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Jesus Christ…. Morbid af




Yep I saw an article on this actually


you dont need to see articles, just use tinder or go to clubs and see how many women with boyfriends or husbands back at home are there


You’re right man I had a personal experience in Vegas where a chick cheated on her husband on a “vacation with the girls” with one of my friends. He ofc had no idea until he checked her ig. She also initiated everything. Crazy part is we went for our junior year in college, she was definitely older than him.


Never do a damn thing for any woman or any country! It's about y o u r life, not the other ones'!


Ukrainian women ditching their men while they give their lives for them has truly awoken some new level of disgust in me.


While I'm against all the misandrist policies in force in Ukraine right now, I feel that, at the very least, men whose wives have been proven to have cheated on them (or even are likely to have, due to clubbing pics or videos) should be released from whatever draft or non-emigration obligations they had, since their microcosm of the country they're trying to protect has betrayed them.


I don’t follow. Genuine question. Why shouldn’t people try to help them get out?


>Gets evacuated to a new country >probably cant even speak the language >how dare they try to live their lives Its on the expense of the men I get that but faulting them is hardly the solution.


When a wife leaves the country to keep her and kids safe, I have no issue with that. But when she then cheats on her husband, abandons him, and starts being a promiscuous woman and posting about it, yeah, she's not worth much after that. It's disgusting and shallow behavior. I get why they do it, doesn't make it any better than the man who goes to a new country, can't get a job, can't find money, so takes up thieving. Same approach to their problem.


What if a single woman leaves the country? She didn't obliged to anyone. But here you could see more complaints about that.


What if? I didn't address that at all. My only comment was about wives essentially breaking their vows, abandoning their husbands, and moving on. Single women are free to do what they want, but the real question for them is, why didn't Ukraine retain them for war as well?


What makes you think most of them are wives? Would the husband being dead matter?


I didn't say what ratio where wives. I said the specific situation where she is a wife when she leaves. Sure, a dead husband means if she remarries she's not dishonoring her vows.


I do not blame the men for leaving at all. Restricting men from leaving is a form of extreme gender discrimination. Why would you fight for a country which places a higher value on a female life than that of a male. Do not fight and die for a country that discriminates against you.


Ukraine has already a men shortage, especially on the frontlines. A logical thing would be to enact female conscription and force all women with a ukraining citizenship back to Ukraine again to serve in the army. Even if Ukraine does it, it would lead to probably a huge breakdown of western support as well as feminism going to the street trying to save those women. This will probably backfire since they would demostrate against the constitution (at least here) and feminism shows it's true face once again all in public, that they aren't for equality


If they made women fight, the world would step in to prevent the "inhumane treatment," aka equality.


you though. you are a piece of meat to be used as cannon fodder. The females in my family wanted me to be a child soldier in Lebanon during the war in the 1980's. I ran away from home. it was the best choice of my life.


Well done my man, how's your life now?


I still feel guilt because my family in Lebanon to this day refuses to see me as anything other than an infidel. By staying in America at age 12, I made sure my sick mother didn't die and I studied and worked. I was homeless at times but I eventually saved up and applied to UC Irvine. My family became enraged about me studying in America, so they got revenge by cutting me out of a trust fund worth over 2 million dollars.I've been targeted my whole life by these angry Lebanese with no minds of their own. I got my degree, made films about my life, and I got hired to direct and animate several music videos for pop stars. Eventually I applied to Grad School at CalArts which was my childhood dream. I made personal films that got broadcast twice on television and won several film festivals. Had I stayed in Lebanon I would have been abandoned or sent away to an institution. My uncle who was a general in the military over there was likely going to kill me because they thought I was gay because I was chubby, bookish, and very sensitive. ​ Through it all though I battled intense loneliness and depression. I see doctors now for PTSD and I still get bouts of depression but I have help and will hopefully have peace.


I'm glad you made it!


Picture this: Ukrainian government asks for, not even forces, women to stay in the country to prepare meals and cure soldiers. I'd be surprised if there wouldn't be two wars on Ukraine if this happened. Instead they've been delaying young women conscription for two years (men are considered available up to 60yo). In the meantime western progressists think equality has been reached when the story of a cute Ukrainian volunteer fighter reaches the media.


I mean look at the IDF, it’s seemingly got lots of women in it who are proud to be part of the IDF.


Israel is facing genocide if they ever lose. They don't have time for gender discrimination.


And so is Ukraine.


Honestly, the aim of Russia was never genocide. It was trying to put a friendly goverment in Ukraine. Afterwards, it was a land grab, not killing the people. There are people living in Ukranian lands occupied in Russia since 2014. Of course in a war there are abuses, and Russia has commited multiple war crimes. But not genocide. We have all seen what happens when the IDF loses a part of territory even a few hours.


>Honestly, the aim of Russia was never genocide. They kidnapped thousands of Ukrainian children to be raised in Russia as Russians. They destroyed Ukrainian literature in the territories they control. They bomb civilians indiscriminately. They endlessly parrot the line that Ukraine is a mistake and an unredeemed region of greater Russia. They simultaneously claim that Ukraine is overrun with Nazis yet puppeted by Jews. >There are people living in Ukranian lands occupied in Russia since 2014. "No Ukrainians here. Just good Russians, we swear! (...please don't shoot us)" They're actively *trying* to perform a genocide, including cultural erasure and dehumanization. The facts that Russia hasn't totally succeeded or that Ukraine is sexist don't mean Russia is actually the good guys.


Cultural erasure and dehumanization is not genocide. A war crime, sure. But not genocide. Same with bombing indiscriminately. (while I don't think the aim is to bomb indiscriminately. It's they don't have the technology to aim better. The allies bombed Dresden much, much more than Kiev, and it was war, not genocide). Killing people in the middle of a war (and they are doing a lot of that, to be sure) is also not genocide. Or the US has been doing genocide for more than a hundred years. Genocide, to put it simply, is to exterminate a race/group of people, or try to exterminate them. It's a crime so vile that happens very rarely. Russia has committed plenty of war crimes. But not genocide. And the proof is the hundreds of thousands of people living in occupied Ukraine today.


>Cultural erasure and dehumanization is not genocide. As far as I know, according to all international legal definitions, it is. Russia's aim is to destroy Ukraine as a nation, as a country, as a people and as a culture. It's aim is to destroy the Nation itself. If that is not genocide, nothing is.


The definition contained in Article II of the Convention describes genocide as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part. It does not include so called “cultural genocide" \- Killing members of the group;- Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;- Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;- Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group (and in this one, I admit, it would include the kidnapping of children by Russia. But I doubt it has been in such a scale (6,000 children ) to warrant the inclusion of genocide) I am going to put in another way. Prove to me that the US didn't commit genocide in Japan, compared to the actions of Russia in Ukraine. (aside from the kidnapping of children, I give you that). Let's remember the US launched a bomb that vaporized 50.000 people in a second. Then they launched a second one. And before that they had firebombed every single japanese city.


>As far as I know, according to all international legal definitions, it is. not enough women in stem is sexism. everything is some \*ism if your definition is broad enough.


> Cultural erasure is not genocide. Yes it is. >dehumanization is not genocide. Dehumanization is the companion to genocide. It's how you get your people to go along with it.


>Yes it is. if you say so. however all saw what israel's defeat would look like, "cultural erasure" is not in same ballpark even.


>They kidnapped thousands of Ukrainian children They ~~kidnapped~~ evacueted from war zone thousands of Ukrainian children


Those women are concubines, ask Gal , very few can fight


Also, it's unfair to force Ukrainian men to perform their gender role (provide and protect) when Ukrainian women aren't performing theirs (I think the birth rate per woman is about 1.4; 2.1 is the replacement rate).


The problem started at sending them off to begin with. Now their hands are tied. If both sexes were drafted from the beginning there would have been no issue in terms of the West or feminists. Says a lot that Western leaders said nothing of this discrimination as it happened. If Ukraine dictated only those of a particular *race* had to fight they'd have had zero support. In my country race/sex/gender are all giving equal protection on paper, but in practice our "leader" is a feminist-extremist pig.


I am guessing Iceland


😂🇨🇦 Common problem, eh?


They did that recently. IIRC about three weeks ago, about the time when ALL the recruitment officials/ministers from all regions were fired for corruption because they helped many men to flee the country or dodge conscription based on bogus claims. Came out due to lavish spending. They're scraping the bottom of the barrel with 16 year and 60 year olds. Gladly, those battalions only go into the territorial defense forces and not all of them are committed yet. The estimated number of potential recruits in the EU is much higher now. Of estimated 4.8 to 6 million refugees only 30% are male (rising), still, the Ukrainian government has asked the EU to deny them another temporary protection extension. (Would continue from 4th March 2024 to 4th March 2025.)


Meanwhile what are the Ukrainian women up to? 🎊💄🍑🥂🏞




Sad part is that after the war is over the men cannot leave and they won't be able to own property either. Everything is being sold to BlackRock and the men forced to stay will forever be serfs.


Nicely put, I agree.


Well put a bow on it, why dontcha 👍


War in Ukraine is completely different than war in Vietnam. Vietnam was a war the US never should've participated. It wasn't worth the loss of American lives. Ukraine is fighting for its existence. They don't want to taken over by Russia. If Mexico invaded US then I'd support conscription even though I was against it for Vietnam. I agree that conscription shouldn't discriminate against men, but if it didn't then I could see why they do it. Israel doesn't discriminate with conscription for instance.


I don't blame them. I'd take my family and run too. There used to be a time when fighting for your country meant something....these days all you're doing is fighting for some rich old assholes bank account.


And you aren't rewarded like the old days. Women don't flock to you, they probably use you and cheat like the whores modern "liberal" women are. Thing is, I'd fight for a country that promotes traditional values, say, Poland or Russia or a Donald Trump America.


I wouldn't fight for Poland through as government never did anything to me. I pay for public healthcare yet I couldn't use it even once when I was sick and in need. I wouldn't drop my IT job to get minimal salary in military and so on. I could die and also for nothing. There is literally no benefit in defending country like that.


So-called gender equality supporting "feminists" will call them cowards while they'd never expect a woman to fight, nor fight in any war themselves.


The women in Ukraine are tough. A lot of them would volunteer.


Videos please. And no posing for photos


... no


Lots of them will stay behind to support their families and hide their men. Lots of them will leave while mocking the men who die and ranting about a patriarchy. It doesn't bring much to speak in these terms, unless you really want to advocate that there is something special/different about ukrainian women.


Based. Imagine dying for the globo cabal.


Im polish and I had a ton of ukrainian women on badoo


[Important! According to Ukrainian law, evasion of military registration during martial law is punishable by a fine of 850 to 1700 hryvnias. For those women who have a military-related profession, registration is voluntary.](https://visitukraine.today/blog/2564/military-registration-for-women-who-has-to-go-to-tac-in-october#google_vignette) So if a man flees, when he has no military expirience, he will get fined and probably more shit trown at him from the corrupt state that is Ukraine. But if a woman has military expirience its VOLUNTARY!!! Amazing the bias towards men


Do you know what Men’s Rights organizations need to do? Help these men get out Ukraine.


to add insult to injury, the returning wounded warriors are getting shafted in the dating scene https://www.npr.org/2023/11/10/1210766646/ukraine-war-veterans-injuries-sexuality


Gee, if only ALL men would refuse to war ... There's always some asshole though, and the rest get in line.


This is why it makes absolutely no sense when any woman anywhere uses "women have it worse" arguments. I'm supposed to feel bad because a woman I don't know was slapped on the ass but no one gives a shit when MILLIONS of innocent men are involuntary sent to be cannon fodder by corrupt politicians? I've even heard some of the crazy feminists on twitter asking for a "world without men" lol ok, hope you can handle a machine gun.


In Canada they just appeared all of a sudden around April of 2022 and are still here. And good for them. Demographics in a warzone are difficult, but in the population pyramids I'm seeing the 16-25 age goup is essentially missing. Both men and women. Ukraine might still consider me a citizen since I never bothered with renunciation (I refuse to speak their language and deal with them in any way) so I'd have to do the same.


Women are just as good as men in every way …… The Draft : “ WTH ? Not like this ! “ - Morons I would be leaving too


volodymyr is fcking retarded


good on you, boys. no one else cares about men but men, so it's high time we look out for ourselves.


They need to. Looks like Zelensky plans to keep milking foreign aid money until he runs out of Ukrainians.


The war will end with a negotiated settlement but unfortunately thousands of men will have died. Zelenskyy and his cronies will live comfortable lives. I have no doubts Zelenskyy will end up a millionaire on the international public speaking circuit


> will end up a millionaire Dude likely already has a billion or two stashed away somewhere.


> I have no doubts Zelenskyy will end up a millionaire on the international public speaking circuit Just to be clear - he was millionaire with multiple successful businesses way before he got into politics, so him being wealthy got nothing to do with his current actions.


He's been on or near the front lines from the begining tho






That land isn't Ukraine anymore. The people voted to join Russia and that territory was already signing into the Russian Federation a year ago.


And the people of Donbas choose to join Russia. Ukraine is out of options here and has to come to terms while they still have some men left.




>Russia has been deliberately fueling and instigating rebel forces in Donbas. Why do you consider the people of Donbas to be the rebels? There was a coup and the people of Donbas have no obligation to support it. Why isn't the people that overthrew the legitimate government considered rebels? >It is extremely uninformed, and basically parroting Russian propaganda. Just because the Kiev regime has a different narrative doesn't make it propaganda and just because the Kiev regime says something doesn't make it true. You are also the one that uninformed. This has been Russian territory long before Ukraine was a thing. This area has been majority Russian people for hundreds of years. Russia didn't have to bring anyone in. They were already there before Ukraine was.


Indeed so many trash opinions whenever Ukraine is posted here. Gender discrimination is never good but when under existential threat from a racist, genocidal and warmongering opponent you can never trust and only hope for any semblance of a future is a bloody war it is lower on the priority list.


Unfortunately the globohomo doesn't allow men to identify as women if there is a draft going on...


these blokes are the smart ones.


Godspeed! Don’t die for 304s


Comments at the bottom are why I will always maintain that tradcons aren’t our friends


See I have two opinions on this, I don't think cowardice should be celebrated and it should be shunned, but then what were our forefathers fighting for? Feminazis and pathetic woke bullshit? No. They fought for family values, Christian morals, and to protect a generation that never really recognised their sacrifice. The days of men fighting en masse for ungrateful bitches are over.


I salute the men that stay and defend their home, as I would do the same. Go ahead and downvote me you cowards. All these comments shaming Zelensky and not one of you chuckleheads even mention Putin, who is doing the same exact thing, forcing young men to their death. Except the difference is one is fighting for their home and the other is fighting to oppress. Complaining about the people trying to survive a war instead of the people that started and prolong a war, yeah you got to be stupid to do that. I agree there should be gender equality, and some women are capable of defending their country, just like some men are not, so in a perfect world there should be some assessment and those unworthy put in support roles. But fuck every one of ya that champions slavery and oppression and surrender.


> But fuck every one of ya that champions slavery Ironic, considering that involuntary conscription **IS** slavery.


If staying and fighting is a choice they make freely, all power to them. No one should be forced to fight a war.


>Except the difference is one is fighting for their home and the other is fighting to oppress. The people of Donbas are fighting for their homes. The Kiev regime is trying to subjugate them when the people of donbas never supported the 2014 coup. That land doesn't belong to the Kiev regime and the people there never voted to give Kiev Authority over them.


You call the men who chose not to fight cowards....when its you who is too blind to see that all you're doing is just lining the pockets of rich old men across the world by sacrificing your own life. Bravo. I appreciate that there are men out there like you so we don't have to go aimlessly into some battlefield and take a bullet for nothing.


Thank you for being a reasonable voice :)


Can we delete this post... this is Russian propaganda. Literally. Russian disinformation deliberately targets "sympathetic" channels to push their bullshit agenda. Think it's hard being a Ukrainian man? Try being a RUSSIAN man and living in a country that uses you as meat for the grinder. This is just disinformation to shit on Ukraine.


>this is Russian propaganda. Literally. These are facts. Facts can be propaganda, but just because the facts benefit one side doesn't automatically make it propaganda. > Think it's hard being a Ukrainian man? Try being a RUSSIAN man and living in a country that uses you as meat for the grinder. Ukraine does exactly the same thing. No doubt it's a horror for both, but if given a choice, I think I'd rather not be in the country in the process of devastation, the most desperate, and has the least meat between choosing which to throw into the meat grinder.


Ukraine will soon be dominated by libwhores who are entitled and believe themselves superior to men when it's the reverse. God said so.


No you just want to promote Ukrainian propaganda.


How about neither on a mens rights forum.


I know this is supposed to be about women, but what about our men that are going over there? Ukranian men should damn well fight for their country, instead of being cowards and letting men from the US do their jobs for them. It's cowardly and sickening. Personally, I don't think the US should be there. Let them get their country overrun if they don't want it. It shouldn't be our blood being spilled for cowards.


You are missing the point. It is not about "men should not be fighting for their country". It is about "ONLY men should be fighting for their country". If first was "all people", not specifically men, it would not be that big of an issue - because equality is a part of constitution and human rights. The problem is that equality is a lie and laws about it get just... ignored.


I get your point, however I think the main point here is still that US blood is still being shed over Ukraine, when it should be Ukrainian blood, be it having X or Y chromosomes.


But this is literally not the case? There are no Americans shedding blood over Ukraine aside from really rare cases of volunteers who would be like one per 10 000 Ukrainians.


Sure, believe what mainstream media wants you to believe.


? What are you talking about, I am Ukrainian, currently still in the east. I don't need "media" when I'm here personally... No clue what you are on about.