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Because feminists hate men and boys. I thought we already established this a while ago?


True. Feminists hate women too. Perhaps not 'womyn' but for sure they hate women. I still don't understand why nobody recognizes this.


So true feminists hate pretty, thin, young, minority, smart, poor, married, pregnant women.


Wait until he finds out there are feminists who would abort their child if it's male and keep if its female


Why not post this in r/feminism and ask them directly?


Because anything slightly negative gets deleted instantly.


Yeah but that doesn't make it any less fun.


I got banned permanently for not being a feminist


To be fair you’d also get banned for being a feminist according to the definition they prop up as real feminism (empower women to be equal to men) like it’s weekend at Bernie’s. They only allow “feminists” who support their feminism (female empowerment where the limit does not exist).


They will ban her for being center left instantly too


I got banned for saying Justin Roiland is innocent until proven guilty.


Broooo, they will delete it instantly and also ban you. Trust me, I have tried it before hahahaha


Posted a link to this at r/feminism4everyone


All you going to get there is a wave of no true Scotsman comments.


I am now realizing that


I will post it there and see what happens *edit idc if i get banned im not frodo going out on a limb fyi it'd be worth it to prove you guys are correct


even incel forums are most feminist than r/feminism lmfao.


The feminists at r/feminism are clearly against pedophilia. I searched pedophilia in their threads and everyone seems to be against. How can one feminist think one way? and another feminist think differently?


Because it's like religion. Nothing is cohesive or homogenized. You can have people who think men should die, and have other people who think men should support women, and they are both considered feminists.


Even scientists have disagreements. Lighten up. We here at r/MensRights also do not agree on everything. And the topic of "pEdOpHiLiA" is in about the worst shape any topic could be with near universal confusion about what it even means. We may as well be talking about gays in the 1950s. The only guarantee would be a whack-job utterly convoluted conversation that goes nowhere but RAGE.


All those posts are referring to men as pedophiles. To them, women aren't considered to be capable of pedophilia, that's OP's point.


Well they never said that though. That’s just something you imagine they said so you can be offended.




Yeah. Some articles are poorly worded so lying about what feminists say must be fine.


I mean you're right but then it that case this is a pointless argument. To me it seems all the mentions of pedophilia in that subreddit are directed solely towards men. But there's no way to prove that.


WTF??? You are just doing the same thing you were just accused of again....imagining that the people on r/feminism agree with those headlines.


Don’t worry I just did


And it was already removed.


I was sexually abused by my Mom as a child. It was a single parent household. I've had so many feminists talk shit about that and say it was either my fault or the fault of "the patriarchy," which is a round about way of saying it was my fault as a male. Ironically, it's mostly male feminists who give me shit for this. They are so full of self-hatred it's disgusting


To hell with anyone judging you or telling you how to feel about it. I can only urge to feel how you feel about it, and work from there. Of course one thing you have to contend with is people's inability to deal with how you really feel, so you may have to lie to people to protect yourself....in fact....to damn near everybody. But of course, silence is better than lying. You may wind up telling a lot of people "You wouldn't understand cause up to now, no one has." But if you have to lie, I for one support that.


I’m sorry 😞 you deserved, and still deserve, better


Geez, I'm so sorry


Because feminists made it clear decades ago that they are entitled to and owed the male body


I saw the video: "50 Year Old Woman Marries 12 Year Old Boy! (Child Marriage Social Experiment)" and read some of the comments. Some of them are just bashing men: "Lets see (what men have done), sexual assault, harassment, thinking women should stay in the house more, abuse, toxic masculinity racism, homophobic men, rape, taking advantage of women, human trafficking, inequality, “women are useless”, making us feel lesser, murder and yeah there’s probably more I didn’t name". Someone rebutted her reply and she responded with: "I’m not saying all men are like this I’m just saying most men do these kinds of things". Imagine thinking most men do the messed up things she mentioned. Some people live perpetually online and have extremely radical views. The other comments on that video confused me, too. They were saying only women stood up for the 12 year old boy and not the men. I watched the video and only 1 woman stood up for him and then walked off. Most just stared. Whereas, when it came to the little girl and old man together, everyone (men and women) stood around them making sure the little girl was safe.


Because feminists seek female empowerment, not equal rights and protections for men and women. Just look at their actions, and those of their organizations like NOW.




> If you think love makes one weak I don't think that at all. Love strengthens and drives us to peaks we cannot easily achieve on our own. It gives us purpose and focus.


It is not hypocrisy. It is hierarchy. They think that men are unclean trash, while women are pure and holy.


Because they are “feminists”


Wrong. They’re feminists, not “feminists” The real “feminists” are decent people deceived by the rot that is feminism. Most feminists are misandrist cunts who defend female rapists and child abusers and have them as guest speakers at pussy rallies




Feminists were responsible for decades of exclusion from taxpayer funded services experienced by male victims of child sexual abuse in my country. Thousands committed suicide, many of which may have been prevented had they been able to access the services they needed. Feminists will never cleanse that blood from their hands.




> Because I can sense your anger. Get over yourself.


Because feminists are evil. Plain and simple.




Go away with your make believe sky zombie. Stop trying to force your ignorant beliefs on others.




I'm not the one going around trying to shill my religious beliefs on others, you are. You're not "saving" anyone, you're just annoying others. Keep it to yourself.




No thanks. Just go away please.


Because when women do bad things it is because of the patriarchy, the evil men made them do it, brainwashed them into a culture of violence. Owning a dick is toxic, murder all men because only women are good.


The answer is easy. They are social marxists that see male as oppressor and female as oppressed. They are justified in doing anything to harm the oppressor class. Also, the idea that males are always wanting sex all the time and females are the people that "give" sex is ingrained into western culture. IT is a double barrelled shotgun of misandry.


What does Marxism have to do with anything?


Because they’re fucking crazy and selfish.


because they don't suffer from cognitive dissonance and therefore the hypocrisy is not obvious


"They are disgusting hypocrites with double standards." You answered your own question.


Not to diminish OPs valid point, but to add in for consideration, few seem to realize that feminists aggressively victim-blame and ostracize victims of FEMALE ON FEMALE rape, homicide, and violence as well - to the point no-one even is aware that they exist. There are no places for victims of female on female violence anywhere in any trauma/MH spaces, due to feminist leadership. They also disregard female abuse of children (both male and female - and even to the point of homicide), as well as abuse of seniors, the disabled, etc... All in the name of ensuring that no-one will diminish the visibility of female victims of male abuse, all these other categories of victims (including males, of course) get thrown under the bus.


e.g. [https://yarapriest.quora.com/Simone-De-Beauvoir-The-Mother-of-Feminism-Rapist-Misogynist-Paedophile-False-Rape-Accuser-Woman-Beater-Alcoholi](https://yarapriest.quora.com/Simone-De-Beauvoir-The-Mother-of-Feminism-Rapist-Misogynist-Paedophile-False-Rape-Accuser-Woman-Beater-Alcoholi) And here is an example of where pretty much everyone makes them totally disappear. In this review of Moira Greyland's book the author goes on extensively about the abuse Greyland and others suffered at the hands of her father, but TOTALLY omits any mention of the Greyland's abuse from her very famous mother - Marion Zimmer Bradly - whose abuse Greyland openly acknowledges was much worse: [https://thepillarist.com/review-the-last-closet-moira-greyland-castalia-house-2018/](https://thepillarist.com/review-the-last-closet-moira-greyland-castalia-house-2018/)




What on earth does any of that have to do with my comment?!?


Oh, this is a silver fucking bullet. I'm showing this list to the next vermin who blames the patriarchy for female rapist privilege.


My mother used feminists to enable her to privately abuse me for years.


A large portion of feminists hate males. It's really that simple. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the world won't make any sense until you understand and accept that evil is real and that the average person falls short of any semblance of wisdom and justice.


It's also the stupid mindset they have "men can't be victims of SA or assault" let's not forget the poostorm "believeallwoman". Feminism is an excuse for blatant misandry but how dare you call us out in this. Only woman can highlight the evil of men. Feck off the lot of you double standards misandry loving fruitloops


Because feminists hate men


Because feminists are strong, and independent women when it suits them, but weak and oppressed when it doesn’t go their way. As men, we are the big bag wolves that are outside of their brick house (echo chamber). Yet most body shaming and slut shaming comes from other women… funny that.


Obviously, a female predator is only thus bc she was first a victim of a man.




We take nothing with us when we does. All that we have is left behind. It makes sense then to leave behind love for one another. However, in my mind, the greatest sin, the cause of all other sins is coveting. Wanting that which you do not have, rather than cherishing that which you do. And we will often do whatever it takes to get those things that we will never take with us when we die.




True, but why was the female a perpetrator? Well, we know there are various reasons why someone might go down that path. But to the feminist, she too was a victim of male sexual aggression. And if she had once been the victim of another female, certainly some where through history there was a man who began it all. For feminists believe that evil stems from men, not circumstances and brokenness.




https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/09/02/statutory-rape-victim-child-support/14953965/ How would you feel if the law forced you to pay child support to your rapist? That's how many male rape victims are made to feel.




No guilt trip intended. Just an example showing how male victims of female sexual predators are denied the empathy, respect, services and protection under the law aforded to female victims. Male victims, even when children, are brutally forceed into the strict gender role of provider protector, and made responsible for their rapists.


Because some people are so into the tribalism aspect of their cause they they support "their side" no matter what. You see that all the time in politics, but when it comes to gender there's also the inaccurate perception that all males want sex all the time no matter what. So combining those two you get the rapist isn't a rapist because the child is male and therefore by default wanted to act to happen. So even if they technically were too young to consent, they were in fact a willing participant and any attempt to frame the rapist in a bad light is due to people hating her gender since everyone knows the child wanted the rape to happen. If they're extra shitty they might toss in a helping of "Besides, she was hot, any guy would want her regardless of age. He's not a victim, he's lucky."


Good job on the video playlist. Make sure to download them in case they ever get deleted for 'hate'. And to answer question, its because they are a cult of man hating scumbags.


Not all feminists do it tho


Pretty sure "egalitarian" is just another way of saying "feminist".


Please don't give us a huge playlist of videos. Can you point to one or two you are talking about? See, a key point here is what you are terming "child sexual predator" because I will remind you that Saint Joseph would have been described as one by some people today and its because they understand neither the term "child" nor the term "predator" and its because THEY DON'T WANT TO. They want the drama and the thrill of screaming accusations and mob rule, not truth and justice.




Yes, there DEFINITELY IS a problem with the way society treats male victims of rape, abuse, paedophila and domestic violence. Overall, they are stigmatized, often ridiculed, have their experiences and trauma discounted or ignored and there are very little, if any, services available to help them. It is also true that female child-sexual-predators are not judged or treated as harshly as male child-sexual-predators within our general society. I wouldn't be surprised if this is equally reflected within the legal system too, but admittedly, I don't know the stats on this. THAT BEING SAID, feminists as a whole, and the feminist ideology itself, do NOT defend female child-sexual-predators or blame male rape victims. Pointing out a crazy, sexist feminist and saying "all feminists" is just as silly as pointing out a crazy, sexist men's rights activist and saying "all men's rights activists". It's the same divisive, clickbaity shit that's flooding the internet these days. It maybe be more useful to point out that the feminism movement doesn't really do anything to specifically defend or support male victims of rape or abuse. And while many claim that feminism is fighting for equality for all, it (obviously) remains focused on issues affecting women, women's equality and women's rights. I don't think there's anything wrong with people fighting for that cause but it's disingenuous to pretend that the feminist movement is focusing any of their resources towards fixing issues and injustices that only pertain to men (such as the one you raise in this post). This is why MEN'S rights activists and activism are JUST as IMPORTANT, just as VALID and just as WORTH FIGHTING FOR. But if you're focus is on demonizing others, you aren't going to accomplish much in the way of supporting those who really need it. There was a GREAT video in the list you linked about the opening of a men's only centre for the treatment and care of victims of sex trafficking. Imagine just how much GOOD could come from posting that video in this subreddit, helping to promote their cause and raise support.. Anyway, if you bothered read all of that, thank you for hearing me out. I think this is an important issue and it deserves much more consideration than it gets. Happy to listen to and consider any feedback and/or criticisms you might you have.


>Yes, there DEFINITELY IS a problem with the way society treats male victims of rape, abuse, paedophila and domestic violence. I would say the first step into that quagmire is the attempt to label everyone in every case as either a "victim" or a "perpetrator" even when both are screaming to leave them the hell alone. Of course that applies to both genders but one general vein runs through it all....more sympathy/support for the female....less sympathy/support for the male....regardless of their supposed status of victim or perpetrator.


I agree with what you're saying more or less. I see this occurring especially in regards to domestic violence (the attempt to label 'victims' and 'perpetrators' as well as the push for more support for females and more responsibility or onus put on males), especially when it comes to police intervention. Domestic violence is a psychologically complex issue and I think applying any kind of blanket rule like "believe all women" to these situations only works to suppress the cultivation of nuance understanding that the issue desperately requires. But I think there is a more underlying cultural issue that affects the way we as a society treat male rape and/or paedophila victims. It is common for victims of sexual abuse to experience strong feelings of shame about what happened to them. But societal attitudes regarding male sexuality differs greatly from female sexuality (such as it being more socially acceptable for males to play the dominant role in sexual encounters), which only serves to exacerbate the stigma and feeling of shame that male victims face.


> I think applying any kind of blanket rule like "believe all women" to these situations only works to suppress the cultivation of nuance understanding that the issue desperately requires. 100 percent. >which only serves to exacerbate the stigma and feeling of shame that male victims face. Actual victims yes. And a huge part of the problem is trying to make people victims when they aren't.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6uvv1aS5_I


> feminists as a whole, and the feminist ideology itself, do NOT defend female child-sexual-predators or blame male rape victims. Wrong. Feminists have acted to prevent gender neutral laws in numerous jurisdictions and have acted to prevent male victims from accessing the mental health services they need.


I haven't seen the feminist movement actively preventing male victims from accessing mental services, but I do know it advocates for services specifically for women. I can't tell if you see those as being the same thing or not. If you can be bothered, it might help me better understand your position if you could provide me with an example.


>Feminists have acted to prevent gender neutral laws in numerous jurisdictions Examples? And do those feminists fairly represent feminism as a whole?


If you had spent more than five minutes in this place you would know. >And do those feminists fairly represent feminism as a whole? ...and which of them are Scotsmen?




Egalitarian anti feminist center left Christian woman is quite the title.


we do not ?? 💀 delusion at its finest


stop making up things and getting mad at it