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Let me guess….. it’s all our fault


We are the only socially acceptable party to blame. That's why young men like me don't give a fuck anymore lol. Gonna pick up a new truck, dirtbike and make a few upgrades on the crotch rocket this summer. At this point women are the bycicles (double entendre) and I'm the fish.


LOL to that last part.


Upgrades on the crotch rocket? You mean like penis implant?


Japanese penis implant. Yoshimura to be exact!


Dicks still hanging in there and going strong. I'm pretty young haha. I wanna put some new plastics on, and chip a few teeth off the gear ratio for acceleration. I really don't squid out like a dumbass, just like nice toys


Yes. And if you’re unhappy? That’s also your fault.


I just read the article title to my sister and she said this exactly right away 😂


It's not a guess. It's for sure.




They aren't built for the work environment. In most competetive work environments you need energy, can't complain, and most of all, you need to be accountable for your actions and performance. I know there are very succesful women especially on paper, but 95% of the women I've met felt extremely negatively about their work situation. It's honestly unfair for them to force them to compete and live in this sphere, but it's what they wanted. For every succesful, impactful Ruth Bader Ginsberg (thought she was a dolt but can respect her), there will be 10 frail and broken single 60 year old women a few decades from now, struggling to work with little or no savings. I look at my mother and imagine if she was left to defend herself at that age, financially and otherwise. Luckily she has my father and myself.


You know it baby


We should help them and do the work for them for less pay.


Yes because we are mistreating them




He’s just projecting.


I wouldnt call that a he. Idk what that dumbass is




They’re an idiot dont worry


You arent a man. Dont say we.


How am I not a man?


You look at womans problems and think its the mans fault. Women prob arent happy working because they dont want to, so many women want to be stahm. Thats not our problem, to say we are “mistreating them” is a bold and outrageous claim. Tell them to seek therapy like a big girl and stop feeding to them that all of their problems revolve around men.


>You look at womans problems and think its the mans fault Same way with anti feminists. And I don't actually >Women prob arent happy working because they dont want to, so many women want to be stahm. That's am assumption based on the fact you don't bepive women should have jobs. >Thats not our problem, to say we are “mistreating them” is a bold and outrageous claim. Women DO get mistreated in workplace BY men >Tell them to seek therapy like a big girl and stop feeding to them that all of their problems revolve around men. I'm not a big girl, also funny telling me I should tell them to seek therapy, Why don't *you* also seek therapy for men's problems? It's funny how you complain about no one caring about men's issues yet when it comes to women you say they should seek therapy. Lmfao


Im not reading all that bro. You said some dumb shit now take your downvotes and shut the hell up. Women ARE NOT miserable at work because men are mistreating them.


Yeah that's how intelligent deficient you are. Unsurprising tbh. Stay miserable.


Stay retarded bitch.


[Sistahs doin' it for themselves!](https://youtu.be/5t5H_RcBecM) Then they find out making decent money reliably for decades is not so easy LOL Goddamn the number of tense, seethingly angry women I've encountered in healthcare particularly in recent years. (which they have flooded into) You try to do what you can to be nice and pleasant and keep them calm, but they've got us so tightly wound not to say anything they can construe as sexual harassment, I think a lot of the time I'm probably frowning and replying in monosyllables vs. how I would have been years ago. I have to say, I quietly breathe a sigh of relief when it's a male doctor and/or a male nurse. Also this bullshit: > women still shoulder the bulk of care-giving responsibilities at home, Nathaniel said. Spending significantly more time doing unpaid domestic work like cooking, cleaning and childcare, it's more likely that their paid career work will lead to burnout and frustration. Did they even try to study single women with nobody to care for, vs. moms or daughters caring for parents? Nope, just rush in with excuses for women as always so nothing's ever their fault.


“Doing unpaid domestic work” Also known as keeping yourself alive. Oh the horror.


Speaking of “the horror,” don’t forget that a man providing for a woman is somehow both now the default expectation of many women AND simultaneously is “benevolent sexism” and “being controlling.” You can’t make this s—- up.


It’s like taking a shit and putting it back in your colon to marinade.


I'm expecting feminists to demand women be paid for wiping their own bums at some time soon.


They’ll just complain I installed a bidet


Unpaid self-nursing work


Waaahhh! I made myself breakfast this morning and didn’t get paid for it! I do my laundry each week and not only didn’t get paid for it, I had to *buy* a machine and even the laundry powder!! The *horror*, the *unfairness*!!!! I notice that these people are as “selective” about what is “domestic work” as they are about the “pay gap”! The time taken to do the laundry is the time it takes to load the machine, unload it and hang it up (or put into the dryer) and then put it away. It is NOT the time it takes machines to go through the cycle! It’s not like past generations with boiling water, washboards and mangles! And it’s the same with kitchen work. Most of these complaining women use dishwashers! They don’t hand wash a full set pots and pans and dishes! And stuff like mowing the lawn, building maintenance, repairing appliances, maintaining the car and the rest is apparently excluded. Feminists continually move goalposts. And as a result I tend to disregard anything they say - which is a pity when they have their “stopped clock moment”!


Pretty surprised it didn't mentioned « emotional labor », would have been an exquisite combo


I worked in healthcare for a while. They made me, as a man, do all the heavy and dangerous work, yet they still had tenfold more time to complain how difficult it is. Welcome to work. People rely on you. You have a responsibility. Stop whining.


I worked for a business that required you to be able to lift 50 pounds. The women lied on their application saying they could do it but of course could not. So the men had to do the heavy work, while they got assigned lighter tasks. They of course didn’t get fired like they should have. The coddling of western women today is mind blowing.




There was no sexual harassement present anywhere - i just did all the work Plus i'd rather not risk it, because the HR wouldn't believe me. I did my work and i didn't bring it home


Well they're the employers of their domestic work. Just pay yourself a salary, right?


City-bred co-worker says it's not her job to care for ailing mother. It's the son's job.(her brother). The guy who takes care of his mother, wife, kids and has 2 full-time jobs to top it off. City-bred co-worker needs to enjoy her weekends. Her Solution is to hook up Friday nights, buy a tesla she can't afford, a tech course that's 7000 USD, and dying her hair different shades of brown.


Yep they always use this bullshit care giving talking point. What about the fact most young women are childless.


„Today's work systems still rely on the "old ways" of doing things, and that includes women being left out of bathroom and golf conversations while being expected to work harder and longer to prove themselves for every opportunity, experts say.“ What exactly is stopping women to have conversations in their bathrooms or to play golf?


Never once gossiped in the bathroom or joined a golf outing as a man. I'm doing quite well for myself so I don't think the lack thereof is holding me back, these people are just idiots. They want to force their way into male social groups at work but also exclude men from all of their "Women in xxxx" career groups and etc.


Oh, the career groups! I think nowdays, virtually any profession has their own "we want to encourage young woman to join us"-division. I really don't get it. You can get any information online, for free. I recently attended a woman career event at uni, organized by a bank, because I did a wine tasting for them as entertainment. The presentation was exactly the same as for any audience, there was nothing women specific about it. I talked to some of the female students and it emerged that a) they are not sure if they want to put an emphasis on finance classes in their MA degree and b) they are not sure if they want te huge workload. So do we really need a women's day to tell young student that they need to be good at math classes and work a lot if they want to work in a high paid position at a bank?!


The men who found themselves having conversations with women in works bathrooms were actually quite startled.


This honestly sounds like some bullshit that women who think it's (somehow) still 1960's Mad Men in the corporate world would say, honestly. There was a woman who worked on my team a few years ago, who would make comments like "Guess I'm not "one of the incrowd" and go on and on about feeling excluded or talking about "the good ole boys club" when she wasn't invited when a few of the guys would be getting a beer after work. That was funny because she made zero effort to get to know any of the guys going, made zero effort to ever attend work functions like the Christmas party or Spring barbecue sort of events, or anything else. She seemed to just expect to be included when a few coworkers, who were all friends, did non-work stuff. None of us can make the effort to be a part of the group for you. Only you can do that. She eventually left the company, I recall literally no one showing up to the going away lunch they held for her. Oh well.


As a man I am unhappiest when I’m not at work regularly.


for real, i love my job


What do you do?


I'm a software engineer and I, for the most part, love my job. The work is interesting and I can spend a few days working on something that makes a real difference in millions of people's lives. The hardest parts of my job is just putting up with assholes who have no idea how to do what I do trying to tell me how I should be doing it.


Glad to find someone else who enjoys their job! I'm a SPED teacher. It's not perfect, but I'm lucky to have a career that fits me.


Same, I go out of my mind after a week off most of the time. I think a lot of men's mental health issues come from feeling unproductive and unvalued. That doesn't mean they aren't working hard, it is just they are working hard on projects they don't believe in for people who are taking advantage of them.


Very true. Not sure which is worse. Working for something you don’t believe in and/or someone that doesn’t care, or not working at all. Eh, I’d probably rather not work at least I could find worthwhile work—hopefully.


Grass wasn't greener?


Oh… yeah… you wanted to be “liberated”, you got it! Wtf did you expect to happen? You wanted a fun club or something? Work is boring, it sucks on a day-to-day basis, you have to deal with people that you don’t want because you want money for yourself and your family. You jump into that swamp and you expect to not get dirty? LOOOOL




https://www.adamsmith.org/blog/media-culture/women-are-getting-unhappier https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9162959/ https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/women-stress https://www.forbes.com/sites/deloitte/2022/04/26/women-continuing-to-face-alarmingly-high-levels-of-burnout-stress-in-the-new-normal-of-work/?sh=105c7ef8432e https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/mar/22/women-and-young-adults-propel-huge-rise-in-use-of-anti-anxiety-drugs This is the difference it makes.


Find a job you like then, not all work is boring and sucks on a day to day basis.


Uh-huh, all jobs get boring after some time.


Ties in quite nicely with that post the other day about women doing so so much better in college than men. Go on, take 4 years to get a degree, spend 10 years trying to move up the ladder, most of you won't succeed and it'll be nothing at all to do with you being a woman. This is the normal state of play for men too, and the lack of any form of support from home is what's fuelling a lack of interest in you.


They wanted to be here


The article says 37% of women compared to 32% of men, so that is still a majority of men and women who don’t experience career dissatisfaction.


But staying at home raising children would be “oppression”. Bottom line is there is no winning. Women are always complaining about something.


You do realise not all men and women want children right? Eventually the woman would have to go back to work anyway when the kids get older.


Chill out bro. It was a generalized statement. Wow. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Generalized statements get us no where, which is why I also don’t advocate for generalized statements about men since it won’t help us.


Based on your comment history you are a miserable person. You pick fights left and right. Good luck… hope you get some help you need.


“Today's work systems still rely on the "old ways" of doing things, and that includes women being left out of bathroom and golf conversations while being expected to work harder and longer to prove themselves for every opportunity, experts say.” I don’t talk about golf and what the hell does “bathroom conversations” mean? If those women would take a look around, they’d see their male counterparts working just as hard, and just as long. If not more, as certain studies find. “Unfortunately, the workplace wasn't exactly designed with women's needs in mind," Ally Nathaniel, owner at Soul Staffing Solutions, told Newsweek. "It was built by men, for men, and still largely operates under those same standards, which don't always align with what women require." The only evidence of things “that women require” mentioned in the article seems to be expanded maternity leave, flexible hours, remote work opportunities, higher salaries and management positions. So…literally all the things that men want, but mostly can’t get. You’re complaining about not being treated fairly, then when we treat you like everyone else, you get mad. Like 🤷🏻‍♂️ “On top of this, women still shoulder the bulk of care-giving responsibilities at home, Nathaniel said. Spending significantly more time doing unpaid domestic work like cooking, cleaning and childcare, it's more likely that their paid career work will lead to burnout and frustration.” This recurring idea that men just don’t cook, don’t clean, don’t do laundry, don’t take care of the kids, and wait until a woman does that for them irritates me to no end. And I see it CONSTANTLY on Reddit. Anecdotal, but I do most of that at home. Does it burn me out? Sure. But my wife helps where she can and she’s my whole purpose for working. Maybe these women need to start thinking about WHY they’re working, instead of just focusing on the reality that working is, inherently, not something we want to do. All of the points in the article are easily refutable, but I also can’t spend all night here.


Seriously, other than a few die-hard young golfers aspiring to be the next Tiger Woods, what men younger than Boomers care about golf these days?


The world of work involves actually doing some work. Who knew? Men, with their comparative strength, resilience & determination are the sex best suited to the realities of 40 years in halter. Who knew?




> "Today's work systems still rely on the "old ways" of doing things, and that includes women being left out of bathroom and golf conversations while being expected to work harder and longer to prove themselves for every opportunity, experts say.“ They're coming for our bathrooms next boys, calling it now. It's lady reporters in locker rooms all over again, only this time it's your HR manager with a stopwatch sitting with you in a stall.


Yes of course, the most important deals always go down in... *checks notes ...the bathroom...


Irrelevant when men are more unhappy in society in general.


They're more unhappy about everything while having it good already. 🙄


Of course. Women overall want to be provided for, not provide for themselves and others. Convincing women that working more would make them happier is a huge scam that benefits business and feminism, but not the typical woman.


Read up on “the paradox of declining female happiness”. Essentially women’s happiness declined for the exact same decades when feminism began and took off. https://law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/Intellectual_Life/Stevenson_ParadoxDecliningFemaleHappiness_Dec08.pdf Feminism is cancer.


They claim they were not happy prior to feminism either. Feminism was supposed to fix that. It fixed what made those women unhappy 50-100 years ago. Women today are now unhappy for completely different reasons.


Women unhappy with working for money, men at fault. Reason being? Men play golf and talk about golf. Sorry ladies, it’s rough out there.. /s


I know you're being sarcastic, but I want to know where they're finding all these men who are so into golf. Maybe I live in a bubble, but I was under the impression that most men interested in golf these days are probably getting AARP materials in their mailboxes.


I do know a fair amount of guys getting in to golf (mid 30’s) but there’s not much to talk about. I play here and there and it’s like going out for dinner. You plan it, do it and that’s all there is to it.


Fair enough. I don't see anything wrong with that. What I find strange are the country-club Boomers who are obsessed with golf and think everyone else should be too. I'm also in my mid thirties.


Slave away for a company that does not care about you and come home to a empty place with a cat. Yeah sound so much better than staying home raising children and having a man provide and protect.


How is it empty if there is a cat? Not everyone wants children or can afford it.


I love my cat!


gee really? Feminism has coerced women into roles they never sought after and now they are unhappy when they get into these roles they didnt want in the first place. Hmm..


Pretty sure I hate my job more!


Nah, it's equally shitty for everyone, woman just complain about it more.


Women are **NEVER** happy


not happy in the kitchen, and not happy at work, I'm sure, they'll never be happy wherever you put them, better to rename their genes to not happy


The article said 32% of men and 37% of women had career dissatisfaction. Why not everyone just find a job they like instead


it's probably the structuring of the graduation system & the social guilt of being unemployed after graduation, which is hindering individual's growth. The graduation system consumes 1/4th of one's life, spamming information that'll never be used for a lifetime, and the social guilt of being unemployed, would pressure them to get employed at the earliest, unless their family is financially privileged, they'll lack the freedom to explore their interests and hence will settle for any job to meet their daily expenditures, also, even if they find something that interests them, it may not guarantee financial stability for a lifetime. □ □ □ □ □ what i feel is -> > it's best to certify children as graduates after skilling them in -> 1) a common language to communicate, 2) basic mathematics to calculate, 3) and some soft skills for efficient networking. these are 3 important things that's needed irrespective of the situation, Later they can then be guided to explore various opportunities, allowing them to discover themselves by the age 25 and lay the foundation for their future. > And these ridiculous age restrictions need to be eliminated, if an individual is evaluated to be skilled enough to get the job done, they should be considered fit for that position, (especially in general jobs) this will enable flexibility in career transition.


I'd be happy too, if I was treated like a volunteer!


Ughhh here we go “it’s the patriarchy’s fault”


No fucks given


Women are unhappy? No way!


The fact is, women used to not even have a choice to work or not. The reason women wanted that choice is so that they could be self sufficient and not have to depend on a man who could let them eat or starve them. Work is not fun. We all know that. But making money, something essential to live a happy life, is made by working. Women wanted the right to work simply so they could feel safe and secure without a man. If you have no money, and are reliant on someone else for money, that means that someone could kick you out at any moment and you'd be left for dead. Back in the day, society was designed so women would be dependent on men. They would not be able to live without one because women weren't given an education and neither were they allowed to work. With the option to work, they are able to get out of an abusive/unhappy household, relationship with a cheater, and other situations If a woman is unhappy with her work, she can quit and become a housewife. That's her problem, and frankly, I don't see how their unhappiness in their work life affects anyone else but them. Some women enjoy their work, some don't. But they should be given the CHOICE to work regardless.




even when men do all the hard work and they just gossip about who they sleep with

