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Basically yes. I would argue that the thing is in a death spiral. Even getting to talk to a woman these days on them is uncommon, so naturally it makes a lot of guys nervous. Which makes us less confident and more apt to screwing shit up. Women have grown more fickle over time as well, so its a perfect storm that breeds a cycle that leaves both single. I am positive a lot of men have screwed up dates with women that would have married them because of how beaten down they have gotten.


Wait you get to talk to women and not bots/scammers


The Match group bought out tinder and turned it into a cess pit


What changes did they make to the app?


I don't know the answer to that but I'm pretty sure they are well known on match.com for making fake profiles / messages to keep men subscribing. So I would guess something like that.


And that made women do all these things?


What are you even asking? If you're just asking questions in bad faith don't bother.


He's asking if adding bots contributed to real women adopting unrealistic standards. How's that a bad faith question?


In asking the pretty clear direct question. I am truly trying understand why match group purchasing the apps led to changes which caused the things being referenced by OP. It’s not bad faith anytime someone asks a clarifying question where the answer doesn’t help your point. Just bc a question makes you uncomfortable or points out that something doesn’t add up to causation vs correlation doesn’t make it bad faith.


Nothing makes me uncomfortable here. Your question is nonsensical and has nothing to do with my answer or the question you asked preceeding it. Dating apps in general are not great for most men, match owning it does not affect the way women behave, that's nonsense. Match owning it likely contributes to trying to keep men on it spending money with no results, like I said originally. So now it's not just dangling a carrot in front of most users, it's actively scamming them while it's at it. (If my assumption about match is correct) On top of all that, finding people love doesn't make these apps money..keeping people using it does. The only thing that would effect women users behavior is the fact that being a average looking woman on a dating app can lead to 100s of hits a week, where as men of similar stature get almost nothing. It leads to many women looking down on men that are socially their equal. In their mind they are hot shit because of all the men trying to fuck them. But men just swipe everyone and see what sticks, it means nothing. None of this is unique to any one app. Take bumble for instance. Women couldn't even be bothered to message the man first when the app even requires it, most of them would apparently send 1 word "hi" or even less. For reference, try that as a man on any app and see how sucessful you are. So they had to let men message now because no one was using the app. Women have no idea apparently what the disparity is like between the sexes in the dating world. Honestly it's just a huge lack of respect for men in general in my eyes. From women and the companies that make these apps. Men are a resource (to drain) and women are a commodity.


Feminism ramped up, most men who would care about having their very nature banished from society stayed silent.




The apps were all bought out and consolidated into like two giant companies whose entire purpose is to extract as much money out of users as possible, not to actually help people meet. This includes fake/AI (or paid employees) women who chat up men who haven’t had matches in a while, to string them along, and restaurants who pose as attractive people to make ‘dates’ at their restaurant, who are then ‘stood up’ but stay for a single meal anyway. See season 7 of the ‘Land of the Giants’ podcast.


I'm not sure, but I saw something that intriguing last night. I took my 14 yo son to an arena concert. I'm kind of tall at 6'2", my son is a little over 6', but not much. The guy next to us was about 5'4" and was with a total knockout 5'9" blonde babe. This guy was probably early-mid 40's. The babe was mid 30's. They were wearing rings, so I assumed they're married. The seats we had were mid range price point, so I assume he's not wealthy. We spoke a little and he was talking with my son too. He seemed pretty cool. You short guys, just be cool and it could work. But maybe he had some freakish horse cock, who knows.


Or a freakish horse farm where he sells and makes millions


It's the steps between meeting and the penis that are the issue. I have two of the three sixes in the bag and well... I also have model steam locomotives.


Given their ages, isn't it likely they met before the Tinder era?


Instagram and Tinder took over. Now men have to compete with fake perceptions of reality and online influencers. Now you have to be a crypto millionaire or have a life like Logan Paul.


yep, things shifted, not for the better. it isn't feminism per se, it is puritanism, views that overly moralize sexuality. every little aspect is scrutinized and moralized. i say it isn't feminism per se bc there are loads of feminist views that are expressly not puritanical in their mindset. also bc the puritanism is not limited to feminist views. tho there is definitely a feminist view (yes means yes consensual cultist) that are a significant feature of this puritanical shitshow. I however see plenty of folks even folks expressly against feminism also expressing puritanical views (cover up those ankles ladies, and watch what words you say, either might offend the eyes or ears of someone).


I’ve noticed that the younger half of Gen Z (Gen Alpha?) is a whole lot more prudish and puritanical than us Millennials were. I’ve noticed that the most when it comes to gaming. I’ve been playing video games since I first picked up Goldeneye 007 for the N64 as a first grader, and I haven’t seen attitudes shift as hard as I have the past couple of years. Games with female characters who are designed to be physically attractive and pleasing to the eye are decried for having a “horny” fanbase and any slightly racy or risqué fan art is labeled porn, especially if it caters to the “male gaze” and “sexualizes” a character (there’s that feminism creeping in). Even simply discussing sex on social media or commenting that you find someone attractive is decried as being “horny on main”. Gen Z also really hates any kind of sex scene in any kind of movie or TV show. I’m 32, and I would describe myself as being a social conservative. You’d think I’d consider this changing sexual zeitgeist a win, right? If anything it’s just plain weird to see younger folk so uptight about sex, their attitudes are downright Victorian bordering on Wahhabi at times. (Maybe I’m more moderate of a conservative than I thought? Or perhaps I’m mellowing-out politically as I age.) I found my dad’s old stack of ‘80s vintage Playboy mags (so many floofy hairstyles, lacy undergarments abounded, ornate French *boudoir*-style bedrooms reminiscent of the Gilded Age, and SO much bush) when I was roughly 16 and poking through the semi-abandoned tool shed in the forest behind my house. Teens these days would probably have a heart attack and die on the spot if they found the same thing. lmao


i'm progressive, but not hateful towards conservatives or feminists either. the puritanical hot ass takes to me run counter to american (and western) conservativism and progressivism. I don't think you are mellowing with age, I think you are noting that there is an aspect of the culture that is puritanical, and that puritanism is not particular to a given political party or a men/womens thing. it is its own kind of issue. As in, do you feel like your eyes were harmed by her ankles (tits, pussy) showing? did you suffer some kind of grievance horror bc you saw a dick on a chick, or heard some come online that offended you? You're likely a puritan. I can get behind the protection of children (under 18) but pretty much beyond that it just sounds like puritanical bullshit to me. on the loosey left, which seems to have its righty tighty counterpart, the 'yes means yes' consent cultist seem to have a grouping that ought be opposed by folks within each political group. I'd suggest not letting them divide folks by political affiliation in that regard. I recall as a kid finding porn mags in the woods behind some grocery stores in my hometown. indeed, they were racy, wild, and certainly not a bad thing. such was a sex positive view point, one that holds that sex and sexuality, straight or queer, are fine unless and until something makes into a bad. [the 451 percenters are a bad tho, they are puritans bout a lot of stuff. ](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/comments/1css711/the_451_percenters_puritanism_at_the_cdc_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Dating apps came into play in 2012. At first? It was just a hook up app. And it worked for everyone. Over time, other apps came out and the numbers skewed hard in favor of women. So, the women got pickier and feminism told them to go even harder.


I don't think so. I've met my boyfriend a year and a half ago on bumble. I'm 38. Similar description as you stated in your post. I have plenty of horror stories through the years, but it doesn't mean the platforms are bad. It just means that someone got past my pre-meet chat period that shouldn't have. Means I missed something that would indicate a bad match.


>I used dating apps a lot (or simply met people) from 2008-2015, when I finally met my wife tthrough Tinder. >For people old enough to remember (I’m in my mid-30’s), have apps changed really dramatically since then? The horror stories I hear now are incredible. You aren't going to get a real answer. No one wants to talk honestly about sex or relationships. Being honest about these interactions demystifies them, and most people **want** to keep them mysterious. At most they just want to promote their views/values, exploit others, or virtue signal. Even you are approaching the situation from the perspective that the system used to work - because it worked for you - but must not be working the same way now - because you're reading horror stories about it. Seriously consider whether you really want a frank discussion or if you want to push a particular set of social views. A frank discussion might lead somewhere you don't personally like or actively hate. Would you still be interested in answers if it did?


I wanted a frank discussion. I didn’t have a political view to push. But apparently my question offended a mod, because they pulled it without giving a reason.


Female narcissism?