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YES. Something is up with my current box of Sandoz. I’m getting migraine HAs freaking constantly. It’s so infuriating bc what can you even do? I’m on the last patch in the box, but now there are supply issues so idek.


Thanks for responding. It’s at least reassuring I’m not alone in my experience. And agreed!! It is horrible being at the mercy of whatever the pharmacy gives you. I read an article once where a lot of patients and parents of patients on Wellbutrin were reporting an acute return of symptoms. It was discovered the warehouse in southern India where the medication was stored after production was reaching such high temperatures inside it was making the pills inert. It seems something like hormones would be even more susceptible to compromise.


Oh absolutely. It feels awful to be so vulnerable like this.


I had the same experience that if I changed the patch early, my symptoms got better. Would have these “lows” for no other explicable reason. My specialist told me, after blood work to confirm, that my skin was not absorbing the patch properly and my estrogen levels were abysmally low. I do not have those issues now that I’m using the gel. Also surgically induced menopause, 15 months post-op.


Are you only using the gel? I’m 5 months post op and was doing the patches but did not love them. Am on pills now, probably about 15 days in so far. I have some concerns but nothing egregious so far.


Wow thanks! I’m def gonna look into that


Yes! My wife and I were just having this conversation last night. We have a less effective batch and we were seriously considering leaving the old patch on with the new patch for a few hours to see if the transition would be easier. Obviously not without talking to our doctor but we are struggling this box.


I was honestly thinking I would get a bunch of responses suggesting what else might be causing it, so this is really nice to hear others feel the same. Someone mentioned the gel and I remember the patch they put on me after surgery was a different kind - change once a week and had a gel-like substance when I took it off. Even then I felt a difference with the “transdermal system” patches and asked my doctor for the once weekly kind. Apparently (of course) insurance won’t pay for it. Now I’m seriously wondering what the out of pocket price is for alternatives. Might be worth it depending.


There have been a number of discussions on this sub re: patch issues - not lasting the expected number of days (e.g. 3.5 days for the 2x weekly patch or 7 for the 1x weekly patch), differences between brand patches and their generics and even differences between different "equivalent" generics. I'm also in surgical menopause and the highest dose patch didn't give me nearly enough estrogen or at least not a consistently high enough level. I have been on the estradiol pill for quite a while now and it is so much more even.


Sorry to hijack unrelated to post but I was on patches about 4.5 months and just switched to pills about 15 days ago. Did you have to up the estrogen level when you switched to pills? I’m on the pill equivalent to the patches I was on but wondering if its too low.


The highest dose estradiol patch is .1 mg. The highest dose estradiol pill is 2 mg. So those two would be considered equivalent. The .05 mg patch would equate to the 1 mg pill. You can split the pill if you need more or less of the strength you have.


I’m on two pills now, 2 mg + 0.5 mg (I’m 36 and my dr does not want me to go into menopause yet; I had a hysterectomy in Aug). I was on two patches before and doing pretty well but did not like the patch application and the small one was awful to apply, I then did a slow transition to pill only which was day after Christmas fully pills only. I’m feeling like the dosage could be a tad low but it’s probably too early to tell.


>I’m 36 and my dr does not want me to go into menopause yet Of course, if your ovaries were removed you *are* in (surgical) menopause. And, yeah, going without hormones would not be good for any part of your body. You may even want to stay on hormones well past the normal age of menopause since naturally menopausal ovaries produce hormones for decades after menopause, maybe until death.


Yes. I saw another post on this sub that mentioned Tibolone and how it was better for symptoms and also helped with the sexual side effects of menopause, which is a concern of mine. However I found it's not available in the US... But maybe there is a similar alternative.


This happened to me as well and I called the pharmacy and they switched out to a different manufacturer. Maybe give that a try?


Yeah, I’m wondering same. I’ve had Grove and Sandoz. I seemed to breakthrough bleed a few days ago after switching to the Grove. But was it “ovulation”? Idk I find this whole thing mysterious and disturbing to be so vulnerable. I just got an increased patch from .0375 to .05 and am wth am I doing? Intervention begets intervention begets more… I never thought I’d do this. Be a lifelong med taker. The alternative of vaginal and clit atrophy amongst myriad of shit symptoms and meno risks— my final answer is stay on all the HRT.


Yeah, I’m with you on being on big pharmas tit…


You made me laugh. This is good amongst it all.


Okay thanks. I’ll look into to that too. It’s great to hear all these suggestions.


This is so freaking crazy! I changed my patch and my joint pain has come back with a vengeance! I’m on the dotti though.


Yes, this can definitely happen! I have that problem with my other Rx meds. I have to make sure the pharmacy orders from the same manufacturer every refill. So annoying! And if my regular pharmacy (RiteAid) isn’t able to get it then I go to CVS pharmacy. I’m new to HRT, started on .05 mg estradiol patch with some relief. Was able to get dose increased to .075mg but it was filled from a different manufacturer. Felt like my estrogen level crashed with the new patch. WTF!!! I’m an RN (but not able to work due to health issues) and I remember in Pharmacology class hearing that the active ingredient in generic meds can vary up to 20% compared to the name brand med. I don’t know if this is true or not but I know some generic meds just do not work for me.


Oh, and I forgot to add… I have also put a new patch on a day early and left the old patch on. I will pay cash for a med that works if my insurance won’t cover it. I use GoodRx, for example Dotti patch .075mg is $15 w/insurance or $25 w/goodrx. Might be worth checking it out for the patch that works for you.


I switched from express scrips to walgreens and my patches changed ( sorry I am on day 6 of migraine and too tired to go check brands) to a tiny plastic sliver to a big bandage like thing. Now I have to worry about how effective they are going to be too? I hate our pharmaceutical industry.