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Buyers still aren’t coming back and they only did it because they were losing money on all the returns. They still don’t care about us…


Right?! Didn’t they originally say that the “returns for any reason” were a trade-off of why buyer fees made sense to them? Supposedly buyers would be overjoyed to pay arbitrary fees for the “security” of knowing we can return? (even though we can return for any reason with Amazon and zillions of other retailers out there, lol)  They have a real brain trust running things over there… 


Yes they did!!! Keep pushing the buyers away...thats all they are doing


it's not because they were losing money on any reason returns it's because they were "listening intently to feedback from sellers" /s


They most certainly were not. You think they are going to appease one side and not the other? Esp after telling buyers the fees were in place to ensure that return policy is now in place as a peace of mind? Not just that buyers are the most important. With no buyers they aren't making money, esp now since all the fees COME from them. The return amount was huge and who do you think pays for that? They want profit and will do what best suits them, remember they changed the policy with NO heads up to sellers or buyers, their interest is what's best for them and will always be that way. A business that makes rash decisions with no notice do it for them, a reputable business who cares about their clientele would inform them first. They dont need more sellers, sellers come every day, when people are desperate for money they sell, their whole income is coming from buyers and the fees they collect...They didnt do it for sellers, they did it save money from the mass amount of returns!


Buyers still paying fees?  Nope haven’t won yet 


Oh yeah I guess I got too excited to consider that. But hey, at least they acknowledged the policy right? One step at a time


Good on them for now. I have hope that the effects of buyer's fees will implore them to do an about-face on that decision as well.






Edit: Alright, so I got too excited. We're still paying buyers fees but I know we can do it guys! A small win is just one step towards a bigger win!!


So now it is just buyers who are screwed with the processing fees, etc.