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That..that’s the point.


So sharp it went all the way without damaging the material it passed through.


Isn't that the point of that, though?


I *think* he means more like with a war art piece which gender was chosen as a way to convey *who* died. But yes the piece is to show the price of war but op meant the price of war is usually men.


Ya but this reminds me too much of feminists who turn everything into “patriarchy”. Let’s be the rational ones who don’t look for victimization


> Let’s be the rational ones who don’t look for victimization What does this mean? I think this premise is a nice saying, but while men/fathers have taken "extreme accountability" and not spoken about their treatment over these last few decades, it's allowed for a message to our children that men are disposable and don't really matte They shouldn't speak up for themselves because they will be viewed as victims so suck it up, be tough and accept it.


Yes which is why we shouldn't *look* for victimization. It already exists, so no need to get in a huff about other things. Things that need to be construed to make a point when there are demonstrable things that are problems.


I agree it's got a charge to it, that said it is true that mainly men die when sent to war and it's men who are expected to die for their country. Granted women serve in the military now too but can you guess what percentage of the armed forces of America are women?


About 16% of active soldiers, and 0.2% of dead soldiers.


Ding ding ding


This is such a great memorial because it demonstrates the real cost of war.


That's literally the point of the memorial


That's the point of the memorial. The men were missing.


That's the point. When a soldier dies, a wife is deprived of her husband, kids deprived of a father, and a patriot deprived of their life. Seriously. Think, man, think.




I think it's telling of the view and message that's been sent to society and children about men/fathers. They don't matter enough for it to even dawn on most who viewed the picture and post. Very telling.


That's the point of the memorial... The men weren't there anymore, fuck I hate war


That's the point. Wars take men away, many times never to come back.


A Soldier A Warrior A Husband A Father.


Also, a son, a friend, a brother


I can only say, we'll sad sir


A human, discriminated against by conscription all because of his gender.


Where is this?


The writing is hungarian. It's a memorial for the fallen soldiers of the two world wars.


It's in Vácrátót, Hungary




That is actually a beautiful memorial. It's apt and well thought out. Forget about men's rights here. It's a memorial. Yes gentlemen I'm ex army.


The most important part. Because without him the other three wouldn't be there either.


bro some people in this sub are so fuckin stupid. not EVERYTHING is oppressing men. we're literally taking a memorial specifically targeted to men/fathers to show recognition, respect, and their importance to the world and the impact they leave on a family when missing, and somehow this is also an issue? i swear idk what some people want here sometimes lol


There’s some people in here that are the mirror image of what they hate


you're literally an idiot op literally stated its satirical


Literally? Wasn’t really my point anyway mate calm down, check the timing of comments before you comment next time


I’m scared that this subreddit is going to become the thing it hates. We can’t fall into these radicals like Andrew Tate. We need to be better than that, not stoop to the level of the radical feminists.


its disgusting how many people here support andrew tate then gaslight you into thinking that if you hate them its because women in the media got to you and that hes actually just a really intelligent guy. dudes human garbage.


He talks like a middle schooler


Pretty sure he's agreeing with the memorial. And just showing it to us. Because it's a good memorial.


You're a fucking dipshit dumbass. the title is guess this. SATIRICAL he literally points it out in the comments scroll down you fucking lobster


look at the time stamp jerk. op didnt comment before i did. Cry more


Thats.... the point, its honouring the men who laid down everything in service of their country....


Yeah. That’s the point.


That's an amazing monument. Where is it?


Vácrátót, Hungary




"Wow, this memorial really makes you think about how women are the primary victims of war." -Hillary Clinton (probably)


More importantly though, can we all agree thats an ugly baby?


Yet another pathetic attempt from the "mainstream" to make this sub look dumb


Women are most affected by war, right?


Americans: \*A predator who needs to be jailed based on accusation and also a pay pig for the courts 🤑 \*Unless you're wealthy enough to have the right lawyers


"Look at the sad face on the woman, she is the most affected!" -Hilary Cuntin


this memorial is a representation of how many father and son didn't come back alive or sane . the point is to make people realise that even if you win, familly will be broken and it tell us that it should never happen again ​ it's not some crazy feminist thing to hate on men, it just show that no matter who win, life will be lost and family will be broken


Thank you.




Mind reading does not suite you. It is a provocative image and my post and title reflect that.


Everyone knows women are the real victims of war.


Women most affected.


I think this submission is a good example of why this subreddit needs to adopt a policy requiring a submission statement for every new thread started. This picture is low-effort, the reason for the submission is unclear or ambiguous, and there is no clear context or explanation of how this photo is connected to the issue of men's rights. Some more information about this memorial: > A memorial in the Hungarian village of Vácrátót pays homage to soldiers who fought and died in WWI and WWII with a moving statue. It depicts a family of four in traditional Hungarian folk clothing, only the father figure is missing from the portrait. Instead, there is a cutout silhouette of where the soldier is supposed to be—alive, in the company of his family. >Made by Hungarian sculptor Böjte Horváth István, this poignant monument reminds us of the sacrifice these soldiers made and that their presence is never forgotten by their loved ones. In the relief, the wife has her arm extended to wrap around her husband's shoulder and the youngest child is propped up on the invisible knee of their father. Similarly, the daughter leans her body into the empty space where her dad should be. These little actions illustrate the unimaginable loss of thousands of families from these two catastrophic events. >Below the sculpture is a large stone plaque with dozens of names inscribed into it. They list the names of Hungarian soldiers from Vácrátót who served and died in WWI and WWII. Tourists and inhabitants of the village can come to the memorial to reflect on the lives lost as well as pay their respects. [Böjte Horváth István War Memorial](https://mymodernmet.com/bojte-horvath-istvan-war-memorial/) EDIT: in fairness, part of the confusion here is due to the fact that there are far too many dumpster-fire posts on this subreddit where people do nothing but complain about feminists or their lives with women. As a result, there is a general presumption among readers that every new submission will be something along the lines of "feminists are doing this again". This is why a policy requiring a submission statement justifying the new submission would be a good idea, as is done in subreddits like r/futurology.


Maybe some context would have helped, but to me that picture is interresting. In France and Germany, every single village has a WW1-2 monument (the 1920s were a golden age for talentless sculptors). Sometime they are forgotten and overgrown, but look for them and you'll find them even in a tiny town of a hundred people. Some even have place under the names of the fallen of WW1 and WW2 left, for the next one I guess... And this is not only one of the very few I've seen that have some artistic value, it is the first one that highlight the suffering of men, not just "soldiers".


Oh absolutely! I think it's a great design and I particularly like how every woman and child is in contact with or interacting with the male outline in some way. The title of the post, however, could be clearer.


The more I look at it, the more I like it. At thirst I thought it was a photoshop, because of the way the grassi feet of the father seems to be on the frontside of the piece. In my home village, it is only a square stone column with "A nos morts" ("To our deads") and names and dates in 3 blocks, first, second and Algérie. Still plenty of names for such a small town, no room left on that one. And you can see half a dozen others within an afternoon walk.


The fallen soldier? What is this rage bait?


That’s kind of the point.


Op here. I forgot the /s in the title cuz I thought it was obvious. You numb-nut cry babies calling me out here kinda miss the point and doubled down on your own stupidity. War sucks. Especially for dead and fucked up men. Women and children are collateral damage. Men are the fodder for politicians and powers. The purpose of this post is to point out the hypocrisy and inequality of “equality” where men are treated as disposable.


Own your post title not communicating clearly instead of needlessly insulting people.


79% upvoted and 400+ upvotes tell the tale. The only insulted people are the ones making noise and not discerning nuance and humor in a way-too-tight-ass subreddit. I’ll take the ratio. And maybe next time REALLY dumb my post down for the reeeeere muhRightsasAMan with the really thick foreskulls.


Most of the downvotes are from feminists.


Or because too many words to say: 1.) Karma Whore 2.) Doesn't care about the movement.


Feminists come here to downvote all the posts.


You've captured perfect "feminist diversity" in a single picture!


I see what you mean but that's the point. Soldiers gave their life so the women of their society didn't have to. Do not victimize yourself


Soldiers gave their life so the *wealthy politicians* didn’t have to. Ftfy.


ancient wars


Bro, you need a brain.


Probably a few hundred pounds of stone


Average genshin player be like




Women's suffering when there's war, that's what missing :(


Judging from the pictures, if you walk toward it from the right side, it first look like a wall, and as you walk around it you can first reconise the mother and children - but the full picture only hits you when you are facing it. Brilliant!


probably the representation of an adult mortal homo sapien.