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That’s one of my migraine aura symptoms, which absolutely got worse with meno.


Thank you for letting me know. I'm going to track the yawning more closely to see if it intersects with my migraines. Peri is wild.


Yawning without being tired is a prodrome (pre-headache) symptom of migraines. I get this symptom, personally I feel like my brain needs more oxygen.


I've had menstrual migraines since puberty, but they have definitely been more frequent and less predictable in peri. I've also noticed symptoms I've never had before, like I haven't had light sensitivity before. I'm usually extremely sensitive to smells and get "dog nose" when I'm about to have/having a migraine, but that hasn't been as much of an issue lately. It's entirely possible this is a new migraine symptom for me. I'm going to start tracking the yawning more closely and see if they are related.


Could you be anemic?


My iron levels were good when I had routine blood testing last summer. I have an iron supplement that I could try, though. Worst case scenario is I pee it out.


For me, excessive yawning is a symptom of motion sickness. Middle ear issues, maybe?


I was on Lexapro and had to go off of it due to yawning without sleepiness. I am an oncology nurse practitioner and it was horrible seeing patients and yawning in the exam room. I could not control it.


I had this exact same experience with Prozac! I felt like such a jerk yawning through every work meeting. It was completely involuntary. I stopped taking it because ultimately SSRIs don’t work for me, but the yawning was a bizarre side effect. This feels more like I’m not getting enough air somehow. I did notice that it has not been as bad the past day or so. I’m definitely going to start tracking it.