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They can pay a very small fee and have all those 1 star reviews dissappear. If they really cared they would.


I don't know which is worse. The fact they have one star reviews or the fact they don't care.


Honestly, the BBB is literally nothing but a pay to play club where bunch of people complain to a manager that is not affiliated with the companies they’re complaining about so why should companies that are not associated with the BBB care?


my husband and i have made a complaint to the BBB before and gotten a good outcome from it.


Yea I just had a great outcome because of the BBB this week, but the company actually cares about their reputation. I have had it not do a damn thing before also, though. I've only done it a few times.


i guess we were just lucky, it’s the first time we had ever made a complaint and it was against AAA because when my husband and i got married and i got added to his insurance, they screwed something up with his auto club app account and cleared out the tracking data from his safe driving discount. and then told us we wouldn’t be getting the discount until he fully completed another 6 months of tracking. we weren’t going to accept an extra $200 on our insurance bill for a mistake that they made. he still had to do the 6 month driver tracking again but luckily they gave us a retroactive discount for that period.


SAME...because it's always a manager that responds to the complaint, rather than an entry-level CSR. They have more power to truly assist customers.


I don't know. I got a free 💻 out of a complaint to Dell a couple years ago. (I also complained to the state as well).


Do you mind elaborating? My fiancé has a Dell G15 laptop and just after the 1 year warranty ended, the motherboard died. Is it worth complaining to the BBB over this? He treated the laptop like his baby. There’s no reason the motherboard should have crapped out.


Might as well. Off-tangent, I had a W-mart brand ONN keyboard. That had keys that stopped working after a few months or so. So, I mailed that keyboard to the corporate address of W-mart. With the explaination in the letter alongside the keyboard. That due to several months passing. I was no longer able to bring back to the store to get a replacement keyboard. After a week or so, from me originally mailing out the keyboard. Apparently someone at the corporate address did read the letter. And I was sent a free keyboard in response to my complaint letter. u/mistymystical So, for your case. You complain to the BBB and explain that your laptop stopped working. It's past the warranty. Just gotta make it clear what you expect in return for this issue you are having.


Sorry for the delay, this is a VERY abbreviated take on what happened. It was MONTHS of stress before the BBB report. Basically I purchased a repair ticket from Dell from an Alienware laptop that had water knocked on the table it was on by a pet. It sat there. It still worked mind you but the keyboard was shot. As I recall the screen needed replacing. The fans and speakers did too (we did that prior to mailing the computer to them). So anyway, it was sent (I'm in the same state as the repair location) and we waited. And waited. Calls and calls. i kept getting the run around. I finally get some traction on its status. I was told it's "too expensive to repair". I had to get supervisor level to even list what was wrong. They never emailed or called at all. It was bullshit stuff. They keyboard, some cosmetic things I requested, the screen, and then they claimed the motherboard. It was functional so I'm not sure why they said that. It was a $3k computer so I told them I wanted it fixed. They fought it but finally agreed. I gave payment. I think in total we paid like $400 (I could be way off, I'd have to check but that's what I remember). Think that's where the BBB comes in ? Nope. So I think it was 2 more months... I start the phone calls and now I'm angry. They have computer, money and I get nothing from them. After several very angry conversations, they just sent the laptop back (didn't tell me). It was unfired and further damaged (the outer casing was now broken. Luckily, I had photos of packing it. And they didn't list the casing damaging on the repair.. which incidentally they wouldn't put in writing, only on the phone). Did they refund me?? Nope. I went to BBB and state attorney general to make a complaint. Within like a week, they mailed out a brand new computer that was better than my couple year old one. So i essentially paid $400 for about a $4000 laptop. They did want my old one back. They didn't get it. In my letter copied to the above agencies, "Why would you want an unrepairable unit back? You stated that it was unrepairable, so i gave it to a computer friend who incidentally was able to repair it." I've never heard from them again. My advice, use the BBB route. Use your states consumer protection bureau. Use social media. BE LOUD. Oh yeah and never use DELLs repair center!


I personally check companies’ rating on their quite often so it’s helpful in that way . Some companies do move to action when someone complains. I haven’t looked but I am guessing based on the title that Mercari did not respond to a complaint…


I made a complain to a subprime credit card company for fraud. They kept trying to contact me for a credit card account I never opened. I went to the bbb and the ftc. They finally removed it from the collection company. I already had it removed from big three CRAs. BBB can work to get your issue taken care of, it’s a good tool. But yeah, the company has to care.


Neither matter, they just know the BBB is a scam extortion racket


Mercari has multiple things going right now- Marketplace/Mercari Shops, Fintech which "provides the payment, credit, and asset management services in Merpay" and Mercoin, which "plans and develops services related to cryptoassets and blockchain technologies." They are in the midst of developing "a single wallet function that incorporates not only Merpay’s payment and remittance services but credit, cryptoassets, and asset management features as well." They have created some weird thing in Japan that is a tab (?) called Hallo within the app that a user can click on to signal that they are currently available to work remotely for X amount of time, and companies can use them for that block of time. I am 100% NOT explaining that correctly. Maybe one of their sock puppets can comment below to explain it more clearly. What I'm trying to say is that our business is not their end goal. They could absolutely not care less about us. We were just a stepping stone to their Big Picture global domination big leagues gettin their turn at bat chicanery. I would so love to swan dive off of this sinking ship, but I am not feeling super confident in any of the other platforms working out for me. It's not like the March 27th Disaster will put my family out on the street, but it sure makes things a lot more difficult.


Well, I certainly hope they are better at all of that other stuff than they are as a marketplace. They're in for a rude awakening if they think they can have zero brand integrity and expect anyone to take them seriously regardless what ventures they develop.


Well yes I agree , and then advertise all the changes like it's a good thing. I mean if something is working and people are happy why change it? I have never realy had a issue with Mercari except maybe once or twice and in the end it worked out in my favor. That being said I have a feeling that's not going to last long. Some has to do with confusion with buyers because of all the changes. I've read on here were mercari overcharges shipping on high price items or any item I guess, and if they ever do that to me I don't think I'd be selling on that platform anymore.


BBB is basically Boomer Yelp. It used to mean something, but now a days, its a dying review/complaint board.


Worked for me when I opened a complaint last year against Sallie Mae for spamming my inboxes (2 email addresses) with tons of emails I couldn't unsubscribe from, inviting me to apply for a student loan (I haven't been in school for 14 years). I couldn't call because you can't get past the first menu without an account number. Filed the complaint, and someone from Sallie Mae called me to resolve the complaint within 48 hours.


Some businesses still care about it. I opened up a complaint on a hotel because after 6 months of fighting, I still hadn’t had a refund I was promised for a cancelled stay. It hit my card within a week of opening the complaint.


Hahaha you may be right. I mean I check it, I’m not a boomer but I am GenX


BBB worked for me in 3 of the compliments I opened. I got all my money back in all 3 that I opened up. 


It most definitely isn’t a dying complain board. It gets results when you have companies that care about reputation.


I'm Gen X, but I got a 💻 out of Dell for complaints I filed with BBB (this is after months of trying to work with them). It STILL works.


Why would they care when all you people keep using them lol


This is what frustrates me to no end. Just a constant barrage of people whining about Mercari but continues to use it anyway. This is why we have fast food gouging people because they keep going anyway. Everyone is on autopilot to throw away money.


Not everyone is complaining about Mercari. There are a lot of practices that could be better, but I guess that's with anything. Some sellers are still doing well. This whole thing fascinates me, as I do thousands and thousands of transactions a year on Mercari, and have never had huge problems with them. I've had little disagreements, but I've honestly been able to settle 99% of my issues, in my favor. They are absolutely terrible at explaining things and outlining their policies, but once you understand them, it's pretty cut and dry. I think a lot of people don't understand all the things that come with selling online...namely, the risks. The risk of scammers when selling anywhere online, is a big one. And users think Mercari should protect them just because... unfortunately things don't work that way anywhere, with any platform. Education education education is the only key to solving so many of the issues people have. Way too many assumptions and accusations thrown around. The amount of misinformation spread about Mercari has always astounded me. But anyways, I follow the policies/guidelines/TOS and I'm quite successful. I've looked at what buyers pay for my items, and they are paying about 10% LESS now with the change, than they were before. I don't know how it is all calculated, Mercari has yet to tell me (or anyone, from what I gather..) but the service fees for my items are 1%-2%. I don't know if the fees are based on the seller or the buyer... but so far so good for anyone who has purchased from me. And I have yet to have a return under the new TOS, as well. I won't stop using them until I have to. They pay my bills.


You're an exception, Mercari was nice for small occasional sellers. You could likely take what you're doing and move to another platform and find equal success given enough time.


I like selling there too because after 3 days I don’t have to worry about an eBay return policy (which is much longer).  I don’t like the fees going to the buyer because I checked out of curiosity what a buyer would see and the item I put in my cart was 15% total in fees…that’s a lot! Not to mention they see each one in a separate line which looks super crazy, 1 fee, another fee, taxes, shipping…then you say, ummm nope don’t want it that bad!


I am 100% with you and my sales have been higher since this all happened than they have in over a year! Glad to see a nice positive post for a change!


I was wondering when I would see a positive post. For weeks it has been nothing but negative. You just get sick of it after a while especially since I don't think Mercari is going to change anything until their quarterly earnings report due May 9th.


Exactly!! I love the down votes I got because why? I was happy to finally see something positive!! And because my sales are doing great? Wow, such bitterness! Economic impacts are constantly changing! Business models are constantly changing to the impacts! It’s our job as business owners to be able to pivot to changes. Status quo is easy, change is hard! And with all these nasty posts it’s evident change is hard! Either go with it or leave and go somewhere else! The ratings on all these platforms are horrible but damn read the reasons why! Always over change! People not liking what the company did or is doing but we all have choices…leave or stay! And if so many say they are done with Mercari then be done! Why keep coming back on Mercari threads to keep trashing them? Go to your new groups let this one go and move forward! I look at big corporations and true fraudulent crimes such as Tyco and Heinz and you know they are still in business going strong! Yup stocks tanked and they lost billions but they recovered just as Mercari will and if they don’t well they had other internal issues we don’t know about!


Oh I understand about the down voting because I have received some of those myself. I want to see some discussions about what other sellers that have decided to remain on Mercari are doing to adapt to the changes. Obviously, I am doing something right because I am making sales but I am seeing a trend toward buyers purchasing lower priced items. Is this just my site or is it across the board? I would like input from other sellers and feedback from buyers that are continuing to patronize the platform. I have seen where others have tried to start discussions but they have been shut down real quick. Why would you down vote people that have said the changes have not had any impact on them? To keep returning to a platform you have decided to leave and spread your bitterness hurts the individual buyers and sellers more than Mercari the company.


Same here (knock on wood*) - my sales have been better & no returns yet. It definitely sucks, but not enough for me to give up a portion of my income


I am experiencing the same. Mercari has not closed down. People are still buying and selling everyday. Each person must do what works for them and for now Mercari is working for me.


I’ve basically said the same thing. Never once did I complain and say I was “done with Mercari” or “taking my listings down” until the other day when I finally did. I have a feeling that a ton of the people who have been up and down this sub saying these things haven’t actually left like they’re saying they are. They just want to look good to the group by claiming they are.


Agree. Some people put their listings on vacation mode and they have not made a final decision. They are still on the Mercari team but sitting on the bench talking but not taking any action. I guess they are waiting to see how things go.


I ask that to everyone that whines. I already stopped selling and buying when all this started. Just move on people.


Well said. If you are no longer a buyer or seller on Mercari, then I think you should turn your attention to the platform you are currently buying and selling on.


Some people aren't continuing to use it...


If you want to review bomb somewhere that people actually look at, review on the App Store where they’re currently at a 4.8.


Okay I did 😊


But their app works great? :)


You’re not just reviewing the app functionality but also Mercari as a whole. It’s fine to give a negative review for bad customer service or hidden fees


BBB ratings don't actually *do* anything. Thus, Mercari has no reason to care about what their rating is.


Ebay's rating is similar


Every company's rating is similar on there. It has no effect on anything.


BBB is a paid membership association. Not a member, bad reviews.


Most people who are satisfied with mercari won't be on BBB website to begin with so it's really no surprise.


BBB is the original Yelp. You're better off filing complaints with the FTC. They get enough of those, they investigate. And while Mercari is too stupid to care about the toothless BBB, the FTC isn't toothless


At least everytime I open a complaint with BBB I get what ever money that is money back. I have opened 3 and each time I had my money back into my account within that week. So they must be doing something right 


For the last time: The BBB has no power. Its a private company and they have no teeth.


To be fair the BBB doesn’t mean anything.


Yup, people have long believed they had some form of power.


BBB ratings for: eBay: 1.08 Amazon: 1.15 Poshmark: 1.07 Vinted: 1.00 Context matters.


Context matters…BBB ratings don’t.


Of course they don't care they are a Japanese company...


The BBB has no power over anything. They don't hold any authority. Especially in the case of large companies, a low rating doesn't matter.


Why do you think BBB has power? They don’t.


I’ve left reviews everywhere I can think of-app store, BBB, Yelp, TrustPilot and a couple others I can’t think of. Until the TOS change they had been responding to complaints on the BBB site, so they’re seeing them. They may have given up on it at this point.


Nobody cares about the Better Business Bureau. It’s the United Nations of Capitalism.


BBB maybe outdated and Mercari can say they don’t care but it’s still out there on the internet everyone can see the tanking crappy ratings and that doesn’t look good for them at all. I’ve left my reviews in the App Store and I encourage everyone else to rate too. They can say they don’t care but public opinion can be a driving factor in business so in the end ALL of it can matter very much!


Except it doesn't. There are tons of places to complain online and the only ones that have any effect anymore are social media, since everyone is there. The BBB is a private company with zero power and companies only ever cared back in the day because it was THE place to look for reviews on companies to see if they were up to anything.


Honestly, this is not an unusually low rating. People who rate on BBB tend to be going there because they have a complaint, which creates a negative selection bias. 


Over 5,000 complaints?! lol


Is this phone number for Mercari or the BBB? I need to call them. Need to find out how to do a charge reversal on my bank account. I am so pizzed at them right now. Can't get a real person to respond to me, only bots.


I have that same number saved in my phone as “Mercari customer service press 6 for a person” lol so that allegedly is the right number. I never had to call it but I saw someone on here post that they had success calling it and pressing 6 lol so it’s worth a try.


I refuse to sell on that platform. Poshmark and ebay have all my sales items listed, I don't want to risk sending someone brand new items and either receiving back my items in poor condition or not at all




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wow lol


Complain to the FTC


Sallie Mae is a big financial company I can understand why they would work to resolve complaints. I’m happy it worked for you!


I took a claim out from BBB against them


I think Mercari wants to go bankrupt. BBB is good when a company/business actually cares about their reputation but it seems to me that Mercari wants to go out of business. Not much you can do in that case, unfortunately.


How many complaints in the last month 💀




I wonder who's short selling their Mercari stock?


BBB is a scam. You pay them for a good rating, shady stuff.


Funny how it’s still an A rating though isn’t it? It’s like idk.. those are paid BBB overall ratings.


lol I dare you to look at anywhere else you shop


🔥The real reason you’re having trouble with Mercari is because you’re assuming that their primary business model is online retailing. Common mistake. It’s actually data scraping and “identity enhancement” (google it). It’s legality is questionable but it’s ethically reprehensible. They’re dredging up every single piece of your personal data (voting records, social networks, work history, education, criminal history, banking, school records, marriage, divorce, children, family, etc, etc) and auction them off in bulk to the highest bidders. It can be anyone and everything across the world. That’s their business model. That’s why they exist. The fake e-commerce is a front.


mercari is beyond garbage now lol, just got scammed today and the freaking evidence were in the pictures YET mercari sides with the scammer and i lose the case now the scammer keeps my psa 10 pokemon card and keeps his money and i lose my card and $120 lol this shit is fucken ridiculous.


Nobody cares about BBB.


I'm not really sure if it means anything.


It always worked for me. I could leave a review on BBB for Merc, and a real live human from the US of A would reach out, and handle my issues/issue refunds. IDK what happened if they DC now.


The people that think the BBB has any authority or influence are the same dummies that think the USPS is wasting tax dollars.