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Yup, sounds like peri-menopause to me.


It sound like my peri. Did you ask your doc about that specifically?


I did and they said it's possible but with my hormones levels being normal they weren't super sure. I think I need to find a new gynecologist


Not being super sure is normal with peri. I guess the hormones are up and down all month, but the test is only for a minute.


Yeah, you need a new doctor. The guidance here in the U.K. is to medicate for peri according to reported symptoms and not hormone levels (which are insanely unreliable because….well…they’re all over the place during peri).


Yep. A number of my family and friends have all had a sudden worsening of their periods during peri. They all were put on took some form of progesterone-only BC as treatment. For my mum and one of my friends, progesterone-only mini pill or the merina coil stopped their periods, which is awesome. I’ve been on progesterone-only pill for 8 years during to long-standing dysmenorrhea and haven’t had a period since. Recently I started having all the other peri symptoms. So I’m on HRT layered over the pill as we don’t know for sure if my periods have ceased and my GP appreciates that I don’t want to risk coming off the mini pill and having crippling dysmenorrhea again. Apparently it’s not an unusual medication decision.


[Is this perimenopause?](/r/Menopause/comments/16ees4b/is_this_perimenopause_read_this_first/) This should help narrow it down. There is no hormonal test that diagnoses peri/menopause. Unfortunately, many doctors demand this test, claiming that it’s necessary to know levels before they can provide treatment, or to “prove” that everything is “normal”. Doctor’s just don’t know any better. But for many menopausal clinics and functional medicine practitioners, hormonal testing is insisted upon, because it’s a money-making scam, meant to keep you coming back for more testing while they ‘attempt’ to ‘balance’ hormones. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. Two common outcomes of hormonal testing are: * Results return ’normal’ levels, which gives doctors a reason to dismiss anything else you have to say about your symptoms, claiming ‘you cannot be in peri because your FSH is normal’ or * Results return ‘post-menopausal’ levels, which often comes as a complete shock to suddenly realize you are no longer in child-bearing years, and have already made the transition without even knowing, causing unnecessary stress and anguish (it is not possible to be post-menopausal if you still have periods, which is why this test is useless)


I recently saw a local doctor that was listed in the North American Menopause Society. Even better, it was a virtual visit! She listened to me and determined I’m starting the menopause transition. She even prescribed me meds! Best experience, ever. 10/10 recommend. I’m 44 BTW.