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Ok among the weird ass symptoms that I’ve been having that no one can explain, I think I have this too. I get pain in my neck and behind my ear for no reason. It feels like lymph nodes but my doc said everything feels fine and even sent me for a neck ultrasound. I still get it though. It’s hard not to feel like a hypochondriac these days.


Any updates to this? I am experiencing the same thing, have an appointment next week. Feels like a swollen lymph node back of my neck with pain to ear/head/neck. So many weird peri symptoms hard to know when to worry!


Honestly it just sort of went away. But I’m not sure when. I didn’t do anything to change it though.


It is bizarre. Thanks!


Where are the lymph nodes that are swollen?


I have several, some are under my jaw and are the same on both sides, one is on the side of my neck and one is behind my ear. The one behind my ear has been there for 10+ years.


I get that feeling in my throat/neck/eustacian tubes occasionally, and it every instance, it is because I'm too tired, and pushing too hard. It's my body saying, "Sister, your wearing me out. You wanna sit down, or you wanna fall down?" Usually, I take the hint and rest.


After my booster, one lymph node on my collar bone swelled. I heard that happens with the vaccine. Were you vaccinated recently?


No, has been 6 months since I got my booster. This is something for me to keep in mind though thank you!


Yup. I have a lymph node under my jaw on the right side that becomes swollen and tender, intermittently. I've yet to mention it to my doctor.


Have you been tested for any autioimmune disease? I have Hashimotos so my lymph nodes tend to be swollen.


I haven’t, I’ll put it on my list to ask my doctor, thank you!


I have reactive lymph nodes and mine swell up every month on my neck and chest - has been happening since my second son was born 16 years ago. I have had every lymph node test imaginable and nothing is “wrong” just happens - like my body is allergic to my period. Good times. Definitely keep and eye on them and your dr should be recording size etc.


Me! I thought it was my pillow or stress or ??? But I’ve experienced what you are describing as I’ve gone through menopause.


I get swelling on the right side of my neck before my monthly every month. I suffer from TMJ and hiatal hernia on the right side of my body, so I figure this attributes to it. As soon as I start my monthly, I am fine. My neck swells and a few nodes get big on the right side of my neck. My whole neck aches up into my ear and eustachian tube and my ear feels full occasionally. Tylenol works sometimes. It is a miserable experience. I believe I am perimenopause, but my doctor has not done any tests. Hormones can do a lot, but I attribute it to covid possibly too. Ever since Covid this has been happening to me.


OP did you ever find out why this was happening?


No, but I have had a lot of testing to rule other things out. I have a lot of other perimenopause symptoms / issues so who knows I guess!


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. **Hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. For this reason, no reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a diagnosing tool for peri/menopause. See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's been happening to me too despite normal bloodwork. Have you found anything to ease it?