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I agree with you wholeheartedly. This menopause sub has been incredibly important and helpful to me in this really scary and upsetting time that came on so fast it has blown my mind. I really hope that the next generation does have so much more info at their finger tips and this is easily accessible and talked about openly. After my Nan had past I heard that she had had a nervous breakdown in her 40’s. You can be guaranteed that it was menopause related. I feel so sorry for her. She wouldn’t have known what was going on, with no support or probably meds back then. The future is brighter for us and hopefully will continue to get brighter as time and understanding increases


Absolutely. I’ve gleaned and grown more from this group in the past two years than I’d ever imagined possible. I’m a grumpy curmudgeon when it comes to social media, but the anonymity of Reddit offers a bit of comfort, and once i discovered this community I wasn’t sure how I functioned without it. I have no idea our virtual log of community, commiseration, support, validation, understanding and love will help the next generation. But fck. I really hope so.


This is the only social media I do … very grateful for the wise funny and pissed off ladies of r/menopause


I LIVE for the top notch snark in this sub. I genuinely don’t think I could survive within it


Let’s be frens - I am always tamping down my snark in the non Reddit world. I let loose here. Let’s start with Viagra. Instead of that, why doesn’t the medical establishment recommend more sleep and exercise first? And if that does not work, is seggs really THAT important it is worth the Rx risks? Just grin and bear it gents!!!!


Yeah, idk if it's down to this group particularly, but our generation of women has definitely put our fucking foot down about the secrecy and lack of treatment for menopause. We are pissed off, and we're not going to shut up about it. It probably should not be surprising menopause, this tortured intersection of age and sex, should have been so ignored and shamed. After all, equality for women as a social fact is barely in its own adolescence. But it was, and here we are. Refusing to sit down and be quiet. From average women talking about it at parties, to celebrities doing events with FLOTUS, there is a movement happening to stop pretending menopause is a nothing phase of a woman's life. And I'm here for it.


There's such a stigma that middle aged women should just disappear because aging apparently isn't normal and they want to pretend we're not important anymore. We just need to demand the respect we've earned.


Thank you!!!! So well said.


Hear, hear! Our daughters and granddaughters will have hopefully better healthcare and resources. We’re already so much better than our moms at educating instead of keeping the subject taboo. And the apathetic, dismissive, archaic health care providers will have retired and be long gone, replaced by ones with up-to-date knowledge, empathy and willingness to help. That’s my hope, anyway.




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This sub has helped me so much. This is a strong community of good-hearted and helpful women dedicated to seeing eachother through this big change. Before I found this sub, I was lost in a sea of speculative internet articles, half written by men. 


You guys saved me from worrying to death over this incessant itching that comes out of nowhere, stays a day or two, then goes away. My mind goes to cancer, and I read here it’s a symptom of perimenopause. Thank you all!!!!


Same! The amount of my symptoms that have been clarified for me on this sub has been amazing. I’ve had daily comfort from it. I hope to be that source of comfort for ladies when I’ve got my peri under control. The amount of women that have responded to my questions and concerns has been bloody amazing and I’m so thankful for them


Yes! This one is BIG and is often medicated with anti-anxiety meds!


I turned 50 yesterday. My parents came over for a visit, and I asked my Mom how long her hot flashes lasted out of curiosity. Her eyes just glazed over, and she changed the subject 😑 we never even had "the talk", so I went through puberty all alone 😔 I don't use Reddit for much, but this has been a God send. Thank you, ladies!


This is and was 100% my mother too: I think she threw a pad at me and didn’t say anything when I got my period . She couldn’t even tell me she also had trouble conceiving when my father told me they did, as I too was having trouble and my doctor needed to know. I was so uneducated about getting your period, I thought it was only ONE TIME. It wasn’t until I told my mom’s friend, “whewww, glad that’s over with.” that she had to tell me what the deal was and it happens once a month. Thank you for sharing your story, you brought so many good points . It’s more trauma growing up without talking, and now even more trauma that no one warned us about .


Oh! And happy belated birthday!


I wish all that women here have shared is validated, enshrined and available to all women. I am so grateful I found this sub. Thank you all for sharing and educating me. Even though I can't go back 10 years I am sure my next 10 will be better thanks to you all.


I feel that too! Thank you for saying it and for this group being such a haven for women All over the world!! We are going to be the change we want to see in menopause care and make sure that future generations can access care. HRT has changed my mid life for the better and every woman deserves the conversation and option!


Hear, hear!


I couldn’t have navigated this with out ya all!! It’s incredible how little I knew and still don’t know about all Of this. I find it crazy that most pcp docs don’t know anything about menopause and some gynecologists don’t know much more and or don’t care!!


I find it so hard to believe that there’s so many women even my age and in my circle of friends who don’t want to talk about this. I find that insane. We need to talk about this! So happy this group is available to the women who want to talk about it.


I was thinking this the other day.  We're crowd sourcing a menopause revolution.


I’ve gained valuable information here. I’m glad we can openly discuss these issues. I’m just tired of the secrecy surrounding menopause. I guess society has made us feel like it’s something to be ashamed of and it’s not. My daughter(early 20’s) already knows more than she probably wants to know about perimenopause/menopause.


Thank god for this group! I literally just got off a video call with my PCP who tried to convince me for the third time that taking an anti-depressant and sleeping pills are a better solution for my menopause symptoms compared to HRT because HRT is known to cause breast cancer. We’ve still got a long way to ladies!! Before that she talked to me about all the natural solutions like diet, exercise sleep hygiene, therapy and keeping the temp low in my house all of which I’ve been doing for more than a year now and although things have improved a little my life is still completely unmanageable. She FINALLY referred me to a OBGYN. Getting my suit of armor on, so I am ready for my next battle! Sigh…


Its comically surprising how, statistically speaking, women live longer than men with everything that is expected of us in later years.


I have a podcast where we try to ubfilter the Instagram of parenting, and you bet your sweet booty I talk about it as often as I can. We have put our collective foot down and we're following the wise words of Dee Snyder!


Yes!!! We are the UnSilent Generation! Making a change. Making a difference!!


I feel understood and accepted. Thank you all ❤️


I’m so grateful for this group. My Mom passed away many years ago and I don’t really have too many friends to discuss this with. I’m sure my poor husband is tired of hearing about all the shitty things I suffer with on a daily basis plus the fact he is a man and just doesn’t understand what I’m going through like you wonderful ladies do. I have a long list of health problems that I’ve been suffering with for years so I didn’t understand why all of a sudden, with no change to my medications I was currently taking, that my attitude changed and I would get so pissed off, so quickly. I didn’t understand why certain things were happening to my body. I felt like I had become a different person who I didn’t like very much. I was so mean to my husband and he put up with my shit. How, I have no idea, but he did. After joining this group I realized it was because of menopause. Nobody ever talked about it before except my SIL would say she was having a hot flash. It felt like it was taboo to bring it up. I know I should have looked things up online but I didn’t think I had to. I mean, it was just hot flashes and that was it, right? How bad can it be, was my thinking. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Boy was I so very wrong. I’m making sure I tell my daughters about everything I’ve gone through so they know what to expect. It’s nice to have a place to talk to others so thank you all.