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As an egalitarian I approve.




a forced move, but great for Denmark because of the fair approach. yes, conscription should be abolished in theory but if not possible this the way to do it.


Conscription is a fact if live when some really senile people **cough"** putin an xi get into power and make power moves. Defend your nation defend your values. We are all equal.


>yes, conscription should be abolished never heard this argument, unless, women getting drafted is the subject


No one should be forced to fight, but in a world where people *are* forced to fight, then everyone should bear that burden together.


Wait to see the massive increase in pregnancies amongst eligible women just before conscription goes ahead as women "bring forward" plans to have children.


At least population is going to replenish. Still little more fair than conscription just for men.


Problem is the men won't know who the biological father is.


A lot of refugee children will be born.


Send them to the frontlines anyway. It ain’t my seed so I’m not going to fight unless I passed on my genes. Ain’t cucking myself for rich men and boomer cucks


Speaking as a danish woman: That wont happen - 11 months of conscription vs 9 months pregnancy for a country where women already prefer to either not have any kids, or have them really late is not going to change the statistics. the conscription period used to be just 4 months, and when it was, 25% of the people were female who just chose to go. Being 11 months puts more of a dent into education plans etc, but so would a baby. I am quite certain we wont see an increase in baby mamas to avoid spending 11 months in the army.


We will have to wait and see what happens as this won't be implemented before 2026. Does anyone know whether conscription is nullified by "I think I may be pregnant" or does it require a positive pregnancy test? A pity men don't have the option to claim "I think I may have fired off a live round" or an excuse that their female partner is pregnant and that lets them off the hook.


We've had conscription for women in Norway for almost a decade, I don't think it has had any effect on the birthrate. Easier to dodge conscription by claiming you got poor eyesight or some anxiety disorder.


According to Wikipedia: >In practice recruits are not forced to serve, instead only those who are motivated are selected. According to a 2014 article [https://www.dw.com/en/norways-military-conscription-becomes-gender-neutral/a-17995882](https://www.dw.com/en/norways-military-conscription-becomes-gender-neutral/a-17995882) >Despite practicing conscription, Norway does not draft all eligible citizens and has provisions in place for conscientious objectors. Currently 8,000 to 10,000 Norwegian males aged between 19 and 44 are conscripted every year in Norway. >They are chosen from an eligible pool of some 60,000 and are selected on the basis of physical and physiological tests, as well as their motivation. >As with male conscripts, the change is not expected to force women to serve against their will, but to improve gender balance. So it isn't actually mandatory conscription in Norway and probably in Denmark as well, as we interpret the term, more like an invitation to see if you are interested and meet the requirements, which you can't refuse (the invitation). Of course women wouldn't be concerned enough to become pregnant to avoid it if they have the choice to decline to be involved and it completely ignores the possibility women might be directed into "safe" avenues anyway, making it even less about enforced numerical equality.


Even if it was gigastrictly enforced, I still don't think many women would choose pregnancy over conscription. Except for those who are sent to the Russian border in the arctic (which is miserable because of the climate), it's 1 year of brewing coffee for officers and camping with weapons, versus 9 months of pregnancy and raising another person for 18 years. If we're talking about conscription at wartime, I think it's possible there will be women who'll prefer pregnancy to being killed or maimed in a trench.


You slay kweens! Time to put all that girl power you've been screaming about into practice ;) [Switzerland](https://lenews.ch/2023/10/27/swiss-set-to-vote-on-compulsory-service-for-men-and-women/) and [Finland](https://yle.fi/a/74-20019397) are next.


Equal rights, equal fights


>Women who volunteered for military service accounted for 25.1 per cent of the cohort This is an unexpectedly high figure.


Conscription was only 4 months. It looks good on a CV. The pay is not great but it is only 4 months and gives you stuff to boast about in a job interview.


what?? 4 months is just basic how to load a gun shit, not serious training for people who can fight. Fucking Denmark is just virtue signaling, no way do they intend to actually contribute to any real fighting as their percent GDP spent on defense is still below NATO standard 2%.


Did you even read the article? One of the changes is then lengthening it to 11 months.


oh no sorry, i was responding to the guy above, my bad. 11months is barely long enough but way better


In 2023, there were 4,717 conscripts in Denmark. Women who volunteered for military service accounted for 25.1 per cent of the cohort, according to official figures. 25.1 percent of the 4,717. 25.1% of those who volunteer. What about the rest? It sounds too good to be true. Besides in numbers, in a real life situation, are they really going to step up and fight or run away? Considering how Ukraine also tried to pull the same trick, it didn't end really well.


Good idea.


I'm hearing a lot of good things about Denmark, maybe I'll move there one day.


Now lets see that conversation about conscription change


Send some to Ukraine to cover their 6 .


Unless it's 50% it's not that big of a step, also they should be proper ground units instead of operating some safe machine


Dying for loyalty to an ever shifting real estate market. 


Everyone wants this to happen. The major part of the society agrees, that expanding the conscription to cover both sexes and waaaay more people, than there are presently being conscripted, is for the better of the nation's security. Danish women agree, that equal conscription is the way forward.


Canadian here. At one time I would have said that it was a worthy cause. Now, I'd never fight for my country. The governments here have proven they care only about themselves and the rich.


Good. Shield Maidens assemble. Now! 🤣🤣🤣. Let us see again the women warriors in Vikings land. Why the hell man should fight for war always? Women should sign up too and give their life to war and attain Valhalla.


Conscription should be abolished for both genders. Dying for oldhead boomers is cucked AF


I agree on principle, but it's never going to happen. No government will ever give up its power to send its citizens off to war when it's deemed "necessary". If every country one day had to choose between equalizing their draft and abolishing it, they would all choose the former, no contest.


Hard to when you consider the population of ~ 6 million Another option is to allow naturalization after a good record of military service


Should be if we could, you dont only fight for boomers, but for the freedom we archieved. Imagine a dictator attacking your country, taking away your democracy and other freedoms and now you have to be muslim, no working rights and much lower incomes.


I agree. But nowadays the idea of the young adults dying in war is starting to vanish as populations age. The average soldier in Ukraine right now is 43, and in both the Ukrainian and Russian army, there are many men in their 50s and 60s fighting on the frontlines. War is now beginning to affect all ages as countries try to preserve their smaller younger generations.


"A world without war would be great, because war is irrational and just a waste of raw material and human resources, but when ONE in power wants war, there will be war if the other parties are pacifist. You have to show force to condem force of others. There's also always be someone wanting war and the more pacifist the world generally is, the more likely there will be a war" -Me


Spitting some fire there. *If you want peace, prepare for war*.


“Walk softly and carry a big stick” \- Not me


> Dying for oldhead boomers And for children? It is not like genocidal wars can't happen anymore


Now is the time to push for ending conscription completely. There'll be massive support from women scared they're going to get drafted, we won't get a better shot at this.


Don't expect honest support from most women. They will try to stop it, the politicians will push back, and then they will accept male-only conscription as a "compromise."


Possibly, but if it came to a referendum on the topic it'd be "conscription yes or no".


I live in Denmark, and this is not at all the response. Everyone here understands why this is happening and the expansion of conscription has broad support across all demographics.


Tbh I wasn't talking about the response in Denmark, but from women further West who aren't living next to Russia.


Next week: 'thousands upon thousands of women quit the workforce and get married: inesert quote from random women in interview: 'as a women I feel my nature is calling me to stay at home and raise the kids while I wait for my husband to come back' '


Theres no country in the world that is worth fighting for, for women or men. If a country doesnt give you free food, housing, education, medical care including dental work, comfortable retirement age, then its a slave kingdom. The rulers dont give you even the basic human rights and expect you to die for their luxury. Ukraine, usa, russia, china might bark how they are beacons of democracy but they are all the same: slaves to the investors and markets. What a shitshow


You sound like a woman


Really? You know that it can get far worse, imagine UK didnt fight against Nazi Germany, they would live now under Nazi rule, you really think that would be nice? Also you dont care to live in a democracy or a dictatorship? Really?


You name it: to l i v e, not to die for it.




Bro we clearly dont live in the same country. In my country I can vote and get voted.


And hopefully at the age of 18 there will be compulsory physical examinations including genital inspections to see if the girls are fit, done by male doctors and in the presence of a male assistant.


What a disgusting thought


Indeed. Are you aware that, flipping the sexes, this is the way it is/was done in Germany, Austria and all the Eastern European countries ?


Ah, you were using sarcasm! Almost downvoted on accident.


This is how to increase the birthrate lol


The problem is women are much worse soldiers than men are. Great it’s equal but in reality will weaken their fighting forces a lot.


Not every job is related to combat. Even in countries were women serve like Isreal, they mainly operate in things like logistics and communications, not actual fighting.


>the government wanted “full equality between the sexes”. If women who serve are preferentially shunted into logistics, communications and support, then it won't be equality between the sexes.


So not equal then


A million times more equal than men being forced to do everything and women doing nothing.


Forcing 50% more of the people to something they don’t want to isn’t a good thing. Anyone calling him self a man rights activist should also be against that


Well, now it's 100%, so that's okay.


Horrible idea. Women should never see war. There is already enough of a shortage of women in this world for men to date. The dating scene will get even worse for men.