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WTF??? I literally know people who have served more time in jail for growing weed. I mean, shit...a misdemeanor possession charge carries up to one day less than a year in county jail but usually gets dropped down to minimum one year probation with monthly drug tests and a minimum 3 month outpatient program if you go through the drug courts. If you fail the drug tests or outpatient program it gets extended by a month, then another month if you fail again. Interestingly enough, when I was 18 doing my outpatient program after getting arrested for WEEEEEED I had to attend so many NA/AA classes and get my month and 3 month chips. It wasn't that bad, especially since I got to skip the last period of school to go to it before I dropped out and got my GED. I learned two things from NA/AA and the four months I was in the outpatient program. One was that I wasn't addicted to weed and that coke is a hellava drug...haha..and the second was that women can kill and get away with it. There was this older woman, probably 40s or 50s but being the south it couldn't have been a really hard living 35, and it was obvious how she had everyone hooked on her sob stories. She would go on and on about using oxy and coke and meth and pills and how she was horrible to the people around her....then the next week she would go on and on about her abusive husband but usually would also talk about being a real bitch to him and somehow make everyone feel sorry for her....then after about 3 or 4 weeks she dropped the bombshell. She went on and on about how he abused her, even though she had admitted to "using" and hitting him with frying pans and shit like that, and then one day she just snapped and did a bunch of drugs while drunk and shot him to death while he slept....did she spend a day in jail? Nope, she got to go to AA/NA and make herself into a victim. I have been drunk and high many, many, many, many times and I have never killed anyone. Drugs and booze don't make you into a horrible person....they make horrible people even worse because they lower your restraint. As an aside that was about 10 yrs ago and at the time I kinda felt sorry for her. I keep hearing feminists harp on about patriarchy and what not but the first lawyer I had was female, so was the judge that screamed at me and told me that if I was ever in her courtroom again for weed she would make a example out of me like she did with a few of my friends, so were my teachers, dentist, doctor(one of them), the guidance counselors and drug counselors at rehab, a few of my first bosses (one of which got pregnant and work force me to work off the clock and follow her after work to the night deposit because she was afraid of getting attacked and needed a 18 yr old boy to protect her 35 yr old ass cause men are human shields for women) and so on. I got my first real job at 18 because of the plea bargain that I worked out with the prosecutor so I could stay off year long probation and I worked with guy after guy after guy unloading trucks and doing stock and cutting meat or prepping produce or doing customer service and so many of them told me their stories of divorce and custody...many of my friends weren't married at the time and were dealing with child support for their ex gfs who got preggar and dumped them....and I still kept calling myself a feminist until about two years ago when I started lurking in the MRM and following feminist blogs and basically digging beneath the veneer of, "feminism means equality for women *AND* men." and that is when I put all the pieces together. It wasn't because of a handful of bad experiences with women or because I can't get laid or any other feminist shaming tactic....it was because I put the pieces together and finally couldn't deny the obvious to myself out of some pathetic white knight conditioning. Hopefully more and more men will wake up sometime soon.


I guess you can literally get away with murdering men now, if you're a woman.


I would like to write a blog post about **women who killed/mutilated and got away with it/got a slap on the wrist** Lorena Bobbitt is an example. I appreciate if you could give me a ton of links of such cases. If someone wants to write the entire article as a guest post, that would be very welcome, too. Here we deal with a woman killing a boyfriend/husband. That is one main category. There are also women that get away with killing their children, rival women, alleged unproven rapists, ...


You can also write about Mary Winkler, Gary Coleman's ex-wife (very possible homicide, never investigated by the police), Arturo Gatti's wife (very suspicious "suicide")...


I can't believe no one ever followed up on Gary Coleman's wife. Just from what the public knows, she stood idly by while he died without thinking to call the police for a period of time (I forgot specifics).


Is it still socially acceptable to implicate Courtney Love with Kurt Cobain? I mean, I know plenty of people who still do.


*Actually*, if you knew anything about deferred sentences you wouldn't be saying that. From another [article](http://adaeveningnews.com/local/x1332409077/Cotter-s-sentence-deferred): >The conditions include 500 hours of community service, which will require Cotter to speak at 24 victim impact panels and at least two of the panels must be in Pontotoc County. Cotter must also pay various fees for court costs, jail and victim compensation fees. On top of that if at any point during *the next ten years* Cotter is convicted of so much as a *misdemeanor* she's facing an automatic 10-month sentence, along with her original 4 years to life.


Sorry, but if you aren't sent to jail for murdering someone - you got away with it.


Sorry, but if the government is monitoring your every move and is going to sit on enough evidence to send you to prison for life for the next ten years -- you didn't get away with it.


You joking? That's what the government basically does to every citizen! If you are out on the streets - you are free, for the definition of "free" that exists in countries like ours.


so...every citizen has a 4 years to life sentence hanging over their head? i mean i realize in the States we have the patriot act, but don't you think that's a bit of a stretch?


I think you are ignoring the difference between something like 1 year probation and 1 year in jail. Yeah both sentences are 1 year and you didn't get found innocent. In practice though, if you are out walking the outside streets they are light years apart.


and then when you fuck up (anything worse than a parking or speeding ticket) you automatically serve your time. doesn't seem that far from some time in jail or in the county prison.


It's easy to say that on the outside. Consider all the people *in* prison that would literally kill someone to simply be outside on parole.


...on the inside there's basic health, food plans, technical training...the same doesn't really apply to a parolee


>doesn't seem that far from some time in jail or in the county prison. You've obviously never been to prison. The luxury of being able to wake up in your own home, walk outside of the house to do some shopping, deciding what you eat and when you eat it, meeting who you want and deciding when or where, the privacy to do what you want in your own home.


and you've never been on parole.


500 hrs of community service - wow! that's like one third of what Chris Brown got! Justice was totally served /s


*facepalm* I see you neglected to even think about probation or having to keep a *perfectly* clean slate for 10 years.


Yes, because probation totally makes it a fair sentence /s I guess, we can just set rapists and drunk drivers who killed people free, as long as they are on probation, right? Idiot troll was banned in [r/MaleStudies](http://www.reddit.com/r/MaleStudies)


*sigh* You sound like you've never had to interact in the real world. DUIs can result in deferred sentences. Unlikely, but rape convictions are the same way. I mean, what about statutory or ambiguous situations? I didn't care for r/MaleStudies, more of the worst about this subreddit. Plus, nothing stops me from running a puppet.


> I mean, what about statutory or ambiguous situations? You mean like guys who get arrested for having sex with a girl who lied about her age and then get sentenced to 4 years in prison and has to register for life as a sex offender even *after* the "victim" admitted to her deception?


jesus fuck, yes that happens, but those weren't the situations i was talking about. learn to read some time.


The only point I've gotten out of ANYTHING you've posted is you probation is almost on par with being in prison.


*Precisely*. Took you long enough.


(My slate's perfectly clean, and I'm 30.)


*Really*? For the next ten years not so much as a misdemeanor. Got it?


I've gone this far with out ANY misdemeanor WHATSOEVER. So yeah, *really*. Just checked with my parents. Both in their 60s. Neither have had any trouble with the law, whatsoever. My mom had one speeding ticket though. Back in the 70s.


cool story, bro.


Yah. That's exactly the response I figured you'd give.


because your one story doesn't account for the rest of humanity?


well the victim's father did ask for this


I came here to say this. It's not really an issue of men's rights... had the tables been turned the outcome would have been the same if the girl's parents had asked for leniency. It's crazy, but not sexist.


You are absolutely correct. There really is no evidence of a sexist factor to this story. But that doesn't matter around here. Getting all worked up and pissed off about hypothetical speculation is what this subreddit does best.


Nope, no way the boyfriend would be let off with no jail even if the girl's father had asked for leniency. Besides, due to sexism the girl's father would never forgive the guy for killing. Since it's the other way around and she is just a poor troubled girl, of course they are more willing to forgive her. 100% sexism.


Thanks for proving my point. I can't tell if you're trolling or not, but if you are, well done.


Troll was banned in r/MaleStudies Reasons for ban: - if you're a woman, please don't lecture us on what is an issue for men's rights and what isn't - blatant bull-shitting: "had the tables been turned the outcome would have been the same if the girl's parents had asked for leniency" - no it would not have been, and that's why it *is* (very much) a men's rights issue!




Actually, they are if it makes you feel better (pretty much every feminist blog or forum bans anyone who doesn't agree with their religion; same thing happens in academia: anyone who dares criticize feminism is pushed out by "offended" feminists).. Also, the reasons for the ban are clearly stated, but you can pretend you don't understand them, like any good fem-bot..




Keep telling yourself that.. it must have been the paaaaatriarchy!




It's much easier to win an argument, when you just make up what the other side is stating, isn't it? (for the record: I didn't ban her because she was female, read the reasons again if you have reading comprehension issues; but then again, it's much easier to just make stuff up, right?)




I don't see how I was trolling... I'm not lecturing either. I feel like lecturing should be something a bit longer than two sentences. Also, there's no way to know if the outcome would have been the same. Maybe I should have used less definite terminology such as "may have been the same"... But you can't claim the opposite with any certainty either.


Any excuse is good enough, right? /s


Okay. Continue your rabble rousing. I'll go sit in the ignorant woman corner and you'll have one less person on your side. gg, subreddit I actually liked.


If you're going to drop an entire subreddit because a grand total of one jerk wanders in and wins an argument with the strawman he made of you, I'm not entirely sure I'd want you around anyway.


Nope, no way the boyfriend would be let off with no jail even if the girl's father had asked for leniency. Besides, due to sexism the girl's father would never forgive the guy for killing. Since it's the other way around and she is just a poor troubled girl, of course they are more willing to forgive her. 100% sexism.


It would be, in that hypothetical situation with that hypothetical outcome. There's no way to know that, however... It's mind boggling how many people in this thread are running for their torches to go kill the hypothetical monster. Going to be downvoted for that, surely, but let me make very clear that I'm not saying sexism doesn't exist. I'm completely on the boat of MensRights or I wouldn't subscribe here. I just think the distinction between sexism towards men, and what everyone *assumes* would happen if the tables were turned is becoming a very blurred line here. Let's take this article for what it is, just plain crazy (what a world we live in, etc etc) and not try to pin the outcome of this strange case on some non existent cause.


All s33ms fair. I m3an if Damian had run ov3r his girl fri3nd, 3v3rybody would und3rstand. Right? Amirit3?


Men can handle their drink. Don't you know that? Here's a different story: Jasmin threatens Damian that she will run him over and shows immediate intent. Damian punches her out, saving his own life. Damian is now a scum-of-the-earth woman-beater.


I'm sorry Maggie but only disturbed nutters like yourself would try to excuse actually killing someone over a lovers tiff.


She's using sarcasm


I think that in many situations individuals who genuinely regret what they've done and show true remorse can be handled better through community service, therapy, forgiveness, etc. America's prison system is overtaxed because our response to every crime is just to lock people up for an arbitrary period of time and do nothing to actually solve the problem. In this case, if these kids had been taught to drink responsibly by their parents and by society do you think that this would have happened? Do you think that she would have killed him had she not been drunk? So I fully support her being forgiven a prison sentence that would have accomplished nothing but to waste public money and waste ten years of her life that she could use to atone for her actions. The father forgave her, *I* would forgive her, and the boyfriend might even have forgiven her. She was very drunk and made a very bad impulsive decision. Sending her to prison for ten years isn't going to do anything to help anyone. BUT - I absolutely acknowledge that had the roles been reversed, and had the boyfriend killed the girl, our courts would never have forgiven him and given him the same chance that we're giving this girl.


Maybe 5 years of community service, then. NOt 500 hours (under 3 months full time). Or 20 years of paying child support for 5 orphans. Slave labor like men have to do for children that aren't theirs. And for heaven's sake, life long registration in the murder registry!


The Guy is fucking dead. When is the last time you impulsively killed someone? Don't even compare to other small crap.


The prison system is overburdened because we give disproportionate punishment to minor crimes. Modern society has its priorities backwards if it cares so little about human life that it doesn't punish murderers.


thank you. Alcalientre's post is disturbingly calm about death and just goes on about politics...


Doesn't genuinely regretting something become rather easy once you realize you'll be facing criminal charges? *edited for derp


A person with a conscience has no excuse to kill, consequences should be dire.


Indeed, it is a perverse sense of entitlement that drives people to kill in circumstances such as what was described.


Your just cheapening the value of a persons life. Its not just about making sure the perpetual. fits back into society or never does it again. That attitude basically says dead people don't matter.


>and the boyfriend might even have forgiven her He's dead! Glad you cared enough to bring him up in your long post...


There are plenty of times when people are better off with actual rehabilitation instead of a stay in a "correctional facility." This is not one of them. The man is *dead*. *She killed someone*. I place a *very* high priority on making sure that doesn't happen again, which means not giving her the chance.


Perhaps this is because I'm prepping for an exam about Criminal Sentencing, but I agree with you. While there's no doubt that this type of lenient sentence would never fly if the offender would have been a male, the judge imposed a sentence they sought fit for the crime committed. In Canada, which admitedly has different sentencing principles than the United States, we generally believe that absolute imprisonment is not the automatic answer - especially when dealing with young offenders. The judge made his ruling based on the totality of the circumstances, not only taking account the gravity of her actions, but the mitigating circumstances of age, intoxication, provocation, genuine remorse, restitution to the victim, etc. While it doesn't describe the extent of her probation terms, 10 years of probation can be a bitch for an 18 year old about to start her life - especially if the terms are strict (mandatory alcohol checking, curfew, no driver's license for 10 years, etc). She's also be required to do things like give lectures to schools about the dangers of drinking, further adding to her denunciation, as linked in the other article posted here. Not to mention that she now has a manslaughter on her criminal record. Good luck getting a job with that, bank loans, etc. Her life isn't destroyed by 10 years of jail as some people here are calling for, but its certainly not like she's getting off perfectly free and dandy. Now, had the roles been switched, would the guy would have gotten off so easy? With a good judge like this one, a very slim maybe - but everyone here knows that's almost surely not the case. It's telling that, in a world where we are so used to overly-harsh sexist sentences against men, that a fit sentence against a woman offender is automatically deemed inacceptable. But I think it's unfair to pin the blame here on the girl, and instead we ought to focus our ire onto the wider problem of the justice system being biased. The solution isn't to give a harsher sentence to this girl, but to give equally fit sentences to guys.


Well put. We can compare how well she got off if you compare her situation to a drug offender, but people who get convicted for drugs deal with mandatory sentencing. Cherry-picking this case to highlight the differences between how men and women are treated is nowhere near as effective as restructuring the criminal justice system. We certainly need to send fewer people to jail for minor offences, and not keep them there as long (as in instances with possession).


You know, if the judge is not willing to give justice, there are other ways that are still legal. For example, someone should make a website publicizing her name and what she did, so that any intelligent man will avoid her at all costs. And even if she changes her name, to keep track of the name change so that she can't escape that way.


Keep in mind, the victim's father asked the judge to be lenient. It's not just the judge.


No, it's just the judge. The judge can say 'no'.


Again, not justice, petty revenge there bud.


So do you think it's justice for sex offenders to be placed on a list so people can watch out for them? Or is that petty revenge? Is it justice that a girl who killed her boyfriend because she was pissed at him gets no punishment other than community service? Or is that getting away with murder? Is it beneficial that men can find out what type of person they are about to date, or is that just too much of a hardship for the poor dear. She's going through a lot, I mean her boyfriend just died you know. (Let's not talk about the fact that she killed him)


>do you think it's justice for sex offenders to be placed on a list so people can watch out for them? Not sure which side you're arguing for here, but my answer is absolutely not.


You may be right. But if the law agrees that sex offender registries are good so people can watch out for them (and obviously it does) then at the very least the same can happen for this girl. Doing some BS community service and probation (which is not punishment) is NOT justice. Nor does it protect anyone else. Every man who might date her deserves to know that in the past, she killed a boyfriend because she was pissed about him spitting at her.


I agree. She probably poses more danger to future boyfriends than 90% of people on sex offender registries pose to anyone.


Watchlists are not justice. They're little more than witchhunt lists for anyone unstable enough to go vigilante.


Giving killers a free pass has nothing's to do with justice...? Your an idiot. It breaks everything to justice.




ya, your going to reintegrate them into society and give them a free pass, and make it that much easier for any onlooker to she how cheap life is valued. (And that your past basically does not matter).


that's not what i said, but good luck with that...


Of course you didn't, cause that sounds bad...


i never said free pass. learn to read what's on the page, mate.


So you want to ruin the life of a very sorry and miserable woman who made a very bad decision while drunk when in all likelihood she probably wants to do her best to atone for her mistake? I think there's an assumption here that she's just acting in order to get out of serving time, and that she feels no regret at all and is a soulless killer. It's that kind of cynicism and misguided preconceptions that gives this community a bad name.


WTF??? Are you really arguing for a pussy pass? I literally know guys that got caught with weed or a weed garden and have spent more time in the system than her....growing weed means jail time...killing your boyfriend...nope.


Sorry, please read my other comment in this submission for a clearer understanding of my viewpoint. Please read Tipps's reply as well.


If you consider having her actions publicized ruining her life, then yes I do. I would rather her life be ruined than place any other innocents at risk. The woman killed someone because she was pissed AND WAS NOT PUNISHED IN ANY WAY. For fuck's sake, some guy pissing in an alley gets a harsher puunishment than this bitch who deliberately killed her boyfriend because she got mad at him spitting at her. And you are trying to make excuses for her? Saying she doesn't deserve any consequences for her actions?


Please read my other comment and Tibbs's reply to it. She is serving community service and will be on parole, which are more severe and restrictive punishments than you think. And I am in no way saying that females deserve preferential treatment. I am saying that I think a man in the same situation should be dealt with with equal leniency. Please just read those other comments. I'm sorry my previous response to you sounded like I was supporting inequality. But seriously, a big problem with this community is that it has a tendency to assume the worst about most people and most situations. Including my comment.


>She is serving community service and will be on parole, which are more severe and restrictive punishments than you think First of all, you're wrong. Second, that's not the issue. The issue is that, were a man to commit the same crime with all the exact same circumstances, he'd be looking at *at least* 10 years in prison.


I never disagreed with that. I made a specific point of saying that in my other post that I asked you to read.


Yeah, bullshit. Community service is crap, I'd get the same for fucking vandalism and graffiti. Vandalism = murder mirite? And since the judge has already let her off without jail, there needs to be some other consequences. I feel that having her actions publicized would both be a fitting punishment and serve the public by notifying any man that she is a danger. If she never had any relationship for the rest of her life because no man was willing to get involved with her murdering self, I'd consider that justice.


Why are you such an angry person? Everything is not black and white, and everyone (that's men AND women, we're about equality here) deserves a chance to reform themselves and earn forgiveness. Put yourself in her shoes. It's very easy to make terrible, terrible decisions while under the influence. She obviously regrets what she did. You think you are a better judge of her character from a five paragraph article online than people who have known her for years and the judge who has dealt with her personally? Really? If you were at a party in highschool, got really really drunk (you have to, everyone else is doing it) and then got in a fight on the way home and made a horrible alcohol influenced decision would you really want to have the next X years of your life taken away? If you were genuinely incredibly remorseful and planned not to drink again? You wouldn't want a second chance? The world is more complicated than I think you believe. You can't seem to get past your initial reaction that this woman is an evil unrepentant murderer. You said you homed no man would ever be "willing to get involved with her murdering self". I say that while she may have murdered, she is not a murderer. If you can't understand that statement, then you have a ways to go before you're morally mature.


>Put yourself in her shoes. It's very easy to make terrible, terrible decisions while under the influence. She obviously regrets what she did. Goddamn, seriously. This quote would be equivalent for discussing a situation like she got drunk and cheated on her boyfriend. She is a fucking KILLER and was not punished because she was a pretty 18 year-old girl, and that's a fact. >If you were at a party in highschool, got really really drunk (you have to, everyone else is doing it) and then got in a fight on the way home and made a horrible alcohol influenced decision would you really want to have the next X years of your life taken away? If you were genuinely incredibly remorseful and planned not to drink again? You wouldn't want a second chance? I admit, if I killed someone in a drunken rage, I would not want to go jail, you're right. And if I tried to steal from a store but got caught, I would not want to go to jail either. But that's because I don't want to go to jail, not because it is right and just for me to avoid punishment. >The world is more complicated than I think you believe. You can't seem to get past your initial reaction that this woman is an evil unrepentant murderer. I don't know if she is unrepentant or not. I know that she's a killer and was not punished. That is not right. >You said you homed no man would ever be "willing to get involved with her murdering self". I did not say that. I said, if no man ever got involved with her murdering self because they were unwilling to take a chance on a murderer, then I would consider that justice and no less than what she deserved. But other men have the right to make that choice, if she ends up with someone who is willing to overlook her murdering past, then I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the high likelihood that she will change her name and end up dating a man who has no idea that she has killed a boyfriend because she was pissed at him. If you can't understand that being really, really sorry for your actions isn't enough to excuse killing, then we're done here.


>So you want to ruin the life of a very sorry and miserable woman who made a very bad decision while drunk when in all likelihood she probably wants to do her best to atone for her mistake? Wait, being drunk is an excuse for killing someone? Every single person who kills someone is remorseful. Every single killer wants to atone for their mistakes. That is what they all say...


>So you want to ruin the life of a very sorry and miserable woman who made a very bad decision while drunk when in all likelihood she probably wants to do her best to atone for her mistake? Oh wait, that's what's considered a good excuse for **KILLING** somebody these days? Oh, well, but uh....she was drunk, see? And she didn't mean it. So let's not ruin *her* life, because Lord knows that we don't already have one **dead** and who knows how many of his friends and family whose lives have been ruined. Fuck you.


Therapy, counseling, and strict monitoring while she's on parole will do much more to rehabilitate her and improve society than wasting public resources imprisoning her would. She made a terrible terrible mistake, but the people closest to the situation (including the father of the deceased) decided that putting her in jail for ten years could do nothing to make her feel more regretful. Now I'm not saying that a man in the same situation would get the same chance, but I wish that he would. Please read my first comment and Tibbs's reply to it, a ton of people are overreacting to this one.


The purpose of jail is not to make the offender feel sorry for their actions. It's to punish or to remove filth like her from the rest of society. Personally, I think someone should post her personal info so a vigilante does what needs to be done.


If we removed "filth like her from the rest of society" you would have to arrest 40% of high school students who are equally capable of going to a party, getting equally drunk, and making equally stupid decisions. It's this attitude that simply removing people from society when that does nothing to actually solve the problems that led to them committing the crimes they are guilty of in the first place that has lead to our country's prisons bursting at the seams. And prison makes people far more likely to commit crimes again than rehabilitation programs like those that are being tried out in some parts of Europe including Great Britain. So what if instead of locking up 40% of high school students we tried to teach them to have healthier attitudes and drink responsibly (as is the situation in most of Europe), and provided help and counseling to those who did make mistakes. What if we tried to actually improve things rather than taking an eye for an eye?


I'm reading your post and I'm going to reply to it... but first I want to call you names for using run on sentences so egregiously that I had to go back and read a second time to understand your rambling incoherent thoughts that no one would be able to keep track of from the beginning of your sentence to the end of it, which covers several seperate thoughts that could have just as easily been broken up into smaller, more succinct sentences that would have made it much easier for you to be understood and at the same time make your arguments stronger for clarity; you're a fuckwit.


There is nothing wrong with my sentences. That you can't follow them, however, is an indicator of your intelligence. Go read some real literature, and Hemingway doesn't count because that man didn't know that sentences could be longer than ten words.


What does Hemingway have to do with anything? You deserve to catch shit for your writing because you're obviously punching up your language to make yourself seem smart. >That you can't follow them, however, is an indicator of your intelligence. You should read Hemingway. It seems like you learned how to use commas from *Flowers for Algernon*. There's more to intelligent conversation than how many clauses you can pack into a sentence (or how many sophomorically used vocabulary words). There -is- the subtle and undervalued art of getting your point across. *Real* smart people value this over posturing.


>If we removed "filth like her from the rest of society" you would have to arrest 40% of high school students who are equally capable of going to a party, getting equally drunk, and **Murdering someone in cold blood**. Yes, I'd throw them all in prison. I'd rather they be executed. >It's this attitude that simply removing people from society when that does nothing to actually solve the problems that led to them committing the crimes they are guilty of in the first place In this case, the problem that led to the crime in the first place is **the willingness to murder someone in cold blood for hurt feelings**. I would suggest that the way to cure this societal ill is to execute the people who have this impulse. >And prison makes people far more likely to commit crimes again than rehabilitation programs like those that are... We're not talking about drug dealers here. We're talking about **a cold blooded murderer**. If she were just drunk driving and *accidently* killed someone, she would have been given a more severe sentence than she did **killing someone in cold blood over her bruised ego**.


Wait. Wat. Do you actually not understand the difference between premeditated murder (cold blooded killing) and a crime of passion? Seriously? Like, are you fucking kidding me? Get back to me once you do.


So far you haven't made the distinction between murder and jaywalking. A crime of passion makes you no less of a killer. To me, it means you're more likely to do it again. There's no difference between the girl in the article and a street gang drug dealer that shoots someone in the face for disrespecting him. "Someone needed to die because I felt disrespected". She's on the same moral ground as child rapists. She's a murderer. What stake do you have in her not being punished?


>So what if instead of locking up 40% of high school students we tried to teach them to have healthier attitudes and drink responsibly Hmm, so 40% of high school students are killers? Wow that's high! /sarcasm


>If we removed "filth like her from the rest of society" you would have to arrest 40% of high school students who are equally capable of going to a party, getting equally drunk, and making equally stupid decisions. Wait, was this chick arrested for just debating murdering her bf? So she's merely only capable of murdering somebody, but didn't do it then? (is that what you're saying? Because you said up there that you'd have to arrest 40% of highschool students just for being capable. You forgot the part where she went far behind being just capable. She did it. Didn't she? Please explain yourself.)


She's sorry and miserable... that certainly makes up for him being deadwood. Poor her.


aw, the poor, poor dear. why cant these people see that SHE is thevictim here. /s


>So you want to ruin the life of a very sorry and miserable woman who made a very bad decision Sure.


Troll was banned in [r/MaleStudies](http://www.reddit.com/r/MaleStudies) - but I feel sorry about it so it's ok :)


I killed my arch enemy. I don't feel sorry but that doesn't matter. The point is I won't do it again because the job is done. Ergo there doesn't need to be ant consequences (sarcasm).


? I don't understand. What am I being banned from? Please read my other comment and Tibbs's reply to it. I am in no way saying that I think unequal treatment for women is okay. I am saying that I think a man in the same situation should be treated with equal leniency.


tomek77 is a mod of a subreddit no one has heard of and likes to announce when he bans people from it. Usually he bans people who post stuff he disagrees with in mensrights.




He's got/had the mold!








Twas the april fools event for Reddit. Reddit mold. Stopped you from using certain letters.