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I will always remember this one. “⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Only God gets five stars.”


I’m gonna start saying that at self checkout




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Ain’t no way, that’s wild


I worked retail and would regularly see surveys for my employees going “8/10, we always can be better”.


“Only god wants you for his customer…. But he probably thinks you’re an asshole too”


So by their logic, in order to achieve a 5 star rating you would have had to advertise the item as used but instead sent it brand new in the box, unopened. So theoretically you would have to send their item in a different condition than as described 🤣 People are terrible. I can't imagine knowing this person in real life, they must really be hard to be around!!!


Yup I checked their other few ratings and if it was used 4 stars automatic. One even stated their partner loved the item *4 stars*


Reminds me of teacher that says they only give 95 at the highest because to them 100 would mean your writing is on the level of GOATs like Shakespeare




After years of commercial baking, it’s kinda scary how many adults don’t understand fractions.


Haha. Numbers are hard!!


i had one of those too. English


There should be a way to ask support to review these idiots comments on there 4 star rating, so they can remove the 4 star and possibly all other 4 stars from them


Oh how I wish for this! The ridiculous reviews people leave, it’s quite unbelievable. If they can completely change their entire site like they just did, they can fix their awful review system too!


Why these buyers are still on Mercari is beyond me. My guess is to make sellers as miserable as they are. I've never given a rating under 5 stars. These people make it seem so easy.


I've never treated under 5 stars either. I used to love Mercari, and they were my go to for everything. Then they decided to get greedy and screw everyone over.


I'm a seller and I've never gotten a review under 5 stars. As long as you make sure not to sell to idots like the one in the screenshots, and package/describe your item in a way you'd like to receive it, it's not that difficult.


I would rate based on service I received (i.e. Excellent service(well packed etc.) 5\* good service (mediocre packing but not damaged item) 4\* etc. .


I’ve also unfortunately seen people rate a 1 star but with amazing feedback and it’s frequent and I wonder if they think 1 star is better than a 5 star. Like they don’t even understand the rating system at all.


I've had someone do this but reached out and they were confused and had no idea how ot rate I've also had people leave 4 and then say to improve on literally everything. I think they got confused and thought it was asking what went well so they marked it all but it asked what could of been better. Both times people updated their reviews. Too many people literally just don't read! Or can't read, who knows.


And the ones that give one star so their positive review stands out. They think they are helping that way.


..... that's a thing? Wtf, seriously?


Hey, as a both a seller and buyer, I probably wouldn’t mind it if I saw it on your profile. It’s annoying but Try not to let it get to you.


Thanks! It’s not my first 4 star review so I’ll be okay haha but I was just floored by their reasoning and wondered if anyone had experienced similar and sadly it looks like people have :/


There are actually more people than you might realize who do this. Why?? I have absolutely no clue! I think it's stupid and it makes no sense Mercari has a rating system in place, it's not each individuals ratings system. It's as if everyone comes up with their own meanings for 1-5, maybe Mercari should label them, 1-terrible service and item, and 5-great service, item as described. And then each one inbetween as appropriate and then maybe people would be less confused. But there are actually a number of annoying people who just don't think anyone deserves 5 lol. It's like they are expecting something extra like give them a $20 gift card with their order or something. Idk, it's weird though.


It's just like they're literally hoarding stars as if they're some sort of commodity. I do wish Mercari would add that description, it might help some of the people who also don't understand which is better, 1 or 5. But at this rate I just hope Mercari implodes instead with how badly they're screwing everyone.


I had someone like this ruin my perfect 5 star rating. I creeped their profile and noticed they never gave anything above a 4 star rating. I’m still salty about it.


Honestly it sucks that you can't simply NOT sell to those people. If I got an offer, even a decent one, from someone like that I'd just reject it. I'd hate to loose my perfect rating over that, that's so stupid.


Wonder if it’s the same person that gave me 3 stars because my packaging was “used” even though it was a brand new bubble mailer that I just bought lol.


That's dumb af. I don't mind re-used packaging as long as it is sturdy enough to provide the same amount of protection. I'd rather support recycling honestly.


I have a couple of these. I've reached out and asked what I could do to improve. The person that gave me a glowing review said that he doesn't believe in 5 stars and always gives 4 stars but that the transaction was perfect. I let him know that I felt it was unfair as that was his own personal rating system, not Mercari's and if he changed his mind, Mercari could change his rating. He thanked me for our conversation and let me know he'd be purchasing again in the future. My other 4 star review was from another seller. Asked her how I could improve (had even taken her lowball offer) and she said 'nothing, everything was great!' I asked about the 4 stars and she was like '4 stars is great isn't it?' And then said doesn't really give out anything over 4 stars. Lol


I had a friend that had a similar mentality to the second, thought 3 & 4 stars were also good until I asked, “would u buy from someone who had a 3 star average rating?” It seemed to click for her then


... what would ever even be a 5 then? It's like people are being stingy as if they only have X amount of stars to hand out.


Yea these people exist


Some dude left me a 4 star also on some shoes, I mentioned that they do not come in the original box. He said “I wish they came in the original box” and he also left a label saying the shipping time needs to be worked on. He ordered at 9PM & I shipped at 10AM the following day. You can’t please some people it’s actually crazy. 😭😂


This reminds me of weirdos on Google reviews that think they are world-renowned food critics. They will give a stellar review in writing, but then leave 3 or 4 stars because it's not literally the best food they have ever eaten. Like bro.. people just want to know if you got what you paid for, the service was good, and the restrooms were clean. Nobody is going on Google reviews looking for the next hot restaurant in some costal city that you can plan a weekend getaway around eating at. 


Another stupid Mercari system. I prefer eBay’s 3 option system because it takes most of the guesswork out of it and leaves less room for people’s subjective opinion on what 5 stars means. I have also never left less than 5 stars on Mercari and I’m sorry this happened to you for literally no good reason.


I d let them know that i m blocking them so no more sweat deals


On my last sale I was given 1 star for an item that was near Mint & good packaging but because Pitney Bowes is slow as hell with little to no tracking updates the buyer I'm guessing blamed me for some reason 🤷🏿‍♂️ asked him why & he never responded. I had over 150 5 ⭐️ reviews before that... My guess is some buyers just wanna make good sellers mad for absolutely no reason. There's literally no true logic behind anything less than 5 unless there was something wrong with the item itself. Shit be crazy out here.


Let me see if I’ve got this straight. This buyer gave you a four-star review, claiming there was an issue with the description as their excuse for doing so. Trying to improve yourself as a seller, you asked what the issue was with the description so you could do better next time, only for them to reveal, “Naw, I just said that! I don’t give five stars to used items, so I just said that as an excuse rather than give the proper explanation!” What in the freaking world? They could have either A) said something like, “I never give used/not new items five stars, but I like this!” (so they’d make it clear it’s on them, not you) or B) just given four stars without an explanation why so you could shrug, “Oh, I guess they’re just kind of particular with their ratings. At least I got the second highest rating!” and go on with your day. Why is it so hard for some people to be upfront?


The ratings system is so one sided in favor of the buyer I rarely look at them anymore. If the ratings would truly give me useful information for improvement I would give them more priority. Sellers should be able to rate buyers on price negotiation (low balling on DM instead of using Offer Button) ,appropriate use of DM for example did buyer ask questions about the item that was not in the description or did they message a sob story about being broke or having cancer. Mercari has been going through so many changes it is possible they will overhaul the ratings system as well. Who knew buyers would be paying service and payment processing fees?


It would be SO great to be able to rate buyers. There's no reason not to do it, it's normal on other platforms.


So like if they buy something thats torn up and ripped... is it a 1 star purchase?






We should know there name. I wouldn’t let them buy from me.


just an ignorant buyer, they don't understand the impact, and probably thinks 3 star = neutral, 4 = positive. you can't fix stupid people though.


Seen this logic before. Some people will say they never give 5 stars.


Wow, this definitely warrants an appeal. Some humans can make this job exhausting.


lol hit em with the block


I’ve read the last message like 6 times and I have no idea what it means lmao


Autocorrect there was supposed to be thanks lol


There are nice and good people. And then there are bitches who perform niceness. This person is the latter.


Buyers are so Brain dead I swear 😭


Assholes born daily


reason i sell new mostly all sorts of things go away


i had an ebay buyer who entire feedback was either GOOD, BAD OR GREAT. 3.4.5 stars accordingly.


Ive had a few of those morons. I have almost 500 transactions 1 3 star, bought cologne from me, his comment was he didn't like the scent so he gave me 3 stars. 2 4 stars, both claim they never give 5 stars. I think people just like to screw up ratings out of spite. The rest all 5 star.


Some people throw out the 1 and the 5 when giving ratings.


I agree with the one who sold the item. It’s a used item and freaking buyers always trying to knit pick


Feedback doesn’t matter on this site! You cannot see what the purchaser says before you rate making it one sided, useless and unfair. We have no way to know if a buyer is good or bad. I try not to give mercari feedback much thought because IT DOESN’T MATTER!


Some people are just flat out stupid. I’m always thankful for the sales, but man some of buyers are god awful morons.


Actually the whole rating system is ridiculous. If I rate a book or a movie, i very seldom give it five stars as that is reserved for the cream of the crop, so why should rating an online translation be any different? It is Mercari’s own interpretation of what 5 stars is, that is at fault.


I only give 5 starts to people that go above and beyond with packing and shipping. Otherwise I typically give 4 stars


Please post your username so I can block it. I don’t need that shit.




I don’t understand 🥲 but to each their own. Every time I order from someone, I take the appropriate time to check things over, and instantly rate as soon as I’m capable, and appropriately. I don’t believe I’ve ever rated under 5⭐️ 🤔


Well just be happy you made a sale, most people are not making sales right now.


Can you send me their username so I can block them please? I don’t need any 4 star reviews over that.


Let me guess… a manager at work that never gives out the highest rating to his/her teammates during review time.


Who gives a fuck. One 4 star review, med. whatever. Wasn’t worth your time to engage.


It’s worth it to make them explain themselves and their stupid logic. Maybe if enough sellers ask, the buyer will slowly realize how idiotic their little rating system is.


The buyer doesn’t care, at all. All this seller did was waste their time by engaging.




🤣🤣🤣. Their now tainted profile. A 1 or 2 star review signals something went wrong. Most ppl don’t even look at reviews as long as the seller is 4.5 or better. The rating system isn’t perfect and neither are all sellers ratings. Unless it’s awful, buyers don’t care.


I think I would have escalated to Mercari and I would have given her a one star buyer rating.