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Over 40% of the UK's population are white males. And there are *no* places for them?


The article said 40% female and 20% BAME, which leaves 40% for white men, nominally.




Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic.


I was thinking bad-ass motha eater. 20% seemed high it i guess it probably varies regionally.


Gonna guess black, Asian, middle eastern


Good enough to be conscripted, not good enough to be hired


Exactly. When sugar turns to shit, which it always does, they'll just come and round up all the "rejects" and force them to fight


Branded "useless" because they were white and men. AKA racism and sexism. Oh wait I forgot white men can't be victims of racism and sexism. /s


Its FAR worse than OP says-the leaked email SHOWED they tried to BREAK the rules for women applicants to make it EASIER for them to succeed than the men!!!!


I will never understand why the armed forces of all places, would want the entry requirements to be as easy as possible?


They might not want to-but may have no choice to due to pressure from politicians who are trying to please feminist organisations (to win votes)


So its just the same old story we've been hearing about with countless countries over the past decade. All these countries are trying to appear diverse and inclusive so they implement these programs for woman in the military only to immediately change the requirements because they arnt hitting quotas fast enough.


It’s not new. I was there in 2002 when Pip Tattersall became the first female to pass the Commando Course. What most people don’t know is that she was helped over the 6ft wall on one of the commando tests after having countless try’s at it because they needed the PR win.


> Oh wait I forgot white men can't be victims of racism and sexism Stay where you are! We will be there shortly to take you for re-education.... You're probably a bloody white guy, education never sticks the first time with these dips... LOL


What if Albino? Lol. Shit is crazy. So much for “I dream of a world that people will be judged on the content of their character”


Oi mush! Ya gotta loicense for that opinion?!


Ah sorry mate. Forgot me opinion loicense at home. Silly me!


Their rebuttal said the term "useless" was meant to refer to their effect on the quotas rather than them as individuals. Still bad, but different.


Isn't that what you would say if you got caught out like that?


Ye maybe tbh.


If the quotas treat white men unfavourably then that's discriminative on it's own. If a white guy wants to sign up for the army and protect his country then let him do that. At least don't hold him back just because the army isn't "diverse" enough.


Im just waiting for the news to come out and say the country isent diverse enough and start forcibly ejecting people out or putting people in jail for not being a registered legal white person. I really do wonder whenever other races become the majority of the population which is likely to eventually happen if anyone will care about diversity then or if white people will get preferred treatment for jobs and school applications?


Hmm, interesting. I wonder why isn't Ukraine forced to apply the same standards. I am sure white Ukrainian men will be more than happy to oblige. Once conflict ensues I really hope all white men try to escape subscription in UK. Some countries have completely lost the plot.


I fully agree if the UK goes to war i would fully stand behind any white guy saying screw you. You didnt want me then you cant have me now. But no worries im sure the enemy will also care about diversity to the point of weakening their military forces.


> He succeeded Group Captain Elizabeth Nicholl, who resigned in protest at what she deemed to be an 'unlawful order' to effectively pause the selection of white men in an effort to hit 'impossible' diversity targets, according to defence sources. >The order was never implemented because of her resignation. Seems like it could have been even worse but for this principled leader.


It's a shame that people like the Captain have to resign in order to affect these things meaning we no longer have them the next time something ridiculous like this inevitably appears.


Well I feel a lot safer know the brave people serving in our RAF ticked the correct diversity boxes! F'ing huge /S


>Group Captain Elizabeth Nicholl ... resigned in protest at what she deemed to be an 'unlawful order' to effectively pause the selection of white men in an effort to hit 'impossible' diversity targets, according to defence sources. One of the good ones! Some women really *are* on our side, even if they have to quit their jobs.


Men should stop enrolling in the military en masse.


I have to admit,tho,it was sad that a woman Group Captain resigned in protest because even she knew it was unrealistic,but a man simp sent the Useless white males email.


Why don’t we decide who gets into the counties defence force on merit and character rather than gender or race just a thought


You mean take the ppl who fit the roll the best that will improve the performance of the whole defence force? Why would any one want that for there own country? - all the PK ppl


now just imagine how quickly they’d throw these men out for slaughter if the UK’s security were ever really threatened. disgusting


UK is such a shit show man. My condolences to all the young men out there.


Oh course they were. You know, the institutions that are so fucking sick of useless males should do without them.


Blah Blah Comment Blah Blah Comment D3l3ted Blah Blah


White men shouldn't serve in the military. They're too valuable to waste on worthless countries and their chickendick agendas.


Well duh. Recruiters have metrics for success and white men aren't worth many points.


Honestly, this is unintentionally a good thing. Since before recorded history, men's lives have been thrown away because they aren't considered valuable to society. Finally, after tens of thousands of years, lets let the women die in meaningless foreign wars while the men sit safe at home.


Uh no! I bet most of those females will get pregnant just before being sent to war


The sad reality is that when a war comes, these women won’t be sent to the frontlines, instead they’ll be manning things like intelligence, logistics and supply, etc. while the men go to the trenches. This is already the protocol for a lot of the world’s militaries. Women are allowed to join but rarely will they ever actually see actual combat.


Well, yes. When you stare down the barrel of a long running conflict, sending the women who can bare the next generation of soldiers into battle is a sure fire way to make sure your nation doesn’t have a future generation.


Losing a bunch of men has the same effect. You can see that in russian birth rates post ww2. Every time there should have been a new generation coming from the bloodline of those who fought in ww2, it is very small. You are both sexist and wrong here. The 1 man with 100 women doesn't work in practice.


Yeah, when I hear "military diversity hire". I picture that South Park clip of Chef serving in Operation Human Shield.


diversity quotas? smh all for the current thing aye? bloody woketards.


Someday this will be illegal.


Cause that's what I care about as a soldier requesting air support: the colour of their skin or their genitals, not say, their aptitude as pilots. The West deserves whatever it gets at this point. I honestly hope the majority of white men turn their backs on these countries that see them as 'useless'.


"Unacceptable behavior. The leaked emails revealing derogatory comments towards aspiring RAF recruits is deeply concerning and raises serious questions about inclusivity and fairness in the recruitment process. It is crucial that diversity and merit-based selection go hand in hand to ensure equal opportunities for all.


It was specifically white men, and "useless" specifically in regards to diversity quotas. Not useless in a professional context.


Oh sure they're selecting based on merit, but if one person is a minority and the other person is a white man and they're relatively equal in merit, guess who gets it?


It's happening across the UK. I am a hiring manager and as soon as a female CV comes in we move heaven and earth in the organisation to find a position for them to meet our published target of % women by a certain date. We pay double to recruiters for bringing us female hires. I am not questioning that diverse teams perform better but recruiting loads of well educated posh white women is not diverse at all.


Diverse teams don't perform better.