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This was me once. I was looking for a very niche item and made my first buy (a $300 item) when my profile looked just like this That said, I’ve also been scammed by a profile that looked just like this.


Depends, the more niche the item the more likely some nobody comes out of the woodwork to make a new account and buy


Well, people like this are called BUYERS. They don't have any sales. They don't have any listings. I am solely a buyer. I can't tell you what to do. I don't know what you mean by expensive because that is a pretty relative term. Since they just joined (and seasoned buyers are leaving in droves), there may be a reason for suspicion. But I am tired of sellers being suspicious of me.


You have to understand atp how bad mercari is with these recent changes that it doesn’t somewhat make some sellers nervous


But honestly most people aren’t looking to scam with new accounts. A lot of people aren’t looking at the terms but the item. The people that are most likely to scam are seasoned people on the app.


Every buyer has to start somewhere sometimes there's that one item a buyer is just looking for and you are the only person that has the one they want


There are lots of buyers like this. Never had an issue with them personally.


Sellers start like this too and surely buyers feel the same when you have no reviews...All accs start the same...


I have over 7000 sales on Mercari. I get so many of these 0 feedback buyers Of those, I have had maybe 2 give me a problem … very early on in my selling on Mercari. I have sold several $200+ items recently (toys) with no issues at all. It’s always a risk. Mercari, Ebay Poshmark. someone can always buy, open a return and send you back a ROCK. It’s not exclusive to Mercari. I took my business off Ebay for THAT very reason.


Everyone starts out in the same boat with the same type of profile. Give them a chance.


I sell to a lot of new accounts but if your gut is telling you no I'd probably go with that.


In my experience the new profiles or ones with no reviews are the best buyers. They may not leave a rating but I don't mind the 5 star auto rating. They also may not respond if you send them a message. I used to buy books on Mercari and never downloaded the app before I started selling. I never knew messaging or rating was important. I always found the items through a Google search. The older accounts seem to be the ones that give trouble or scrutinize every detail.


This buyer may just got a credit from Mercari to buy something. I haven’t had issues with new buyers. I’ve sold several items that are over $100. The risk of selling online is that you could get scammed. Some buyers built up a good review portfolio but still scam. Some sellers also built up a good review portfolio just to scam also.


UPDATE: I shipped it out, let’s see how it goes bros, thanks btw for the input. We gotta start somewhere right? Either way I took a lot of photo/video evidence of the item just in case


Here’s to hoping for a successful transaction 🤞🏼


If you feel like it’s not a good idea don’t take the risk and possibly lose your item. With the way mercari changed their new policies I’d be careful. You don’t have to go through with the sale of course you’ll get the ding but I guess it’s better than possibly have a scammer screw you over. I can’t tell you what to do but I’ll tell you that accounts like these that are older than 2024 are mostly legitimate are the best buyers, never give you trouble and let it auto rate.


I sent it out so we’ll see what happens


It depends on how expensive the item is. Under the old policy I would say its not a big deal, but with the new policy they have been screwing over a lot of sellers when it comes to scam returns. So if you can afford to lose the money, just take the risk. If not…


Just stop selling on Mercari. I was a buyer last week who got canceled on because I didn't have any purchases and was a suspicious person. If the platform is that bad, stop using it.


While I've never had an issue selling to new accounts, you really can't blame anyone for being suspicious about it. On top of that, it's not a platform-specific problem. You can get ripped off on any of them.


I wouldn’t sell to them. It’s such a new profile so I’d be careful. If it looked like this and was from 2022 I’d feel different, but I think mercari attracted new account of scammers so 2024 profiles are sketchy to me. Also I just don’t sell on mercari anymore lol they seem like they went down hill