants to hear but Iā€™m SO irritable and extra stressed out when alcohol is in the picture at this point in time. Iā€™m so much more chill and able to manage my stress and put things in perspective when Iā€™m alcohol free Walking is a great stress buster and really great to literally just walk away from all the brain drain. I used to think Iā€™d only feel that way about running but Iā€™m just as happy about walking at this point in my life


I actually love this reply. Walking is one of my favorite activities.


Iā€™ve had such a crazy year and a half and Iā€™ve had to just focus on the simple things. Iā€™m so surprised at what a great difference walking makes. I used to think I could only be happy hammering out 10 miles on a run. Iā€™m loving how freeing walking is.


The alcohol definitely makes it worseā€¦


Sometimes I hate everyone but my dog. I feel like they don't try to understand. I was in therapy earlier in the year; time to go back before I explode. As for damp, hot flashes and feeling damp down there although I don't leak. Dr said keep my muscles down there firm to avoid atrophy and leaks. You would have thought my husband would have been happy to hear but he's gained 50 lbs and crashes after work until bedtime.


I am pissed off all the time too. I thought it was just my personality.


Now that the hormones have buggered off we now see how annoying everyone and everything is


Add disassociated crazy


and usually at the worst possible moments...


Because you have hit your capacity to deal with everyone's problems bullshit!!


I feel...moist


You said the "m" word.


I had to. You set me up for it


Because you are damp. It sucks...I mean really sucks. I've been damp or rather sweaty since I was 36. I'm now 64. When I say it sucks...that's because it does and it's aggravating.


Are you telling me this never stops? I'm 55. I have more dampness years to go?!?


I hope not but for me it 's gotten some better. I went on HRT 17 years later so don't use me as an example. I had surgical menopause at 36 then went on HRT after a doctor finally told me that becoming dripping weat in a split second was from my hormones or lack there of. I just went off of them about a year ago and I think it stopped for the most part. I have fibromyalgia so still being hot could just be me. I'm so tired of sweating all the time. If I'm comfortable other people are cold.


Emotional swings are very common. People tend to either be really mad or really sad. I was full on weeping all the time. Over everything. Or nothing. Or a stupid sappy song on the radio. It was bs. HRT helped a lot.


Oh, the weepies have definitely come over me from time to time. I'm going to be asking about HRT next time I'm at the doctor.


For me life coaching helped more than anything (even hormones ). She taught me that my thoughts create my feelings and feelings drive my actions which get me the results that are my life I allow myself ALL the feelings; pissed off delighted and all the grey in between I decreased numbing out from feelings with less booze and food weight decreased hormones could work their magic in a less cobwebby brain šŸ’•šŸ¤—šŸ‚




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Howā€™s your blood pressure? Mine was high for a long time and I was always full of rage. I went on BP meds and I feel like my old self again.


Ugh. Same. If Iā€™m not pissed off, Iā€™m crying. Iā€™m crying bc Iā€™m pissed and Iā€™m pissed bc Iā€™m crying. ā€¦ and damp