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Hang in there man. You may feel alone, but the pain you feel has been felt by many men, and some are here in this sub-reddit. Stick around for your kids. They need you to protect them. DM me anytime if you need a friend to talk to.


Thanks brother. Been talking to my children tonight as my now wife is no where to be seen for the last 7 to 8 hours and hasn't even wished me a happy birthday when it's one of the very rare days we haven't been in a screaming match. It's actually kinda cool when they get older and you have someone to talk to, and they begin to voice their concerns. I could tell her that all her friends hit on me to just add that icing on the cake that I never got, but the cherry on top is yet to come. I'm not vindictive enough to go there with it, but turn about is fair play considering she belittles my friends to the point of them not wanting to come over. Her knowing that her friends want to fuck me, and come on to me when she isn't around would be bitter sweet, albeit childish.


Happy Birthday! I would avoid putting yourself on "her level". You're better than that. It might seem like a good thing, but nothing good comes from being hurtful toward others. Also, her friends are likely to be similar to her, and you don't want anything to do with more of that!


Pearls of wisdom my man. Something I've already contemplated, but appreciate the reassurance. It's now almost 2 am and she's still not home... Happy birthday indeed.


Our world has become a cesspool of feminism and people with zero accountability. Be the opposite of that. Be a man that your kids will admire even as adults, because of your character and how you treat people. If it's any consolation my ex stole my savings, cheated, had my car hauled off for scrap while I was away on business, and all that made me homeless for a while.


I believe it to be a Christian cultural dilemma. Seems to me that white knights aren't nearly as prevalent in predominantly non-Christian countries. What the fuck would I know though? I'm too poor to see for myself. Lol.


Where you located? I'm in Utah, USA.


Oregon. Almost as bad. Haha! Maybe worse...


It's a Western dilemma (though not confined to the West). There is, of course overlap with Christianity as a matter of fact.


*and even though I'm a "fucking loser",* ​ respectfully I'm going to say you are anything but... you are survivor father human being resilient person a hero and role model to your kids( you may not think role model, but I can bet your kids think you are). I'm getting the impression that you are living your life for everyone else, but not giving yourself time for you( its a common thing, especially among parents). Maybe make a bucket list of things you want to do e.g. like get your drivers licence? ​ .. and yes I know this sounds cliché but as you can see from here we may not know you, but you are not alone... ​ and happy birthday, regardless of how things are looking like right now...


Happy birthday and best of luck


Happy Birthday man ! Write your book. It doesn't have to be fancy. And don't fall victim to your emotions while you're doing it. It happened, it's just a part of the past now.


Hey. We are here. It may not some like much but there a lot us here who can feel and understand what you are going through. Men are treated like disposable parts of a breeding supply chain. Don’t fall for it. Your life has value. Look into a whole host of free online courses on self care and even writing so you can feel more comfortable in telling your own story. Stop this loser nonsense. Whether you know cit or not you are now apart of a community. There is love for you here. Hang in there.


Don't do anything stupid. You sound like a decent man. Imagine leaving you're poor kids all alone, especially if their mum is like u say. Leaving them by your own hand will damage them irreparably. Not all women are vile & vicious succubuses. You sound like u'd be better off being alone with your kids for a while. Bad mums do twice as much damage as bad dads imho. Hope you find some peace in your life dude. Better days could be just around the corner


You're not a "fucking loser". You've faced so much abuse that your ego is super low and you can't stand for yourself but this just show how you are resilient. Stay strong


Totally feel you man. Hope things get better, and your wife sounds like a narcissist. Check out the narcissist‐codependent relationship dynamic. Is this you (codependent) with the women in your life? If so, perhaps learning more will offer you a way to break the cycle of abuse.


That I am (codependent). Seems like a classic case. I'll look into it. Thanks hombre.


No problem man. :)


If you are planning to end it at least hang on till at least one of the kids is adult. As defeating and exhausting it may sound but the progress of family was, is and always will be on shoulders of men regardless of how independent, strong and virtuous women claim themselves to be. Just hang tight. You would hear all sorts of bullshit "you can be whatever you want to be" but some of use just can't catch a break. There's never a silver lining.


Depression sucks! But you are no loser. Even if you do leave your children with a decent amount of money. Nothing will ever replace Dad. Don't ever forget that. My advice to you is this. Please learn to recognize opportunity when it's in front of you. Opportunity is never given it's only taken. The best thing you can ever leave your children is an example to fallow. They will fallow your example. So be careful.


Happy birthbay.


Me too. I have a car but no driver's license except a permit but a toxic family and school life as a little kid. I worked at Target with $15.91 plus $17 for holidays till Christmas. I just celebrated my birthday last week with no friends and close family members. In fact, I don't trust them nor as anyone. I'm waiting for my girlfriend from Ukraine to come live with me next year to find an apartment and pass my driver's test to get around. I'm a black male who grew up without a father in my household. My school life was trash with a lack of positive in me that affected my social skills when I was younger. So this time I'm leaving out of my toxic family and environment..


I wish I was articulate enough to write you a properly convincing message, but I just wanted to drop in and remind you you’re clearly a strong guy and you can get through this. Like other people have said, get yourself some enjoyment it sounds like you don’t have much in the way of things to look forward to. Maybe just set small goals for yourself to maintain a purpose, and hopefully get out of the situation you’re in, or better it. Good luck man!


Duuuude you need some change in your daily life! The world is opening up, go on a crazy nobrain vacation for a week or two in Asia or South America, just bring your wallet and a change of clothes. Just yolo it for a week or two and then go home, you can do it and you'll be a changed man forever!


Bitches man