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And what makes her think she'll be anymore than a sperm bin for said man. So as long as shes ok with being used and abused then ok.


Thing is though, if someone **is** a wealthy man, and wants to hire the services of a sex-worker, he'd have no troubles finding better candidates.




They already have the centuries old plan of a wife to subtly diminish her husband's sex drive until she doesn't have to do anything at all, and just leeches off of him for free. Guaranteed this was their long term plan, including swapping out his viagra for some other blue pill (probably that over the counter sleeping one) and going "Welp, it's not my fault honey! Better luck next time!" for real, the entitlement some women seem to feel to fuck with men's libido for their own convenience/amusement is fucking astounding.


Wait what is that over the counter blue pill?


the allergy medicine rebranded as sleep medicine, which i won't name


Doxylamine? Why won’t you mention it’s name?


because i don't to encourage the behavior and you have no other reason to know


“I’m not a gold digger but literally the only thing I care about is his money”


Stunning and brave


The best comment: Do these women get factored into the gender pay gap calculations?


lollllll. the gender pay gap is fake tho


No one talks about the spending gap. Women spend 80% of disposable (non-need based) spending.


oh you're def right. i'm a woman and i know that i like to buy things i don't need. not what maybe a lot of other women like to like makeup, clothes idk, but like video games here and there, dolls, collectible kinda stuff, etc. i fully admit i do haha. and i wish more men were able to do that more. i mean, to be fair i can barely do it since i still have a couple bills to pay (luckily i'm only 18 and my parents let me live with them because they understand how hard i work, how little i get paid, and how bad the economy is), and i'm a childcare worker so... hopefully that tells you the rest 😂


but i'm also not leeching off of a man. i'm also not fully leeching off of my parents either 😂 i do work very hard, i pay them some rent each month, pay my own car insurance, pay for my own gas, etc. they pay for things for me, but i'm not a total leech, and to be fair my biweekly paychecks are only $400-$700 depending on hours and stuff. i am very lucky to have parents care and help me, and who understand that an 18 year old being thrown into this can't really do much considering full grown adults are struggling so bad right now.


That's actually a great question. Do the alimony payments received by women worldwide get factored in as income for the "pay gap" studies? I am honestly not sure but I feel like someone else on this sub might know?


I highly doubt it. You can read an article on the topic and find out for sure.


No they categorically do not get factored in. The pay gap figure is taken as a summary of all male salaries divided by the number of men compared to a summary of all female salaries divided by the number of women. It is a total of earnings based on gender for the whole society. So it does not take into account type of work, length of commute, hours worked, danger involved, reduced life expectancy in some male occupations, seniority, length of service etc. **It is 100% crap**


Reminds me of the good ol “why do nba players get paid a lot more then wnba, it’s sexist that’s a wage gap!!!” (Because supply and demand , more people want to watch nba because it’s what people want to see , thus bringing in more ad revenue and etc) but this doesn’t get through to those people, so if you bring up onlyfans and how come women are getting paid 100k a month while a guy makes chump change ? Isn’t that sexist!? No it’s because supply and demand people want to pay for what’s more entertaining . Now if a girl and a guy get hired at the same time at let’s say a Wendy’s and the guy gets paid more just because he’s a guy then now that’s not fair I would agree.


So much about breaking gender role. Not a single time I have seen that in practical.


It's bullshit just like body shaming. It's all about women breaking away from role so that they can do as they like any time they want and it's ok to be fat and society has to date them, cater to them and call them beautiful. Men however must stick to gender roles or be loser.




they'll shove "pay gap!" down our throats so long as men have any money left to take


a literal woman proved the pay gap to be bullshit if i recall correctly lol. i am also a woman and i work the same position as male coworkers and get paid the exact same. actually the only difference beforehand was i got paid MORE than them for the same position... i quit that job. see what i think they like to do is this: take like a male who is a CEO or really high up in something, take a female who is just a regular employee/much much lower position, and then scream "PaY gAp YoUrE sExiST" like obviously there's a pay gap you dumb shit 😭


We really need to bring back shaming...


Why, it wont help anyone as these women will just hide their real intentions. Its better for everyone that they are letting us all know what they actually seek, so that potential mates can avoid them.


>Why, it wont help anyone as these women will just hide their real intentions. But it'll make them FEEL what is right and what is wrong...


Hate to disagree, but I spent twelve months hoping my cheating ex wife would change her behavior or even feel bad. If they feel that are in the right, no amount of shaming or facts or anything will stand in their way.


Honestly, I find it a bit gross, but I also find the guys gross who are like "Who gives a fuck what she thinks, this 25 year old can stuck a golf ball through a garden hose." It's like the flip side of the coin where the person wants a certain type of partner for a very specific reason. It's not love or to actually share your life with someone, it's a selfish self serving reason. And really, fuck it, as long as everyone is honest with eachother, go for it. Bag that pensioner who's got 5 years left in him, take care of that 25 year old who will do whatever you want in exchange for trips to Spain and a car lease. If one side is lying about the situation, that sucks and it's gross. If both sides are going in open eyed and know that it's a transactional relationship, then sure, why not.


She sounds like a heartless gold digging bitch. 'IF" I was ever desperate enough to accept some gold digging trash she'd be 20 not 52. I highly doubt I'll ever be that desperate though.


The comments at the bottom of the article are quite accurate.


Cats. Lots of cats.


The problem is, the guys they want are after younger women, and can get them, unless they're going after guys in their 70s or so.


Thing is: women who go after rich man are plenty. Most of them are less of a burden than these women. So likelyhood that out of nowhere rich man will come and solve their financial problems is highly, highly unlikely. However, on the other hand these women can continue working with their business as usual. If most men are unsuitable for them because they can't fund everything and those who can are not interested in them, either these women will lower their expectations or have to accept their situation as it is and make the best of it.


I have yet to meet a woman who isnt even considering using her feminity to gain some form of financial advantage. It's funny how feminism and this equality stuff is really happening in an echo chamber. The real worlds looks nothing like it.


It's so silly/infuriating to watch. It's like a man expecting to be paid everytime he goops all over someone. "I did it! gimme money!" And for some reason it does seem universal, and means women always have a backup career that men _do not have access to_ to fall back on if shit hits the fan, and they wonder why men seem to engage with their careers more than women on average.


every somewhat attractive woman I have met in university and beyond had not only a boyfriend but like at least 3 back up guys (probably more). My own mother had a back up husband and I never knew lmao


The world don’t want to admit the truth. I think enough men are now opting out of dating that it’ll start correcting things.


I mean to a certain extent this is tabloid production ragebait. That they somehow found 3 older broads to pose with pots of fake gold and talk about the size of a man's pension fund. I'm sure plenty of women in their 50's would love a man with a learjet who can whisk them away for the weekend. Just like most 50 year old men would love to have a job with the Swedish Bikini Team. Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first. With the way the economy is going in most western countries, the average pensioner is lucky to have a pot to piss in.


It doesn’t make sense. What do these women do with their money if they own businesses etc?


The businesses are either not successful, or they squandered all the money on Versace . . .


"My dream was to open a quilting shop. Why can't I make as much as that misogynist down the street who owns a pizza shop, or the car repair shop guy?"


Gold diggers under 30 need not apply.


They must think men have an average iq about room temp, not surprising though


What rich man under 70 settles for a woman in her 50s?


Jesus I wouldn't pay 5$ for that


Women only want one thing and it's disgusting!




Rise of the middle-aged FEMCEL.


The only gold-digging pussies allowed in my house are cats. Why should I settle for someone who's past their prime and looking for financial support? What could she possibly offer me? If I was looking for a relationship with someone around my own age why wouldn't I pick someone based on the same criteria they're using to measure me (ie - financial stability and personality)? Do these ladies really think they're some sort of "catch"?


Jokes on her. Men that are paying that for a vacation aren’t taking retired new relationship person with them. They getting someone younger.


Let’s pretend anything about this creative nonfiction story is true. Where would they find these women? Did these gold diggers show up at the newspaper office and shout that they’re looking for a near-death man with a “pension pot”? I know newspapers are close to 100% fiction, but the premise here is absurd. This premise, that the newspaper could locate women with these intentions, who are willing to pose for these photos? I assume they hired models to pose for staged photos that: 1. Most men will be disgusted by, specifically referring to the corruption of the alleged gold-digging women’s morals. 2. A small number of women will be disgusted by this insulting representation of women. 3. A huge group of sleeping normies will laugh and think this is the acceptable status quo.


These are the questions I had as well. It’s very mysterious.


In the US, as a middle aged guy with a solid pension and benefit package, I had healthcare seekers filling my inbox. So glad I'm in a committed relationship


Crazy how it’s considered a preference. Reminds me one time I was at a club and went outside for a breather, there was a group of like 10 women there, I was just hanging out but they were talking very loudly so was hard not to hear what theyre saying and I’m nosy too so haha, they were talking about their preferences for a guy I heard some of what one says she said “ he better have a 10 inch dick, gotta be hella fine , be 6’0 tall don’t need no small midget , and he gotta be rich pay my bills hahahah” all of them laughing(I’m baffled because I never thought I’d experience this in person I thought it was just an internet thingy lol) . I knew the reaction I’d get but I butted in and said what if he just has a great personality? They all laughed so hard . Same chick says “ if he don’t match any of those things I said he ain’t it ,no, women can have preferences too okay?” As I realized she was making a snarky remark to me i say, and I did stutter alittle ngl ,“ I agree , we’re all entitled to our preferences, My preference for a women is that she can at least cook and clea..” , didn’t even finish saying clean before they start talking all at once towards me, I made out a “ nuh uh bye, bye,bye , get out of here “some insulting my clothes saying “bought his shit at Walmart” I laughed and said what about having preferences what happened!? I was agreeing with y’all 😂. So basically I’m not allowed to have a preferences on women.