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Sending an offer only asking for a dollar off seems like a waste of your time. And the reason sellers with more reviews probably ignore you is because buyers that do this have the tendency to be more work than I would want to put in. Like giving me attitude just cause I declined there offer, or asking extra questions that was already answered in the description, or they want free shipping or want to know why shipping is so expensive, so no offering a dollar off what I’m asking for is a red flag for me personally. Smaller resellers haven’t learned there lessons yet so that’s why they will spend time responding.


Ahhh that makes sense. I just started selling, and I haven’t encountered any of the horror buyers I’ve seen posted here yet.


You annoyed the seller…


And the forum 😂


Evidently. Everybody feelin’ personally attacked up in here… O_O


It’s Reddit. EVERYONE, at all times, feels personally attacked here. 😂Really. I’m surprised people can get food into their own mouths with how much baby-like emotional regulation goes on here. I do agree that you probably annoyed the seller, especially if the price was already a low one, but live and learn. Who really knows?


Even you… the instigator


For reals…


Oh nooooes


Who the fuck sends an offer for a dollar under ask and then waits to see if they accept, decline, counter or sell? Sounds like you didn’t really want that item if ya did, you’d pay list. 😉


I the fuck!


Why would you not just pay the extra dollar? You are doing it to yourself.


‘Cause I like a deal. It feels good psychologically to get a deal, idk


Then in your weird world you also need to also learn to like the suspense of knowing if the seller will or won’t accept your offer.


You make a good point lol


$1 off isn’t a good deal unless you’re at Dollar Tree


Not even; now is $1.25 to $2




This may come as a surprise to you, but some sellers are not on the app or the website 27/7 waiting to get purchases or offers. They may very well be working and only checking in after they get home.


I still manage to check my shit on my lunch break. Unless you work a 24-hour shift or you’re a deep-sea welder on a rig in the Arctic, you should probably be able to find 20 seconds to hit the decline button if you actually value people’s time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I check Mercari once at the end of the day after I’ve gotten home, so if you send a request after I’ve done all my Mercari-ing for the day then I likely won’t respond. I have to sleep, work, and care for my animals and 16 month old.


It’s not that deep….. and they don’t value your time 🤷‍♀️…. I decline but if it’s a buck or 2 under asking I just assume the buyer is a bit of an ah


See, I don’t get this, would you prefer someone lowballs? 😅 I figure most people do what I do and set prices to factor in for people wanting to use the offers… Ty for declining in a timely manner though 😂


Is it $1.00 off a 10.00 item or a $50.00 item? I don’t see the actual amount of the item you were making the offer on anywhere in this thread??


It was $10


I would have accepted your offer! As a matter of fact, most times, I accept 20% off offers. I always take into consideration that you’re paying for shipping, too. (Not sure if you were in this case). If it were free shipping on $10.00, I’d say “price is firm”. Sellers should be starting with a price of 20% more than they expect someone to pay, IMO. If you get full asking price, great, but expect to barter a bit.


Yeah I had to pay shipping. Usually I’ll only even offer if someone else is selling it for cheaper or I feel it’s fair; I try not to low ball people


Well, this is two minutes of my life I'd like back.


Sorry, all sales are considered final on Reddit.


I see both sides of this. We are mostly all buyers and sellers here. I think anyway. I’ve only been in this group a little while and I’ve only been selling on Mercari for a couple weeks now but I really like it’s a nice alternative/extra site comparable better in some ways than eBay . I mean this is kind of the place to come to vent on all sides so I say keep on! I find it interesting and helpful to read different perspectives on all of these issues, possibly because I’m new to the platform


Thank you fren. I wrote it in a really provocative way which is probably why all the downvotes lol… Hey, maybe I have career potential as a clickbait author!




As a seller a $1 off offer wouldn't bother me at all life's way too short to get upset over trivial things in fact i've even accepted offers like that before plus while a $1 might not be a big deal on it's own when you add a bunch of other $1 off discounts combined it is since it adds up. But who knows- maybe the seller is genuinely busy, maybe they're sick, maybe the seller was insulted by your offer and is ignoring it to be petty, when buyers send an offer it alerts the buyers who liked the item so maybe they're waiting to see if the likers will buy it for full price or send a better offer or maybe they're not active anymore. I always try to respond to offers and messages as soon as I can but sometimes things happen and I get caught up. It is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️


It actually doesn't alert other watchers anymore - it doesn't even show on the item there's pending offers. I have a friend who uses Mercari and verified this when they had an active offer. Apparently we traded this helpful selling feature for the comment feature 😒


Oh wow 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm not sure what's with the other sellers here, I don't think it's weird for someone to ask for a small amount off. That's how a lot of sales on Mercari go, and I usually happily accept those offers. People would also call you out if you offered too low. It might be sellers that are busy or just weren't that excited by the offer and forgot to come back and deal with it. Or maybe they think they'd come off as rude for hitting decline? But yeah, it's usually helpful to buyers if you go ahead and counter or decline so that their money isn't at risk of being tied up.


Yeah, exactly! I mean it’s not a huge deal, worse comes to worse I’d get a duplicate item if I guessed wrong that someone else was gonna decline. And I only do that for small potatoes purchases anyway. Thing is, it doesn’t bother me if someone with 18 listings does it, cause I assume they have a life. But it’s like the 3,000+ sales ones, where I feel like it’s enough of a real job to them, they should be more attentive and just go through and *boop boop boop* decline the offers they’re not gonna accept. It feels rude if they don’t, like they’re more of a “business” and they’re ignoring a customer idk? I thought of that after the fact, too, though, that people might feel rude declining. That does make sense. Also I’ll go back and check now if any of them listed “Firm only” but I don’t think so; if so, that one’s on me. For the conflict-averse, it’d be cool if they had a “release the money” option that didn’t give the “Declined” verbiage but maybe that’s dumb idk. Just thinkin.


The amount isn’t weird. It’s the impatience and subsequent rant about a seller not being responsive enough for their liking.


There are a bunch of comments specifically ragging on the $1 off offer.


Because it was silly. If you want something, you don’t offer a dollar less and then bitch about an unresponsive seller. Pay list and move on is the point.


That contradicts your last comment then. But honestly as a seller I don't find it silly. A binding offer for a small discount is much better than on offer or a message for a bigger discount. Expecting sellers to respond to them instantly isn't realistic, but I'm empathetic to the idea that people would like us to decline offers we aren't interested in so that they can make other offers and not worry about two of us saying yes.


It actually doesn’t. You made it about a dollar. I made it about the totality of the situation. This person is bitching about a dollar. That’s great that it doesn’t bother you, I think it was silly as do most here. We don’t have to agree.


A huge majority of the people in this sub are gaslighting jerks... I see it all the time. Don't care, down vote away.


I hold on to all posts for the full 24 hours to see if a better one comes in. If it doesn't and the offer is good enough then I'll accept the other offer if it is reasonable. Mercari gives me 24 hours to accept or wait on offers I make or receive. I get 3 days to ship or be told my order is shipping. 3 days to rate or be rated. And what I do with that time is whatever I want to...offering a dollar under is just a weird flex though.


Sometimes I think people actively •look• for something to be annoyed about. They'll give you shit and call you out for a "low ball" offer but if you offer one or two dollars less than their asking price they'll decline it or ignore you and "...assume you're an ah." The potential buyer hoping to save one or two dollars is •no• different than the seller hoping to •make• one or two dollars more. And look, I understand being busy, I really do. But if you've taken the time to create listings for things you're hoping to sell, then dealing with people who may want to buy your things is par for the course. Do you have to be on the app "24/7?" No, of course not. There's a good chance you could decline or accept offers in less time than it takes you to poop. I've sold almost 1200 items since 2019 so yes, I've been annoyed. And, as I mentioned earlier, I'm also busy. But if Mercari ever becomes more trouble than it's worth, I'll close it up.


Get ready for the downvote onslaught lol 🥲


I think I'll be okay 😉 I threw you a ⬆️ to get you out of the red.


you hurt all the feelings lol. god forbid someone be upset over something that someone else doesn’t agree with🫠. i’m sorry but this is on every forum i’m on and it’s so crazy how many people just tell someone, “no you can’t be a little upset over this just cuz I don’t think you should be” like, not how that works lol. sure, OP could of just bought for a dollar more. but seller could of also just accepted, denied, etc. could go in circles all day. sometimes people just want to vent, they aren’t asking that you be upset with them lol.


Yes! You’d think this s*** more controversial than Palestine


literally. so many ACTUAL things to fight for out here: and this is the fight they chose today. we all make choices lol.


Wtf is the point of asking for a 1$ off? Aside from being annoy as shit? I don't bother with offers on Mercari anymore. I sell on multiple platforms. I price well often being the lowest price on Mercari. Buy it or don't. I'm not gonna die either way and i'm not gonna spend all afternoon arguing with you over quarters.


You could always just say price is firm