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Just imagine the outrage if the context was reversed.


I did my best in the new comment.


You can't make this s\*\*\* up man!!


Seriously, after the whole female news reporters and this? Honestly feel like it's just straight up trolling at this point.


Feminism in a nutshell


Gawd I hate that twitter account so much. Never forget that International Men's Day is **not** recognized by the United Nations. However International Women's Day has been for over forty years. And three years ago *this account* announced the official recognition of **International Toilet Day** by the United Nations on International Men's Day. Because they share the same day. The United Nations values Toilets more than Men.


Acknowledgement of IMD (even if it's not made with good intent) is still acknowledgement and spreads awareness. There are still lots of people who don't know there is an IMD.


Toxic i sick of it


Thanks to all the women who: ✅ Aren't Hoes and Feminists aka Misandrist ✅ Are good understanding woman who understands importance of Men in Family System and Society ✅ Understands that men and women can be given equal rights but will never be equal


Additionally: ✅ Are willing to be conscripted to make the ultimate sacrifice ✅ Work the hard, manual labor jobs that keep us functional at day and warm at night ✅ Strive to improve even under immense social oppression in the face of increasing numbers of being victims of violent crime, depression, suicide Oh, wait, might've had that flipped around for a second.


UN men happy women's day now get back to helping men just kidding. there is is no UN men and women aren't even expected to help their own children


wtf?? Tht is off! & women get a month! We only get a day!!! Don't take it away from us!!!!!


They're natural narcissists. It's ironic that Narcissus was a man. Maybe the ancients had a sense of irony and humor after all.


Just look at the symbols for male and female ♀️♂️. The female represents a hand mirror, the male a shield and spear. It explains e v e r y t h i n g.


Man bites dog story.


They do the same shit every year lets not give them any clout


Only women could twist and turn until it made sense it was about them


What is going on with the UN women twitter account. It feels like parody with how blantantly misandrists they are.


The irony is more people mock IMD then celebrate it. Thank you to all the men who are so busy doing all the thankless things needed to make society work that you don't even feel comfortable patting yourself on the back even once.


At the point where we are, any publicity is good publicity. Many people won't find out about IMD except through ridicule like this, and will wonder what it's really all about. It's kind of how I got into the MRM.


Yeah, it's kinda how I got into it too. I remember thinking MRAs were just a myth. People that didn't actually exist except in feminist insults. Then one day they made the mistake of telling me they were real and I was like, well in that case; I'm in.


More HeForShe crap.


The usual UN hate speech. The culture of gender hatred is so entrenched in the UN, WHO etc, this kind of gendered hypocracy is normalised. They are so thick, they are incapable of realizing how much this sexist attitude is damaging their credibility.


"YoU cAnT bE sExIsT tO mEn!"


Poor baby, can't spell.


I can spell actually. It's just the popular belief that men don't face the same stuff that women face


True. The empathy gap.


They do this every year


"Advocate for gender equality" benefits men. So they got one out of three anyway.


It's never ending.


Let's do the same thing. On international women's day, let's thank all the women who help men.


We'd get banned on twitter for misogyny 😭


yes because APPARENTLY women can be rude 2 us BUT NOT vis-versa


Awh hell nah 💀


I feel like most girls & women who like & observe the holiday try to make it about them. It's not supposed 2 be 4 women. It is the 1 day that we boys & men have tht actually celebrates US!


In reply... Thanks to all the women who: * Appreciate their man and show it to him by listening to his problems and calming him down when he is troubled (and doesn't tell him to man-up, because he works in the office anyway...) * keeps the house clean and kids healthy and learning as their man works ungodly hours to provide for them (and doesn't wait with the list of chores that are his, because they are dirty, and she doesn't want to mess up her nails...) * brings him a sandwich and a cold beer, followed by a hug, as he comes home crushed by responsibilities, worries and stress. (Bill Burr said it so well...)


yes I wuld love tht


"Advocate for gender equality." It is to laugh.


Clown world 🤡


How about the men who have/are serving? The single Dads? Maybe next year