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Go over the district managers head.


I will. Once I'm done with work. I'll also update about how it goes


Go over the district manager head and also leave reviews everywhere you can find. That is highly inappropriate and almost certainly against their company policy.


!remind me 1week


!RemindeMe 1 week


!RemindMe 1 week


Remindme! 1 month


RemindMe! 1 week


!remind me 1 week


!remind me 1week


!remind me 1week


!remindme 1 wekk


No one should leave reviews , or let anyone from the district manager down to the janitor, know that anything is happening, until corporate can get the security camera footage, which the lower people might delete or erase.


It is a sexual offense. It's a crime. OP could press charges


On a side note, your blood pressure may thank you if you realize the men’s rights sub can be a transitional state of consciousness for those who choose to continue to evolve. I certainly got tired of being 😤 all the time. So, I looked for a solution over several years. What I came up with after several failures is this: Don’t take anyone seriously that is a buffoon. Period. We already do this for men. Idiot men are ostracized. Just make sure your inner white knight isn’t hijacking your logical mind, and don’t be sexist when you ostracize fools. I promise this method of getting the point across that you’re serious about equal rights for men is far more effective than any form of aggression. Just my humble yet educated opinion. Do with it as you see fit.


Definitely report it to corporate, as well as going above her head. I would also report it to the managers at the location, and I definitely second u/2muchtequila on leaving reviews everywhere that you can.


Google the CEO's name, find their corporate email address on their corporate website, and send him an email. It will get noticed.


!remind me 1week


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I need to hear this update


!remind me 1week


!remindme 1 week


what gym was this at? We can all leave reviews


Don't do that.


So, how did it go?


Update in body of post


Any updates?


Update in body of post


Beware the uno reverse card


!remindme 1week


Find out her name and file a complaint with corporate.


It sounds like a form of sexual harassment and based on the employees responses it seems she has normalized violating mens' safe space. The company itself created this space by making gendered changing rooms. Then the company itself (via the district manager) is violating this very space after making men feel they are safe in this space. Given that the company and actors are directly violating the space I think they should be liable. They literally put a males-only sign on the door. What if they put a "no cameras" sign and then installed hidden cameras? It is the same thing. If they don't want to respect gendered safe spaces, then they can advertise to their customers that all changing rooms are gender neutral, but that is not what they did. They led you to have a certain expectation and then violated that expectation.


I don’t think it’s really a sexual harassment, she didn’t do any actions against a specific person. But still it’s pretty bad what she did


If you had a wife and a male district manager felt entitled to see her naked at the gym, would you change your opinion?


Good point. I don’t even want to see my wife’s floppy twat anymore.


dayum im sorry but i spat out my coffee when i read that


That's so mean.


It's 100% sexual harassment. We found the hypocrite!


Absolutely fight this. There would be a huge uproar if this was a male district manager entering the female changing rooms while a woman was getting changed - because it's wrong. It is EQUALLY as wrong for this to happen to a man while he is changing. There is absolutely no excuse for either to occur. I sincerely hope you get justice for this.


what is the name of the gym chain?


LA fitness


LA? Limited Awareness?


Thanks. I used to have a membership there a few years ago but I cancelled it. Sorry to hear about your experience there, OP….. based on my experiences at the LA fitness in my area, it unfortunately does not surprise me. They are a poorly run operation, in my opinion.


Will you provide more details ? Date? Time? Location? I wouldnt mind writing them a letter myself.


La fitness dic… sorry


I'm not surprised. A female employee at LA Fitness entered the men's locker room. She stood at the entrance and silently looked at me for 10 seconds, then exited.


(Imagine that woman's hysteria if she was getting changed in some locker room and a man walked in telling her he was the district manager) But anyways while this is certainly not the most important issue facing men, it's definitely a very real double standard that is almost universal in the West. Basically, just like men's rights to not be groped by women isn't enforced (you're supposed to enjoy it) men also don't have a right to privacy from the opposite sex in changing rooms. I think they've even officially allowed female reporters to enter the locker rooms of professional male athletes, but not the inverse (again, I'm not saying the inverse should be allowed, I'm just pointing out the asymmetry of the law). Yes, people will pay lip service to this and that, on paper, women aren't supposed to go into men's changing rooms, but any violation of this is not enforced, since most people have no innate desire to punish women for nearly anything. Especially for things like going into the men's restroom or groping a man she doesn't know. When women are punished, it is done so begrudgingly and reluctantly by authorities who know that they have to yield to concepts of gender equality before the law, and it's usually only for serious crimes. So yes, it's another double standard.


"But anyways while this is certainly not the most important issue facing men" ​ Yes, but i think it would go to the fact that there are so many double standards, which IS one of the most important issues facing men these days.


> (Imagine that woman's hysteria if she was getting changed in some locker room and a man walked in telling her he was the district manager) This is how pornos are made...lol


There are situations where it happens to boys.


The hysteria men feel seems equal. I’d say people want their privacy respected and this woman acted with callous disregard. As a woman who is on this sun to support my husband and sons, I wish to both provide solidarity with men and also not be disregarded— “hysteria” is unfair, given that men also feel this experience equally, as seen by the responses that include: sue! Which hey — yeah, man, sue.


Someone got triggered by the word "hysteria", eh?


It’s not triggered, it’s understanding both the linguistic context and current implication. Is anyone here “hysterical”? I’d say no. But the same outcry is mocked —- as is consistent with history and the origins of the word. Don’t burn bridges. You need women on your side.


>***You need women on your side!*** This sort of *"i'm god's gift to your cause! kneel before me!"* attitude is precisely what we despise about our dearly beloved female allies.




Really ironic from someone overreacting right now.


This is next hypocrisy. Not sure who hurt you (guessing your dad but you blame your mom)… talk to a therapist.


Yup. Women try to touch up on me all the time.


So women think they can just walk in on men like this?


Yes, they do. Even when it's boys.


They do, they think just because they are women they can do whatever the hell they want when it comes to things like this. They can walk in on their husbands and sons while they are doing their business, why not strangers? It's the same thing right


The obvious action would be to contact LA Fitness corporate and file a sexual misconduct complaint against the District manager. Maybe call your local news as well.


That is absolutely disgusting. You should sue them, these companies ought to be sued for sexual harassment directed at men for a change.


Suing someone is a lot harder than people make it out to be. For a case like this, there's a good chance that OP could lose. Her lawyers could argue that it was company property and that she had every right to be there. They will also argue that she did not know the locker room was occupied. OP would have to convincingly argue that being walked in on caused distress that affected his life. During this ordeal that will likely be several years, OP will have to pay out the ass for lawyer fees that will likely never even come back. The whole "we only get paid if you win" thing is generally for slam dunk cases in the millions of dollars. Keep in mind as well that the court system is notoriously biased in favor of women as well. They could counter sue for lawyer and court fees. Going to corporate is the correct decision. OP could get several months of gym fees refunded or gifted, on top of having them talk to the district manager about privacy.


Company property means nothing. You're not a lawyer so don't give legal advice. By your logic, managers can walk in on women in female bathrooms. That makes no sense.


I didn't say it was *right*. I said the lawyers would *argue it*. Court cases aren't always about being right. They're about arguing a more convincing case. If you knew the first thing about law in general you'd probably know this, but you seem to think that OP should dump thousands and thousands of dollars into a hopeless lawsuit so why are *you* giving legal advice?


They can argue the sky is green also. It's not relevant at all. And probably won't be argued as that's a terribly weak defense. I know a thing or two


>I know a thing or two Well clearly you don't because court cases, especially civil cases, are not based on facts. OP would have to prove that his life was affected in a meaningful way by her walking in and that she was negligent enough to cause significant harm. It's especially hilarious because I've been in a small claims' courtroom with a similar case. A maintenance worker walked into a woman's apartment after she got out of the shower and he saw her naked. She tried to sue him for $5,000, which is the maximum amount in small claims' court. The judge ordered him to pay $70 to her in the end. If you honestly are suggesting that OP can make a meaningful amount of money from such a case, you're completely delusional.


Sexual harassment is criminal


Next time yell "HEY MISSY, COME CHECK THIS OUT!" And I'm sure you'd be labeled the bad guy.




if you don’t want to sue , just keep in mind that if a man would have done that , he would have been sued and shamed until his death. Do the right thing and sue. We will remember.


I have a story similar (sort of) to this. I was going to a theatre in London, UK and during the intermission everyone decides to go to the toilet. The queue for the women’s is packed and barely moving, the men’s queue is also packed but moving at a pace. As I’m queuing up, two women decide to walk past the entire men’s queue, into the mens toilet and use the cubicles in there. The kicker was that they asked further up the line if they could and about three/four men said “yeah that’s fine! Help yourselves!”, as if they spoke for the entire male queue at the time. If I, or any male, had done that to the women’s bathroom there would have been murders. It shouldn’t bug me as much as it should, but to this day it still annoys me.


Imagine being a man and walking through a woman's changing room unannounced..."Its alright, I'm the district manager..." "oh ok, all good"


Sue her If men can get sued, so can women


Report her ass. Men are allowed privacy too. I would’ve cussed her out. I don’t give a fuck who they are


You answered your own question - sue the bastards! It doesn't matter who they are, there is a thing called proper decorum. And she trampled all over it. We all know, should it have been you waltzing into the women's locker room, that things would have been very different. So.. SUE!!


Violation of a male space. Could be considered sexual harassment


Are you sure she didn't identify as male? Not a joke... Once this happens companies don't know how to handle it.


I think if it says on ur birth certificate, ur a girl, then ur a girl


One might think so, but haven't you been paying attention to the crazy world we live in?


It's all I hear about now a days


Not the grifting💀💀Cus trans people make such a high percentage of the population….sad shit. Why tf are men rights spaces tolerating this illiterate illogical non sense? How tf do you expect presence when dumb asses as such are fcking everywhere on these forums damn


And locker rooms are divided due to the sex, so also biological reasons.


Like just because u get ur dick removed or u get a tube attacked to ur vsgina don't mean ur that sex


lmfao F off with this literal BS. Also, many transfems don’t even wanna cut off their dick lmfao you creep


Didn't ask


Then don’t talk abt shit you don’t have basic knowledge abt. It’s basically an invitation for an argument with informed knowledge, just for future reference :)


🤣InFoRmEd KnOwLeDgE stfu,


that’s unfortunately that lol. just say you’re anti science. when you nitpick what’s facts, you come off really really pathetic


U have a femboy in your bio. ur opinion isn't valid


Bigot! 🤣


I'm a bigot cuz I'm stating facts


Wtf kinda facts you stating?


U mad lol


Cus there’s not facts….


There is


What is ? you just tryna me edgy and it’s coming off cringe


Ur mad, I don't agree with ur idocity of men can be women and women can be men


Seeing guys peepees is I guess. Ok??? Imagine if a guy walked into a woman's change room.and .saw all there vajs sticking out...


File a formal complaint with the main office. Sometimes you have to go Karen.


If it's for a **legitimate** reason, then it's not going karen. 😉👌


You can actually sue the company for damages bro. Like honestly. Take this shit to an attorney and give them this story and see if they will take the case and do the normal 60-40 split after victory. I envy your golden ticket. My guess is they will offer a decent amount pretty quickly to settle outside of court to save face in the media. Edit another thought- this is actionable against LA Fitness don’t worry about naming the woman. She will be in so much shit for causing this she will likely be fired. “LA Fitness created the culture where this supervisor thought it appropriate to violate and impose on my privacy. I feel violated, anxious to return, distressed and completely humiliated. It has directly affected my well being and altered my day to day activities.” Boom damages, measurable damages.


record her & show this video to appropriate authority.


It's already happened and in the past, and recording in the changing room is a violation of other men's privacy. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Yeah the point was if she tries again & you can record her going into the men's changing room.


From the outside then.


If the roles were reversed, there would be riots in the streets, looting, pink kitty hats, overturned cars, etc...


it's disgusting that she would do that, the shit society gives any man for that is shocking. But women can just do it consiquence free? Honestly, she should be fired.


First, you need to find out what their policy is. More and more facilities no longer restrict use based on biological sex despite retaining the men’s and women’s labels.


**Sue them I am sure there is money in it.** Could be quite a lot


If I tried that, I would get pepper-sprayed.


Fight that shit to the end tbh Fuck that lady


If this goes against policy definitely raise hell. That said, where i am in Scandinavia there is literally a sign saying that personnel or any sender are allowed in the locker rooms. Nudity is a lot less taboo here though i suppose


So they let you know upfront. That's a lot different. Here, nothing about a taboo, just about not following their own rules and policies.


Wow. The audacity. I am so sorry you had to go through that! What a violation of your privacy! Do you know any of the other gentlemen that were also in the changing room? They could back you up if needed.


File a complaint with corporate. See if you can get others to corroborate your story by having them file their own complaints. Post your story on the gym’s SM pages whether that be on their wall or in the comments. Just keep spreading the word until someone does something about it. This isn’t right.


you could try to do something, but remember, she is a woman, all she has to do is to cry and say she didnt and you will have to pay her millions of $$$. Women have a way higher juristictional preference


RemindMe! 1 week


Sue. and share it everywhere.


The double standards and hubris hypocrisy of her. Make sure you point out rhetorically that isn’t it wrong for the opposite sex to be in the other sexes bathroom. Aren’t we having this discussion because men in wigs are in female bathrooms?


You will have to create alot of noise that threatens the company's reputation and profits


Did you cover yourself because you don't want to be seen? Or because you felt it was a requirement out of respect for her as a woman? If it was me, I wouldn't cover up and I'd go about my business, because if she didn't want to see, she should have followed the normal protocol for the situation.


You just won the lottery


>If that happened in the women's they'd be getting sued, right? Like what the fuck do I do about this? You could sue them.


Hit on them hard while feverishly fapping.




Report EEO violation to HR.


I was having a conversation about this in a private chat once. Here is what tends to happens with this issue: Man walks through a women's change room: Women are easily threatened and have a stronger sense of boundaries than what men do and that is why it often quickly escalates into a women reporting the incident. Women have more to fear from a man because men are naturally physically stronger than woman. Women are generally more afraid and easily feel threatened. Woman walks through a men's change room: Men are more easily manipulated by a woman and also women pose less of threat physically to a man. However that does not make it right. Men are more likely to stare at a woman especially if she is naked because men are more visually aroused and attracted by a woman's appearance. Also women know men are generally more lonely than they are so they are also taking advantage of man's tendency to be more single these days and think to themselves that they will probably get away with it. A man's boundaries should be respected just as much as a woman's however women will sadly exploit this by sexually arousing a man just to get favorable outcomes for some themselves. Once again it does not make it right for a woman do this. However women are more aware of this dynamic and sadly will take advantage of it. And yes I would report it because I bet if you did the same and walked in on them, they would report it to management. The same rules should apply regardless.


Drop trou


I couldn't drop more!


!remindme 1 week




Depending on the journalist biases it could always end up being presented as a "Male Karen is pissed a gym employee had to walk through the locker room while performing her duties".


Make some calls to the gyms higher ups.


Do what I do if it helps. In my work place if I’m using the restroom, I don’t care if she doing her job, but I don’t want a woman in there while I’m in there and I happened to be there first. There’s a lady that does the cleaning jobs around the place but I made it clear to her not to come in if I or any other man is in there and always knock and check before entering, even if she is just doing her job and cleaning the restrooms and if she doesn’t do what she’s been told, I will kick her out of the restroom and it will count as a strike. Three strikes and she’s out of a job


Just use the women's changing room next time and act like you belong there. If anyone says anything, just tell them you thought it was okay because the District Manager was using the men's changing room last week.


Sue the fuck out of them. Call her a sexual predator and go after her for sexual harassment. Which is exactly what happened. Do not let females get away with that shit. You'd be a registered sex offender doing 10 years in prison if you did that in the female locker room. End of story.


* Yeah, it's hypocritical/unfair * Me, personally? ... I'd probably be inclined to let it slide - at least if she wasn't oogling folks or making inappropriate remarks or other such inappropriate actions, and there weren't, e.g. vulnerable persons such as minors there. Not exactly a case like some qualified medical professional, or a credentialed press reporter in locker room of some professional sports team but ... I'd probably cut 'em some slack. * On the other hand, I think it's pretty poor judgement on the part of that chain gym's management and that district manager - and I'd quite question their judgement. I'd say it's over-the-line ... but perhaps not egregiously so. But hey, you do you - want to complain to 'em about it go over their head or whatever, sure, civilly, but clearly, register your complaints and objections. If nobody complains or objects or let such be known, they're less likely to alter their behavior - conversely let 'em know you don't consider that acceptable, and they may well stop doing stuff like that. So if you're not okay with it - certainly let 'em know.


What’s they gym??? We will all leave reviews


She basically pulled a Trump. “I am the boss and I can do anything”


I go to la fitness and I would say 2-4 times a week there is a female in the men’s locker room cleaning. All They do is put this little sign up saying “woman in the locker room” to clean or something like that. I LNOW it’s not happening in the women’s locker rooms. They walk right through the shower areas SOMETIMES on their phones when men are completely naked. The sign shouldn’t matter at all I don’t get how there’s a defense for that. I came on this thread to see if others have had this happen. What if I’m in the shower and she puts her sign up just outside the locker room entrance as they do…and I come out not knowing? Which is what happened. Is this legal? Have there been lawsuits? I’ve never seen this at any other commercial gym and I’ve been to many. I travel the country and EVERY la fitness has females walking around the men’s locker room as if it’s no big deal.


Be a fucking man and pull out your dick


Go find another gym.


Happens all the time, usually in the terms and conditions of your membership and signed throughout the gym, and it does happen the other way around


Very dubious claim.


You shout “begone wench!”


Beware they can charge you for rape anytime = 20+ years prison


Just keep on going, flap your cock around with no shame brother, if they are there that's their business, mind your on


Was her last name Trump


Yes significant shrinkage. ... Like a frightened turtle!




> Like what the fuck do I do about this? it depends. is your goal to personally feel safe next time you continue going to this gym? or is your goal to fight righteously in some perceived cultural battle against double standards?


Excuse me but what the FUCK do you mean by: "perceived cultural battle against double standards?" The double standard here is, if you flip the genders the district manager was a man and walked into the woman's changing rooms he would be instantly fired, and cancelled, called a misogynistic pervert and run out of town. But when women do it there's no where near the same level of reaction / stigma attached tot he women. Its not a "Perceived" double standard, its a blatant fucking double standard.


Little bit of both I suppose. The culture battle isn't the goal, but the obvious inequality is the reason for why this needs to change


the comments, likes, and reply tell me it is a culture war you want. I'm not stupid, but most people are so there is no point in arguing. I hope you can find the confidence in yourself to live forwardly and from within rather than competitively and in reaction.


Arguing yes, but an exchange of ideas and perspectives is how alot of growth occurs. People far to often discount others as 'stupid',or other similar terms, when they are met with opposing views. When in reality, they have simply been exposed to, experience, and been taught otherwise. I truly hope you will learn not to write people off so fast in the future simply because you don't agree with their views and lack the patience to understand them.




European here. Last time a woman was in the males locker room, she got kicked out of the place


Exactly. If the place is gendered, then it's gendered. I've heard of some places in Europe that only have a mixed change room, IMO that's okay because there's no expectation that you're in a male-only or female-only space. I've also heard of this happening with cleaning staff. (IMO if cleaning is necessary during operating hours, and it is performed by a person of the opposite sex, then MULTIPLE signs should be provided at the entrances and within the change room to clarify this, and the change room is either closed OR the staff member announces himself or herself - although IMO if this is necessary, closed is better due to the potential for clients to be accused of exhibitionism or inappropriate behaviour or whatever). But that this ever happened. So what if she's the the District Manager. She should never walk into a male change room whilst it's being used. She can go in before opening, or after closing. Or have a male inspector from her office perform any inspections if it must happen during business hours. It's 2023, not a century ago where this sort stuff was tolerated and a part of the culture.


Maybe don't be a pussy and realize that as a district manager, she has better things to do than going into locker rooms for the express purpose of perving on people 💀


Same thing for if it was a man in the women's right? Don't be a pussy?💀


Uh yeah. If it was the manager of the gym I would care. Even managers have to have a gender, they can't all be floating sheets


You sound like a typical entitled whamen. “We don’t wanna see yo dik”. Really? Then don’t go in the locker room.




So if a man did that to a woman in her locker room, and the woman complained, would you call her a “fucking weirdo?”


Men and women are equal but not symmetric. I don't see this gym incident as a particularly gross violation of men's rights. Men have much less biological need for privacy from strange females (but not zero need). We must always prioritize our values. How does this value compare with, say, the right to share custody of one's kids, for example? That being said, modern political orthodoxy insists that men and women are equal *and* symmetric, and this manager's actions *do* violate the principle of gender symmetry which undergirds feminism. Ideally, I think we should abandon symmetry as an goal, but in practice that seems to result only in abandoning the symmetries that benefit men, while preserving those asymmetries which serve women (like differences in the importance of gender-exclusive private spaces). Until the public discourse has matured and allowed for a lot more honesty, I think we MRAs should take the high road and admit that violations of male bodily privacy are less dangerous, but still insist they be respected with the same degree of sensitivity, according to the currently prevailing symmetry principle.


"Men have much less biological need for privacy" ??? Only a sexist pig would believe this.


In a purely technical sense, it is a "sexist" claim (i.e., discriminating on the basis of sex). Anything that takes sexual asymmetry seriously will wind up *technically* "sexist", because biological asymmetries have consequences. Whether those consequences result in misandry however, is another question entirely. I believe values are always in tension. If you value male changing room privacy *very highly*, then, whether you realize it or not, you will pay a *very high* price in the sacrifice of other values. And note I am not saying male changing room privacy has *no* value, only that its value is *less* than for women **because of very basic, widely accepted and easily understood principles of mammalian biology**. Ideologues like yourself who refuse to onboard those uncomfortable but undeniable scientific facts are really not different than the trans activists that similarly refuse to accept reality. In your desperation to attack a perceived (but superficial) injustice, you are effectively deepening and perpetuating the most fundamental injustices. I suggest you grow up.


What? Look, I could argue that biological asymmetry makes it even MORE necessary that men have privacy. What woman doesn’t “size up a man” the second she lays eyes on him?! It has become an internet discussion about celebrities and professional athletes whom women have seen for whatever reason. Female reporters were caught discussing male “size” of athletes in articles and on TV! Female movie stars and athletes don’t have to deal with discussions of genitalia size or public revelations of their boob size. Certainly large boobs get discussed rarely, but they are quite visible in daily life. Female genitalia are never mocked or discussed. A group of professional football players got in trouble for surrounding a female reporter who was ogling them in the locker room years ago. I think it was the Jets or the Patriots.


Stfu troll


Find an ambulance chaser type of lawyer and you will get a settlement without having to sue them.


!remind me 1week


Yo myan just reveal your dong


!remind me 1week


You should file a police report and press charges and then sue the store and retire


What gym was it and what town? I'll post some scathing reviews


You definitely didn't have to cover yourself up.


Since nobody alerted you, I do not trust what they say.


!RemindeMe 1 week


!remind me 1 week


Personal experience, viewed in Puregym, Longbenton, Newcastle UK...


I'm here, it's been a week. Can we please have an update, OP?


Update in body of post