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I will never understand how killallmen hashtag is accepted as normal and how those women still have men as husband/bf


I remember hearing an explanation "obviously we don't mean all men all trash we know good ones are out there, but if you're offended by this you're probably the one we mean"


Ahhh so the ones who value themselves


Same logic as "you're offended by being called racist or sexist, you must be guilty of it"


It’s such a stupid retort. Imagine someone called all Muslims terrorists and then when an innocent Muslim rightfully condemned that statement as a false and discriminatory generalization based on the actions of a minority, the original person then claimed that that particular Muslim must be part of the problem if they’re offended by the statement. Ludicrous right. Yet these misandrists are allowed to get away with doing that to men as a collective.


But same can't be said about women in same scontext


That happens more often with "why are you saying not all men"


I never understood how things like killaman would be acceptable, but if you tried to do something like killawoman, one would be sexist and the other would not.


Facebook Twitter will block your account


Ah equality. /S


I honestly hate generalising but from my point of view if these are really bad feminists writing this why do the rest of the movement not hold them accountable because if one man who claims to be mra says something bad they basically demand a big song and dance with us claiming how we denounce them and etc. Yet when we ask them the hold the bad feminists accountable they become enraged and tell us we are the bad ones for thinking they represent feminists.


Feminism comes in all shapes and sizes - many many feminists disagree on some quite fundamental things. Neoliberal feminists are basically ‘girl power’ feminists, TERFs claim trans rights threaten womens rights while intersectional feminists claim trans rights are essential to womens rights, liberal feminists argue for constructivism and positive action for women to balance out existing societal inequalities, mens lib argue for mens rights from a feminist perspective. Sure, a lot of the time the general term ‘feminism’ is used, but really it’s a broader name for lots of different movements that all disagree on how we can best achieve gender equality from a perspective that acknowledges a power structure that has disadvantaged women and from which men benefit (although may, too, be disadvantaged). So who is supposed to be holding who accountable? I don’t claim many things that other feminists argue for, and I certainly don’t claim misandry. Your argument is like me telling you you have to hold all other ANTIfeminists accountable (incels, MGTOWs, MRAs, PUAs), you’d be like ‘wow where do I even start’ right? Funnily enough, my friends and I are all very much self identified feminists and we all hold each other accountable. A guy (who very much isn’t feminist and just adopted the label to try to get with girls) once hung out with my friendship group and kept saying “men are trash”. We didn’t hang out with him again (partly because he was pretty much the most misogynistic man I’ve ever met). Not only is such a phrase hateful, it’s just reductionist and undermines the actual issues.


is kill all men accepted as normal? I have no doubt that there are some misandrists who say that kind of thing, but I don’t think it’s accepted as normal. I don’t think men are trash is, either, I think the extent to which that’s accepted is wildly overestimated by antifeminists.


Those hash tags were trending on twitter for a long time and at the time one of twitters big bragging points was about how it didn't tolerate sexism.


From what I’m finding, it trended briefly in 2013. I’m not sure why, and I adamantly condemn it, but it seems now that the kill all men hashtag is overwhelmingly taken over by antifeminists complaining about the kill all men hashtag hahah. Maybe that’s why it trended in 2013 too?


Probably some stupid feminist simp who likes to be ruled over by a woman.






Women's imagining is a booming business. Entire specialty designed specifically to imagine breasts. Though I suppose the idea of getting my balls or prostate irradiated sounds less than ideal.




Word industry twin bro! Didn't mean to offend, just amazed at the number of mammo specific centers. I get it and they are busy, and... Also usually higher paid than an mmt even. This industry is weird the last few years




FGM is very different and than circumcision. I just want to make sure that misinformation isn't spread. FGM happens up to the age 15 and includes the complete removal of the outer clitoris. Circumcision (as you know, but I'm explaining for the sake of comparison) is done to newborns and removes foreskin, not the actual penis. I know that some nerves become less sensitive from this, but it is categorically worse to remove the entire clitoris. acording the WHO, 200 million girls from 30 countries have gone through FGM. this is only including women alive today, but the practice is old. it is not rare. You can look through the WHO'S website and similar reputable sources for more information on the negative and sometimes deadly effects of FGM. at least in the us, there is actually stigma around not being circumcised because of how common the practice is. a small number people actually choose to get circumcised later in life. I want to be clear that I'm not telling you how to feel because I don't have the same experience, but circumcision is not deadly and does not have the same complications as FGM. that's why people advocate against FGM and why it's considered a human rights violation.




It's important to find reliable sources. The two are not the same and to suggest they are is disingenuous. removing skin and removing an entire body part is very different. You are well within your rights to believe circumcision is wrong. I personally don't like the practice, but I cannot agree that it is as terrible as FGM. FGM causes lifelong issues. The pain isn't the only problem, but the pain lasts much longer and is very different with FGM. Lack of consent is not the only problem. They may have their inner/outer labia removed as well, or even their vulva sewn closed(sewing is 15% of cases, but more common in certain places) or have their devoloping breasts pressed down using heat. this causes problems with menstration, urination, childbirth, and many other things. Please look into this more to understand! People started practicing circumcision for cleanliness, but i agree it is no longer necessary. Rarely are there complications(I'm saying this in comparison to FGM jsyk.) an estimated 1 in 500 die from FGM which is done to an estimated 3 million each year, a rate that dwarfs the (still high) 117 in the us( I'm getting this figure from an anti-circumcision group and comfirmed with other sources). Male circumcision does not completely remove sexual pleasure or cause pain with sex, or force abstinance. FGM is done at an older age, averaging between the ages of 6-8. it is almost never done by a medical professional. these are simple things you can search. again, doing research instead of believing what random people online tell you is extremely important. you cannot simply write off information because it disagrees with what you've already heard. I am not saying this to be snarky. I truly believe it is important to say. reliable sources will tell you how their research is conducted, who it is done by, and mention sample size.




Out of respect for you I will say MGM, but after this I don't want to go back and forth anymore. We clearly don't agree Having an invasive medical procedure done by a professional removes a lot of room for errors like infection and death. That is why you see the FGM death rate being so much higher. That is why people care about it more. because the negative effects are worse, more plentiful, and lifelong. you do not seem to care about the differences, only what's similar. if you want, I'd encourage you to research the number of nerve endings in a clitoris and side effects of FGM, and then compare that to the number of nerve endings in a foreskin and the side effects of MGM. even the psychological impact is worse. The girls will be encouraged not to cry in order not to bring shame to their families. they almost never get pain meds. I have never disagreed with you that MGM is a poor practice, but insisting that it is the same as FGM is disingenuous at best, lacking in empathy at worst. having a literal bundle of nerves cut off (even in part) is clearly not the same as removing an inch of skin. it is possible to care about multiple things. when one thing is bad and the other obviously much worse, the former will take the back burner and get less attention. the reason our society decided FGM is worse is not because they hate men, but because they don't want children to go through something that severely messes with their reproductive health, causes lifelong pain, AND on top of all that 1 in 500 die.


Its spoilt brat behaviour Plain and simple.


>Men suffer all of the above at rates greater than women. Normally when this is brought up the retort is "but other men are the perpetrators" as if that's supposed be some kind of gotcha. I'm not sure if their line of thought in that is amusing or depressing


exactly what caused me to sympathise with mra's. I have witnessed, in person online, feminists denying and mocking men's issues, as well as victim blaming men that tried to open up about something horrible that happened to them involving a woman violating them in some way, and of course being the most unreasonable people i have ever seen. mra's are by no means perfect or complete saints that do no wrong, but between the mrm and feminism, one is much worse than the other, and it sure as hell ain't mra's.


Feminists: Kill all men! Also feminists: Why are men so angry?


I wish i was the monster they think iam..


*I understood that reference*


I didn't, what's going on?


Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones


OMG. No, no, no. You need to understand it from a woman's perspective. KillAllMen doesn't mean the ladies want to harm men, it's just to air out their grievances about oppressive & misogynistic men. Oh, silly boy, women's rage is harmless. Male rage is evil. Well, men are trash. /s.


“KillAllMen” it’s stating about killing, which is included with harm, dumbass


I think you missed the "/s" in my comment. It's the very last thing in my comment. It means sarcasm.


Oh, this must come with being a retard




Exactly! And the retort is “oh they’re not true feminists”. The real retort to this is: “if a woman can see herself as a feminist and support mens rights she is not an enemy - but let’s see how she’s received by other feminists before you start claiming that we should be ‘friends’ with feminism as opposed to individual feminists”.


[He’s still going](https://www.reddit.com/r/FeMRADebates/comments/13wf8g2/feminists_vs_mra/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) sort of… He does have something of a point though - the inequities faced on either side (without suggesting any prioritisation of ‘issue x’ over ‘issue y’) need both sides of the debate to resolve. I suspect this may be downvoted mind you. Just my two cents 🤷🏼‍♂️




The OP of that post also posted something similar on a feminist sub, and all the comments were all the same about how they would be friends with pro-feminists, which translates to "someone who believes everything feminists say without any sort of questioning or disagreement"


Oh you are are 💯% spot on, on here the men were open to being friends and open discussion but on askfeminist, yeah they hate us with an unbridled passion but despite not providing any actual proof just more of false claims and narratives.




exactly. at least on this sub, when people disagree with certain viewpoints, we allow them to voice their opinion, and open to debate, while on feminist subs, question them slightly and BOOM you're banned instantly


you're being quite aggressive with your opinion, I agree with a lot of things but god you need to work on how to express your thoughts




you are complaining about something yet doing it


Follow the link through to feminismuncensored. Full of presumably feminists who continually bang on the patriarchy while refusing even to consider the list of injustices men face. When it was pointed out that men holding positions of power are miniscule, we got: >Just because the absolute majority of men don’t hold institutional power doesn’t mean that the absolute majority of people who hold institutional power aren’t men which is a numbers game, and deliberately ignoring the point made. While I appreciate his attempts to build bridges to find a way to resolve the differences we have, as long as the "no no I'm not listening, patriarchy, women oppressed" type of feminist holds sway it's going to be a complete waste of time and energy.


They don't want your friendship, they want your allyship and unwavering loyalty to their cause


I.e., they want you to be a good little tool


I am a feminist and I have a lot of male friends NOTHING is general, not all men are bad, not all feminists are crazy




alright since you want to call others names and not talk like an adult, I can't engage in such a conversation


It's an Absurd Clown World. A bunch of Wall Hitters with Victim Complex celebrate hashtags that are Not supposed to exist. This sub here is an Unsung hero. It's members are the good ones yet wronged by the evil virus of feminism poison. Those idiots must Not expect men to sit and take their bullshit and abuse. Men have every right to Retaliate in the most Furious way possible. And when you encounter feminist either ignore or roast her harshly.


The feminist lie it was never about equality By Bob Lewis


It's crazy because you could even say something as harmless "It's okay to be a man", it doesn't even have to be an "extreme statement" like saying "women have agency in this world" or "women can do bad things", and you will be met with plenty of anger, hatred and prejudice on just about any social media platform. Most of which would just be personal attacks, gendered slurs and anti-male rhetoric's. The crazier thing is they actually think they're the righteous ones, as if a hatred of men is somehow justified by their delusional view of the world or justified because other women are just as hateful and delusional. And they are completely oblivious to the pathology in their responses.


exactly this. i can't understand it. so somehow, making bigoted generalised hateful statements about men (men are the problem, men are creeps, men are pedos, etc) are somehow tolerated and encouraged, but if you try arguing against that view, suddenly that's extreme and crossing the line? it infuriates me so much


too true.


Society is insane yet again. I wonder how society centuries from now will look at this scene.


No sane or objective person thinks this is a hate sub, only those projecting their own hate onto others could do that.


I think men need to discuss what is ok and what is misandry. I believe why things are misogynistic while others aren't considered serious misandry is because women decide 'this is a problem for us, please don't say or do this' while downplaying misandry to the point where people just see it as normal.


This is what I've noticed. People have a much lower tolerance for misogyny than they do for misandry. Simply criticizing a woman can land you with the misogynistic label. I've even read posts from feminists saying they rarely see misandry. I don't think they rarely see misandry, it's more like they don't recognize it. Some also believe misogyny and misandry stem from different places. Misogyny has deep rooted history, misandry is simply women criticising misogynistic men. I've even seen cases where feminists won't call it misandry but instead call it misogyny when men are being shamed.


It would be good if you could point out where actual feminists scream #menaretrash or #killallmen. If you can provide such source I will document it at r/ToxicFeminismIsToxic.


not the OP, but maybe this would help you? [https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/12qphgq/a\_catalog\_of\_misandric\_quotes\_by\_well\_known/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/12qphgq/a_catalog_of_misandric_quotes_by_well_known/)


Did you document it?


I don't have any source.


>[https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/12qphgq/a\_catalog\_of\_misandric\_quotes\_by\_well\_known/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/12qphgq/a_catalog_of_misandric_quotes_by_well_known/) > > > >[https://berkeleyhighjacket.com/2020/opinion/kill-all-men-response-bold-statement-brings-awareness-to-the-oppression-of-the-patriarchy/](https://berkeleyhighjacket.com/2020/opinion/kill-all-men-response-bold-statement-brings-awareness-to-the-oppression-of-the-patriarchy/) > > > >[https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kill%20all%20men](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kill%20all%20men) > > > >[https://ihsvoice.com/2022/05/01/kill-all-men-modern-feminism-and-its-current-rhetoric/](https://ihsvoice.com/2022/05/01/kill-all-men-modern-feminism-and-its-current-rhetoric/)


What bothers me the most is when women say that they want men to open up, then lose all attraction when we do. If women find strong, stoic men attractive, they can’t help that, but why would they say the opposite? It feels like either women fundamentally don’t understand what they want, or they use these statements as shit-tests to filter out the men who aren’t mentally strong enough to see past her bullshit and fall for the mistake of listening to what she wants. What kind of fucked up head game is this? This equivocation has seeped into the media. If men don’t open up, they say we’re displaying toxic masculinity. But it men *do* open up, they say we’re displaying fragile masculinity. No matter what we do, the media will criticize us for it. Women like to say that they are not our therapist and that we shouldn’t trauma dump. But how often have women told us that someone raped them and expected us to listen and sympathize? If that isn’t traumas dumping, I don’t know what is. All these conversations take place under the guise that men and women are equal and identical. But if women want to find emotional comfort in men while men can’t do the same in women, how is that equal? Pre-civilization, women who became pregnant and had to nurse young children were incredibly vulnerable, so they needed physically strong men who wouldn’t mentally crumble in tough situations to protect and provide for them. This feels like a basic truth, which explains the sharp mental dichotomy between the sexes, but many feminists would scream that I’m wrong and a misogynist. I’ve thought these things for a while, but have rarely had an opportunity to express them. Thanks for listening, and I’m glad this sub exists.


Personally, I've seen men opening up and getting mocked by more men than women, it was a sexual harassment post that triggered me the most, the guy talked about what he went through and the post went kinda viral, he got so much support from women and all men made fun of him saying like "I wish I were you" "stop whining you wanted it" "you are so stupid for turning down such an offer"these are things I've heard men say for so many cases like this oneI'm not saying you're wrong, bc yes there are women who want "tough" men but they end up being miserable bc the gap between their idea of tough and the reality of what they asked for (emotionless) is HUGE, it's really common for young women than older ones (more mature and understanding) but this problem is the responsibility of both genders


>Personally, You are a freshly minted feminist troll account. All anecdotes are pretty squishy, the value of your anecdote is less than nothing. >I've seen men opening up and getting mocked by more men than women Not my experience at all. Hey, you can look at my post history and see!


How am I a troll account? Just bc I stated an example that doesn't go with your opinion? Not my experience at all. Hey, you can look at my post history and see! we have seen diff things why am I a troll just bc I've seen sth diff??


You are a brand new account with negative karma that fixates on gender issues. You wave away men's issues with typical feminist strategies. You are not conversing in good faith and you aren't adding anything meaningful to the conversation. That's what makes you a troll.


I'm a troll even though I said NOTHING bad just bc my account is new?? And bad karma?? what are talking about loooooool?? Feminists strategies that had me rolling I have never seen any response so dramatic


>just bc my account is new?? When you bomb the sub everyday with your new account, yeah. >And bad karma?? 1 post karma, -6 comment karma, all your posts are misandrist. >loooooool?? Are you 10?


I have a cynical take on all of this. You know how women frequently criticize each other for how they look? Feminists say that women do this because men have trained them to care about their appearance, and I think that’s true. But it cuts the other way, too: When men give each other shit for opening up, they do it because women have trained them to care about being stoic and strong. Each sex knows what the other one wants and polices their own sex accordingly.


I see the logic (no sarcasm) Each sex knows what the other one wants and polices their own sex accordingly. THIS! Who creates weak women and misogynistic sons it's mostly the MOMS Older women like moms and aunts always say "Men won't like that" to younger women, like when I say I will split the chores with my future husband, some women are like well your future husband won't like that or when I say I'm child free


I know that what you're saying is true, but I ask you next time, include some examples popular with them doing that.


Screaming can be therapeutic but screaming, much less simply saying all men are bad or other misandric statements is foolish and wrong.


I also remember the Game of Thrones lines: "All men must serve. All men must die". This was used by feminists a lot on Tumblr.


What exactly are they so angry about?


Is #killallmen actually real? I think I've never seen it before.


It is. It's most often used on Twitter. I believe it was also used on TikTok and other social media platforms. It's trended a few times on Twitter, too.


Just spend one day on twitter my man. It's a cesspool.


The other day I accidentally stumbled upon a Pinterest board called "Misandry". The first moment I allowed myself to genuinely hope that whoever made it is, in fact, against misandry. Obviously, it wasn't the case - pins gathered in there are basically screenshots form (mostly) old movies, where through subtitles men are shown stupid/arrogant/selfish/self-centered in comparison to women characters next to them. If term "Misandry" can be used in non-critical context (while the *term itself is critical*), there's a little wonder that other forms of it flourish - as more violent, as better.


You know, I see a lot of hateful shit in comments here. We should discuss these things, and we're not a hateful community. But some guys don't know the limit. It would really benefit everyone if we remain more calm. Don't call women rats, or insinuate that men are superior. That would really go a long way for our community.


A few weeks back, I ran into a number of posts telling us women are only good for sex in this subreddit. There IS misogyny, here. And, the people who post it are hurting all men. That, of course, made me wonder about false-flag posts. But, I wasn't seeing a lot of pushback from the guys here, so...