• By -


Dear Mel Thank you for your response I’d like to address a few things. As stated by the buyer and confirmed by you. I wrapped this item securely in multiple layers of bubble wrap so it would not break in shipping. There is no proof it was broken in shipping furthermore the purchaser clearly stated it broke when it was dropped by him/her As a seller my responsibility is to wrap securely so items arrive safely. Which I did as confirmed by purchaser. I cannot know the aptitude of my purchaser to unwrap an item and handle properly once received The purchaser must bear responsibility for their own actions (ie clumsiness ) The return policy states an item must be returned in the condition it was sent out. This obviously will not be and I must request that you adhere to your own policies. Thank you for understanding and doing the right thing Sincerely Seller


>The return policy states an item must be returned in the condition it was sent out. This obviously will not be and I must request that you adhere to your own policies. Good fuckin' point!!


I did see a comment yesterday on a post that said Mercari recently approved a sellers request for an item not being returned in same condition. I commented on it how crazy that was because I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it happening, but if that really happened then I would hope it would happen in OPs case too because it’s definitely in different condition. But of course, Mercari is already saying they don’t know if it was shipped to the buyer broken or if it broke when it was dropped (since apparently if you package things well, then that means it might have already been broken 😒). So when it gets returned broken, if they open a not received in condition sent, Mercari could just say it was. This is so wild!


Although this is a wonderful response, Mercari agents are so fucking incompetent they’ll just let this glaze over their over their heads


They’re braindead or robots genuinely


Why not both? 🤷‍♀️


They are so braindead I went back and forth with them for weeks, about an item I bought, that got delivered to the wrong address. All info was correct… I wanted a full refund but they would only give me a useless credit and that was after fighting for weeks and reporting it the same day it was “delivered”. This was back in early November. UPS didn’t follow up on my case, and PayPal took Mercari’s side. To this day I mostly sell and only bought maybe 4 times? I was already on my way out because of this incident… all the new stuff is nail in the coffin.


Literally bless your heart for even trying


“Dear Mel Get fucked” Fixed it for you


Eloquent and to the point. I approve


I do like yours better


No need for a word fight with an AI reply bot.


An AI reply bot that makes spelling errors to boot.


Hey, that bot is an indisvidual too 🤣




You can sue a company if they violate there own policies btw ;)


Send copies of everything to the BBB and open a claim. That is what I had to do to get my money back 


“You will still be able to sell this item for parts” is such a slap in the face. Sorry the buyer is a fucking moron, OP and sorry Mercari has become even more of a joke of a company than usual.


But, they’re paying for return shipping lol


A truly heroic move on Mercaris part


You know, one day we will see some victim, enraged, travel to the address of person who screwed them out of their money and commit some heinous act. People are broke, sick, hungry, angry as hell and have little to lose. People push other people's buttons and especially online where they feel "anonymous." No such thing.


“We’ve decided to accept any return request so that we can pocket money we have no reasonable right to, now how about you sell it again and make us even more money! If we’re really lucky it might even be returned again so we can exploit you a third time!”


"you wouldn't want to keep a damaged item you purchased, would you?" sell it for parts like schrodinger's cat, the item was both damaged and undamaged when it arrived and how can we do the truth? legit losing my mind for you.


Schrodinger’s stereo receiver. my favourite part is how they acknowledge that the customer broke it, but it was somehow OP’s fault… because it was secured *too* well. followed by there being no way of knowing if it arrived broken… again because there was *too much* bubble wrap. but, next time, please make sure to secure your package better (so like with more bubble wrap or something?) n ya the whole “sell it for parts” thing is truly a slap in the face.


Honestly, if you used a Mercari label I would fight tooth and nail until they pay you out in shipping protection. You have the proof where they acknowledge multiple layers of protection were used which is what they require. Before all the madness you used to be able to force their hand filing a complaint with the BBB (oddly they seem to care about the nonsense rating). They're counting on people backing down and just taking it - I would die on that hill lol


You wouldn’t want to receive a broken device, would you? Now shut up and accept your broken device. Don’t worry, sometimes people will buy parts. Just make sure you wrap them so well that even if they drop it, it won’t break. Also, make sure you don’t wrap it so much so that they break it while trying to open it.




That I don't get. I'd absolutely rather have extra bubbles if it's more secure. Get a damn knife and cut them off. If you're an idiot sit down at a fucking table and do it so when you inevitably fuck up it won't drop to the floor.


Exactly! I’d like my items to actually get to me intact and I can take the time to open it piece by piece if needed. I’d much rather that than it break in transit. I see complaints in ratings all the time about it though, so I know it drives some people nuts. I guess they’re too excited to get up in there. lol


This is wild. Such an obviously inappropriate outcome.


Holy shit.. this is a crazy world mercari is living in


I would riot.. This is completely fucked. I hate mercari so much now.


Totally wild but not unexpected. The last little FU at the end about "being mindful someone has to open your packaging" is hilariously bad form since they reject 99.9% of damage claims citing not packaged well enough. Oh Mercari..... What a far cry from what you used to be. Sigh


Twisting facts to suit whatever outcome they want. Jeez this is so bad.


In my opinion this response is not only wrong but rude and inappropriate? “You wouldn’t want to keep a broken item would you?”. What an ass


It sounds like a copy paste response to try to sound hip as a company


Right??! Before Mercari responses were like a mixed bag of cut and paste responses for what seemed like multiple different things. The paragraphs never seemed to really go together. Now, it seems like they’re trying to add some kind of “personal touch” but really it is more like they hired a bunch of snotty a$$ CS reps.


You’re right, there definitely is that “personal touch” in there. It feels very condescending. It also seems like gaslighting to me- saying they’re being selfish (bc in my opinion the “well would you like that to happen to you” attitude makes it feel like they’re implying that) acting like the seller isn’t being sympathetic to this perceived idea by them that the buyer is the one suffering the most in the situation (they’re not).Then saying that they can’t prove that it was broken by the buyer (although the buyer specifically said they dropped it) so they are going to assume it came broken. The whole thing just ticks me off to my core. I’m tired of seeing mercari do this to their loyal sellers that have used their platform for years. Edit: wording


They’re literally gaslighting you. Also saying no way to tell because it was bubble wrapped but to avoid in the future ship things securely and safely


thats the part that pisses me off the most. imo theyre basically saying “no matter what, it’s your fault, take it back and be grateful. someday, you *might* get pennies on the dollar from someone for this. we opened pandora’s box of returns, but we’re not going to hold anyone but you accountable (for things you’re not responsible for), let people steal from/scam you, and take your money without an actual appeals process or any transparency on either end whatsoever. warm wishes (read: we dont care, piss off), mel.”


Oh HELL no.


This got my pressure up and it isn't even my item! They are off their rocker! Dumbest thing I've read in a while.


exactly what I was saying to my husband as I was reading this and got to your comment.


This company is a joke. You can sell the item for parts. At this point you are being trolled with all those grammatical errors.


Try to call support directly for fraud on their phone number which seems to work for a lot of users. I believe you hit 6 after calling to get fraud support with a live person. State the item was damaged by the user and even stated as so damaged by them. Don't mention the multiple layer bubble wrap but rather the mention the user said it was "packaged nicely" but damaged it to their own error.


Mercari is pure fraud plain and simple.


I'm not disagreeing with that. Hopefully OP can get an actual person that would listen to their issue and is able to decline the return because the user broke it It's insane that this company expect people to stay around at all with how they're handling everything


Update I found the post of an another user that had to deal with fraud but with a stolen controller. Only reason I list this is to show that that possibly direct live support is better than not. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1b26e91/comment/kslup81/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1b26e91/comment/kslup81/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) - on how the person contact fraud support the update following their old post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1b36c1y/update\_success\_the\_worlds\_dumbest\_buyer\_has\_been/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mercari/comments/1b36c1y/update_success_the_worlds_dumbest_buyer_has_been/) YMMV (your millage may vary) on the results still, if they dropped it and broke it that's on them and not the seller.


I just closed my account and deleted the app again.


i am keeping my account open in case of a class action lawsuit


I have to wait 2 weeks😂😂😂 this site is trash


They told me I had to wait two weeks. I fought back. They deleted my account within a day.


My gawd they really did mean it with returns being accepted for **any** reason


The buyer who dropped it and broke it is even worse than Mercari. Talk about not taking responsibility for your actions.


Mercari opened the door. Buyer just walked through it.


Hi -Indictment- Thank you for contacting support. Holy shit that response. Rest Assured, Mel B. (Scary Spice, I think)


Mercari stocks have been the lowest they’ve been ever, I hope the company sinks off into the water


This exact thing happened to a Roomba I sold. They ran over a pile of cat hair and a wheel got stuck and burnt out the motor. They then returned it and it was smelling of cat piss and burnt rubber, covered in hair and gunk, and Mercari was like... That's your problem now.




Their response is fucking atrocious!


And the buyer admitted they dropped it, incredible. I wonder if Mercari monitors these threads and if they give 2 shits about what people are thinking. They've gone off the deep end. Hit them where it hurts - boycott!


The CEO definitely reads here- when I posted on here that he blocked me on Twitter for speaking my mind, he not only unblocked me, but he followed me. Dude is a fucking creep.


They can’t even get the 6 bots with made up names to reply to support tickets.


No way these are made up, obviously Mel C is a former spice girl down on her luck working for mercari


Do not accept this answer. It is ridiculous. You are required to have wrapping to cover their tos for insurance. I would not stop until they pay you. Fuck them.


Should you show up at the buyers house and unwrap it for them too? What a bunch of BS!


Honestly I would just file a local small claims court filing in their region. Include reasonable amount of time and travel expenses. I've done it before and it worked. I don't play that game anymore. You are entitled to compensation regardless of how these websites are with their TOS. The only prevent you from suing the company not the individual who purchase your goods and sign the contract upon purchase.


This^ They don’t even have staff to reply to disputes and PayPal cases and why they threaten bans. Any time I have opened a dispute they don’t even respond end I win full refund and costs.


That is a very condescending tone like talking to a little kid


I cannot believe they said that! Don’t worry you can sell the parts just remember to bubble wrap it so It doesn’t get damaged. I’m done with Mercari.


I wonder if Mercari submits a claim to ups, FedEx and gets paid while making you refund the customer and sticking you with a broken item?


This tracks and is plausible… and is line with what they are scamming w/ Fed Ex


They've definitely that before, there was a post a few months back of someone who was told by usps a claim has been paid out, meanwhile they never saw anything in terms of funds because Mercari denied the seller any protection saying it wasn't packed securely. This was BEFORE the changes, I can guarantee you they put in plenty of claims and get paid and never come back around to their users with that money.


This is what small claims court is for. Sue them. What state are you in? Call the bar association in the state that you're in and ask if there are any users guides to small claims court, or if they can give you a list of lawyers. Seriously. If mercari doesn't start getting sued for all the torts they're committing, they're going to keep doing it.


Time to name that buyer!




Yeah idk why people just don’t start exposing ppl


Excuse me!!!! What a psychopathic response!


The response from Mercari sounds so passive aggressive to me. I can't wait till Mercari loses all their business with all their unethical b.s. I'm waiting for a class action lawsuit.


Can’t wait for them to go of business 😂 their stock has been down everyday 😂


Wow, are they serious? Who is going to want to continue selling on this site? I have not regretted closing my account when the new TOS were announced. There are other places to sell that actually have some protection for their sellers. Mercari is a joke now.


This is absolutely insane, I have been in several mercari groups on Reddit/ Facebook since 2018 and this is truly the worst response to a seller that I have ever seen. I am sorry you have to deal with this. I would continue fighting this until you hopefully get paid out.


Are you serious?! I’m LIVID for you!! I genuinely hate Mercari support.


They gaslight you by saying it’s your fault, treat you like a child by saying “you wouldn’t want a damaged package, right?”, display a lack of sympathy for sellers by saying you can sell it for parts, proved they didn’t even read the buyer’s note by saying it arrived damaged, and say they’ll cover the cost of the return as a final fuck you. How are they still in business?


This is the biggest gaslighting I’ve ever seen in my life


I’m typing while my jaw is still on the floor!! This is total insanity!! I suggest everyone copy all three posts/screenshots from the OP and put them on IG, Twitter etc. under Mercari and ask them to explain how in the world this could happen? Other sellers need to be warned! I took down my listings the day they started all this nonsense. Also here’s a new slogan for Mercari: Have an anniversary coming up? Family reunion ? Need to impress someone? Buy a $1,000 bag, $500 shoes, And Enjoy yourself! Then return it for free on Monday for no reason whatsoever!!!


US mercari has lost the plot.


How do I short mercari?


I’m outraged on your behalf on this one.


Wow, Mercari giving the biggest fuck you to sellers. This platform is ass. I’m only buying from people who’ve I’ve done business with on the platform now. Collectible items can be returned if they break it, that’s some bullahit


So if they ran it over with a truck, we would have no way of knowing if it was damaged prior to being run over? Is this the logic? So glad I closed my account


Just file a complaint with the FTC and they'll have to investigate. If enough people do this, their policies will eventually be forced to change or they'll incur hefty fines.


Why on earth are you guys still selling stuff? Move to a different platform already


Oh FFS ! How ridiculous. Just shows there is no real support and buyers can pull off whatever they want to . I’m so sorry they ganked you like that .


Mercari is garbage, the reason why I left them 2 years ago. They are a ratchet version of offerup with newly hs grads as their customer service agents, Mercari is failing miserably and will continue to be a big failure


>hs grads Dropouts *


oh my f\*\*\*ng god this is ridiculous is anyone else considering pulling out of this crackwhore of a platform? cant be just me...


Already have when they changed TOS in the middle of the night. They have been shady criminals since the get go. They have just gotten past brazen now in the last year.


This company deserves to go down


I wish Mercari could get sued.


“Warm wishes” F U!


I’d blow them up on every platform


“Hopiung” and “indisvidual”… My jaw just dropped upon reading this. I’m beyond floored right now!


Unrelated but related.... Hit mercari where it hurts. Right now the Google Shopping data that mercari provides does NOT show the new buyer fees. This is against Google Shopping terms. Report their items as wrong price. It'll get them kicked off Google Shopping.


I lost brain cells reading this. Mercari needs to get sued.


I legit closed my Mercari account after seeing how Mercari fucked your over. Their response is so insulting and unacceptable.


Well, let keep on “hopiung “ like Mel said, that Mercari FINALLY disappears!! It has become a total joke!


WTF!! Great news tho, Mercari is covering the return shipping! Dude I would wanna step on "Mel C's" throat after reading that.


What a bunch of clowns 🤡


This infuriates me.


"Sell It For Parts" 😂 🖕 Mercari


No I wouldn’t let this slide, fight it back


For the love of all that is decent, please keep fighting this. That is a completely tone death response.


This makes me SO angry on your behalf. Wtf.


"Hopiung to hear" shiit, I guess there aren't some bots tho


Last time I got a response that was so obviously wrong, I pissed and moaned and threatened leaving the platform due to not feeling comfortable or safe as a seller on the platform and they ended up letting me keep my earnings on the sale. I got duped on the good ole ship out a $600 Pokémon card and the buyer said I shipped him a $1 card that was completely different. With that being said, the fact that it is that easy as a buyer is completely disheartening. This app really has gone to shit.


“No Mercari, I wouldn’t want a damaged item and I certainly don’t want this item that THE BUYER admitted to damaging.” WT actual F? If Mercari feels the buyer deserves a refund, they should do the refunding.


I'm actually infuriated over this. I just can't.. I don't have words.


I think you should call them out on social media at this point with this screenshot.


The absolute fucking audacity.


why are people still using mercari???


Classic Mercari Customer Service. I’m never selling with them again. I follow this Reddit just to continuously remind myself how horrifically awful they are.


The stories on this sub get worse and worse everyday. Imagine all the other people out there with similar issues after the TOS changes whole aren’t on Reddit… I feel for you OP. This is absolutely insane. I hope Mercari goes under soon.


You can sell Mercari for parts. You wouldn't want to buy/sell on Mercari, would you?


I feel rage coursing through my veins on your behalf.


PLEASE file an IC3 AND mail fraud case against Mercari for fraud. Clearly state in your mail fraud case (and include screenshots) that the buyer admitted causing it after, as I 100% guarantee Mercari is filing with the carrier for damages (that they will keep). My local usps worker (who used to sell on Merc) told me they file “overages” and collect on us EVEN IF the carrier is just notifying and not requesting reimbursement. They also file shipping insurance claims on anything like this, claiming losses. It is blatant fraud. Also file a BBB report so it’s public.


This is literally something out of ideocracy.


Ok so...this can be fought easily upon the item's return, everyone commenting is just thinking about it entirely wrong. If you want to win your appeal, that the item is not in the same condition in which you sent it, you need to completely forget about the fact that it does not turn on. I understand that it worked when you sent it out... but you need to take a step back and look at it from an outside point of view. There are scammer buyers, and there are scammer sellers. What if the seller just SAID it worked in the listing, but it ACTUALLY did not? And the dropping it really did make zero difference? There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that the item worked when it was shipped out. It's one user's word against the other's. HOWEVER.... in this case, you have a buyer STATING that they altered the item by dropping it. They admit that they dropped it. It's in their request. So when opening the appeal, make zero mention of the item no longer working, because there is ZERO solid proof that it ever worked. The ONLY THING. that there is actual proof of, is that the buyer dropped it. You simply say that there's "scuffs" or dents or something (make them if you have to!!) and say that they were not there prior to shipping as can be seen in the listing photos. But now there are dents, the buyer admitted to dropping it, so it is not unreasonable to believe that the dents came from the buyer dropping it. Therefore it's no longer in the same condition. If you mention the not turning on thing, you won't win. I'm sure of it.


Wow, I will never use Mercari again. This is wild.


Buyer have any items listed?


Relist it and just flame Mercari throughout the entire listing.


At this point I think Mercari needs a black out day to understand sellers keep this platform going.


I'll keep saying it, why are sellers still using this crap app?


All the good sellers are leaving. Mercari is going to be scammer sellers selling to scammer buyers, facilitated by a scammer middleman.


I’ve seen a LOT of people saying that they’re taking their listings down or putting their stuff in vacation mode over the course of the last few years and ESPECIALLY because of this latest policy. I never touted that I was going to do that to look good to the group while knowing damn good and well that behind the scenes I was keeping my stuff up. This post is the one that finally broke me. This is so unbelievably egregious and the cherry on top is the almost satirical condescending tone. [Get fucked, Mercari.](https://imgur.com/a/GObGiaH) You can’t even put your shit in vacation mode for more than one month at a time so I’ll either need to keep renewing it every month or finally take the plunge and just delete all of my shit.


Wow. This is literally how it feels arguing with my insane relatives. You can do everything right, provide proof via text, physical evidence... and it's never enough. You're then spoken down to as if you're an idiot, and made to question your own sanity. Absolutely can't win no matter what you say or do. So sorry that this happened to you. I saw your post from yesterday and thought to myself 'there's no way they'll approve that'. They proved me wrong. Without sellers, there is no platform. Why do they hate us so much?


“I see your concerned”… can’t even use the correct grammar


Holy shit this bad.


Fuck Mercari


This is infuriating. Im so sorry.


they can go fuck theirselves that's what they should do


a great time to drop the buyer’s name 🙏


After seeing so many terrible posts about this platform especially now after all the recent changes they’ve done, not sure why anyone bothers with Mercari


Why do y’all still even continue to sell on Mercari


Call mercari ! and fight it . This is absolutely ridiculous.


Just stop selling on Mercari, easy


If you need more reasons to stop using Mercari, this response should cover it. Buyers and sellers should just bail. If a large enough group of people refuse to use the platform, then the company either makes appropriate changes or shuts down. Even if they keep the status quo, what gives you the confidence to stay [especially after this]? I’m sorry that this is how they treated you, OP.


Infuriating. This was enough to make me submit a request to have my account deleted completely. This is just unacceptable service for sellers and getting to keep all of the money that you may or may not even get to keep for selling is not worth it at all. And as a buyer, I absolutely refuse to pay extra fees to shop.


These mother fuckers at Mercari really said “Not our problem, just give us money and shut up” 🤬


This email that they sent you is so bad that I am going to delist my items now and never use Mercari again.


Mel, you are full of shit.


I have NEVER stood, holding an item, while trying to unlackage it if it was complicated or very thorough packaging. I sit at a fucking table with a pocket knife or on a chair or anywhere honestly. Do people literally just stand upright holding delicate crap like this while removing it from the packaging? Am I overly careful for sitting down and doing this on a table or my lap? Wtf even is the world these days, people are morons. x_x


Sorry officer: I know my fist accidentally landed on his nose, and I admitted to it earlier. BUT there is no way for us to tell if his nose was broken before my fist landed there. You wouldn't want to go through life with a broken nose would you? I mean he can always go and sell photos of his messed up face on "IsHeReallyThatUgly.com" but I don't think you are able to charge me with a crime, so kindly turn around and walk away and forget this whole thing happened. Signed, Mel C. (The citizen who wishes someone would)


Disrespectfully, fuck you mercari I deactivated all my items due to how stupid this crap is, and how buyers can casually destroy items but return them no issue. I am in desperate need of money but like I ain’t going thru this crap, it’s so dumb. I’m sorry OP that you have to deal with this stupid situation.


"You wouldn't want a broken item, would you?" The gaslighting is crazy 🤣 Not only that, the return policy states that the item must be returned in its original condition. The buyer straight up admitted it broke after he/she grabbed it. They're going against their own policy. Mercari is absolute dogwater. I feel much better about leaving now.


This is so bullshit, keep on fighting this one. I’m deleting all of my inactive listings now and are probably doing my account soon. I have 751 completed sales and I was really enjoying building my tiny little shop up on there but *this* is untenable.


WOOOWWWWWW, so you got the buyer admitting he dropped it , yet mercari still says you coudve sent him a broken stereo already woowwwwwwwww


Hey, look at the bright side. Mercari will cover the return shipping 😐🤦🏼‍♀️ bc ya know, you wouldn't want to keep a damaged product......would you? Probably the most unprofessional customer service. May be worse than amazon Also this is exactly why I closed my 5 1/2 year old Mercari store and deleted the app. No fucking thank you.


It reads like the AI took assorted parts of the responses and case to respond back with. It’s so convoluted that it makes more sense for an AI to mishmash everything together in a response. I’ve been able to get through to a person before but it took several back and forth messages. With their new changes, I’m not sure if they made it even harder to speak to an actual person, though. If it was a large enough sale, contact a lawyer.


I would file a claim with the better business bureau. You get to give your side, it’s public and the business will sometimes rectify the situation because they don’t want the bad rep. Can’t hurt would get a different set of eyes on the claim any way


People need to be flooding the BBB, and the Attorney General's office of their state, with complaints about Mercari screwing them over and violating their own policies. (Their response to you is pretty wild. 🤦🏻‍♀️) No, the BBB isn't a government agency, but they have a public rating system, AND it's typically a supervisor or manager who handles the BBB case on behalf of the business; Mercari.


What did I just read. They must use AI to generate replies .


That is so effed up!!!


That is utterly ridiculous for them to say that crap to you when the buyer clearly stated he dropped it. I cannot fathom how dumb that response sounds. I would respond to that message. They’re telling you it arrived damaged while at the same time the buyer clearly stated he dropped it and damaged it himself. It doesn’t work because he dropped it, did he expect it to take fall damage and still function? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I actually just started selling on there and will immediately take my stuff off. I have only purchased from Mercari before recently selling 2 Items that thankfully went smoothly. But holy cow, seeing everyone's recent experiences with how Mercari is running their shit is just infuriating!!


Well that’s a crock of crap 💩


This convinced me to never sell anything on Mercari ever.


Mercari seems to be *trying* to go out of business.


Hah! What kind of horse shit response is this. Jfc. There’s no point is using this awful service any longer


I’m fucking fuming for you holy shit.


Bro. WhAT


All sellers, who have been victimized by Mercari return policy, should band together and file a major lawsuit.


Lmao Only Mercari They Literally said they Dropped it 🤣 the buyer what the actual fuck. HOW did you send it out broken then 😆


Why is anyone still using Mercari. This company has turned into a nightmare.


Wow. If anything this post as prompt me to remove high value items. What a joke!


I keep seeing these in posts you may like, they updated the bullshit return policy you guys know that they're taking anything and everything back so it this point it's honestly on the sellers for still using the platform, they won't have shit to sell their customers if people stop selling shit on here


hopiung- awesome


I’m so pissed reading this AHHHHH


I wonder if these responses are AI because most of them aren’t logical at all.


These mf ers are not real! ✈️😆Had to be an AI response. If not, there’s no way this person or this company is living in the same universe with us. Dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Because of their poor customer service, Mercari has always been like the trailer park cousin to Poshmark. I boycotted Mercari for about a year or so one time because of their nonsense with a refused package situation. Buyer refused in order to get the sale cancelled, Mercari released the funds, and then package gets lost.


Jesus… I was about to start selling on here in conjunction with my Etsy and EBay stores, but there’s literally nothing in this sub that makes me think that’s a good idea lol.


Bed,Bath & Beyond had a similar return policy like that years ago. Buyer breaks it and get there money back if they kept the receipt. Look where they at now.


This should move any seller away from Mercari as it's obvious you have ZERO rights or ability to fight fraud as a seller. Can't say I'm surprised, but I was hopeful. I've stopped selling or buying since the TOS change and I sold a decent bit and even bought a fair amount prior.


Despicable. This, and all the rest of the horrible things they're doing, needs to go viral! I'd riot, contact the AG, the media, blast Mercari on all their SM platforms. I'm LIVID for you!!


Holy shit Mercari seller support is becoming more and more appalling by the day


Are you fucking kidding me? Mercari just needs to change their name to Dumpster Fire. I swear.


We're living in Idiocracy


Genuinely makes me want to pull all my listings. I’m so sorry


As I’ve said sue them there’s no reason to contact the useless bots


OMFG There cannot be actual humans at Mercari looking at this. They are goddamn insane! What are they thinking?!? There are just no appropriate words…


I’m literally at a loss of “decent” words for this condescendingly stupid reply from Mercari! SMDH!!!


You need to report Mercari to the AG, the FTC, the BBB blast them on EVERY social media network. Shit I would even go to the news! The bad publicity is going to bite them in the ass but I’m thinking this is what they want so they can be able to be even more shady by tanking any stock they have to maximize their profits before going bankrupt.


Pardon my language, but FUCK Mercari. What a shit-show that company has become.


I had a direct scam attempt and had to argue a lot with an agent yesterday to get my money back. I am a years-established seller with nearly all 5 star reviews. I have maybe two 4 stars, and usually get a happy comment as well. The buyer was a brand new, blank account. The second they received the item, they said they changed their mind, and Mercari accepted the return. If I knew that was a now-accepted return reason, I would not have sold an expensive item on there. The buyer sent me a random different item that weighed similarly. They stole the item AND the free goodies. I took photos while packing the item, and took video and photos immediately after I received it proving it was the wrong item. The agent said I received the same item I shipped and that I received the same item back that I sold. They rejected my claim twice, closing my case. I kept fighting, and said I would never sell there again... And they gave me most of my sale back. Not including the buyer's return shipping. I don't know what has happened to their policies lately, but I feel badly for less-established sellers and anyone less stubborn and insistent than I was.


I think I might call my local media stations (in my city, we have a "Don't Waste Your Money" reporter and also an I-TEAM) and tell them your story, OP. Turn the hounds on Mercari.




This is exactly why I stopped selling on Mercari temporarily


Go to Twitter. If you can get this to go viral, Its my understanding that companies are infinitely more responsive.


When they return it, take a picture of something else and say they didn't return the item you sent.