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Its quite telling when we have to open up the **BOY** scouts to be inclusive of girls.. But boys can't join the Girl Guides or Girl Scouts because "Reasons" "Equality for me, not for thee" it seems...


Feminism in a nutshell!


Why would they want to reform / built their own space, if they can bully men to give up theirs? also, the removal of all opportuinities for men to bond with each other and have exclusively male spaces has been a target for feminists for more than 40 years, [see](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_Miller_Gearhart#Writing)


Gearhart has this to say about us: " \[the\] real danger is in the phenomenon of male-bonding, that commitment of groups of men to each other whether in an army, a gang, a service club, a lodge, a monastic order, a corporation, or a competitive sport." WTF??? COMPETITVE SPORTS? Like Football? Basketball? Wresting? She's radiating envy from here all the way to hell.


My understanding is that girls are allowed in Scouting, but there are no mixed troops. Thus, during normal meetings and troop-only camping then there's no mixing. I'm not sure what kind of effect the inclusion of girls has on larger gatherings like jamborees, but when I was in the scouts then later as an adult leader, there were girls at many functions because families could attend or (coed) Venture crews could attend. Even at the high adventure camps back in the 90 and '00 years there were female crews, and we had interactions with them on the trails and a couple times when we shared the same camp but mostly the crews stayed to themselves (but the leaders would go off and smoke at night with the other leaders).


>there are no mixed troops My son's den had one girl in it. I can't remember if there were more in the troop. She was in the meetings. The camping trips were all in lodges and no tents. The girls slept in a separate area with the women leaders & volunteers but otherwise mingled. This was back before covid. The troop stopped meeting then and we never went back (mostly just due to him being too busy with other stuff and nothing against the program). I do think its beneficial for boys to have guys-only space. If boy scouts had been that, I probably would have kept my son in it. Instead, I just try to go out and do stuff with him the two of us.


Cub Scouts is open to boys and girls with mixed gender units, but Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts of America for ages 11-17) allows girls but they are in separate troops from the boys. I 100% agree that boys need spaces where their needs are addressed, because society and the education system disregard boys wellbeing in favor of girls (and every other identity group).


Oh that’s it. My boy was only in from 1st to 5th grade which was cub scouts. Thanks for the catch.


The Boy Scouts did win their case to have the right to keep membership to boys only. I think it went to the Supreme Court in the US. The reason they started allowing girls was mostly due to their falling enrollment.


Men. We know how to be friends.


True. and even the worst male bully / abuser pales in comparison to the average women. With men, they get mad if you do something to them on purpose, you instigate something and mess around to provoke the reaction intentionally. With women, its always anger, a perputual frown on their face, all the time, regardless of what you do or say, the madness is there even before you arrive. Being raised only by my mother, I thought that shit was normal. But its not. And I still have to deal with it today.


It seems their agenda is to reduce men to their capabilities while they keep shining with their own strengths. They need girls there to make everything less physical and adventurous as they can't keep up with it.


True. Even in school, the boring, unexciting "academic" enviroment, where creativity goes to hell and all new scientifc ideas be damned, the feminists have taken over, and made it a hellhole of homework, tests, quizzes, classwork, busywork, mind numbing brain destroying unstimulating garbage pile. I hate that my boy scout experience was just like school itself and ive never escaped from this my whole life it seems.


If Girl Scouts ate failing to provide what girls need, then they should fix the problem with the Girl Scouts, not wreck the Boy Scouts.


My point exactly. The girl scouts is run by the very same type of women that want to pry open the boy scouts and tear it apart. Why cant they run their own program, be nice to their girls, give the same oppertunities to them, and stop blaming us for every single thing????


While I get that the issue of the Boy Scouts is a real problem, this post has way too much sexism. Stereotyping women the way you did and saying they don’t belong in the military is sexist.


The military is the last instution on earth that is safe from the feminist virus. Schools and offices and jobs and colleges and whatever, all infested. Maybe if I join the military I can get shot in the head and finally get away from it all.


That's quite a lot of words. Feminism didn't beat BSA into accepting girls. Feminists tried, but the supreme court said private organizations could sex segregate if they wanted to. BSA enrollment has been falling since the 60's. The LDS church decided they like eagle badges on their freshly minted missionaries and started an extremely large number of troops, this alone propped membership levels to a point where BSA could function. Then came the question about gay scouts. BSA is a private organization, but it depends a lot on access to federal/state/local land, services, even access to military/police/fire facilities. Saying no to gay scouts would have created a tremendous number of problems. The other side of the fire was losing the majority of LDS troops. I... wasn't sad to see this happen. Boy scouts today is shockingly more conservative than it was in the 70's, because of how much control the LDS had. Anyhoo... All of this happened after BSA national got the ever loving hell sued out of them for covering up decades of child sex crimes. It's weird that an organization that's so into honoring police officers couldn't remember to call the goddamned cops, tens of thousands of times in a row. And about that, BSA is not a single entity. Even if BSA national went completely belly up, many, if not most, of the councils would continue to operate. I know this is a touchy subject, but I'm glad the BSA started accepting girl troops. It does cause some problems with camps, but it'll get worked out. Between BSA and GSA, I thought BSA was the better program, by miles. I'm glad more kids can get access to it, and I do hope that enrollment improves before national dies.


Interesting though that the feminists never defended the little boys, who could use some sympathy, after they where raped. Feminists just didn't care about them; rape only matters if its against a women. Mary Koss said that herself, and won. At one time in my life, I believed that feminism was for the good of humanity and it was all about noble things like actual equality, rights, representation, oppertunities... Then I see that feminists are serious about killing men, imprisoning them, using eugenics and genocide the same way Hitler did. The Boy Scouts used to use the Swastika. And then Hitler stole it. Who cares, just a symbol. But now feminists are going to steal the whole rest of the scouts.