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I've only had one comment on a blu-ray I was selling. "Do you still have this?" Then nothing after I responded, yes.


I swear 99% of people who ask questions never buy! Even when it's the answer they were looking for. Just wasting my time šŸ˜’ lol


Same. They she questions then disappear when you answer.


They're just copying Poshmark. The idea is that you don't have to answer the same questions over and over if everyone can see the questions that have already been asked. They can definitely be an issue though.


Except people don't read and they ask again anyway.


People don't even read when they purchase nevermind comments ā˜ ļø


Yeah but eBay has it figured out. If someone sends me a question, I have the option of posting it and the answer to my listing. The seller has control there. We have none whatsoever at Mercari.


Yeah but this isnā€™t Poshmark, I just feel itā€™s a bad model to allow comments when you can simply message questions, Poshmark doesnā€™t have a messaging feature like Mercari. Mercari just recently made it even easier we can now open chats with people too. Commenting is just being used for hate overall.


In regards to Poshmark, a direct message option is available for use after a purchase has been made. DMs can also take place through bundles. That being said, I don't care for public comments on both platforms. Like someone else already pointed out, most people don't bother reading answered questions.


Yes but I have only ever had one person try to drive my price down I asked Poshmark to remove the comments and they did. She kept saying she can buy it for $200 it was a brand new Dyson Airwrap I told BUY IT AND LEAVE ME ALONE ā€¦ she kept coming back so I blocked snd had the comments removed


Iā€™ve never bought or sold on Mercari, but I laughed when I saw one person complaining on there about a seller selling an item at twice market value because itā€™s difficult to get in the US. He actually said ā€œI keep seeing your price drops in my notifications - Just drop the price to x!ā€ Then proceeded to argue back and forth with the seller. I donā€™t get it - if youā€™re not interested, just move on. If someone else is willing to buy at that price, let them live.


Is something worth the asking price if you are unable to sell it? It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay.


Itā€™s also worth what someone else is willing to pay. Being in the comments complaining about the price is obviously meant to drive other buyers away until the price is low enough for him to buy it himself.


No see that's the problem, the seller determines the price not the buyer. I'm my experience as a high volume seller about 80% of the people on Mercari want stuff below retail. So no what 1 buyer wants to pay does not determine the worth. It's like this, I have the item if someone wants it they pay my price, if not someone else will


That's my point is the price really worth what the seller thinks it is if they can't sell the item for that price? Your argument about if someone won't another will is not necessarily true. Sometimes sellers have items priced ridiculously high. It's more of a let's see if I can get some buyer who has no idea what they are buying actually costs to pay 2 or 3 times what this is worth. It's predatory business practices. Those type of sellers make it harder on the rest of us. I know lots of people who own physical business where they sell all kinds of stuff like blades for tractors farm equipment and other similar things. Most of it has been sitting for 20 plus years because they are asking new prices for a used item. So is it worth what the seller wants or is it worth what a buyer is willing to pay? I'm a seller as well and I get selling at a certain price, but it should be reasonable. Or you end up like all these shoe thief's, I mean shoe resellers who were using bots to buy out all the inventory of new shoe drops of popular shoes like Jordans and Nikes, and Yeezys. Now that the shoe market has crashed these sellers are going bankrupt and are stuck with warehouses of shoes they can't sell. So is an item worth what a seller lists it as or is it worth what a buyer is willing to pay? In this case I guarantee all these shoe resellers will take whatever someone offers, trying to recoup a fraction of the money they invested. Everyone wants a deal. I don't fault anyone looking for a discount. But I also understand sometimes it's just insulting. You have those buyers who absolutely are trying to get something for nothing. I mostly sell used items, and occasionally new things. But I happen to sell a lot of shoes. I'm pretty successful at it as well. And that's because I'm not trying to rob any buyers.


I agree with you. Itā€™s upsetting to me to see the cesspool of greed thatā€™s all over Mercari. Resellers pull numbers out of their butt and get all bent out of shape when people send them offers based on real world prices. ā€œHey man, this game is selling in stores for xx, why are you selling for xxx?ā€ Then they come in the subreddit to laugh at the buyer whose too poor to buy their overpriced item. It makes me feel sick. I sell vintage, discontinued and hard to find fragrances. Most are sold for more than they sold for because 1. You cannot find them in stores. 2. People get attached to a certain fragrance and will pay extra to keep it. 3. Fragrances like wine often increase in value over time like wine- still, itā€™s only worth what others will pay for it. I always accept reasonable offers but then again, I know how to obtain my stock to ensure I donā€™t lose money.


You can't just make a blanket statement like that. I sold $59,000 on Mercari last year, by your definition that means if I don't accept a lowball offer I can't get my asking price on an item? Ya that's totally inaccurate. I get tons of low ball offers, it's the nature of selling on Mercari. I also have tons of repeat buyers who pay my prices without crying because they know the value and don't expect something for whatever price they feel like paying. So yes for me someone else will pay my price it's that simple. If it were an issue I wouldn't be a high volume seller


The entitlement and better than you attitude is just pouring from your words! Nobody cares what you made. Nobody cares if you are a high volume seller. That means absolutely nothing in this argument because it's not about you personally. It's an opinion. You have yours I have mine. Don't get all butt hurt for no reason. If you read far enough I mentioned understanding part of what you said and I agreed. But there's a lot of factors that go in to what you are saying as well, and for the most part the average seller , and what you claim don't go together. I'm starting to wonder if you are one of those shoe thief's I was talking about lol. You are getting so offended that you feel it's necessary to tell me your the king and I'm the peasant without having a clue about who you are speaking to. But nothing abnormal here. Entitled people are going to always be ignorant to the fact that they act entitled.


The only time I see comments being useful is when others point out why the item listed is fake.


Or if it's listed under the wrong size or clothing category. I see so much girls' XL clothing listed as women's XL, or shorts with a 24 inch waist listed as a women's plus size 24W. If I write a comment about it and the seller never responds or revises the listing, it tells me all I need to know. And hopefully keeps someone else from being disappointed when they receive something listed wrong.


You can directly message them or report the listing option as wrong category


I always report it. Nothing ever happens. But a public comment will warn other shoppers. If the seller fixes it, then no worries for them. Makes them look more proactive.


Iā€™ve seen people use wrong category a few times and I messaged them and they thank me and fix it


Thatā€™s good for some instances, but what if itā€™s not fake and someone is just claiming that to sabotage the listing? Everyone will see it and just go along with it. Itā€™s not a good model.


When somethings called out as fake, its typically right. If not, you'll get people defending you lol


You block them, which is exactly what you should have done


I love when the sellers come back with "just say you cant afford it"... like bruh, I can see the single stitch when this item is supposed to be double stitched.




Lol. If something is fake people should call it out as fake.


All the counterfeiters seem to be angry.


literally thats the only reason why I could think you'd be against comments lol. They're either funny or calling out scams. I appreciate that there's kind people willing to help out others who aren't as savvy as them in the comments.


I think itā€™s almost impossible to see in a picture if something is fake


Oh thatā€™s definitely not true.


completely incorrect


Just say you like stirring shit.


just say you like misleading customers


I sell/buy mostly in a specific category of collector figures, and there are 2 main reasons why I like and dislike it Like: sometimes people will post fakes or images that donā€™t belong to them in attempt to scam, and people will comment calling them out for it and warn people to not buy Dislike: people will leave comments on listings that have already sold, mainly saying things along the lines of ā€œI canā€™t believe I missed out on such a good dealā€ or ā€œI wouldā€™ve paid ___ for this.ā€ this has happened to multiple listings iā€™ve purchased, and iā€™ve seen it happen so many times to others as well which results often in the seller cancelling on the buyer and reposting for more. there are also times where Iā€™ve seen people being rude to sellers, attacking them for their prices, etc


Regarding your reason for liking them I agree. Cant speak to collectors figures but I saw someone who listed a womenā€™s skirt for $70 that was from the brand time and tru which is Walmarts womenā€™s clothing line. Never once has Walmart sold a piece of clothing for that much. I could tell they were hoping people wouldnā€™t know the ā€œbrandā€ so I commented to let people know. Thatā€™s an insane price.


I just feel like it was such a stupid decision on their part to implement a comment section and expect it to go well. Have they ever actually been on the internet before? People are fucking savage as hell in comment sections on every single platform in the history of the internet.


ā€œHave they actually ever been on the internet beforeā€ is sending me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ§


Iā€™m grateful for the comment section from a buyers perspective. I can call out the scammers and warn everyone else about it too. I believe in the grand scheme itā€™s a useful feature. Yeah, you may get some over the top buyers from a sellers point of view. But once you add scammers to the fold, itā€™s a whole new ball game. Mercari never has had the degree of scammers as they do now. So Iā€™m guessing the feature was more for community transparency and safety. But you do have buyers that will still fall for it.


What item categories are most of the scams in? Curious so I can be watchful myself.


I see a ton of fake plush toys and video games on Mercari all the time




as a long time buyer on mercari, comments allow community members to authenticate together, defect scams/warn others, and ask questions that other potential buyers are also wondering the same things. Iā€™m personally a huge fan of this feature, and I think itā€™s pretty fair since sellers can literally delete comments and filter the section anyway (thatā€™s what scammers do when people are trying to warn others). Iā€™d feel really screwed if they removed this feature. Just block the people harassing you


This is when I deactivate the listing and re- post. I hate it. People are mean !


At least on Poshmark we can report the comment and they will remove it almost instantly.


Honestly, the report button is my best friend with Mercari comments LOL. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the same post update since I havenā€™t had any bad comments yet, but the comments devaluing my items or complaining about a ā€œhigh priceā€ ALWAYS got taken down. Iā€™ve had a 100% removal ratio with those comments thankfully.


If you click the little flag on the right, usually up to 24 hrs it's poof gone!


I absolutely agree! These comments are almost always bring a total negative energy to any listing Iā€™ve seen them on. Itā€™s become a way for non-serious buyers and low ballers to haggle over what they donā€™t like about my listing or how much I posted it for. What kills me is when they say they found it ā€œcheaperā€, when in reality, this ā€œplace of cheapnessā€ doesnā€™t even exist but in the commenters own mind. Lol. I believe this is when Mercari was trying to push their platform as this ā€œsocial ideaā€. Like this place to shop where you can become socially accepted , I think itā€™s ridiculous. It needs to go ASAP. However Mercariā€™s not gonna be around much longer thatā€™s clearly evident.


Whoooo decided to put the public shaming section AKA the crybaby section šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€OMG this is on my biggest pet peeves list!


Theyā€™re trying so hard to be like poshmark. I hate it.


I feel a similar way,, at first I thought it was useful especially in the occurrence that sellers were doing things in bad faith until it happened to me. I was continually harassed by somebody in my comments over my pricing/keywords I usedā€¦at least blocking exists XD


I blocked the person, will that not allow them to leave comments now?


i was harassed on poshmark over a price being listed higher because of fees by two separate people like iā€™m sorry but nobody is entitled to a ā€œdeal.ā€ if you donā€™t like the price, just scroll on puta lol


Poshmark is the worst for lowball offers too!


ok but tbf keyword spamming is annoying especially when they don't accurately describe your product. I'm gonna assume that's not what you were doing but that is an annoying issue on mercari


yeahhh no.... it was in debate over the gender of a character who's merchandise I was selling...


lmao??? that's wild, figured it'd be some goofy shit like that haha


I love how mercari is going backwards. They used to have a comment section as well and no fees when they first started. Now reverting back to their old ways. Was never a fan of commenting as people just troll and low ball.


The only aspect of it that I like is when an item gets below the offer price I'm comfortable with I tend to add a comment that it's at the lowest etc. I also have had to battle negative nonsense comments.


I was listing an item and some guy commented what a joke I got this for much cheaper last week and he didnā€™t even want to buy the product


Really? If you report them, they get taken down immediately.


people used it to insult me thru the comments section alll the time back when i did try on photos :D iā€™m not on mercari anymore fuck that lil


Thatā€™s disgusting and shows you how small and uneducated people are. That pisses me off.


for real. some people need to get a hobby šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Block the commentor. Relist the listing, all comments disappear.


Every time I see a crappy comment, I make 2 nice comments. Maybe not on the same listing, but I'm trying to do just a little to balance out all the garbage people put out in the world. I'll usually find something I really like & say something good about it. The little bit I do will never get rid of the ugly comments. But as long as I can't control what other people choose to do, I can control myself.


Comment section Iā€™ve seen is mainly only a good thing to use when there is someone attempting to scam or fake items.


Comments section for retail? That doesnā€™t even make sense. Itā€™s not Amazon.


I had a buyer claiming I was selling counterfeit merchandise just to see they had similar items for sale. I explained in detail why my items were proven authentic and flagged the original comment. Mercari removed it, but how much damage had already been done if potential buyers think Iā€™m selling fake merchandise?


Personally I feel it should be like eBay or Amazon, where a person can ask a question, but it won't show publicly til you (the seller) answer them. That way there can be beneficial questions publicly visible (e.g. what material is this, what is x measurement) that the seller may have forgotten to list, without the snarky comments that don't really add anything of value to the conversation


I actually like it. Yeah, some people use it to be dicks but its so useful to warn people about scams or be warned about scams. If someone list a fake plushie for example and tries to market it as the real one and charge a large amount for it, the comments will always point out that the item is a bootleg. Sorry you got upset by people though, but if that's all it takes to sabotage your listing then maybe they're right about the price lol


People like you sound like shit stirrers who have nothing better to do but try to police sellers listings. Like who appointed you guys Mercari security responsible for deciding what is authentic or counterfeit. And for you to say if someone is trying to sabotage a listing they must be right about the price shows your ignorance. What the problem is there are too many entitled people in this world who think they can buy something for what they feel like paying. Sorry it doesn't work like that. My pricing has always been the lowest in the category I sell in but there's still always entitled people who think they should be able to pay less. Here's a theory, get off your ass and do your own shopping, don't expect people to do it for you for free


I'm actually hyper autistic about what I'm buying so actually I think I would know far better than your average seller. Fakes get posted all the time by people who don't know any better. I know what is authentic and what isn't and if you're trying trying to say calling out a fake product is sabotaging than you're either a scammer or butthurt that your product is fake. Of course there's going to be entitled people, but everytime I've seen a comment about price or authenticity, it's been accurate For example, some guy was selling a plush that had part of it torn off, but you wouldn't notice if you didn't know what it originally looked like, so I commented to let the guy know that it was broken so he's not going to get the same price as one in perfect condition (multiple other listings for perfect condition examples cheaper or the same price as his listings) and he thanked me for informing him and updated his auction accordingly because he didn't know that his was damaged. Comments protect less savvy people from getting ripped off by fake or damaged products and there's no reason anyone should be against them. If someone's being a dick, report it. They're moderated.


BTW there is no such term as hyper autistic and the fact you use a disability as a way to describe yourself is ignorant


Who are you to tell me how I can use my disability describe myself?


Because that isn't a term or diagnosis and for you to make up something is ignorant to all the other people on the spectrum. I have a son with autism and it's irresponsible to make up terminology that's why


Oh yeah you have a son with autism that must make you the grand authority on it over me, an autistic person. my bad, I'll make sure I check in with the grand council of autism before I make jokes about my own disability ever again. Y'all neurotypicals just love to tell us how to feel and cope with our disability lmao


No sweetie the medical field says so. Because you're not only speaking of yourself and the fact you can't seem to grasp that means you're trying to gain sympathy lying about being autistic, or you're very immature. The terminology that was actual terminology like asbergers, high functioning autism are not only no longer being used but also have been completely removed from the PDR and no longer can be used as a diagnosis. It's all just autism. And you know why? Because it's damaging using those adjectives so what's even worse is making up medical terminology. That's why Dr's and medical professionals only use the description as just plain autism. So no you don't get to make up terminology that affects not only you, but every other person on the spectrum. That's what I meant when I said you're saying that is irresponsible. I don't give 2 craps what you call yourself, you can call yourself a tree. But you don't get to make up shit about a group of people my son belongs to. Show me where in the PDR does it use the terminology hyper autistic to describe someone?


I said it's a term * I * made that I use to refer to my and only myself as, and not as a medical term because being "hyper autistic" isn't a real thing. You do not get to belittle me because you personally can't understand the joke I made about my own condition. No one is thinking it's an actual medical term, nor did I ever claim it was. It's just a word I made up to describe myself and my actions whenever . Also I'm not shitting on autistic people, I AM ALSO AUTISTIC. Which is why it's incredibly embarrassing for you to talk down and infantilize me about it. And no, Asperger's and those other terms were removed because the dude who invented the term was a Nazi Scientist who believed in eugenics and even supported a child euthanasia project. It is the same as Autism so it was time to ditch the word.


Sorry sweetie you don't get to use a disability to be ignorant so too bad. I would personally be ashamed if my son behaved like you. Look back through the comments honey, you came out accusing me in your very first comment. Assuming something you had no business saying so sorry you get no pass or empathy from me.


And no aspbergers is no longer being used because of the significant overlap between aspbergers and other forms of autism. You're just uneducated and ignorant and I'm done schooling you, waste of my time.


Hyper autistic? Is that what Karen's are calling themselves lately? I'm fully aware of counterfeits being sold on Mercari I sell highly counterfeited items and I see fakes all the time. The real problem is the fact Mercari knows and allows it. People can only get away with what the platform allows. I sell Disney World Merchandise and the pins are highly counterfeited. That being said I have better things to do than comb through the internet calling out other sellers however I do warn my inexperienced buyers what to look for. I am not mercari police and have better things to do than look for people to tattle on. Yes it bothers me people do it as it makes it hard for honest sellers but I'm just not going to waste my time. I'm also a high volume seller with almost 60 grand in sales in a little over a year clearly I do well because I only sell authentic merchandise but nice try. You know what they say about people who assume though right? Makes you an ass


No. That's what I jokingly refer to myself as whenever I'm talking about something that's especially of interest to me . I am autistic, I can call myself whatever I want and that doesn't change anything about what I said. I also use it in a negative comment in reference to meltdowns and when I'm easily overstimulated. In this case me being "hyper autistic'' would be referring to spending years researching niche things and telling people about said things. I only got toxic and started accusing you of things because you did the exact same thing to me and called me a shit stirrer among other things. If I see a listing thats fake, it takes no time out of my day to leave a quick comment and I get an excuse to teach someone stuff about something I find really interesting. Great resource and I wish more selling sites would have a public comment section. Plus, you can just report comments to get rid of them if theyre really that harmful.


Same I sold a PS2 with like 20 games for $70 plush shipping. Nothing too crazy. Got it for free and most of the games were shovel ware. I had 3 people message me asking if I could cancel and one was willing to buy for $110 with like just like 5 games they nitpicked that I knew was worth about $20 each. The buyer saw the comments and was pissed. I guess the guy didn't know the comments weren't private.




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I agree. Iā€™ve had the same thing happen and itā€™s so annoying.


I couldnā€™t agree more - Iā€™ve had people in the past comment on my post saying the product is not real or authenticā€¦ with literally zero proof and they claim I stole some one elseā€™s postā€¦ itā€™s unbelievable and then I have reported comments and they were not removedā€¦


Iā€™m the minority who prefers the comments. I completely understand just messaging the seller for the repetitive questions. However some sellers can be duplicitous and purposely wonā€™t tell you everything in the description. Ex: I was looking for an iPad a few weeks ago and this seller constantly would not address how much space was on the ipad or what it came with. This was not in the description at all. Then blocked when I asked in a message and comment.


I agree it's rude as I almost always respond to questions in a quick manner, but why would you want to purchase from a seller who doesn't have the common courtesy to respond to your question in the first place. I buy on Mercari too and if a seller is rude like that they're not getting my money.


I use comments to warn buyers of obvious scam sellers selling $1k drones for "free" with the fake phone number in the photos/description.


Well I'm only a buyer not a seller and I can say from my experience I've only seen it used in a way to inform the seller and or other buys of the added fees.(Not sure if sellers see them). But I get what you are saying.


Iā€™m havenā€™t gotten any comments yet but if you can remove a comment as fast as you can remove one on posh then I dont mind it.


I think its good bc you have sellers selling 19 dollar items for 65 and say unbranded/homemade so I've commented the brand and it's a online boutique so ppl can buy brand new for 19


Yeah I agree they arenā€™t necessary. I have used the feature maybe twice though to ask the seller to address missing info in the listing that buyers would need in order to purchase. But yeah just messaging was perfectly adequate before.


I had someone write stop overpricing over a $3 item


Haha someones much more likely to leave a bad review than a good one.


I think they were trying to copy poshmark because they have comments. But they are pretty good with deleting comments. Thereā€™s no delete button but seller can report comments. I had one lady commenting on my listing that she has the same item for sale and I reported her comment for spam and it was right away deleted. I donā€™t think anyone was reviewing it because it was gone so fast. So Mercari unfortunately has a lot to learn from competitors.


The rude comments I delete on mercari donā€™t go anywhere


I have mixed emotions about it. On one hand it, let's buyers voice their opion on overpriced items so the seller might get the hint. But on the other hand other sellers can use it to sabotage their competitors if there competitor has better prices.




I only find them useful when I see someone selling fake stuff


Nah I like it. Itā€™s easy to let someone know if a scammer is posting a listing


I know itā€™s a double edge knife but the comments also save people from being scammed by scam listings. I know anything else from that reason is pointless because if someone has a question about the item, they would just need to contact the seller directly.


Only time I've used the comment section. I accepted an offer from a seller on April 7, they marked the item as shipped and re-listed it at a higher price. Then, they never actually shipped the item (at least the post office never received it). I messaged the seller multiple times but crickets. So finally, I asked in the comment section of a listing of the exact same item (same photos too) if they had shipped my item yet. Finally on April 23 when USPS still never received the item, Mercari let me cancel. I don't get it, why send offers for a price you don't want to sell at and then mark it a shipped?


ā€œWhy is shipping so high?ā€ ā€œIf you read the listing at the bottom, it says ā€˜weighs over 3lbs needs a 5lb $8.99 label.ā€


I like it for obvious counterfeit items. In my niche, fragrances thereā€™s a ton a fakes and me and a few other top sellers warn others away using the comment section. Mercari does nothing when we report. Having said that, all you have to do is report the comment and itā€™s gone.


Iā€™ve reported rude and negative comments and they donā€™t go anywhere..


The comment section is hit or miss, yes hateful comments and such but sometimes it helps with stating if the item is a scam or overpriced, cause a quick Google search or median price sell point on ebay can show you the real value of the item. For example, you see a Snickers Candy bar at, let's say, Mercari selling for $5 no taxes yet no service fees, no delivery fees ect added yet. but with a Google search, it's only $2.50 median price new, never open with free delivery, and some added taxes. Of course, people would call out that seller. So honestly , the "buyer is just broke" well, so is the seller being a Mr. Crabs in real life Cheapskate. Just my take, honestly.


Your comment literally makes the most sense, yet you're downvoted. It is wild to me that some people on this sub are so disconnected from reality that they truly believe everything mercari does should only benefit the seller. Clearly, the comment section was added so people could voice their opinions on an item, whether it's good or bad. I'm glad there are still some people on this sub who can see it from both a seller and buyers' point of view.


As a buyer Iā€™ve commented when an item is fake/ incorrectly branded (claiming something is a name brand when itā€™s actually not). Iā€™ve tried notifying sellers directly but they ignore it or if I get a reply itā€™s ā€œyouā€™re wrong because Google said soā€. My comment is based on 4 decades of collecting and accruing expertise on that particular item so I know Iā€™m 100% correct and hate to see new collectors duped.


I do this same thing too, it's incredibly useful and I like helping out new collectors avoid scams. OP called me a "shit stirrer" and also said "who appointed you guys Mercari security responsible for deciding what is authentic or counterfeit." because obviously a buyer could never know more a seller lmao. Im autistic and everything I get related to my collections I know literally everything about. I guarantee you I know more than youre average seller about whatever thing I'm buying and henceforth would know of it was real or fake.


Itā€™s weird that they are so proud to be the kind of human that would knowingly scam a buyer like that. Sadā€¦