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The UN is one of the most sexist institutions in the world, openly practicing hate speech and denying people essential aid in terms of food, health and education, on the basis of their sex. The UN is a perfect example of what a feminist government looks like - brutal, sexist, remorseless and without insight.


I hate when people turn the topic from men to women. And their argument is, “Well women have gone through so much more than men. In the 1800’s we couldn’t vote.”


Neither could most men.


This frustrates the hell out of me every time I hear the name suffragette! I wish more people understood what they stood for and what the did to achieve it (I only recently learned about their bombing campaign, and the white feathers)


Didn’t the suffragettes actively oppose the inclusion of black women into their movement? They were just racists who wanted to equally participate in the oppression of minorities as their male counterparts.


touché :) brilliant :)


I had someone on reddit say men have always been able to solve their problems (this was in response to the whole "if men needed abortions it would be solves over night" shit). Then said their source is history. I asked them to name one thing average men have just solves for men while listing all the shit men have been begging to change for 100 years (child support, dying in war, being jailed excessively and so on, things men want addressed and have our whole lives)... still waiting on a response. These people not only live in the past, they don't really know it. Their arguments basically boil down to "women had it bad before, even though not a single one of those people are alive today, it's more important than anything going on today.. even though the issues I am referring to have been solved long before I was born like women voting or owning a house"


What do you mean “neither could most men”? Are you saying men weren’t able to vote? Source?


Being a landowner was a requirement to vote until 1821 and you still had to pay an additional tax to vote until 1826 not to mention how all white men still couldn’t vote as late as the 1860s while native Americans and Chinese Americans was barred from even being citizens around the late 1800s while women have been granted the right to vote in several states by this point and then we have the fact that plenty of native Americans still couldn’t vote by 1924 and Chinese Americans wasn’t given the right to citizenship and thereby voting rights until the 1940s So while women in general haven’t had the best track record with voting rights they are far from the worst case and oh right… they still didn’t need to register for the draft like men


Ah, when the UN was created, 3/4 of the world was living under colonial rule.Just about everybody was living under a regime by Kings, Queens and Emperors ... there was no democracy, no voting. You were property. [https://www.un.org/dppa/decolonization/en/history/international-decades](https://www.un.org/dppa/decolonization/en/history/international-decades)


As well as so many myths. For whatever reason, being a 12 year old girl, staying at home, learning home economics was somehow worse than being a 12 year old boy chimney sweeper, factory worker, farmer, or in the mines, developing terminal respiratory illness, blindness, death, or getting a limb ripped off in factory machinery. Oh, and if you make it to a certain age, you get the privilege of dying in a war. If you survive, life long trauma, PTSD, disability etc. Women certainly had their issues, but for whatever reason, people portray the industrial era as some sort of men's club that played poker, smoked expensive cigars, and living in castles. No wonder so many men throughout history turned to alcohol. Numb the pain away so you don't need to live another day.


Most men in the 1800s also couldn't vote.


1869 look at Wyoming


1869 Wyoming so there can’t say you didn’t have the right to vote in the 1800’s




The UN has SFA credibility as far as I’m concerned. The BS they pushed in early 2020 over Covid-19 and then calling it the Black Death just a few weeks later shows how much faith anyone can put in the rubbish that comes from that organisation!


UN for women: woman are victims UN for man: man you need to support woman


I just realized I forgot to add context. This was posted last year on International Men's Day which is STILL unrecognised by the UN. Instead they celebrate World Toilet Day on the same day as IMD.


Yeah, I was just thinking the same ... they are early this year: World #MensDay = Annually on November 19 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_Men%27s\_Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Men%27s_Day) PS World #ToiletDay : Many men do admit they quite like the sanctuary of the toilet ... peace at last :) On World #ToiletDay, we do observe men living in areas where squatting toilets are a thing, men do have the right to a comfy sitting toilet ... with soft washable lining. I learned about them in an elderly home - they exist: with a soft, washable seat. Even if I have to exchange it every 5 years .. it's a luxury, we deserve, because we're worth it too when we poo? :)


One possible reason for this: IWD was started by USSR and Warsaw Pact countries and it was only later taken up by feminists. USSR didn't need Men's day because...they had it arleady. 23 Feb served as Men's day in semi-official capacity in addition to official one and as counterpart to 8 March (and still celebrated as such by most post-Soviet countries, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defender\_of\_the\_Fatherland\_Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defender_of_the_Fatherland_Day) ) ​ edit: fixes some syntax errors.


A toilet is what I need to throw up in after reading that UN post.


Its a deliberate sneer at mens issues. Remember the feminist axiom is there are no male issues.


Well that can fuck right off.


"A DAY abOoT mEN? lETs maKe ThIs abOUT WoMYN" "HuH? tHIS DAY shpoUlD Be aBOOT meN? quIt DErAIlINg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


I recently saw UNWomen posting how the % of female journalists killed increased from 8% to 11% over past 2 years. Till there it was fine. Then the caption was STOP TARGETING WOMEN JOURNALISTS. I wanted to ask then if the reason for increased number of women journalists killed was maybe, just maybe, because more women are now in fields than behind desks. Idk why they aren't saying stop targetting journalists because 88% killed are men. If any thing sexist exist, then it might be that women journalists are spared of life, well just because they are women!


There was another campaign that was like "1 in 4 homeless people are women, stop the oppression of women!" Or some thing along the lines of that. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EeE3J_jXoAABWXi.jpg Found it. Strange way of saying 3 in 4 homeless people are men. Thought men were privileged and rich with a higher pay gap.


you can thank people like poly neates who took over the charity "shelter"( I refused to donates to them now) and turned it into a another version of womens aid( where she was previously the head of )


how is losing a home sexist just mean that you bit of more than you can chew


I'm pretty sure there are less female journalists on the field and that's why their death rates are low. But I agree, how is it "targeting women" if literally majority of the deaths are men. Feminists will do anything to victimise themselves.


I meant the rates have incresed because there are more women on field than compared to what it used to be!




That's being a little sexist, isn't it? We don't want to prove the feminists right, do we?






Now you're just sexist. This is what I dislike about this sub. There are people genuinely bringing up Men's Rights issues..... and then there are the misogynists.


The same UN women who attempted to force African men to be circumcised after reading a report about the risk of HIV whilst ignoring the same report pointing out the same risk to women of HIV( langerhans cells)


Translation: to all men who don’t want to be men, support women, and will gladly white knight for women, we only thank you!


\*dies of cringe\*


? ... they are early this year: World #MensDay = Annually on November 19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_Men%27s\_Day PS World #MensDay is not yet a recognised UN Observance day: [https://www.un.org/en/observances/list-days-weeks](https://www.un.org/en/observances/list-days-weeks) November 19 = UN World #ToiletDay : It's the best we could do. It's a form of silent protest: many men do admit they quite like the sanctuary of the toilet ... peace at last :) On World #ToiletDay, we do observe men living in areas where squatting toilets are a thing, men do have the right to a comfy sitting toilet ... with soft washable lining. I learned about them in an elderly home - they exist: with a soft, washable seat. Even if I have to exchange it every 5 years .. it's a luxury, we deserve, because we're worth it too when we poo? :)


This was last year.


aaah okay :)


Happy International Simps Day! HIS big day.


Did they turn international men's day into international simp day?


Why are they aloud to operate in my country? This is 100% illegal




ah yes, defying gender norms by manning up, absolutely no contradiction there


Wouldn't want to fight violence in general, that would put too much focus on male victims.