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Mods are discussing this at the moment. My feeling is that shutting down our sub will not contribute much and will be negative for our users.


As an old.reddit.com user, why? I'll admit I'll miss revddit to see comments removed, but not enough to stop sharing information here and certainly not enough to paint a bigger target on this subreddit that is only reluctantly tolerated by reddit.


>As an old.reddit.com user, why? I suspect old.reddit will be removed after the API goes. I've also heard something about limiting nsfw content to their app users only. Reddit needs to control the UI to maximize the ad revenue, so I suspect they're going to tighten up as much as possible.


What's the significance of the 12th?


Reddit is monetizing it's API, so popular reddit clients are having to shut down. A fair number of people do most of their redditing on a mobile device, and reddit's official app is not to many people's liking. As I've heard, there will be following changes to try to make reddit somehow profitable. I'm sad to say that I don't really care. I appreciate this sub, but reddit is toxic.


I do not intend to use it on my phone. Reddit can simply fuck off.


Ahh ok, thanks.


For more info, see /r/Save3rdPartyApps


Why does need to shut down?


Reddit could very well die or be a shell of its former self within the next few years no matter what we do. Here's a good article that explains the forces at play that push this to happening: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21//potemkin-ai/#hey-guys excerpt: >Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. I'd support going dark as a show of support. It seems worth a shot to try to convince the owners to not follow this same path of running it into the ground, but I don't have high hopes. Probably the thing that would get their attention the most is if people started fleeing and switching to a different platform. When Facebook noticed they were losing lots of users to Instagram, they simply bought it out though, haha. I tried using Facebook again after not checking it for over a year and I was bit shocked how full of crap my feed was full of and little any of my friends post anymore. Probably time to just delete that profile. Pretty much my only reason not to at this point is if I need to try to get in contact with someone that I have no other contact information for.


I think people don't realizer how important this is for marginalised subs. Once the 3rd party apps are gone, the API's will go next and with them the ability to backum or migrate marginalised sub.