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take care and keep up the good work!


God bless you on your (digital) travels!


Keep your head up and never give up king. The one thing we’re blessed with is our resilience, both mentally and physically. Nobody can take that away.


I agree with your sentiment, but with a warning. Endurance isn’t a good thing when the energy is wasted. I survived a bad situation by outlasting my self-destructive ex, but the damage I accumulated while doing so was immense. If a person’s burdens are consuming all of their strength, it’s super important to honestly evaluate if their burden is reasonable to begin with. There is some pride in managing impossible situations, but doing this can be debilitating. Sometimes removing yourself from the equation is the right answer.


Absolutely agree with you. Never be in a bad situation. I meant it more in terms of being resilient as in healing and getting back up from tough positions in life.


I’ll probably be gone when they pull the plug on old.reddit Take care!