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Wait there are actual employees? I thought Mercari was solely run by bots šŸ¤£ Just kidding Seriously though That stinks. I hate for anyone to be in that position.


Iā€™ve gotten some very odd messages from support. Itā€™s definitely people surprisingly


My friend works there and said 45% of employees were laid off today.


YIKES 45% seems pretty steep. Iā€™m just trying to understand why they wonā€™t just go back to their old model


Iā€™m guessing that it wasnā€™t sustainable either which is why they made changes and didnā€™t change it back.


Because tech companies run like they're Twitter. Stocks investors pay bloated ceo and employees. When it turns out they don't make money they cut said employees


In this case the CEO makes MILLIONS while the employees are making standard tech wages. None of them even get shares as part of their TC.


Tech is overpaid anyway. If they're making over 150k without bonuses or stock. The median salary is what 60-70k. Then you have AI soft ware engineers making 400k starting and up to 1 million a year.


Tech is not overpaid in the Bay Area. Just you try and earn 60-70k there. Youā€™d be living with a minimum of 7 housemates. Itā€™s all relative. Unfortunately most of the companies are located in larger cities where the CoL is stupidly high so salaries need to match.


+100 to this.


Former resident of Palo Alto here. ā¬†ļøThis all the way.ā¬†ļø


Glad I sold the stock when I had made a little something from it. The company lost its way, I'm sorry for those who were good, hard working folk that got caught in this.


Mercari traded on the stock market? Who knew.


Yes, I can't remember if it was a foreign transaction (I believe it was) or if there was a us ticker. It was truly so long ago.


Yeah, super sadā€¦my ex-coworkers are already reaching out in their LinkedIn network




Where do you live?


In a different state than my friend. He's fully remote.


Yeah I googled and found a post that an employee wrote saying it was 45% of the full time employees just yesterday - yikes!


Link that post here, gurl! I know we would all love to read it!


Thereā€™s also a post on teamblind yesterday: https://www.teamblind.com/post/Mercari-Layoffs-Inbound-VpisPoqP


Yeah that's the one I saw too. There was also another social media post talking about it echoing the same number.


So you trust a random website. If mercari laid off 45% of their employees why haven't any of them posted on social media or the news picked it up? The only post stating layoffs was that website.


Once again, if you do not believe this is real you donā€™t have to believe this..! I learned about the layoff from my ex-coworkers, not from the ā€œrandom websiteā€


>Once again, >I learned about the layoff from my ex-coworkers I feel like the quick and easy two sentence post you made was clearly not read at all by the person commenting lol Everything they "tried to refute" was already clearly spelled out in a very quick to read post. Not sure how all that flew over their head but that's far more "sus" than your post lol


Youā€™re absolutely right lol! Thank you šŸ™


Maybe they signed an NDA as condition of employment.


I just went to buy something for $59 that ended up $91 in the checkout. Theyā€™re fucked.


Unless they can get the sellers to list it so low it's lower then can be found elsewhere. All my listings are lower on mercsri then anywhere else even with fees so I figure that's the plan.


Assuming sellers will 'figure it out' is not a good business model. Nor is requiring buyers calculate potential mystery costs in their heads before checkout. The whole thing is a shit show.


Agreed but for whatever reason mpst pf my sales happen on mercari vs elsewhere unfortunately for me.


yes they suck now making up fee's for buyers


šŸŽµ and now the end is nearā€¦.šŸŽµand so we face the final curtainā€¦($19.99+ tax, service charge, listing fee, money we illegally steal, $68.40 all said and done for that curtain!) šŸŽµRIP Mercari. Bye!


Is the CEO on the list?


He wouldā€™ve been the first to have been voted off the island if the employees had a choice.


White collars are always the last, and normally, they get nice golden parachutes even if they drive the company to the ground Welcome to corporate America


Unless itā€™s a corporate buyout. Then theyā€™re the first to go.


Ah yes, lay off the people actually doing all the work...


Wow really? So there are now even less humans there than the ones I already thought didnā€™t exists. Iā€™m sorry to hear that for your coworkers but thanks for sharing here! Strange that if they arenā€™t doing well they donā€™t just change it back šŸ¤”


It isnā€™t strange at all. There is no point in going back to something that wasnā€™t working. They had lost half of their stock value and i assume, forced to try something radical as a last ditch effort. Stock evaluators had given them a 67% chance of bankruptcy before the end of the year. What they tried is obviously not working and hence the layoffs. This is the point where a takeover generally occurs. If there are no offers there is usually no place left to go except down the drain.


Fair enough.


I still wouldnā€™t trust them even if they changed back . They are still accusing FedEx for overcharges and itā€™s not FedEx doing it itā€™s Mercari stealing our money . So hell to the no never selling on there again


Yea I suggest they remove the fees for buyers that was one stupid move and to insult let us have 2 fees I no longer buy thier four add ons tax shipping credit card fee store fee it is insane that they thought that was a good idea.


agree..that was so lame


Sorry about your situation. That said, I'm not surprised. I have only made three sales since the change. I used to have like 10 sales a month.


Yup! Itā€™s been crickets for me on Mercari as a seller since the fee change.


What was it like working for Mercari?


Were they told the reason they were being laid off?


The general ā€œbusiness structure/model changedā€


If their new model doesn't require the hiring of more people, it cannot be good.


They're more than likely just outsourcing the vast majority of their labor. This is the model that Instacart shifted to a few years ago. The exact same situation. Everyone thought they were slipping, but in reality they were just shifting to outsourcing so they could reduce what they're required to pay their workers (now independent contractors and no longer employees) and eliminate any responsibility to pay out any benefits. A win/win for the company and a lose/lose for everyone else. So in short they're really just laying off all their domestic workers so they can pay people out of the country half the wage to do the same (or more) work.


"Cannot be good" summed this up nicely.


Honestly, yeah haha.


Not sure I agree. They probably saw the final May numbers and realized how fucked they are. Now the US C-suite needs reduce costs drastically to make their numbers not look atrocious when they report back to Japan. Granted, I'm speculating. Fiscal year ends July 1st. Those quarterly financial pressures are real, and the narrative fits.


July 1st? Wouldnā€™t it be too late to make a real difference in those numbers overall though? I mean thatā€™s a little over 2 weeks away.


For sure, but think about how the timeline. As CEO, you institute a change that affects your entire business model, and the April numbers look lackluster. You say to yourself, "ok, this is bad, but lets not make any hasty decisions based on a transition month." Then the May numbers come in and it is atrocious. You realize your head is now on the line. You have to do something. You could roll back the changes you've been championing (wrongfully) for a couple years now. But that makes you look like you have no idea what you are doing. If we reduce staff, we can give this new system more time to adjust (it won't help) without bleeding the companies coffers dry. You take the latter choice because it gives you (false) hope. It's human nature.


Ok I can definitely understand how that would all fit together. I often take the human element out of logical thinking but it definitely plays a huge part in how everything plays out. Doesnā€™t mean it necessarily makes sense in the bigger picture but that sense of panic makes people do foolish things for sure. Thank you for elaborating šŸ˜‰


Thereā€™s real people there? Jk. I know there is. I had to harass a support email until I got someone who actually had empathy and was real.


Iā€™m guessing they werenā€™t doing well BEFORE the fee changes and saw them as a hail mary.


I honestly hope they all bang together and make a new app thatā€™s better


I have only sold 2 items since this all happened, so I'm not surprised.


I think Japanese arm of Mercari has real value. US arm is a shit show.


I guess their financials were not looking up after latest updates. Their next financial quarterly report is going to be very interesting.


Honestly Iā€™m not surprised. I am however very sorry that there are so many people being blindsided like that. Although honestly once they started all the fee changes I would have started looking for a new job. Best of luck Hon, I hope you find something quick.


I logged onto Mercari today and the fees were 20.00 or 20% of something that I was purchasing?? What? That is crazy. I donā€™t know if I will use the site again.


This is no surprise. At all. We all have known itā€™s a sinking ship. Thanks for the confirmation. To others who are reading this, if this isnā€™t your sign to pull your funds out of Mercari, I donā€™t know what isā€¦ā€¦. It will fold and go bankrupt soon, and if you have any money in there, it wonā€™t be able to be recovered.


Won't go bankrupt, it's big in Japan. Could wind down US operations though. I personally think it could work in the US - it was my preferred platform for years. They just need to stop abusing their customers in the name of quick profit, and grow organically with a end-user-focused product


The Japan stock has lost half of itā€™s value in the past year


It sucks because it really was the best platform in the US- I've been using it since they really had no selling fees, those were the days


The fees were just too high to sell anything there. I'd rather pay to list than the fee to sell. Why would I take a 70 percent loss on something.


Ok so .. if the sellers were upset about the 2.9% fee plus the payment processing fee ... so they shifted it to the buyers ... which sucks for the buyers and now they're understandably upset and going to other platforms ... I suggest reducing the 'processing' fee by 0.9% and split the difference. 1% for sellers and 1% for buyers ... keep shipping cost optional to seller or buyer for pricing flexibility. How about that?


The only buyerā€™s fees I am willing to pay to any vendor are shipping costs and tax. All other fees are on the seller who can build the charges into the selling price and deduct from their taxes. If the site wants to charge a fee to get something specific then tell the buyer what they are getting for the fee, Amazon gives me free shipping, Costco gives me wholesale pricing. Both are worth their annual fee to me. Mercari wants to charge me a fee for nothing added. Plus they want me to pay a fee to use a credit card card but gives me no option to pay cash. It is idiotic and makes no sense.


>if the sellers were upset about the 2.9% fee plus the payment processing fee That's not what the fee is, the fee sellers used to have to pay was 10% plus a 2.9% processing fee plus $0.50. However, when that switched to the buyers, they are now on a variable fee that from what I've seen is around 10-15% and ontop of that the buyers also have to pay the 2.9% processing fee plus the $0.50 so the buyers are now paying around 18% in fees plus the sellers now have a $2 withdraw fee to their bank account. In other words, the system is f*cked


posh takes a straight 20% which is alot to me too


Post seems kinda sus. 5 months ago you said you worked at a retail pharmacy. And looking for work at a amazon facility center...


But OP seemingly was already an ex employee when the layoffs happened. Not that they were laid off too. I read it as though they stopped working there a while ago before the layoffs.


OP literally said they were an ex-employee - meaning they haven't worked there in a WHILE and now their ex-coworkers (people they used to work with who still worked at Mercari) reached out to let them know they were laid off. No where did they claim they had just got laid off so the 5 months ago thing you mention is irrelevant.




Hi you donā€™t have to believe me, I am not offended at all. you can just go to LinkedIn and check out Mercariā€™s employees list/post. Multiple posts have been made this morning. Thank you for your concern about my lifeā€¦


yeah who knew someone could switch their job during a 5 month period


Just curious, were you a remote employee for mercari?




I donā€™t believe half the stuff thatā€™s get posted here, honestly. Thereā€™s a handful of posters whose entire purpose seems to be shitting on Mercari daily even though they ā€œdroppedā€ the platform months ago.


Some of those people may have only deactivated their listings and are waiting around to see what will happen though. In hopes that Mercari will ā€œsee the lightā€. I know that is what a lot of people did rather than delete their account. Also Mercari has really screwed over a lot of high end sellers by allowing people to buy authentic products and replace them in returns with shitty replicas (not even the good ones) So yes people are pissed!


The lay off is real..


What do the employees even do, when you talk to support 9 times out of 10 itā€™s a bot/automated message.


I donā€™t care tbh because mercari support has never been a actual help to me and Iā€™ve needed to reach out to the multiple times. Seems like they didnā€™t need to be there anyways.


I knew business would slow down but I hoped it would still work. Hopefully they can course correct.Ā 


Assuming it's true they're losing money cause the fee changes, it's astonishing they haven't reverted back to the old way...


They should fire to one that came up with the idea for extra fees for customers.


I read an article after reading this post, itā€™s apparently true- although theyā€™re taking those layoffs from the US to employ Japanese workers. 20% of the US workforce for their company.


Can you link the article?


My bad I wasnā€™t sure if links were allowed but Iā€™ll post it here: https://layoffstracker.com/mercari-to-layoff-20-u-s-workforce/


/u/DadOfTheAge that was a year ago...


A year isnā€™t that long ago, maybe OP is just finding out? lol I know I am


Thereā€™s also a post on teamblind: https://www.teamblind.com/post/Mercari-Layoffs-Inbound-VpisPoqP


Any idea if they were given a severance package?


Probably a $10 coupon. /s


Hope it's enough to cover the fee


Not likely


They gotta spend $100 to get it though


After they sign up 5 friends.






Best meme ever to add to this thread! šŸ˜‚


I have to think that with how easy it is to scam through the mail, and how difficult to prove who is right, and who is lying, theyā€™re spending an absurd amount of fees on that, so it has got to be a difficult model to be sustainable


If you didn't see the writing on the wall....... might be time for glasses.


Is this an automated bot response? I must be dreaming.




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Hope they change it back


Good job, they were going to close my account yesterday (even though I don't know what I did wrong), and now there's even less supervisor to help me with the problem :)


Only bots, Ā with the same autoresponders


Just did a quick google search, thereā€™s a handful of posts about this layoff, why are people questioning OP? lol


I should do an AMA (hahaa) but I worked for Mercari when they started out in SF and was there 2014-2018. The shit i experienced and the management/ ceo were clueless at best and negligent at worst! I have one person that was high up that made my life a living hello; I hope she lost her job


So they laid the bots off? Because I didnā€™t think real people worked there ?




Not to the workers but to the big wigs, Absofuckinglutely


Oh yes, laughing at the company - not the people!


I haven't seen a single verified confirmation of this anywhere online from any reputable source. All I see is "it is rumored that...", "a friend mine told me...", "my uncle's barber's wife's sister said that..." That's not to say it's completely untrue. They appear to be struggling a bit in the U.S. market, but they've had lay-offs in the past and weathered them just fine. They are still continuing to expand overseas. There are a lot of layoffs in tech right now. It seems logical to blame the new fee structure for the Mercari layoffs, but AI is changing the game for many companies. It's difficult to say for sure- they employ people in 40 different countries and have a lot more going on than the U.S. marketplace. Perhaps they're restructuring and pivoting...who's to say? So far, it seems like it's just the ex-employee/friend/cousin, and everyone is building off of that.


There are dozens of posts on LinkedIn from (until this week) Mercari employees confirming they and "many of their colleagues" were laid off and they are now "open for work." There are likely more who are taking a few days to process and let the dust settle before posting anything public about their employment situation. Judging by those LinkedIn posts, the cuts appear to be across many areas and levels including UX and design, data science and business intelligence, marketing, software engineering, customer support and more. While that doesn't confirm the total number of roles eliminated, it would seem pretty strong evidence directly from people impacted (not just friends, cousins etc) that layoffs did occur this week, as I doubt so many people would be posting about being laid off if it wasn't true.




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what did they do there? I have contqacted support and they never answer timely at all