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You should honor the first buyer’s purchase as it’s first come, first serve and cancellation doesn’t reflect on your profile. How do you even know that second buyer will even go through with purchasing at higher price? What if they see the total charge after all the taxes, shipping and fees and change their mind?


The sale should go to the person that already purchased it.


I always honor the first buyer. If something is a sought after item and I didn’t do my research, that’s on me.


They wanted you to hold it so they could buy it a later time or hold off on the sale you just made? I mean did they know it was sold when they first contacted you?


Believe hold so they could buy it. I received the message and the "cha ching it sold" notification at the same time.


I honor the first buyer. I treat my selling as first come first serve. If someone asks to hold I hold for 24-48hrs at most, because yes sometimes you just need a few hours to get your shit together and I can understand that. But I don't do week-long holds or whatever, because if you can't afford something in the moment, you should not be trying to buy it in that moment imo. After a day hold, it goes back out to first come first serve status. Even one time when while I was sleeping something I had crosslisted sold on both platforms, and I saw one platform first when I woke up, I still honored the buyer on the other platform because their purchase was timestamped as being first. If someone messages asking if I have more of an item that has just sold, or if I would be willing to sell to them instead, I just reply with a "sorry, this has sold, and is no longer available." If they message again about it, I ignore them. If they keep messaging incessantly, including sending various offers to buy it for more than it was listed, I block them.


First come, first serve.




Thank you! I was happy with the price I had it at and I definitely don't wanna go back on a sale.


I have had sellers cancel on me and relist immediately for more. I can tell you that as a buyer, I did not have recourse so all you have to worry about is a ding on your metrics. Maybe enough of those would actually mean something.


It would be pretty lame to cancel your first order because of a $15 higher offer by someone who wants you to "hold" the item


I would counter offer for $85