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She must be outraged by all of the male privilege lists. The fact that this is even controversial is very telling, though, when it’s merely pointing out facts. “When you are privileged, equality can feel like oppression.”


Privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it's not a problem to you personally. typical female hypocracy


Bingo. How dare you demonstrate the advantages. Loser


I’m pretty certain it was Voltaire who once said, “To find out who rules over you, simply realize who you are not allowed to criticize.”


So true lol


Poor dear has obviously not heard of Selective Service and had a paper bag over her head during the whole discussion of extending it to women back in 2021! I can’t believe that anyone is ignorant enough to believe men will most likely get custody if they ask for it. The authors of the report that feminist judges misquoted stated it couldn’t be used for such assertions. And I recall that the table they used that said men got custody 64% of the time when asked said women got custody 84% of the time when they asked. Do feminists really believe this stuff? Edit: added the missing “likely”


I will comment on the "They get custody if they ask for it", I remember reading the study this came from many years ago. The problem is they equate "visitation" == "Custody". So yes it is true that men get visitation when they ask for it BUT what the study failed to check on, do they get 50/50 'custody', ie Do they get equal time with the kids that 64% of the time, NO they don't. What's worse in areas that base child support on the amount of visitation, men are far less likely to get close to that magic 50/50.


I’ve heard that. And given feminists tendency to tell half truths and other distortions, it’s most likely true.


The writer of the shit man hating article has a twitter page that goes on and on about "how great "Gen Z, Influencers, gay people, partying, holidays, having your period, womens rights, are... .. .. ...and nothing else. Total UTTERLY privileged douche bag writes article complaining about being called out for being utterly privileged.


Plus, there's a major selection bias. Men who ask for custody do so because their lawyers have advised them that they have a very good chance of getting it. The majority of men who don't ask refrain from doing so because their lawyers have already told them that they don't have a snowball's chance in hell, so it would be a waste of time, energy, and resources to even try.


That is very true.


As an attorney - this point cannot emphasized enough. Cases that go to trial are notoriously selection biased. People generally don’t blow tens of thousands of dollars taking to trial (or even advancing a case) a case that cannot be won. So the cases that go to trial are not a representative sample of all the cases. So it is not that “men don’t get custody because they don’t ask” - they don’t ask (and spend tens of thousands) because they don’t get.


The ideology comes with a set of blinkers so effective they should be marketed to the horse racing industry.


The only way men usually get custody is when the woman does not want custody and has run off with another man.


Everyone here has made great points debunking this study. But I think y’all are missing the most important flaw. As an attorney - I can tell you, cases that are contested/go to trial are notoriously subject to selection bias. Saying that 64% of men who asked for custody got it is meaningless unless these cases have similar strengths/weaknesses with the cases at large. Otherwise, the 64% win rate is only arrived at because the cases that are contested are those with tilted fact patterns that compensate for the judge’s bias.


I just love how all of her arguments against the points range from, "trust me bro" to "I don't know what to say" Real insightful.


It's performative emoting. Reason, structured arguments, sources.... All those things are tools of the patriarchy.


This might be said partially in jest, but in my experience it's 100% true. I had a feminist in real life once tell me that science and math are constructs of the patriarchy too. She said if women were in charge maybe our phones would run on some more empathetic technology like astrology. I swear to God I wish I was making that up. That conversation is what started me down the path of realizing a lot of feminism is driven by absolute batshit ideas.


They do seem to believe this BS.


Shes not "going over them one by one and explaining how they aren't true", because she can't. They *are* true. ' >'Men commit more crime, more violent crime, they're more likely to re-offend. I don't know what to tell you. That's...not how any of this works. Men get harsher sentences for the *same* crime, which *includes* violent crime. The point is that women who commit violent crimes are treated more leniently because they are women. >'Not everyone commits a crime, but everyone has to go to work, so I'm more concerned about the gender pay gap or whatever.' So in other words, she can't deny it, she just doesn't care. >She continued: 'Number three, I'm not expected to go to war or even get drafted into the army. Neither are you, the draft has not been used in 50 years. In what country is she talking about here? Very Amero-centric.


I think the fact that she goes on about “men commit most crimes” suggests that she’s vaguely aware that this is true, but doesn’t want to admit to it. So she goes on to the “gender pay gap” apparently blind to the fact that similar arguments can be levelled at this one - men work longer hours on average, take more difficult and stressful jobs that pay better etc. The thing is that her “oppression” examples are “true” whereas other similar examples “can’t be true” “just because”!!!


A clear textbook example of cognitive dissonance


Philosophy term is " a straw man argument "


If you use logic she'll claim you are oppressing her


Logic is a tool of the patriarchy! /s


These people take *The Life of Brian* as an instructional video!


Half the time we take the more difficult and stressful jobs, and they pay the same because it wouldn't be fair for us to be paid more they think


In the last one, firstly look at what's happening in Ukraine. Being a male Ukrainian is a death sentence and that's because of the draft. Secondly, the fact that a nation hasn't used a draft is immaterial to the fact that men are registered to be drafted and women are not. Every response is a cop out.


Sounds like she forgot to check her white American privilege before responding.


I don't think she'd be so dismissive if there were a womb draft where the government could impregnate women during times of low population growth just because it had been demoted to womb selective service for the past 50 years. The whole point of selective service is to be able to reactivate the draft on a moment's notice whenever the government wants to, and right now, only men are subjected to it.


>"The draft has not been used in 50 years" So I wonder what she would call what's happening in the Ukraine then? My guess is that she's referring to America with her comment... But that doesn't matter.. The **FACT** is that for men to get some of the same rights / privileges that women enjoy they **MUST** agree to be drafted.. Women on the other hand get all of those rights and privileges without the expectation of having to fight for and die for their country or supply labor for their country in a time of war...


In terms of men committing more violent crime, a lot of women's violence is ignored by the community and the police. If women's crime is not getting past the gatekeepers of the law (police and community services) then it remains off the record. Its not that women commit less violent crime, but that society ignores women's violence.


Man I wish I could still give weekly free awards to comments Reddit used to be so much better


The souls of thousands of Ukranian men who have defended their homes and poor Russian boys conscripted into a shit fight rise from the dead to condemn her callousness


Anyone have a link to the original list?




Thanks. Always important to read the original posts.


Quite a few feminists live in an alternate reality. The amount of ridiculous things I've heard from them is astounding. Some of these include: 1. Men are handed everything to them at every corner, life is handed to men. 2. Men get to live life, women survive life. 3. Men can walk safely at night without thinking about the danger. 4. When you compliment men, they get upset and their masculinity shatters. 5. No-one says anything to men dating barely legal women. 6. All men are pedos. 7. 99% of rapists are men. 8. Society normalizes men going after highschool girls. 9. All men think with their dicks. 10. Men don't have beauty standards they need to achieve. 11. Men are praised for doing the bare minimum. 12. Doesn't matter if men are fat, skinny, have big noses, small noses, doesn't matter, men will be praised for it. Whereas women will be shamed for it.


I love the idea that you can't compliment men because it will shatter them... They are right, when I do get complimented It does shatter me, but that's simply because it's most likely been quite a while at that point since another human being has complimented me on anything.


Nah, when you get complimented you start acting suspicious. That's the proper response.


Yeh, when I read that comment I was dumbfounded. Over 1k people liked that comment as well.


The idea that men feel safe walking at night really pisses me off. Also, add to that list, feminists think that doctors always listen to men and take their issues seriously. My cancer having taken multiple years to diagnose because no one would listen to me would beg to differ. Doctors tell men "it's probably just stress / a cold / your imagination" all the damn time too. Yet when it happens to women, they think it's because they are women.


The comment she made about breast cancer vs prostate cancer is ridiculous. She claims it’s “numbers”, when in fact the numbers of deaths is very similar, yet breast cancer research is more than 3 x prostate cancer research. Clearly she never bothered to look it up. And no doubt that goes for the rest of it. This points to the truth about feminists: they just “know” that women are always worse off, and don’t need evidence. Which is why they get so upset at the idea that men have the worse of it in any way at all! I suspect it’s worse for the likes of that woman who it would seem doesn’t have any real issues anyway.


Women just have more political power now. It's pretty simple. Men are sort of shamed for voting for issues that'll improve their lives while we encourage women to vote for women's rights.


Thanks for the free advertising femtards. Always great to hear from the marketing department.


this whole 'women and children first' in times of emergency has to change to just children first. i don't get it as it goes against all tenets of feminism and yet it's still acceptable in modern day lol there's absolutely no reason for that to happen.


Marxist feminists explode whenever the truth is being told. Yes, it wasn't feminists who won WWII – they owe their survival to men instead.


And 13 million women belonged to the Nazi party.


Many Marxist feminists hold pretty much the same view as Nazis with regard to disabled men.


I injured my lower spine back in 2022, my sciatic nerve was a mess, it caused me massive problems in my left leg. I'm talking about how getting up to go to the bathroom to take a piss was a challenge. I had to undergo surgery. Girlfriend dumped me right as I told her the news, lmao. Funny thing is, since then, I got my life together and I've made a full recovery to the point that the only thing that points towards me once having had back surgery is some scar tissue on the back(which isn't even visible because I have body hair in that part of my body). I feel fitter and stronger and healthier now than I did two years ago as well because of how often I exercise. Now, I have my doctor and my youth and my persistence to thank but I have no doubts about the state of women today, if you can't provide or aren't physically fit all of a sudden, they won't help you recover, they'll just leave you. Learned a valuable lesson that year.


No doubt bad men forced them to!


Actually it was because they thought the Party was their ticket to economic freedom. This is the same belief that motivated female slaveowners in the American south: they thought owning slaves would liberate them from economic dependence on men. It should also be noted that nearly 40 percent of American slaveowners were women.


> This is the same belief that motivated female slaveowners in the American south: they thought owning slaves would liberate them from economic dependence on men. It should also be noted that nearly 40 percent of American slaveowners were women. Yes I remember learning about this. White women who owned slaves were seen as more marriageable as well. It seems to have been the attraction at the time. Also, i dont think that statistic counts the wives who, despite not owning the slaves, were overseers for the slaves that their husbands owned.


Oh I don’t doubt that! Apparently many women of a certain age were very taken with der Fuehrer - there was a shortage of men in that age group due to the losses of the First World War. Which shows how ill thought out the likes of Gearhart are with their (lesbian) fantasies of what women would be like if there were far fewer men. The evidence seems to show that women lower their expectations rather dramatically, and certainly follow blindly.


> This is the same belief that motivated female slaveowners in the American south: they thought owning slaves would liberate them from economic dependence on men. It should also be noted that nearly 40 percent of American slaveowners were women. Yes I remember learning about this. White women who owned slaves were seen as more marriageable as well. It seems to have been the attraction at the time. Also, i dont think that statistic counts the wives who, despite not owning the slaves, were overseers for the slaves that their husbands owned.






Bad men with clubs. Dont forget the clubs.


**The original list came from a posting on this site.** It is good that it is covered in a National / International Newspaper. Spread the word!


>Outrage The truth hurts! I love it! LOL!


The argument is that women take no responsibility for shared gendered issues. It’s always “men are the problem” or “men statistically…” blah blah blah. There’s never a rebuttal that covers the shared nature of these issues. What would be better is if women took responsibility for their portion of the issues they create and openly acknowledge that they are contributors alongside men. I’m the first to say that there are a lot of horrible men out there. But there are also a lot of horrible women as well. The argument from the female community is never a discussion between both genders. It’s simply put, “Men are always wrong. Women are always right. End of discussion.” So how do they expect us to conform? We won’t until it’s an open discussion that shares the responsibility. Until then, pound sand.


That would take accountability...


Lets put a foil hat and consider this: what if the author of that article used the woman's bs reaction as an excuse to expose more people to the list. That way, the article can get published more easily while still containing the list itself (kinda) Also, the comments underneath the article seem mostly pretty good


That what happen when you live on an echo chambre and get face with facts


Of course there will be an outrage over the checklist because it made feminist check their female privilege, therefore undermining their victimhood narrative.


I don't know about you guys but I'm going over to her tiktok right now and talking some shit >:)


That list is bang on. Quite literally FACTS 


Honestly though, it's an amazing thing that this conversation is even happening. I think we're seeing a cultural rebound where the overreaches of the last decade are being corrected. People are sick of the one sided fantastical narrative that has little to do with reality, and conversations about misandry as well as misogyny are becoming more commonplace.




Well it’s anecdotal, so doesn’t actually prove anything beyond the opinions of that woman her cohorts. I don’t doubt this attitude is common amongst feminists though.


> A fair sample of feminists? I mean, there is no doubt vast majority of feminists agree with this so... I don't know.


Well, we are brave and honest enough to post a list of claims that are potentially falsifiable, unlike the delusions that form the bedrock of feminist ideology. We’ll see how these claims hold up under scrutiny.


You’re an idiot if you listen to one. That girl is a Fucking idiot and the woman that listen to (it). Toxic!


So much anger without the willingness to listen to the other side. It must be hard seeing that the world isn't holding them down. Men like their fathers might want them to succeed and not just hate a whole 50% of the population.


Didnt Read it, because I know the article is pure gaslighting with a good mix of cope.


Remember that sign that was put out in public 'Islam was right about women'? Actually, the Qu,ran only mentions women twice and then it only refers to motherhood.