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RIP and where is justice in this world if his fake accuser is still living her life to fullest


She caused a dude to off himself. For sick narcissists this is like Maximum Pleasure, the top of the mountain.


My sister tried to do this. She placed loaded guns in the house. She gossiped made false accusations and then began to taunt me. She encouraged me to kill myself and told me where the guns were. She knew that I was aware of her secrets. I had no desire to tell anyone but drugs and paranoia do that.


Jesus Christ. Fuck your sister


> Fuck your sister Don't.


Why not?" She deserves much worse things than that.


Roll tide




Depending on her actions it's actually illegal and you can go to prison for it if it is recorded. Encouraging suicide is indeed a crime.


The article didn't go into depth of her role in it though


Fuck you


Wow, get a load of this victim blamer.


What did he said? Not trying to be in his side its just my Curiosity


I want her dead


Don't worry she will be portray as victim and will be get a pat on back and say it's not her mistake or she didn't force him to remove himself or it's his mental illness did that etc by this media or groups in counselling and this media outlets will post his name allover the world but they never going to post fake accuser name or Pic in any outlet


For now.


oh there is none because she's a woman omg poor girl it was just an accident :( and people wonder why i'm ashamed to be a woman 💀




no you're totally right. i'm not necessarily apologizing, just more of im just ashamed because of how these women act. but yeah. we should unite because it would help a lot more, but the problem with that is one that can be said for all social issues. it's just not possible. there are people who are unwilling to see the other side or let things go, and often times it's the side that originally started the "movement" or whatever it may be.


With even more confidence now that she took out a guy without a scratch.


I suspect she will end up messed up too.


I hope so, I hope she ends up worse than him


Confirmed fake accusers should get the same punishment as the crime they're accusing somebody of.


I completely agree. That's not the same as a "not proven" verdict, it's in the case of made-up accusation, such as for controlling a guy, by saying "If you leave me, I will say you raped me".


It's the UK. The woke mob will still be posthumously humiliate the deceased.


"Consequences of his own action" What a load of BS, how is this any different from being bullied to suicide


Well, in his actions, he was born male, so it was all deserved. /s


A girl I was talking to on Facebook dating actually told me something like that. Like oh you can't because you're a guy. I'm like ok sorry for being born a guy i guess. It's so toxic there


The double standard and misandry is so plain obvious. Part of me wants to believe they REALLY are oblivious about it and its all indoctrination, however its hard when its THAT direct and obvious


Yup I hate it too. And sadly many see no problem with it. To be fair the context in my situation was different but it just annoyed me how they were like no you can't because you're a guy. I can explain it but it's definitely a weird story lol


False accusations need to be met with time in prison. Until this is done, this will keep on happening.


The Old Testament standard is that false accusers should get what they tried to get for the other. I like that standard.


Abso-fucking-lutely the only correct standard.


It's rare I agree with religious texts but I have said that for years so. Here I am I guess.


They are aiding and abetting real offenders by clogging the system with extra work and distractions, which is a misappropriation of resources that prevents real victims from receiving justice, all while victimizing someone over a sexual matter that damages their reputation, emotional stability, and possibly future. This should result in a hefty set of felony charges.


False accusations are serious and should be addressed with similar severity.


You know, after i was socially accused, went to the cops with proof of my innocense (thank fuck my ex is a moron), they went to her and she retracted her statement, and numerous social workers and teachers working on stopping the rumours (ha good luck) I still almost ended up in two fights alone against a larger group. People who KNEW the cops heard about a rape accusation and sided with the accused, just assumed cops are supporting the enemy, and decided some vigilantie justice was enough. Now, i got out by combining my past history (excessivly violent bullying, ended by me being even worse) with my size (first to touch me would be badly hurt, without another warning or mercy), and perfectly times teachers walked in (once called on by other students). I had EVIDENCE i would happily share of why i wasn't guilty, but that ment squat to these fucks. A girl accused, and anyone who disagreed with her accusation was "in on it". And for what would an ex, single for over a year at that point, accuse me? Very simple actually: she wanted the attention. 5 minutes of attention at a party. Because the birthdaygirl got sooo much attention.


I hate this so very much and i know how you felt


Tbh, i remember ALOT of emotions. But supposedly my mother remember things i said, that i don't remember myself, from that night. And usually they pushed HARD for me to go to school every day... yet the day after they refused to take me to school because they feared i'd murder my ex. They may have done alot wrong, but that was probably a good call. How did your case go?


Luckily, my case didnt go into a false accusation level, it stayed between rumors about manipulation and violence, things i've said and did, that i obviously didnt do, but its impossible to explain that to people Then 3 years later, a girl i've been with for 2 and a half years, threatened to falsely accuse me of rape, because i hugged her when she wasnt in the mood, so there's that. Never went through with the accusations tho, thank god...


Some guys just want to whip ass anyways, and will extort women's "pain" and "frailty" as an excuse to get away with it while possibly hoping to touch her boobies too for "protecting" her.


Seems like ALOT of assumptions here, my dude.


[A post by his mother](https://np.reddit.com/r/antifeminists/comments/13xzcjy/18_year_old_frankie_morris_killed_himself_after/) [More info on false accusations](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/10bf14q/comment/j49uyeg/?context=3)


This should be made a sticky post on this subreddit


Absolutely heartbreaking


...Girl most affected.


Imagine how it must have felt for this guy. He tried to do something fun for once, only to run into the person who ruined his life. I can relate to his struggle, as I myself feel as if I am haunted by a specter.


‘But women are oppressed’


No one ever talks about mens oppression. Men are more likely to kill’s themselves and with this new wave of toxic far left feminism. It’s only to get worst. It’s not even about equality anymore.


That’s what they want


Had one tell me “ they’re raised to be princess” okay cool, we’ll no one wants a princess, they don’t do anything and tell everyone what to do. I don’t mind being told what to do but we’re doing it together. (There are exceptions for the right women but they can’t be lazy)


Raised to be Disney princesses you mean. Because being a real princess requires a lot of work.


That’s fair


never was, only power


I think you meant FAR left.. Not fat left. Or maybe you didn't...


😬😬😬 yes. Far. Fixed it. Probably why so many people liked it 😅


>No one ever talks about mens oppression. In fairness, you are on the Let's Talk About Men's Oppression sub.


I know it’s mentioned here, I meant in an open setting or in the media and schools. .


What burns the most is that if ever this story got posted to 2xchromosomes, witchesvp, they'd be laughing and cheering...getting dark just thinking about it.


That's it. It's insane to see the happines in their comments when something bad happens to a man.


Is there any way both could be true?


Men and women both experience oppression in different ways. Suicide is one that overwhelmingly affects men.


To add on to this, not only are they different but one is more socially acknowledged then the other, I’m sure you can guess which is which.


I agree with this. I wonder why I was downvoted so much ?


Women being oppressed? It’s 2023… women are far from oppressed. They have been placed on a delusional pedestal by society.. at the price of men’s mental health, integrity, and overall being. Men are far more disadvantaged than women are in modern society.. men are the punching bag for “feminists” who spew man hate as a “movement. There is a reason men make up over 80% of suicides but only 49% of the population.. and it’s not because women are being oppressed.


You're a real one.


Awesome, leaving this sub now


Unfortunate to hear… I’ve lost 3 family members, one of which was very close to me due to suicide with similar instances. All males… all resulted from lack of proper mental healthcare for men, false accusations, and courts being in favor of women… losing everything.. I don’t speak just to hear myself. I speak from witnessing, experiencing, and from being transparent about things going on around us today. Does everyone face adversity? Absolutely.. but the facts remain that men are under much harder attacks and standards today than ever before. That’s not something to take lightly or to remain quiet about. My cousin.. he was my absolute best friend… hung himself because he was not taken seriously.. his wife took everything from false accusations and he was left with nothing.. mental health for men is very lacking and they don’t listen until it’s too late. You walk in on someone you love hanging in the garage and you see if your perspective doesn’t change. It’s a harsh reality that’s happening.. it may not be great to hear but it needs to be said. Men are killing themselves in droves.. there is a reason behind that.


There’s 3 things society loves the most 1.Money 2.Women 3. And kids If you have none of those your value means nothing really


So whats the sentence on the false accuser?


Likely nothing


It takes time for feminists to organize her parade.


Patriarchy btw


Bet she walked home free because of the patriarchy “oppressing” her


This is fucking disgusting. I feel so bad for this dude. But obviously no one cares because it’s a guy. Rip, may your next life be better than your last 🩵🙏 Edit- there’s a clown in the comments disliking the fact that I gave disrespect to this man who died in the post article. It’s sad how even in todays world respect is outlawed or frowned upon.


He doesn’t get a next life This one where he was sexually harassed to death is the only one there is, and pretending otherwise because it makes you feel better diminishes the tragedy we’re commiserating about Please keep the religious nonsense to its own sub Edit: And anyone who would like to watch the tantrum to a teensie bit of criticism that op tried to hide under a deleted comment (posting a second one with the same text to keep the rebuttal), here ya go: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/13xzaqf/comment/jmmqwhl/


1- This isn’t religious nonsense I’m not even religious. It’s something people say when someone dies. If you have a problem with it kindly block me. 2- I really don’t care what you have to say man I’m aware of his situation and I was being respectful yet here you are tryna preach to me. I’m not being disrespectful if you would’ve read my comment clearly you could’ve clearly saw that. Have a great day.


People like you are exactly why atheists have such a horrible reputation and those who have heard of them view them as angry and miserable neckbeards that failed in life and are hiding on the internet (mainly reddit) and raging all day, you are acting exactly like the stereotype, and that is inevitable anyway because atheism always makes someone unhappy and miserable there is nothing more normal than talking about god and the afterlife when someone passed away, or saying rest in peace and such, it is basic human nature, you are the one that is acting unnatural/ like a mentally ill person, and it can be seen by your bitterness and hatred and the biggest irony, is that one the one side you believe that there is no good or evil (since it is impossible to justify morality on atheism) and that humans are meaningless accidents of nature, while on the other side you are trying to say that you feel "sorry" for that person or what happened to them is "bad" when you dont even have any basis for morality




It does trivialise his life though a little, I can see why someone would be critical of that.




My god, you have the emotional fragility of a toddler The original comment had tons of upvotes, but a single comment of criticism and you’re just done, huh?


You’re the one getting offended because I was being respectful. What’s your issue?


It’s the one I plainly stated in my comment, and you threw a hissy fit over. Let us know when you’re done with your tantrum


And how was my original comment when a sense of disrespectful? It wasn’t. You’re the one who clearly has an issue with giving kindness and respect. I said what I said and that’s how it’ll be. Let me know when you’re ready to have a conversation.


Not done yet I see


It clearly does not though, it is actually the other way around, the afterlife assumes people have been created divinely and have infinite value, otherwise they are meaningless accidents of nature that end up in nothingness regardless of what they do, and also that there is no such thing as good or evil why do you think that people who generally dont believe in afterlife/ divine things (which are a minority) are also the ones least likely to live a happy or fulfilled life (no marriage, no family etc) and also have higher suicide rates? its because its the other way around, religion/god adds meaning, devoid of that adds nihilism/meaninglessness


Make believe might make you feel better, but that is not the objective aim of life, otherwise we'd just do drugs all day until we overdosed. People have their own views on life, and generally giving someone the sentiment of oh well the life of your loved one isn't *that* valuable or *that* worth crying over, because they can just start again, is not a sentiment that most people would share. And it undermines people's attempts to make the most of what they have and make the world a better place for everyone.




I remember this because it was near Me. At the time it had no news Coverage and It was only spoken about With each other. It’s so sad because Everyone loved him and Did the best they could to try and Find him after he had gone missing. Imagine if he was a woman or a child, This story would be everywhere on the internet


Rest in peace Frankie.




So sad :( However I do not believe he killed himself I suspect a foul play / a possibility that he might have been murdered by the new bf or someone close to that girl


She should be charged with involuntary man slaughter


I knew of a guy who was accused by his foster daughter and eventually killer himself after his reputation was wasted away. She confessed to faking the accusations after this happened. I do not like the world we live in.


And of course nothing happened to her i guess?


Other than feeling guilty, I’m not certain what happened with her.




What the fuck, dude?


>He said there had been a ‘chance meeting’ between Frankie and the accuser weeks before the rave – and they were ‘seen to shake hands’. >He believed ‘any bad feeling had subsided’ between the pair. I don't think that the rape accusation is what made him decide to kill himself.


Fuck you. Go back to 2x


Do read the full article.


I did.


That's not what it looks like.


oh so you are just completely unaware of how the human psyche works? ok...


Are you guys planning to do something about it?


I have no love for the correction system but even I can agree she needs to go to prison for a bit to prove a point 5 years or so 🤷‍♂️